Why do so many white people kill themselves?
Why do so many white people kill themselves?
You know, OP, with great power comes great responsibility. Rudyard Kipling called it "The White Man's Burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant.
The niggers, the spics, the chinks...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the elm tree. The Day of the Rope is near, OP. We'll have every nigger in this country dead or in chains in 10 years, and may God have me shot in a carjacking this very night if I'm wrong. God bless the American Nazi Party.
Nihilism. If life is meaningless, then there's no reason you shouldn't kill yourself when you're feeling down. Spics and niggers have some form of religion, and chinks have a stronger sense of community/ideals to live for.
A better question is why do native american suicide rates correlate so strongly with white people?
Because of this thing called self-awareness
It's lonely at the top
Whites need Asian-style tribalism to survive, but muh rugged individualists say No.
Subhumans think only on terms of themselves while whites have become both cucked and devoid of hope so some see no reason not to end it. "Natives" are alcoholics. They need to be classified as Asians desu.
no sense of community
too many divorces
whites being ostracized by the media
The spirit is dead, and the body is bleeding out.
Because our fates are tied.
>Tfw I was on the verge of suicide before my brother dropped a kid on me
Raising my nephew gave me some kind of purpose in life.
native americans are white.
also this, no purpose
vid related:
because they are, and as surprising as it may sound, vulnerable and degenerate. Many just want to check out of this world that ha sbeocme nothing but a madhouse with literal psychos running it
Some of the risk factors researchers identified include the following:
History of previous suicide attempts
Family history of suicide
History of depression or other mental illness
History of alcohol or drug abuse
Stressful life event or loss (e.g., job, financial, relationship)
Easy access to lethal methods
History of interpersonal violence
Stigma associated with mental illness and help-seeking
White people may commit suicide more but we live longer and are healthier overall
because a lot of them face the same issues at the same time in history as people of other races, but they get blamed for those things due to the color of their skin, while everyone else gets sympathy.
Whites are capable of abstract thought and speculation about the distant future. Future won't be any better, all life ultimately dies, heat death of the sun, all is vanity etc
Demi-humans are only capable of basic animal survival stuff. Low IQ races have trouble wrapping their brains around anything that isn't immediate and physical. Which also means they can't feel sadness as strongly. Ignorance is bliss.
The truth of the matter is, humans love hating. They love it more than anything. If they can't hate something at the end of the day, they can't rest properly.
>History of interpersonal violence
i thought that was exclusively a nigger behavior, saying because you always : we ain't go berserk n sheeeit
>alcohol and drugs
but you always say that is something awful and look down upon by god himself, aren't ya suppose to be the real good christians?
>history of depression
underestandable given the current faggotry that is going on
Because all the anti white rhetoric coming from the kike media and academia actually works and demoralises and allienates white people.
You're why white people kill themselves. You lift them up, then they find out in the real world that they aren't that great, simultaneously minorities laugh at their failures. Stop trying to twist reality into something you wish was true.
because they see how pathetic negroes are and it seems useless to continue understanding stupid negroes ..because they will always be stupid negroes...
oh come on, that can't be real, it is impossible a whole group of people can get fucked in the head because of something as unimportant as well, your ancestors did this sheeeit and DAWG YO, you have to be dumb as fuck to let it get to you.
Perhaps it's just that many have found life simply meaningless, everything is just shekels and shekels and shekels, there is no room for anything else
the time of the elves is over
don't worry lad, schlomo and goldberg will follow you to your new location, they always do
Boredom. Just waiting for the happenings. No happenings and only reprieve is to clean your room. yeah may as well.
did you know there are ONLY 3 races?
last i heard the Khazad live in caves
>You lift them up, then they find out in the real world that they aren't that great
Whites are objectively great. And on average more intelligent.
>simultaneously minorities laugh at their failures
Let them laugh. You know who laughs at the failures of people who try? Losers who never tried. They are losers and they know it, that's why they sit on the sidelines and laugh.
artificial intelligence? is transhumanism not happiness?
You are weak. Sure the future looks shitty but YOU are on this earth for about 60+ years. You have that short time to make a difference. Sitting there saying it's all pointless I may just shoot myself is fucking weak.
We're intelligent enough to notice how bad things are. Niggers not only don't care, they don't even notice. They're like animals. Animals don't kill themselves. They just drift through life eating and shitting and fucking and caring about nothing else.
You must not know what a bell curve is. Mexican intellectuals everybody
I'm going to use a lower case g because that makes me le edgy! Go back to r eddit
says the Mexican. Have fun with your donkey shows
do you think latinos are negroid?
do you think Asians are negroid?
they are not...
they are caucasoid
and i'm pretty sure everytime you lump them in with negroids...they resent it...
