Utah police officer resigns after posting "we wuz kangz" meme on Facebook fox13now.com
Why I need to delete my Facebook. They'll track you down.
“There's no way in the world I could look at this reprehensible, despicable meme being placed in a very public way by a police officer, and do nothing about it,” he said.
The meme starts with the line, “WE WUZ KANGZ.”
Swan said it’s slang for, ‘We were kings.’ He said it’s referencing a message they teach African-American youth, that their history goes back before slavery, to kings, queens and leaders in Africa.
Below the picture, is the line, “NO. YOU WERE [CENSORED] WASHERS.” The censored word references a male’s genitals.
Ridiculous. fucking cringe at your police
we wuz romans
>telling Africans they weren't kangz is racism
I deleted it the night of my high school graduation. Though I've heard not having one can hurt your chances at employment since employers like to look through that shit and not having one can make you look sketchy
> being this stupid to post anything on the Internet under your real name…
That's how the news is reported here.
Black people do this the most, on jewtube
i doubt they care anymore. only older people is using it nowadays. you should have a linkedin though.
thats a circumcision, in the left pic hes being held back , then on the next pick he enjoying it
so rev it back up and post pro-diversity memes every couple days
We don't have hate speech laws. We're trying to normalize racism. You don't do that without taking risks. Anonymous people don't scare anyone, the kikes will even tell you that.
The shot heard around the world.
This is the lead up to Meme War II
i've never had any form of social media and it doesnt seem to have ever impacted me getting a job
That's wrongful termination. He should sue them.
Pay denbts
Oh shit maybe we will finally get some KANGZ reactions to the dickwashing meme.
i fucking love it
>"uh-hem, mr smith, your resumé is extraordinary, and you have all the requirements our company is looking for, and then some"
>"what's this?! no kikebook?! better luck next time you insufferable faggot"
Nice try you data tracking faggot