>boomercucks think this was the worst period in American history
Boomercucks think this was the worst period in American history
>the evil racist, sexist homophobic, dystopia the 60s destroyed
>current year+2
>not wanting to be John Hamm in Mad Men in real life
>children and famalies are worthless, I'm so glad I don't have any
Look at that oppression. She should be working for her boss, not a husband
I cannot simply not think of the book "Dick and Jane" when I see photos like this, I simply can't.
Well, hold on a second. I'm an Xer but on the old side. I know second hand about the period - there was a fair amount of absolute degeneracy behind closed doors back then and a lot in the open for some sections of the country. They did see shit they wanted changed in society, The question implied is Did they make anything better? And you're right to say No they made it much worse.
In every period of human history there has been "degeneracy" throughout every society. In some societies it is hidden away from plain view and in others it is out in the open, and in others still it is celebrated and considered normal.
Sure sure
What I mean is there was a fair amount of child abuse, sexual and otherwise. A lot of fucked up WW2 vets. A lot of seriously ill people squirreled away in attics or basements that the kids dealt with by themselves. There's a kind of myth that blacks had their shit together back then but the reality is they really didn't - they were as violent but cordoned off from majority society. Nobody taught them anything at "their" schools and nobody hired them outside of their communities.
You can see the impetus for the base changes they wanted but they fucked it all up.
Look at the black hair on the male and the light brown hair on the female.
That's early dark lust being portrayed. I smell a Jew.
Not how many movie males have darker features than the females they are getting in nearly all TV and Movies. It is subtle dark lust promotion.
Why shouldn't an ideal be held up as something to strive for?
It ought to be. But that's not how you framed it initially. I'm pointing out where the fractures were. If your personal vision of an ideal cannot survive the truth then I don't know what to tell you.
>how you framed it initially
what the fuck are you talking about, you unobservant faggot
wow it must have been truly amazing.. Back when one job could afford a car, house and to care for a spouse and 3+ children. Nowadays I can barely afford to rent a shitty apartment
stop posting imperialist propganda. you do know the 1950s were terrible if you were black or gay right? those people were subjegated and oppressed. many were fucking hung from trees and gay bashed. you think thats somekind of fucking ideal soceity
only in a capitalistic white supremeist soceity could such a disgusting periods of time be romantized.
captialism is a cancer
my parents are boomers and look exactly like the picture. some of them idolize the 1950s, but my mom was forced to work because of societal pressure. she took out her resentment on her children in a typical 1950s housewife way of beatings, self medicating, and icy stepford faced denial. don't romanticize that period too hard, ok? the time before the 1920s was actually much, much better. families labored all together on farms , women were women but weren't fake helpless house pets. men were fit and rugged and not alcoholic suits.
it was better to be black back then than it is now. Murder rate was lower, incarceration rate was lower, gdp was higher. Equality only works if people are actually equal. And how many gays were actually hanged? 1?
>divorce rates were low
>black dads were actually a part of a nuclear family
I know those metrics don't mean shit to you commie, but cogitate on what that meant for American society.
>commies hate 1950's America
>unironically cherish Stalinist censorship, Krushcevian beta cucking, and the lack of consumer goods while America was getting suburb housing+household appliances
I agree with you it was actualy the best gen
One can only imagine what America's cities looked like before niggers.
Leave it to boomers to destroy all that their parents built
These post perfectly summarize nupol.
>>boomercucks think this was the worst period in American history
but they created it
Right?? When his communist utopias did what for them? Ignore at best, purge at worst.
No, the men that fought in the war created it. Not the resulting offspring. Boomers had the chance to maintain empire after we won the second world war but instead they chose to fall into decadence like so many other great powers..
DESU that area is already in the process of being destroyed by that excessively wide arterial. Urban planners of the 1950s fucked up a whole lot.
Antifa-ggots wouldn't have lasted in Stalin's Russia.
Lazy, unemployed drug addicts like them would've been put to death
Most boomers were pretty conservative.
It was gen x that started the real degeneracy.
That was when the whole must fuck Chads then find some cuck to pay for me later on thing started.
Hasn't it even crossed your mind that lighter skin is considered attractive in women, so a beautiful woman in propaganda would be portrayed with a pale skin?
thats what we want faggot
>be average joe in 50's
>get manufacturing work right out of high school
>with salary can buy new house, car and put a kid or two through college
>don't have to worry about proximity to bad neighborhood when buying a house
>marry a modest non-degenerate girl, back when 7's didn't think they were 10's
This is what heaven looks like right?
ever heard of emmit Till. a young black boy who were murdered by white racists in the south just for smiling at a white woman.. how about jim crow laws that forced blacks to be second class citizens..
face it in the 50s, blacks were subjecaged so white could live a better life
btw last time i checked it was the russians who first went to space and the went to the moon. you american capitalists were too fucking busy selling TV sets and TV dinner to actually acomplish anything. the soviets were goind to space and accomplishing shit. while capitalist america inventing useless crap
Boomers aren't the ones who destroyed white America. The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965 was pushed through by people from the Greatest Generation.
how many gays?
not enough
Pale-skinned woman = beautiful domestic goddess = ideal wife.
Pale-skinned man = nerd who never goes outside = average Sup Forums user.
That's exactly what I want you gay nigger
In that they are both mythological yes.
Yeah what would they know they only lived through it
the 60s could not have been worse.
>jfk assassinated
>civil rights
>1965 immigration act
>hippies and woodstock
>(((rock and roll)))
>awful fashion
>not drinking coca cola with your bros in a 1950s jukebox diner
why even live
That is an ideal society
>that pic
Quite astonishing no /poltard here understand such propaganda.
Females and feminisits claim it's "oppression".
It's not.
It's clearly a propaganda to distill in the minds the real project: sperm banks, articificial inseminations, female only socieities. Female fetus only, spem cells selection.
It's obvious, they already succeeded so much with "oppression".
Yeah as little kids who couldn't appreciate it
They grew up where everything was safe and everyone was wealthy as a default
And then they ruined that world.
Last peak of Western civilization
Everything was fantastic: the style, the fashion and the economy
>so whites could have a better life
Read that sentence about 3 times. You admit you need to ruin the lives of whites so instead of having niggs segregated, you have them 'integrated' and more murderous. You just want to ruin everything for everyone you fucking retard.
der boomer
If you factor in the constant threat of imminent nuclear annihilation, it probably was desu senpai.
That generation did well because the was lot of opportunity for a small population.In 1950 the population was census 150,697,361 We have nearly 3x that number now due to goverment and bankers greed. the county now is a clusterfuk of rats fighting for crumbs.
>here's a disgusting straight white cis privileged picture of Seattle before diversity came in and liberated the city. Your'e welcome!
Upvoted my fellow pede.
DAE born in le wrong generation?
Nostalgia is the Jew's greatest weapon.
Every time is terrible if you are black or gay, since you are black or gay.
...are you retarded? Boomers fucking love the 50's.
Anything post 1912 is Orwell tier. Read a book you niggers.
>This is Sup Forums's utopia
It's shit
Upping your style game is the first step towards saving Western civilization
truly the best age of america
Jackie was pretty, but she realy enjoyed being on her knees...
If the boomer were to die today
Home prices would drop to the floor.
>Period when millions of white people killed each other under false pretenses
Yeah REAL good,