Asian females seem to assimilate easier to white society but asian male struggle and become alienated, especially ones like Arthur Chu or Seung-Hui Cho. Is there anyway to solve this problem?
How do we solve the asian male problem?
>hey look at me make an Anti-Asian thread
>on a site made for weebs
You are a terrible larper, leftard.
Force fem them into waifus, simple as that.
They don't breed, it solves itself.
You'd have to do something... drastic... about UCLA Berkley and all the other kike hives that are pumping out anti-white animus 24/7
It's funny how back in the 1970s and 1980s Asians in America were just happy not to be living in commie shitholes, but now because of all this propaganda and indoctrination, Asian-Americans are among the worst for spouting all that white privilege stuff.
And I wouldn't necessarily agree with you that the men are worse than women. Some Asian-American women are notorious for being politically shrill leftists (while taking the BWC on the regular, confusingly enough). Particularly Korean-Americans.
Korean-Korean women are also kinda like this, politically. They'll praise white guys as 갓양놈 and ride our cocks, but in the ballot box they're voting for Moon Jae-in and death to America basically (Korean-Korean men on the other hand are socially hostile to white men because of sexual competition, and of how a lot of white guys here like to exaggerate supposed Korean male backwardness, but they are politically speaking less inclined towards leftist politics, so that means that when a white guy gets ahead economically and socially through work and savvy, they are actually less likely than Korean women to 열폭 about it).
Azn boipucci was made for white cock
Asian females assimilate my ass
They are the biggest SJW in USA
nigger tier behavior
What the fuck if the difference between the retarded edgelords in the top left and bottom right?
Asian detected
Chinese-American here
Mainland Asians are very nationalistic in general. We also have no moral systems which is why mainlanders do wrong pretty much no matter what political spectrum. It's also why so much gore gifs come from there. However, when mainlanders who are right winged or capitalists move to the US, they tend to hold America with strong nationalism and gladly bear the flag. We do, however, honor heritage dearly and keep many of our cultural foods and customs like dining format, ancestral ceremonies, and respect for elders. In my family we combine Americanism with our traditions by putting a US flag, fig newtons, and a bottle of Jack before our ancestors' grave and bow before it to honor them. Me and each of my siblings is named after a Founding Father with a Chinese middle name that usually represents an animal. Mine is "Freebird" or otherwise a bald eagle. It represents spiritual indictment of free will and a bold leader, but beyond it's ceremonial symbolism it just fuels my ego.
My father and his dad got put in the re-education camps for 2 years where they nearly starved to death because they were Nationalists during WWII.
Out of a billion people, 95% of which were in a war torn country with starvation, came Asian immigrants who became Americans by fighting the way out through education. This is why Asians study like nothing else matters.
Racism against Asians hurts at first but it doesn't go beyond profiling. Any Asian-American who complains about racism against them should be ashamed because that just brings us one step closer to being like Blacks or Latinos. We know we're better than that.
please go back to china
Upper Left: 10%
Upper Right: 10%
Lower Left: 60%
Lower Right: 20%
Most asians are ugly
-Ugly Asian
you're fucking gross dude
t. cracker
the only thing asian females assimilate into is big dick. there's two types of asians - dumb asians and asians who are good at math and memorization
You forgot about this guy
The most dangerous Asian men are the based Asian men like the one in this pic. The Asian guys with inhuman entrepreneurial spirit.
epic thread
Asian-Americans who do the whole white privilege thing are fucking annoying considering they actually perform better than white people academically and financially.
Really user?
You and your retarded Sorrow guy are all fucking worthless scum.
Why can't you be retarded millennials on YOUR channel?
Why do you fucking annoying bastards have to spread EVERYWHERE?
You are like bacteria, spreading across every channel, turning everything into retarded
bullshit, and then having it die, because, turns out, being retarded is
only funny for a few months, and after that shit just starts dying...
Probably 3rd generation kids whose parents were too nice to properly beat them into success.
>Asian females seem to assimilate easier to white society but asian male struggle and become alienated
well no shit, it's easier to assimilate when every dude want to get into your pants. You grow up in a positive environment and become an adult normie.
Remove kebab
Reintroduce nationalism and patriotism in the name of Emperor Jimmu