How do we solve this cancer that plagues the West?
Western Male
This is why women are waiting for economic migrants at the train stations.
why would he put his name on tinder as Jeremy and then say he doesn't go by it lol
jesus i can feel the lack of testosterone from this "man" through my computer screen...
A big fucking war that bring them back to Earth.
Women are natural traitors though.
Military conscription. Drill instructors will beat the beta faggot out of them.
Mandatory military service straight out of high school. 2 years.
Women are also the reason that western males have been emasculated and effeminzed.
It was a giant shit test that men failed, and now men who know better can't correct the imbalance in society favoring women because there's a huge white knight army of manginas, cops, judges and assorted blue pillers.
Your monitor is a mirror?
Idk man it's pathetic.
This desu, Women are basically in one huge hivemind, and this has happened before in History. Once they get a say in shit they conduct a natural test in the native men in hopes that the men will put them in their desired submissive state, men have failed and now we face the consequences.
What branch ? I'd say Marines would work best.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
a non-binary gender selection on tinder, oh wow that's pretty fucking sad
Cause it uses your Facebook name you mong I'm pretty sure you can't change it.
How can it stand to work around real men wear weal men's clothes. . Pretty sure he gets triggered at work everyday
That crystal around his neck looks like it would absorb energy when you jack it with a bro.
>hates gender
>works at Men's Warehouse
Why doesn't shplee work at Person's warehouse instead?
Alternative headline: Antifa hate thread
Yeah should've made it that.
i would POUND that twink's boipussy
>LGBT flag
Of course u would.
I would too.
But it would be a hatefuck.
I'm gayer than him and have a gf, it isn't hard, just don't be a pol9k autist
Last time this happened God sent a flood. Don't know what it will be this time. Hope it hurts.
Very true.
the kind of person that gets some random number in roman numerals on their upper chest
Manditory enlistment, segregated highschool, wilderness and survival training, elimination of student loans/wellfare/mortgages.
Fuuuuuck that
give it 10-12 more years user and they will be gone.
you let it be and you stop caring
he won't reproduce so who cares
Black men are usually taller, more confident, women know they have bigger dicks. And they're more masculine. No girl wants some pale feminine white boy, especially a blonde white boy. I'm gay but I have convinced many of my girl friends that they should try a black guy, because I'm with one now and it's the best sex ever. A lot of women i know usually keep a black guy on the side. I'm gay so we do girl talk. It's 2017, and white boys are at home playing video games and not making an effort to start relationships. Black men are the definition of confidence, masculinity, and pleasure. White women won't and don't miss you.
This guy almost definitely gets more pussy than everyone in this thread combined.
Don't like having to work your way financially, physically, and mentally through life user?
You fucking purge the filth in the media, you purge all corrupting influences then you purge the darkies and the pakis and don't stop until every nonwhite is fucking dead
honestly, the further we go into this thing, i start to believe more and more that is the only solution
are you referring to the HIV?
That bait.
I have a job and I'm finishing up school, getting married, I don't care about gay shit like survival
kys milo
have a qt waifu instead Sup Forums
You're a faggot though, most women don't actually go for the basic masculine stereotype, that's more of a gay thing. Only the most degenerate sluts actually associate with gay men. Your perspective is flawed, you are projecting your faggot inferiority complex onto others based on your dealings with women at the most degenerate level of society.
He really did go all out there.
>Mandatory enlistment
for how long?
>segregated high school
race or gender segregation?
>wilderness and survival training
why is this needed to live in a comfy house?
>elimination of student loans/welfare/mortgages
ok bernie, but who will pay the profs to indoctrinate the future feminists?
as satan rips rips your ass apart with molten copper too
>that playful kitty :3
>falling for that bait
btw nice projecting, fuckboy.
It was my pleasure to refute that bait. I don't think you know what projecting means.
It's called being pretentious.
Imagine this guy assisting you with your suit fitting. I'd leave.
i would hit it if he has a big dick. i want a man to dress up like a woman, put on a wig and makeup and pound me hard.
We get it, you're gay, but why so graphic?
i am a female who identifies as primarily heterosexual
Post tinders, prove ur not a commie
>if he has a big dick
t. roastie with an overused vagina
On here you're just another faggot.
>posting a picture of yoruself on Sup Forums
Found the commie
Id swipe right, is that the correct direction for fucking?
Don't worry dude I posted a pic of myself before as well, lets just say my grandmother got a call a few hours later from some autist saying Hitler did nothing wrong.
the only women with overused vaginas are the ones who have had kids and even those bounce back because the vaginal muscles are elastic. because of this elasticity, big dicks are more filling and they feel good stretching the tight walls. i want to feel like i'm being impaled and split in two, and you can't really get that feeling with an average penis. in fact, the most you feel an average penis is when it's hitting the cervix and that's not really a pleasant feeling if you aren't really turned on.
I wish I knew OP.
The same way /polocks solve every problem, by crying on 4/chan to other neckbeards.
Why doesnt he change his facebook name?
Couldn't we just lock them in a chimp cage at the zoo? Wouldn't that have the same effect?
Wine, tacos, Hispanic food - all instant signs of degeneracy and modern living on women and young men's profiles.
Just an observation out of NJ.
Yeah, but you can swipe up if you wanna fuck SUPER BAD.
I found out by wasting a coworker's 'super like' or whatever
Many women who were molested and penetrated vaginally when they were prepubescent have voiced this desire.
If you don't have a JO crystal don't waste my time
>jesus i can feel the lack of testosterone from this "man" through my computer screen...
bro he is literally wearing a dick sicking choker.
you don't exactly need any spidey sense to pick up on the signs.
i don't really look into child molestation the way you seem to but i can say that is not the case for me. women are turned on by big dicks and balls the way men are turned on by big boobs.
why u scrolling thru the men? are you organizing some kind of russian prank liveleak show?
>Not taking a look at your competition.
Where God is not welcome the Devil will play.
I think those sailor boys have just what he needs.
Because then he can't tell people that he actually goes by Harper and that Jeremy is a dead name and then spend 5 minutes verbally fellating himself about it.
>giving a damn about anyone but yourself
>not realizing you are not the only you there is
fuckin plebs
>Drill instructors will beat the beta faggot out of them.
The American military is PC and cucked as fuck now. DI's aren't allowed to lay hands on people like they used to. The yelling, intense exercise, and emotional abuse might help to break them down but they're more likely to just pretend they're suicidal to get processed out.
>How do we solve this cancer that plagues the West?
Easy. Instead of "Gender" we use "Penis-haver Y/N"
Is it even possible for you to refrain from being so graphic? you faggoty ass forever-child.
>inb4 i am womyn
I heard you the first time, faggot.
there are other you's but you you gave me is the sweetest you of them all.
>this fucking leaf
Have another (You)
I LOVE the comments she gets on her photos
Because (((Facebook))) needs to see a government issued ID to confirm if your name is correct.
like what?
>Last time this happened God sent a flood.
The last time everyone acted like such massive faggots was Sodom and Gomorrah.
I say intense ROTC training throughout college
you fucking faggots need to get out of your basements
Fuck off ive been single for 3 years, I'm having a rough time right now okay? Leave me alone.
Nice ad hominem in lue of an argument. Lemme guess..... Anyone who feels this way is totally never getting laid?
>Know in my heart I will never have this
Brb loading revolver
No sir, take it from me, a single father, you are doing it right.