If you are a Christian, you are part of the downfall of the Western world

If you are a Christian, you are part of the downfall of the Western world.

2,000 years of a religion of cuckoldry dominating Western thinking has destroyed the white race and the beautiful, advanced countries they pioneered and engineered.

Fuck you, Christians.

Other urls found in this thread:


Raymond's dad was great... Also, end your bloodline, you enormous fucking faggot

Fuck you, you worthless Christcuck.

Go do your Christly duty and a adopt a nigger child. Perhaps you will get to watch him rape your wife when he comes of age.


Haha I have no religion... You're just being an immense faggot

Another insipid Christcuck.

If only liberals were so virulently opposed to Judaism and Islam, which are actively perpetuating violence
But no, only Christianity draws criticism

Really tickles my pickle...

>Kike on a stick
>Paganism being better

Take a shot whenever any of these are said in this thread

It's irrefutable that the mantra of turning your wife's other cheek when a nigger slaps her ass persists so strongly thanks to Christianity.

You have nothing of substance to say, so fuck off, you likely underaged faggot.

Typical fedora

This wasn't "Christianity" even just 50 or 60 years ago. This is some new, modern heresy. And "evangelical" "Christians" are perverting the faith of their ancestors in order to promote it.

Wow, you really don't know anything about Christianity. Turning the other cheek means to make the other guy look like an evil shit publicly.

epic win XD

Where inn the bible does it say I have to raise someone's kid? It says numerous times I have to support my family as a man. No where does it say I have to care for other people's kids.

our duty as christians is to keep their families together, not to take away their kids or promote the breakup of their families by offering a soft landing

Absolutely this
The family unit is in shambles because people have turned away from religion and governments can make more money focusing on individuals rather than promoting a family unit

We need a renaissance for family values, and this era of Christian apologism (with Pope Francis leading the charge) is throwing fuel on a dumpster fire
Never lose faith, brother. We're gonna need it

Christian? I thought this chick was a Scientologist.

>2,000 years of excellent achievements and advancements for Europe under Christianity
>Christianity recently pushed to the sidelines and cuckoldry takes over
>"This is Christianity's fault!"
That really got my noggin joggin'.

Daily reminder threads like these are either sneaky Jews or lonely christfags

I'm a christian and a white supremecist. Christianity needs to be uncucked

The problem with that statement is that they also engineered great countries under Christianity - the Nordics and Alpines were savages before it came along.

it only recently became a problem - some say it can still be salvaged, other say to cast it off

It's almost as if Christianity is the bane of kikes or something?

Christians need to realize that fedora-clad liberals will never stop, no matter how much apologizing Christians do, no matter how much ground we give
They aren't interested in compromise. They're interested in the death of Christianity

All while giving a free pass to the sins of Islam and Judaism

ok, ok.

and what does Thor say about raising black bastards?

Can't stand it when Christians fall victim to virtue signalling and their holier-than-thou persecution complex at the same time. I'm a WASP but boy do I crave some crusading

What nonsense, this kind of cuck shit is a result of those same cultural movements that seek to destroy Christianity


Yes, Christians are traitors and will be killed on the day of the rope. Except orthodox can be spared because they aren't anti-white.

>This is some new, modern heresy
Technically none of what we see today is a new heresy. Liberal Christianity is a variation of gnosticism with some arianism sprinkled on top.