/Dixie General/

Cheap Beer and BBQ Edition

Welcome ITT: All those below the Mason Dixon line and honorary proxy states, polite and respectful non Southerners

Not Welcome: Carpetbaggers, disrespectful Yankees, California, pretentious Euros

Other urls found in this thread:


Coastal SC reporting. Eatin' Fritos and watchin' shit on Twitch.

Get in here and crack a beer!

Also welcome: redpilled trannies

Because sucking boipussy is not gay

Still muggy as hell outside and it's past midnight. Feelin good boys.

*rocks in rocking chair on front porch*
*looks over my 50 acres of land*
*sips Gent. Jack neat*
*rubs hound dog's head*

Feels good boys.

Bet you fuck your sister faggot, North will fucking beat your majority black ass.

Hope you all remembered to get your father a gift card to the Co-Op or some similar manly store.

>Redpilled traps


Based black guy here proudly displaying the stars and bars. Would you fine Southern gentlemen mind if I broke off a piece of Sweet Tay-Tay's Ass™?

My sister is married and lives in Spain. I prefer to fuck faggots like you. Drop trou, shitbird. I'm goin' in dry.

I bought my dad one of those fancy tactical flashlights that he's always wanted. I figured at that point, a Hallmark was unnecessary.

Why, do you want her to write a breakup song about you?

I would be honoured.

Now, now riled up yank. Don't worry. When it goes down, you're welcome to an acre of my land and we'll even feed you because we're nice down here, not a bunch of white niggers like up north.

Why do Northerners always have to come in here and act all hoity toity?

I'd disown her

Evening all, was down in the dumps today but I'm not going to let that stop me from having a productive day tomorrow

What about Californians with 17 firearms?

I couldn't imagine being such a self-aggrandizing piece of shit. Northerners are truly retarded

i like the south because being poor white trash is widespread and accepted there.

That's what all the Yankee shitheads don't get. We're more polite, courteous, and well-mannered than they are.

I want to move to Alabama so badly. Why the fuck aren't there more programming jobs around Birmingham? ;_;


Greetings from the future, my fellow Democrats!!
We're keeping the dream alive.
We're creating human/pig hybrids...even AJ knows this now.
We do this for the pigman!!

Voting Dem is the FINAL, TRUE, red pill.
You can't argue with effectiveness. Progressive gun control, has done more to destroy black communities, than CRACK!!
We've got George "The Golden Gasser" Soros himself, funding BLM while blacks kill each other, and Hamas to kill Israelis...you guys better get in on this shit. Everyone knows we're the REAL racists and Nazis.
SOCIALISM FOREVER!! There are something like 20 Haitian families, homeless, just so I can drive German Engineering. Get in on this shit...we pretend to be on their side....AND THEY BELIEVE IT!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

We even have a petition to put drive-thru abortion clinics on every corner in the Ghetto, right next to the liquor stores and crack houses; we already make deliveries there...several birds, one stone...

Get an engineering degree. You'll have your pick of jobs in Alabama and Louisiana.

Yeah, no. I live by a simple creed: No gift cards, ever, at any time. Ever. At all.
Gift cards are bullshit. It's all the laziness of giving money, which is a manufactured stigma by the way, with the added "fuck you" of "I decided where you're going to spend the money I'm giving you". I will never buy anyone a gift card in my life.

I got my dad a $10 Schrade liner-lock knife, with two $50 bills in the pocket-clip. It's like giving a gift-card, but instead of faggotry, a knife. I'm comfortable with that.

Bought my Dad a book called "The Hearts of Men"

Basic premise of the story is that two kids are in the Scouts, one grows up in a strict, borderline abusive household while the other's dad is a successful businessman that never gives him the time of day.

The meat of the book is about how these two grow up applying the values Scouting taught them and how to hold on to these values even in a society today that looks upon Scouting as laughable or even backwards thinking.

West Virginia here.
We're sorry.

My old man has been fixing up an old car, so I just got him a gift card to one of them online parts store. Seemed appropriate.

Texan women
The only women I actively want to hear talking
They sound dumb but it's so hot
Especially if they are rednecked/redpilled
Sheiiit I want one

Also good from the South
Johnny Rebel because he tells it like it is
(Johnny Rebel - 'Nigger In Law')

West Virginia is honorarily southern at this point. You guys have taken Virginia's place


So it's saying no matter the home life, Scouts will fill in where dad left off? Scouts is fine. I didn't do it, but I don't look down on anyone for that.


Working' like a nigger for my room and board
Coal-burning stove, no natural gas
If that ain't country, I'll kiss your ass

Well, Scouting affects one of the young men more, since his father was a Scout, but events happen that bring the two men back together as adults and things start to play out that makes them realize the importance of Scouting values.

