Why is no one talking about "the religion of peace" finally taking on spics?
Why is no one talking about "the religion of peace" finally taking on spics?
What happened?
Is there any evidence that it was the snackbars again?
When did that happen?
I think I've seen this image somewhere before. Disembodied limbs all look like tomato sauce and lasagna, I can't tell the difference.
people don't talk about spics as much as other races here. i wonder why.
ISIS is jew-controlled.
ISIS is funded by Jews and (((national))) organizations.
So Jews decide for them which place they should attack to tease a violent race war for their needs.
Just like the ISIS attack in Philipinnes.
Islam is not a religion peace, but it does not approve the act of terrorism.
Faggot OP. If you want us to talk about this you should at least bring us up to speed.
Several hours ago
Not officially, but all the local narco/paramilitaries have condemned the act. Who else could it be?
Could just be none of em wanna take credit but idk I'd think they wouldn't give a fuck
Please archive links to these types of pages.
Holy shit, be vigilant, anons.
Imagine that: buying presents for dad and then this happens.
What is wrong with reuters?
what you wanna know man? Them big girl chickas put out you know the ones at the taco shop. Shit was rank but the tacos were good.
Colombia still has active death squads, and they don't give a fuck about killing people.
They've taken credit for bombing random police not too long ago.
Because islam has not had any real interest to attack L. America for sixteen years.
Well I didn't save the post but weeks ago, Anon5 said that in Latin America (Colombia & Mexico) will start the destabilization. Maybe he was refering to this.
You don't want to give ad revenue? Give off where the pageviews were linked from?
I'm a slightly less new of a newfag (late 2000's) but I am curious why.
is the one on the right Charo?
South America has basically branched off from Western Civilization and is doing its own thing. They're just sort of there minding their own business. They're pretty okay in my book.
reminder some drug cartels do shit like this, just kill random people in response to police activity against them
>Could just be none of em wanna take credit but idk I'd think they wouldn't give a fuck
If they were willing to bomb the place, they'd want to take credit. Bombings are deliberate.
Fucking newfags.
Archives? holyshit.png if true. Destabilization of what, exactly?
Corporate Jew run anti-white media
Fake news
Could be drug cartels 2bh
>tfw muslims refusing to stop chimping out finally unite latinos, whites, and asians together to wipe niggers and arabs off the planet
>shitskins get killed
Reuter's is pretty solid.
t. Someone that would otherwise agree.
Spics are irrelevant when it comes to things outside of drugs and illegals
Was it really Muslims? I've heard FARC, even after they gave up resistance.
i would uniironically support this
yes, I'm definitely a newfag first visiting the chans on 2007. Your transplant from reddit two years ago was meteoric, though.
It's this to your liking m'comrade?
Agreed. There is something to actually supporting non-shit sources.
>le 2007 oldfag
I've been on 4chins since 1994 you newfag bitch.
If they explode Sofia Vergara, I'll single handedly destroy them all.
k den
>Be French
>Go to Colombia
>still get bombed by terrorist
"One of the victims was a 23-year-old French woman who had been volunteering in a poor area of the city, Bogota Mayor Enrique Penalosa told reporters. "
It's almost certainly a local group pulling this off. Bombings are not all that uncommon down there.
We have been minding our own business the last 200 years, and still everybody wants to fuck us over our resources.
No country from South America has ever invaded anyone, nor financed terrorism anywere, not even close to failed states like Colombia in the 80s
I don't think its ISIS Colombia is catholic as fuck, practically christcuckland with drugs and hot bitches.
FARC has officially denied involvement. They are close to a peace deal, I doubt they would jeopardize it for such a senseless act.
Mexico is invading us right now.
I really admire the religion of peace's ability to make Colombia shittier.
And it seems like you guys aren't doing anything to stop them.
>No country from South America has ever invaded anyone
If anything it might be a socialist spy from Venezuela trying to fuck shit up, we need a fucking wall too to prevent those fuckers from getting in.
Why would Mohammedans attack Colombia? It is drug related or some other mundane reason.
Yeah, because it's not like no one could have ever done anything about it. The American establishment was in cahoots with corporations and made deals to let in cheap labor you dumb fuck. There's a big difference between backroom deals and invasion, Cletus.
Thanks broski, I couldn't even load images because of how shit reuters is.
>What is wrong with reuters?
See pic. They only pretend to be impartial. They're propagandists like every other "news" outlet in existence.
