Can someone explain this to me? They want to be trans but also don't want to? They're both genders?
Can someone explain this to me? They want to be trans but also don't want to? They're both genders?
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The answer is simple. She's mentally ill
They're just faggots. It's easy as that.
Hedge-betting and Being Trendy.
Doing the trans thing early so they can be accepted as an OG if it becomes more mainstream, but also not going full bull-dyke so that if it falls out of fashion, they still have a feminine look to secure a man.
Also, instant instagram likes or whatever they have. Women are attention seeking above all else.
Not the same person.
>Check out the eyebrows.
I'd shove my cock between both of their ass cheeks no matter the gender
Degenerates want to be independent of strict identities and change it as they please
i don't care for starbucks new ad campaign
You can paint eyebrows.
Snowflake Syndrome.
I'm really liking where this androgyny shit is going
I mean, is it a little dude, or a chick? Dunno, guess I'll find out when the pants come down
>a gay men or a woman
I think she is only gay, not bisexual.
>FtM trannies
maximum kek. do they just like to cosplay as their own cute idea of a boy or do they actually want to take on all the shit that comes with being a man?
It's like being able to change character every other day and pull it off convincingly.
Wouldn't you want to be the BBC menace you shitpost about if you could revert back any time?
My parents told me I could be whatever gender I wanted. So I became the spectrum.
A very leaf post
A nuclear holocaust seems to be a plausible answer to this problem.
I don't care if a chick or a dude wants to look the opposite, but this shit is retarded and a complete fucking waste of time
some days she feels like beign a tomboy and other days she wants to be a little more girly. what is so difficult to comprehend? trans is someone who wants to change their gender and sex organs completely.
women want to be boys until they realise how hard it is to be a man so they switch back when it's convenient into a girl.
but then they're stupid as fuck too so they forget and turn back into a boy for some reason again, repeat.
if u don't cull humans they get out of control if the jew parasite is around, its inevitable
society has now come to a point of accepting this degeneracy. they now dont stand out.
these people cry "I just wan to be accepted" but they actually don't, they want to be victims.
they where molested and are mentally ill
gender identity is the least of their worries
It's a fad. People who switch genders on a whim don't have any actual dysphoria. They're doing it because it's just a popular thing that they get a kick out of.
Sure, I can explain it perfectly.
She wants attention and wasn't getting enough of it as just a grill. Now she can post all day about how unique and special and different and misunderstood she is for being so special.
Eventually they start looking like really cool space ships and ray guns.
It's funny. Feminists say gender is a social construct, while trannies adhere rigidly to traditional gender stereotypes.
>Short hair? Must be a boy!
>Long hair? Obviously a girl!
Thats makeup retard
>People who switch genders on a whim don't have any actual dysphoria.
I agree with this. It's really a fetish for them. Someone who goes as far as cutting off their wiener has lost it. Bailey Jay is sane and hasn't cut her dick off, as the foremost example. Traps who pass well and are in on the joke are hot breh
They want to be SPECIAL
American fetish for being totally super unique.
>her dick
>Bailey Jay is sane and hasn't cut her dick off,
He's still infertile and can never undo the damage he caused
>cut her dick off?
There are no chicks with dicks, only guys with tits..
whatever breh
Should've preserved semen or some shit. Maybe they'll do that shit in the future
>Should've preserved semen or some shit. Maybe they'll do that shit in the future
Selfish fuck.
The only people who do that see children as sapient pets
Well, you are on a Nazi eugenics board
Pretty sure it's a girl who is painting on thick eyebrows not the other way around.
Nah man its a girl. She just puts her hair up into the faggy hat and paints her eyebrows thicker to look like a dude.
>when you transcend gender to become a being of pure faggotry
This isn't whoring, just a grill being silly. Calm TF down.
What the fuck is 3chan!
You know when you have people who are slightly retarded, moderately retarded and full retarded? It's kind of like that. You have gay, trans and fluid.
There are women who are actually FTM but it's rare. Most are just edgeplaying and getting attracting attention from all you biqueerious fags.
>pic related. Didn't see that one coming.
