What have these losers ever contributed to the world?
What have these losers ever contributed to the world?
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ikea cucksheds
.. according to your flag, we're the homelands of the true Aryans, sons and daughters of Thule.
other than that, eh... idunno.
Islam and bois to fuck.
Meatballs is the Italians
Abba and other meterosexual pop music.
They gave us Varg and redpilled us on the jewish mind control scheme that is Christianity.
Heil Wotan
fuck no, those ginny wogs stole the idea from the Longobards (Lombards) whom were the offspring of the Geats (cousins to the Swedes), whom fathered the Danes who invented the frikadelle.
google frikadelle, it's good.
White women
Varg is a faggot.
This, same with golden one.
Stop worshiping jews
They are every white persons ancestors, so basically the civilized world
the continential Celts begs to differ.
longboats. Their naval tech evolving /ship building was essential for ages of discoveries.
What a retarded post.
Leif Eriksen discovered America. Also a bunch of military and shipping technology. Google the Kongsberg group.
Norway gave us Knut Hamsun
I can't think of anything except IKEA and cuckoldry
nothing just bunch of albino cucks with inferiority complex.
Fake news.
Polonium, for example , was discovered by polish scientist.
God fucking dammit Norwegian is the worst sounding language of all time. It's even worse than Arabic. It just sounds like a really drunk German/English bastardization with all the worst sounds from those languages rolled into one, followed by periodic glottal sounds you'd expect to hear from a low-level imp demon. I can't even imagine being around a Norwegian person when they speak their swamp tongue, it could be a 10/10 Aryan qt with the perfect body, doesn't matter. I would have to put on my headphones or something or just walk away because the minute I hear that dry-heaving disgusting language I just want to physically vomit.
friendly reminder that Norsekeks were always gay. There are multiple stories of Thor dressing up like a woman and taking it in the ass to trick someone, for example. (not even kidding)
Dank blacked memes?
Please, may this be a joke...
Being the most aesthetic.