They're propaganda, not news. They don't deserve a fucking penny. They don't deserve to track your ass. They don't deserve to get anything from you. Do you have any idea how many tracking scripts are running on that page? Go download noscript and find out.
Could be drug cartels
>South America
You do know that Mexico is as close to us as Paris is to Kabul?
This has got to be some of the most convincing bait I've ever seen.
Santa Anna's army from Mexico invaded Texas and got their asses whipped.
Nostrodamus here, the WW3 will be fought by Hispanic "Americans" vs. Muslim "Europeans"
There are so many of them
Boy i sure remember that time when Bolivia funded some crazy towelheads 20000kms away from their country.
Vicente Fox's Army invaded Texas in the mid 2000s and has so far held on to most of the state.
meant to
Ok, show me the last time any southamerican country, even the most shithole tier, was actively financing terrorism or invading some other country outside South America.
>Inb4 muh Falklands
Remember those thousands of refugees asking everybody in th UN to stop our dictadors back in the 70s? Oh you just tell them to fuck off cuz the Junta was good at removing commies?
That picture has got to be fake.
There is no way you can lose your leg at the femur, sit up straight with your back on the wall (heart/brain elevated and wound below it) and stay conscious.
There isn't even blood on the surrounding skin of the wound. This all just screams fake to me.
The Texans actually had their asses kicked
Then came the Union Army and fucked Santanna's butthole bare
The san bernardino california shooter shot blacks and spics exclusively
Lol wtf this isnt even islamic terrorism. Its most likely guerrilla or paramilitary attack. (It was in a mall un Bogotá today)
>OP has never seen "Narcos"
>OP has never heard of the FARC, ELN, or any other Colombian revolutionary group
I saw this on Sup Forums before here.
Then I made a comment about cumming balogna and left :D
My cousin was there...she took pictures of this same woman
why the fuck would hadji do this?
but Sup Forums has only been around since 2003? wat
>and thats when the jew strikes
Comparta hermano, no sea parcero!
2018 - President Elections in Mexico, the leading candidate (AMLO) is anti establishment and all the media and politics also the cartels are against him cause maybe this time he can win the elections.
Happens all the time buddy
You watch to much movies.
You need to watch more gore.
People dont gush blood everywhere.
>no mention of the jews
>but yeah arabs totally suck man!!!
Shut up dont talk about AMLOco
lol what, who told you this?
how will this impact mexicans coming to the US, and how will it impact the willingness of mexico to allow central americans to pass through in order to get to the US?
getting wet brazilfag?
I'm also betting one of the dead women is the bomber, likely went into the bathroom to prepare the bomb or something and it went off early. The target was likely the food court of something filled with people not the bathroom.
Why are you guys so sure it is the religion of peace?
There's plenty of other terror groups here.
AMLO wins = you get mexican "refugees" instead of illegals
The Jews
why would you do that to inocent colombian people?
he says, while being the main invader of pretty much everyone.
lol what's it like to live in such an abysmal shithole ? How does it feel knowing that people you love/know can die at any moment for arbitrary reasons ?
Colombia, that country we all know for having tons of muslims and no political violence. I actually don't think this is terrorism though
1.5:1 elliot rodger (the target of a woman's bathroom is really sketch)
4:1 right wing paras
5:1 "dissident elements in farc/eln" a la the "real ira"
If a south american country deserves a snackbar attack that is Colombia.
Why would narcos target a shopping mall? Unlike the Mudslimes, aren't they trying to win favor with the public?
Cartels used to do this but that was back when they were heavily persecuted. It takes A LOT to make cartels pull off something like this, it wasn't them most likely. A bunch of sand niggers probably figured it's easier to attack south america since it isn't as guarded as north america, but who knows.
Why is one pant leg black and the other blue?
This person is 200% dead.
girl seems peaceful as fuck even showing her wound.
>artery would have been sectioned
>she would be bleeding so hard she would be white and dead under 3 minutes
who the fuck cauterized her gigantic wounds so she doesn bleed out like a pig ?
Every Muslim country that doesn't have oil is an absolute shithole.
Take some responsibility for your garbage civilization and gutter religion. Jews have nothing to do with it.
Anyinfo on who did it? How often does this happen there?
ISIS is Jew controlled doe but yanks don't know. You don't even know that ur cunt declared a shadow war on Russia 3 Months ago that's getting ready to go hot sometime this year.
why, what would change?
Would these "refugees" be fat little indios and criminal mestizos like we get already?