Just stop
Just stop
FUcking based
Fuck off shareblue
Ya well at least I make good money shillposting
the goyim know!!!!!!!!!!!
shut it down!!!!!!!!!!!!
Never mind. The guy is a manlet
Not gunna lie I'd fuck the based qt on the left.
>advocate something
>people listen
>omg stop this is not your secret club
you don't own any of this.
cankles fetish bro?
There's the trouble. It thinks 12.00 is good money...
Holy shit, either that gun is HUGE or that's a fucking mega manlet! It reminds me of when I'd take a GI joe gun and try to put it in the hands of one of those 5 inch action figures as a kid. Holy fucking kek.
Also, why is it only the WORST of Sup Forums goes into public? Jesus these people are embarrassing.
The KEK meme was funny until Reddit stepped in. Now it's manifested into something completely different and is touted up by a bunch of fat smelly losers.
no u
Everyone looks stupid protesting, no exceptions. The only people who protest like this are people who assume the other side just "doesn't get it".
They get it. They disagree because they are not the same people, and tax out must gibs back in somewhere else.
People who advocate for reduced tax are those who think they are or will be tax-drained, and those who advocate for more programs are those who benefit, or think they will benefit, from those same programs.
>Also, why is it only the WORST of Sup Forums goes into public? Jesus these people are embarrassing.
I got some bad news for ya.
This is the best Sup Forums has to offer. The rest can't come outside.
Has anyone noticed the Kekistanis call themselves "Keks?" Has anyone told them what that means?
>Those 2 dykes trying to get in on the ground floor of the alt right memester movement
>Plebbit and jewTube ruin something faster than rage comics became unfunny
those are reddit LARPers
Our LARPers look cooler than your LARPers.
Using made up words and inside jokes is how SJWs fight perceived injustices, but if you want to do what they do then at least have fun with the subsequent mouthful of dicks.
our side eats too many sandwiches , your side doesn't eat enough
Nice to see you guys already practicing for Communism
I bet she has delicious chubby toes too
I don't know what you're talking about, they all look like they're at a good weight to me.
Nah she just looks like an easy fuck.
I'm on /nofap/ right now and I've lowered my standards a bit so idc I had a sexual tension moment with a Hispanic chick today in front of her husband she clearly wanted it I wanted to pick her up like a Spanish conquistador and carry her back to my campsite and then proceed to ruthlessly fuck her cunt while pulling her silky black hair back forcing her to call me Master In front of her bf.
Oh, man, that video was so fucking funny.
"These are g-good memes, y-you guys."
Daily reminder that this is your average Sup Forumsster. Underage (~14, just out of middle school), spews memes IRL like an autist, has chicken legs or is a fat autismo, calls others nigger but would never dare say "nigger" to a black person's face. Only likes Trump because they are an edgy contrarian and because he makes made "libcucks," "leftists" or whatever upset. Also makes them feel like a special snowflake for liking someone that is almost universally despised, because they have to be THAT person that has a contrary opinion to make themselves feel superior (despite their clear inferiority complex). Supports Israel but hates jews, excuse me, "kikes," but also loves Hitler and national socialism despite hating it when the media compares trump supporters to Nazis. Hates the "globalist" boogeyman, but elected someone who filled his entire cabinet with career politicians and globalist businessmen and leaders of large globalist corporations. HATES identity politics and "virtue signalling," yet loves identity politics when its their identity, and uses virtue signalling when it benefits their arguments because reasons.
I could go on. Nothing but a bunch of pathetic underage fucks basically that have turned an already shit board into a dumpster fire.
No satan
For the Horde!
I'm now 100% certain that these
>le ethnic kekistanis
with their same signs and slogans popping up at EVERY "protest" NATIONWIDE in the past 2 months are part of some DNC/Soros-funded psy-op to make anyone affiliated with
>Trump and the Alt-Right NAZI's
to be cringey, virgin white trash... and therefore SOCIAL CANCER TO AFFILIATE WITH IN ANY WAY.
That is why THESE PEOPLE are the ones the cameras focus on and they are the ones that spit the MOST BASIC
>alt-right talking points
and stale memes.
It's a fucking trap... and not the chick with dick type. The Admiral Ackbar type.
No, kill yourself faggot. I grew up in a Austin and it's been taken over by MEXICAN SCUM, AND ANTIFA AND CALIFORNIANS. WE HATE ALL THESE THINGS HERE
Sure buddy, do you remember project Chanology?