Eagle Scout here. It's alright if you never did it, it was just a good read about how the things were are taught determine the men we become kinda book.

Was born Canadian, spent teen years growing up in Georgia. I grew up considering myself to be a progressive. I moved back to Canada in 2007. I quickly learned that socialism sucks! 36% income tax, (36% is for 32K - 42K, so it gets even higher). 13% sales tax (combined GST & PST), on top of the taxes everything is at least 1/3rd more expensive. There are some things that are the same price, but the quality tends to be less in Canada.

I remember the saying that Canadians are nice, its because they are brain washed. Everything is run by the government. Cable companies, power companies, insurance (vehicle & house), water companies. And fucking winter, you are stuck inside for 6-9 months. I could go on for pages.

I move back in 2015, and thank God everyday! I never realized how much I missed the southern accent and the combative attitude! Not to mention southern women!! The is not better place in the world than the South!!! Music, food, people, wouldnt trade it for a minute in Canada!

heya guys, it's me obama. my jew bosses gave me a lot of shekels to take more of your freedoms away, now they pay the guy with the funny hair. puppet plus trump equals trumpet.

Good to know, but it's a little late for that. I already got a degree in Computer Science and have a good job in a northern city. I just want to get away from the cucks.

People done forgot about poor white trash, and if that ain't country I'll kick your ass.
My real name is David Alan.

Easy listening for thread:


I like your style, friend. I love Zydeco music.

Look into Raleigh, NC.

People from texas are the most ignorant loud and self rightous motherfuckers and that says a lot coming from a Greek

Obama plus faggot equals Obamaggot

Thanks brother. Ready to hold the line here in white Afghanistan, should Civil War II roll around.
Still 94% white and 4th in the nation for gun ownership.

>tfw they always leave out Maryland

w-we're Southerners guise, come on.




I didn't make the picture, friend. It's just a good eye catcher.

>All the opioid addiction ravaging the south
>massive job loss
>meth addiction
>family structure being destroyed
>cultural landmarks being torn down
>mfw the people who constantly shit on the south have started to constantly shit on white people and the down trodden in general
>and they fucking wonder why we dont vote for their candidates.

>tfw yankee but want to move to the South and open a bar

As long as I say the south was justified in the civil war (which I believe) will I be okay? White obviously

We have no problem with yankees. Just uppity cock sucking yankees. Come one down.

Bar theme?

Rustic, oakey, maybe some flags around the place. I always loved treating my buddies to good food and drinks, and hell my surname means innkeeper, so I figure it's only natural. Thinking I'm gonna get some brewing education after my two years of CC so I can make a house brew

Was gonna be a teacher but I can't teach white kids to hate themselves so oh well

If you're serious about brewing, make sure you looking into state laws. Some states are lax (North Carolina) and others a draconian with their "brewing" rules.

Makes sense. I'm in New Jersey so I would probably go to a brewing school in Philly, but I assume I'd have to check the state laws to wherever I move to. Was thinking Virginia. Not sure how I'd hold up in Georgia or Alabama heat. Any recommendations?

Why are southern women such coalburners? Every time I walk through Wal-Mart I see nothing but single white mothers with half niglets, and a lot of them are good-looking too! Not just fat women.

You sound perfect for Asheville, NC if you're a beer dude.

Sierra Nevada just built there. Something about the water there is perfect for brewing. It's also always 10 degrees cooler there because it's in the mountains.

Southern """hospitality"""


go to Target.

First thing you gotta do is take your winding key and unwind yourself. If you got that high-strung Northerner attitude, you'll never manage.

Second thing you gotta do is stop givin' a shit about what people think about you or what YOU think. Modern Southerners aren't judgemental as long as you aren't up in their face about it, and they expect you to be the same.

Third, be polite. Unfuck your brain about opening doors for people or calling ladies Hon, it's not gonna get you the shrill reactions you expect from all those uppity cunts in the North. Courtesy is practiced by everyone. It's part of the social contract in the south, and defy it at your reputation's peril.

Next, if you're warm and friendly to a stranger, and have a conversation with them, you will likely make a friend of them. People in the south are exceedingly talkative, and if you're willing to actively listen and communicate, you will learn things about being and living here that you didn't know you needed to know.

Next, even cheap cold beer will do wonders to build relationships with your potential friends and neighbors. Food makes friends here. Depending on where you move, you might even get a dessert or a casserole from your next door neighbor when you move in. People in the south are by and large NICE.

North Carolina has blown up like a fuckin' volcano for small breweries over the past decade. There will be lots of competition, but also lots of people to learn from and easy sourcing of equipment and ingredients.

>We're more polite, courteous, and well-mannered than they are.
>Yankee shitheads

Pick one.

south carolina checking in from texas. damn, the South is beautiful.