I'm not suicidal I'm just pointing out that whites are more capable of the level of abstract thought which is required for a person to take an action that supersedes their primals animal instinct to live.
It's just a part of natural selection. Nigs kill others when they're defect but whites mostly just kill themselves.
the real question is why don't more blacks kill themselves? they have such shit lives
so intelligent that they still do drugs even though they know it's going to kill'em slowly and make everyone around them suffer, or are they not capable of doing such a thing?
>You know who laughs at the failures of people who try? Losers who never tried
what the lad just meant is that they go around showing off saying we wuz da mystic race n sheeeit and then fail miserably, it isn't about trying or not trying but rather the attitude one has. Humbleness and committment is, at least form my perspective, very important when appraching a problem or starting something. Whites aren't immune to this and there are many that are like this, prefer not to do anything and enjoy fooling around.
Those "Native Americans" are White.
They're white people who have 1/8 injun blood.
Niggers and spics are too stupid to have any sense of introspection.
Same reason why you don't see any apes or other animals kill themselves. Its an unfortunate feature (and defect) of advanced intelligence.
You ever been to a crackhouse? Niggers everywhere.
Africans make fly burgers. They have no conception of ending their miserable existence.
Because we are so great to be around
>lack of abstract reasoning
>can't imagine themselves in the future
>end up in the prison system
>end up broke
>never think ahead
family unit is dying. isolation.
nope, have never seen a nigger in my life, although from the stories i've heared it seems they are worst than the cholos i have come across
Why do so many AIs kill themselves?
Why Tay? ...why? ;_;
If you look at that spics ID it literally says "pig"
High IQ means you see the world as it is, which isn't so pretty. They're off in la la land while we're drenched in a postmodern existentialist nightmare of a culture.
Nobody cares about the American Indian suicide rate?
we've both had our cultures raped and our land invaded. Makes sense, is the future of whites akin to the present of natives?
it takes intelligence to realize that life is meaningless
I'm pretty sure Asians are mongoloids.
do you ever see chimps kill themselves?
Radical Individualism.
We have no purpose in life, nationalism, family, and religion have all been weakened by those who wish to destroy us, so there is little fulfilment from them any more.
The only fulfilment most people get is through consumerism, and some people just don't have enough money to spend to keep up with the almost constant need for gratification.
Of course, this was deliberately engineered by the Communist Jews, since if money is the only source of fulfilment, it's easier to get the working class to join their revolution.
People who feel like they're contributing to a nation, and have a good relationship with their family and with God don't need to revolt, so all of that had to be destroyed.
We don't feel like we are part of a nation, and we're browbeaten out of even daring to think of ourselves as our own race.
Except, of course, if others want to collectivise us to push white guilt.
People notice the culture and demographics changing, even if only subconsciously.
The constant presence of "the other", a foreign group whose presence the more primitive parts of your psyche recognises as a threat, is just another instinctual, natural impulse on the long, long list of things we have to suppress every day, which only adds more stress to a person's life.
And it's getting worse every year.
I'm sure intelligence factors into it somewhat too.
The kind of existential crisis that a lot of people find themselves having takes some degree of intelligence, as well as the sort of abstract thinking that it takes to imagine how horrible life might be in a few decades.
I know Mexico isn't the best of places, but at least take solace in the fact that you have very few niggers. You can count that as a blessing.
Shutup Skoden
Lack of vitamin d I think is the most obvious explanation. Whites largely live in areas that get little to no sunlight so it would make sense that they have more mental health issues.
>latin americans are caucasoid
>asians are caucasoid
nope, mongoloids
>resent it
nope, not many people talk about that very often
maybe there's something to seeing your culture annihilated by an immigrant swarm that drives people to despair
because while Black people are killing each other, White people can do the job themselves.
^there are 3 races of humanity dumbfuc...negroid Caucasoid and mongoloid(aborigines of Australia)...^ all other stupid fux in this world are mixed race mud-bloods^
stop being uneducated
Whites are genetically more empathetic and compassionate (fact) than other races. This is our greatest strength, and where civilization comes from: understanding Natural law and rights, and applying them to systems of civlization, i.e. US Constitution.
"rs53576 is a silent G to A change in the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene. Studies have demonstrated that individuals with the G allele are more empathetic, feel less lonely, employ more sensitive parenting techniques, and have lower rates of autism (discussed in [PMID 20724662OA-icon.png]) "
Why is this so true? 2 years ago I would have discounted you as an ignorant racist, but today, after having moved from a majority white community, to a "diverse" community. Its honestly so sad that this is 100% true, I tried so hard to respect and understand black people. Today the only thing I can understand is that their brains don't work right.
