Well, glad that this is settled.
Well, glad that this is settled
Why are niggers given the power to do something other races cant? Isnt that racism?
Fuck this new flag shit
Fuck off and go suck some more nigger dick
I'm white
I also dislike the custom flags
I was here when they were a thing. They didnt even bring back Texas. I liked the change to regional flags. It helps discussion imo
Dude what are you saying you cant say that
Of course he's southern. Of course.
can i say negro?
The first black person I ever met was named Daniel (I assume). But he DEMANDED that everyone address him as "nigger dan" or if their white ass was uncomfortable with that (I was a cuck 14 yr old so me) they must say "nigga D", and he would get upset with us if we said anything else cause that was his name.
You can call animals any name you give them. They don't have a choice in the matter
Sounds like a cool guy
Saying I can’t say a word because of my race is racist and a restriction of free speech.
He was pretty chill yeah. He was also the blackest black person I ever met. Like his skin was REALLY black
Actually i'm not, don't really know how you got a southern accent out of that. But hey whatever
serious question: what do you guys get out of saying the n-word?
I just don't get the point, is it because it is taboo? you just get a kick out of saying things you are "not supposed" to?
it just seems childish to me
nigger nigger nigger nigger.
It isn't our job to educate you. Respect our culture
It isn't our job to pay your welfare
>muh free speech
I thought we were supposed to be authoritarians?
Fascism can function with libel laws alone.
Free country.
>post some faggy pic
I don't think so nigger faggot
now say "sonygger" for me please
Would SJWs allow it if one consenting black and one consenting Chinese "traded off" and in a sound proof room the black said "chink" at the same time the Chinese said "nigger"?
As long as the media can't unfairly criticize or mischaracter the government, fascism can function well.
Steve did nothing wrong
shut the fuck up nigger
maybe negroid is fine?
I never say "the n-word."
I always say "nigger."
You're welcome, niggers.
Just fucking use the word, deweaponise it.
- a nigger
>implying she ever said it to him
>serious question: what do you guys get out of FREE SPEECH
>I just don't get the point, is it because it is taboo? you just get a kick out of saying things you are "not supposed" to?
>it just seems childish to me
Fuck off nigger
I'll say whatever I want. Freedom of speech bitch!
Hate speech is not a thing.
Yup. My brother calls all blacks nigger even the ones he likes. "It's just who they are" he says. There's "nigger" the title for niggers, and "nigger" the derogatory term.
I think that's how you pronounce it
Don't worry, everyone comes from Africa originally, so we are all mixed with black.
you have the right to say it, I just think it's stupid
you have the right to go on the street and say "fuck you" to everyone who crosses your path but it's a stupid idea
just cause you have the right to doesn't mean you should
>Not if your not Black
That's stupid, plenty of people like Indians were treated worse than niggers.
This sounds southern
This, not as much
I prefer "porch monkey"
What do even get out of asking a pointless question like this? Just seems kind of silly to even bother asking it.
NIgger (/nigga) is common vernacular in popular music, yet certain racial groups aren't allowed to say it? That's racist.
I wan't to know, i was hoping for maybe a real answer
guess that's not going to happen
I think it's bad/stupid that they use it too
again you have the right to, you are allowed to, I just don't see the point
sonigger is how u pronounce.
You may as well ask people why they use any bad words. It feels good to say things that are charged with negative and offensive meaning. There's no bigger reason.
What do you get out of saying "the sky is blue"?
The truth does not need a reason to be spoken.
You sound like that guy from TRS, I forget his name. OMG am I meeting an e-celeb? Please sign my butthole
alright then, I guess that's it...
niggers are the only people who get triggered by one single word
Don't worry reach arounds are included bb
Kel. I have some irl black friends and I mixed them with my internet friends (bad idea) and we played CS GO together with discord voice chat. One of the guys was calling everyone who killed him "nigger" and my friend asked him to stop. The guy went "why, at you TRIGGERED?" Minor arguing ensues, my cringe reflex got a workout. I know my story makes it sound like we are teenagers but actually everyone involved including me was in their twenties.
Do you live in a trailer park or housing project?
Y------> No one gives a shit what you say
N-----> Don't say it
My black friends are cool with me saying it, so fuck these internet kikes.
Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger
Are fire ants the ones that eat electronics?
fuck you nigger
i do what i want
I wanna fap to your beautiful voice
What is the cut off point on skin tone for saying nigger?
Can Sup Forums make a skin tone chart?
Nigger just rolls off the tongue better than any other insult in the english language.
Surprisingly catchy song desu
What about saying shit like "I didn't have the right parts so I had to nigger rig it" or "it looks like a cross-eyed nigger made that" or something? I use it all the time and to me it's just another word. I call everyone nigger. I call my friends niggers. If somebody cuts me off they're a nigger. If they flip me off doing it they're a doublenigger.
>If you're black or mixed black
>"Do what you want"
Do you have any idea how patronizing this shit is?
The problem with memeracists is that they act like they're twelve, even when they aren't. But they usually are 12.
This guy has lived in the pits.
north american pavement ape
Ooh, that's a good one. I tip my fedora to you.
fedora references are one of the easiest indications of new people.
Say "Hitler did nothing wrong"
>Not basketball-american
step it up senpai
>but it's okay, if you use "Nigger" in racist terms.
fucking filthy niggers. should hang almost all of them, so the others can see it. glad that's settled.
do it phaggot
I do french too
niggers will be niggers