After four years of arduous service marked by unsurpassed courage and fortitude, the Army of Northern Virginia has been compelled to yield to overwhelming numbers and resources.

I need not tell the survivors of so many hard fought battles, who have remained steadfast to the last, that I have consented to the result from no distrust of them.

But feeling that valour and devotion could accomplish nothing that could compensate for the loss that must have attended the continuance of the contest, I have determined to avoid the useless sacrifice of those whose past services have endeared them to their countrymen.

By the terms of the agreement, officers and men can return to their homes and remain until exchanged. You will take with you the satisfaction that proceeds from the consciousness of duty faithfully performed, and I earnestly pray that a merciful God will extend to you his blessing and protection.

With an unceasing admiration of your constancy and devotion to your Country, and a grateful remembrance of your kind and generous consideration for myself, I bid you an affectionate farewell.
—R. E. Lee, General, General

Thanks guys glad to hear that. I'm definitely a beer guy. Looks like a lot of parks nearby which is big for me. Gun laws good? Trying to register into The People's Firearm Ministry of Commie New Jersey is annoying as fuck and I can only get a shotgun or basic long gun

I'll add to this. If you're a decent looking white guy, expect every older black woman to call you sugar.

Anybody have that pic of that SC tranny from two days ago?

Why should I pick one? There are Cool Yankees and Shithead Yankees, just like there are White Niggers and Black Niggers.

>Gun Laws
What do you think? Whole state is Open Carry, CWP is a course and 80 bucks for a five year permit. No Assault Weapons ban, either.

Also true, unless they're churchy, then they'll call you Brother "user"


The fuck does that post have to do with the south, shitbird? Get outta here.


>Nightly Dixieland Map

So whatcha all eatin' on tonight? I had some of that 6 buck pizza from Little Caesars for dinner.


Good stuff, wolfpack nation

Cole Slaw
Red Beans & Sausage

what wrong with euros just look at my sweet fence we can be based tough see


I envy you.

Alabama here
All of you faggots, shut the fuck up. Its cheap, warm, and overall nice here. Stop advertising it. You idiots. Keep us as unspoiled as possible.
[All northerners shall read this as the following]
Muh sister is so hawt, she tried to get me to fuck her back pussy, but it shot snot out of itself. The snot was grey. The South is nice. WE'LL RISE AGAIN

I had Shiner for dinner.

For some reason your first response didn't show up as a (you) so I just read it now. That sounds pretty compatible to me, one thing my father always ingrained into me is to be respectful, and I've always thought manners are extremely important. I'm very judgmental of people who I think disrespect basic manners. Your post basically summarizes why I've wanted to move to the South. However, is being Catholic seen as taboo?

You'll find mostly Baptists, Methodists or Non-Denominational Protestants in the south, but as long as you move to a moderately sized town, there ought to be a Catholic church nearby.

Tennessee reporting in. Was reading about my great-great uncle who survived the Sultana Tragedy. I'll have to make sure to buy this book that has his full account now.

this one?

Except for a tiny amount of religious extremists no one in the south cares that you're Catholic.

North East florida reporting in. I started the Southern Nationalist thread earlier. Thanks for all you fellas who helped make the thread great. 285+ replies.

East TN or west TN? Knoxville area here

West although some of my family did come from the East long ago.

Question, is it better to live in a suburb or on a larger multi acre lot of land?

I'm also an Eagle and I don't regret doing it. I had a lot of fun and got to do some cool projects with my dad and with my friends and go to all sorts of event. I didn't think I would miss it until I got older.

I want to visit the south one day, where should I go? I'm half Mexican, will you guys be nice to me? :)

Im also still all for a Northern Florida / Southern Georgia bro get together / rally / demonstration in Savannah or Jacksonville.


Do you look as "White" as this guy(Jose Torres)?

Depends on you, brother. You wanna drive farther to go to a store? Do you value your privacy? Do you wanna have a barbeque and a bonfire, or a kettle grill and a backyard party? You wanna be able to shoot cans off your back porch with your .22, or not have to drive ten minutes to go to a convenience store?

The south is full of hispanic migrant farmworkers. If you can speak fluent english, most people won't bat an eye at you around here.

Free the Southland!

Where you at, Georgetown? MB here. I know is Boone Hall

Feels good to be the best kind of american

Conway. Out 378 about 8 miles. I coulda sworn that pic was from the road in front of Atalaya.

You cant control your own niggers. Every time I turn on the tv one of your cities is getting looted by niggers or Antifa.

>hey dad i dont give a shit about you
>here's a cheap knife and some cash

My hair is curly, but White people also have curly hair

Turns out it's from Botany Bay Road out on Edisto Island. Pretty neat.