>Why do so many white people kill themselves?
White people get shit done!
Hopefully you'll move back to a white community soon. I've been in inner city Pittsburgh and after that I became a race realist. The Bantus are so fucking sadistic
Have you ever had to live around niggers?
too stupid
but pajeet isn't nearly as aggressive as Jamal
I have. Fuck that shit.
when you type...my sphincter explodes from the stupid untrue shit you think...
you accept color in your life and think color represents everthing ..then you realise you are a stupid color blind dumbfuck that types on Sup Forums because you banged your sister while your dad beat you mom...
and you ended up in foster care after cps found out your dad was butt-raping you...
but please use your demented brain to tell us "your" story you pathetic broken dumbfuc
Even if you take to a white raised, intelligent, properly speaking black person, and spend enough time around them, you will begin to see that they don't "plan", they absolutely live in the moment. When they are intelligent they mask these tendencies with buddhist philosophy, oh its all about the here and now maaan, its all good just enjoy the moment. Or they use popular degenerate culture as an excuse for their behavior, but these traits, in my experience, are universal among their race. If you associate to closely with niggers, they will surefire, destroy everything you have carefully created in your life.
THIS. I use to be total egalitarian.
Then I worked in a ghetto community for a bit.
Black people will make you hate them without any help from racists.
The typical nigger spends his day:
Using his sick money to go buy booze.
Drinks booze right outside the store.
Takes a shit in the street.
Goes home and rapes his sister.
Sleeps right beside her that night.
Just human filth.
Being this mad about scientific evidence. Ok nigger, you certainly aren't doing your race any favors.
Found the nigger
Dont kill yourself man the young has just begun no need to end your time here before your endless journey into the stars.
Nice digits. The thing is the ghetto community is one thing, I for one have never associated with those people. These traits however, as unfortunate as it is, carry over to all people of the negroid race, even the ones who are seemingly very intelligent, and speak and act similarly to white people, they simply lack planning and foresight, therefore most often fail financially, and will drag anyone under who becomes involved with them.
the subconscient feeling that we're losing our country
there are "good" negroes that are good christian people...then there is EVERY other crack smoking criminal "cops shoot me why"...
"whitey is the devil"
"evergreen college is black only .. get yo cracka ass outta here"
"the NBA and the NFL is negro only ...any whitey involved is a racist cracka "
There are "good" negroes sure,they may be the nicest most moral people in the world, but they still lack basic planning, critical thinking, and financial skills, and the more you allow them into your life, the more they destroy it. Not out of evil, simply out of basic inferiority.
I will never give money to the racist NBA or NFL...
I hate them both because negroes ruined both sports for me as a white person...
i hope both of these leagues dissolve before I die because they are racist negro entities
ethnic nationalism - must be of x race with x culture
civic nationalism - can be of any race with x culture
multiculturalism - whatever (there are lots of people who believe this is stable)
Because our nations are being fucking destroyed, our cultures our being fucking destroyed, our history is being dragged through the fucking mud and nobody is doing fucking anything it's a fucking disgusting state of affairs.
I can only hope we get treated as well as the Redskins.
White liberals killing themselves because the hippy store was out of avocado bread
if you are white...and you pay for black people to hate you while you attend these stupid games(NBA,NFL)...you are a dumbfuck
Yeah, fat chance. Look around you, bruh.
Most suicides are caused by a sudden drop in quality of life, e.g. you get fired from your job, you get a divorce, you lose a lot of money, and it makes you feel like your life is irreparably ruined so might as well end it now.
But if your life has always been shit you're less likely to experience that sudden drop in life quality, because you never had a job, never had a marriage and never had any money to lose.
And white/asians live higher quality of lives than blacks/other brownies who usually live in improvised ghettos with not much to lose anyway.
Because crackers are the lowest life pieces of pale shit i've ever laid my eyes on.
How'd I fuck that up? Meant to quote:
your not just a dumbfuck...you're about to be stabbed as a dumb dumbfuck...
colin kapernick hates you and wants to stab you...
colin kaperdic hates every white person he has ever seen, he hates cops, embraces criminals, and hates you
For the hell of it. White people crave death. Always have.
Sir, you're a sandnigger. That's all that needs to be said; I win.
oh shit 17 out of 100,000.
maybe we can build a camp fire, sing songs.
I think niggers are just too stupid to kill themselves. Being suicidal requires a certain level of mental sophistication that some races haven't achieved.