>white race dying
>cutting off a perfectly good white dick
>not preserving the nectar of the Gods
>allowing other races to bleach themselves and childless white women to maintain their progeny's whiteness is somehow selfish
Fuck, m8. You must really hate your kind.
>Wake up one day
>Your unown suddenly changes shapes
Silly girl Trix are for kids
>butch is an overcompensated version of the male symbol
TERFs exist.
Look it up. They hate trannies for the reason mentioned here
not even remotely the same person
> the eyebrows are makeup
okay then explain the nose you fucking retards
> they got a nose job just for this photo
*fake card
Are you sure?
Lel. Fuck. I'm totally a TERF.
Are there Tshirts?
It's shading. It's pretty easy to spot if you use makeup regularly.
they tell you to bank your sperm before you start HRT
>wanting to be a father
>thinks this somehow jibes with believing you are legitimately female.
so she likes to reverse cross dress?
They are damaged in the mind and soul. They will be the first to perish on the day of the rope.
>I'm really liking where this androgyny shit is going
>Tfw honestly attracted to androgenous waifish girls
>Tfw not attracted to girls who wear makeup to look like Justin Bieber
Bi/dyke culture has ruined the straight androgenous girl pussy game
They're just mentally ill attention whores
I think it's just a girl playing dress up
Probably not a big deal
The real problem is when males are cross dressing faggots
Perhaps it's just art or some sort of statement piece. Or aN attention whore looking for likes. Does anyone know the name of the subject?
Also: the fact that bushier brows makes a girl pass as male should make 98% of American males hand in their testicles.
>Biological sex and gender are nit the same thing.
Tries to emulate opposite biological sex to express transgenderism.
Oh I hate it when people do things to be popular. Fire up the ovens.
This. Also, most FtM don't sterilize themselves since strapons are actually more functional (and less painful/costly) than surgically created dicks. Therefore, white tranny girls can be reeducated and assimilated whereas white tranny men should really be given to the nogs.
God forbid. We like freedumb on /pol but not like that.
I honestly thought they were just a genuine faggot, someone who had realised they could never get a woman because their facial hair was retarded.
Passing as a man, even a faggity man is still a win for FTM right?
Trans- literally implies one to another, not some sort of sliding spectrum. You can be trans if you are still sort of your birth gender ish.
Yup. I totally read him as gay as well - but I find it very interesting that he went from a lesbian female to a gay male. Implies to me that it's more about being fringe than it is being attracted to a certain gender.
>and yes I said he, as much as I hate it when people accommodate those faggoty demands against "misgendering". I just can't make my brain see Zeke as female.
Looking back though, I'm kind of surprised I didn't see it.
Trans-exclusionary radical feminists.
I'm so fucking sad I know that term.
Ooooh, F stands for Feminist. Then I'm not a TERF. But I fully support those unwashed cunts.
Except race. They are addicted to racial identity and don't believe it can be changed or ignored, if you tell them people shouldn't be judged for their skin color they will get really triggered.
Mental illness. But that "epicene" symbol or whatever the fuck, looks like a fucking unown.
They are actually despised by SJWs. Tumblr freaked out about this case because she's "disguising her privilege".
It's literally, factually, unironically, non-satirically schizophrenia.
No it isn't.
Posting Sup Forums waifu, she's 46.
>you'll never charm her with your youthful body and have a couple of late children with her
It's not about freedom, it's about order
Order promotes and protects freedom. Freedom is the only enemy of freedom. Freedom to is always inversely proportionate to freedom from.
I used to be a leftist, and went through a phase where I read a lot of TERF blogs. I still respect Deep Green Resistance - I might disagree with them but at least they aren't shock troopers of liberalism.
Dont forget SWERF
(sex worker exclusionary rad fem)
>that comment below
The whole self deprecating thing is hugely popular among these types. "Someone who is better than me" based on what merit? Cause he put fucking makeup on? Fucking virtue signalling bitches.
>implying they had any identity to begin with.
They've read so much fantasy fiction erotica they think they are shapeshifters in real life.
That's awfully biggotted of you.
yeah but what kind of heartless monster would actually do that and condemn another person to this world?
no you don't do it to be a father retard they can mix two sperms with science