You don't need to have funding for all the underage immature autists of Sup Forums to do something incredibly cringe-worthy, they're perfectly capable of doing it on their own.
>shut it down and die peacefully goyim
fuck off kike.
You have to go back
>do you remember project Chanology?
every Leftist piece of shit tries to concern troll Sup Forums with this.
the only people so deeply concerned with "cringe" are teenage girls and emasculated leftist men.
I fucking swear that anyone that uses this word unironically, is underaged
Sure pal, keep on claiming I'm a leftist or whatever because I don't partake in the circlejerk of daddy donnie over here. Perhaps you would do better over at r/The_Donald, a safe space where criticism and scary-wary ideas that go against your beliefs aren't tolerated.
By the way redditor, I've been on Sup Forums for over 12 years, you were likely a toddler in diapers when I first started posting here. Now go on back to your echo chamber before scary thoughts that criticize your daddy make you cry ; ;
your post is cringe.
>go on amazon
>looking at military patches
>see lots of kekistani patches
Fuck this shit. T_D has ruined Sup Forums with lame meme shit.
Are you triggered aspie? Don't have a meltdown now.
all this poor individuals that just want to feel connected and want to be on the winner side at least one time in their life.
Maybe you're just so butt-flustered because these images remind you of yourself, and you're terribly ashamed.
It's not about cool you know?
It's about the left being too serious while the right being too ridiculous as a counter.
keep the internet shit on the internet. retards
>white people
>12 years
Don't lie to us user
t. Schlomo shekelberg
>Dont protest goy your masters do what is best for you!
Glad these tubs of lard are on the front line defending whatever the fuck they think they're defending against whatever strawman enemy they imagined.
Nah we're not gonna stop you filthy fucking rat. If you're White and you're counter signaling us. Just kill yourself.
You can post 10 thousand images of some fat guy in a MAGA hat but it will never counter just one image of a transsexual.
Not a lie, also [spoiler]I was a part of chanology, so I think I know a thing or two about regretting this memes IRL garbage[/spoiler]
le based black guy!
people that did nothing wrong general?
Still not as cringey as 200k women marching wearing pussy hats and giving speeches about their vagina and how special they are
Honestly those guys don't look too bad. Only the gay haircuts on the two in front stands out.
Looking a lot better than the aids infested faggots on your side.
Fucking normies reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
> The woman is the only one spreading the message that needs to be spread.
Texas is now land of boys.
What, so because I'm anti donald I must be pro-trans or give a shit about trans people?
Guess what, I don't, and you don't have to be a leftist to despise Donnie or the alt-right edgelords on Sup Forums. You can dislike a person by you know, actually thinking critically about that persons statements, that person's hypocrisy, that persons idiotic ramblings and their moronic positions / plans. Keep on assuming I'm a liberal because I dislike Trump.
Typical trump brainlet that completely lacks the self-awareness to see past their own biases and identity politics.
But alright, keep on being a child that supports this fuck just because he made a bunch of liberals butthurt on election night.
man people who go to these events are really lame
i bet you are a burger.
it is always black or white for you
trump or clinton
reddit or Sup Forums
and so on.
dumb fucks.
Again, "my side" I could care less about any of those people. There's legitimate criticisms of Trump that people like you ignore simply because you want "liberals" to be butthurt, because that's your entire argument for supporting this retard, because he makes ultra-progressive liberals (a loud and vocal, but small group) butthurt.
Maybe one day you will mature and realize how petty and inane placing your entire political identity on such moronic bullshit was.
well at least the guy in pic related is not waving a shitty fucking kekistan flag or a U.S Flag but instead the old ww1 german war flag. Props to him at least
Fuck off share blue... Praise KEK
Look at all those fucking niggers trying to get cuckservative wite wimminz.
>inb4 muh based black man
A chimp is a chimp end of story. Either you're pro making America great (white) again or you're not. There is no politically correct version of the redpill faggots.
i think that guy heavily implied that picture is of him
Nah, he's an edgelord that knows if he was waving around an actual nazi flag he would get his ass kicked by everyone, so he choose the less offensive route while implying the same thing about his edginess.
This type of thing only works on twitter kiddies.
I'm insulted you even try it here.
this quote is fake.
Yeah when you put in context like that it make sense, if he actually had the balls to wave the ww2 Kriegsmarine flag, he will get his ass kick it for it because
>muh holocaust and evil bad nazis
I agree.
A new stage is needed.
A more constructive phase.
The basis of a society is it's values and co-ordination.
The MAGAs must seize their california and implement a philosophical vanguard!
it's real in my mind.