Angry Gronald grumph hater interviews bill burr

Who was in the wrong here?

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Interview felt weird.

Does Colbert not like Bill Burr or is he always like this?

No rapport, shit questions, strange looks.

He's been like this in most of his interviews as himself, at least the ones I've seen. When he had deray on he had him sit in his seat and acted strangely needy.

Here's one of the worst interviews.

Who on Earth would give him a talk show if this is him being himself.

Compare with Bill Burr on Conan:

They riff off each other, genuinely seem to get along, etc.

Colbert just felt like "Do your bit, plug your shit and get off my show."

Both. Bill Burr doesn't like Trump and said he and Hillary are both shit in one of his podcasts. Strikes me as one of those "Neutral Intelligent Centrsists" 'Everyone is dumb but me' after that. I haven't watched the video, just here to (shit)post this.

Also he probably cant ever admit to liking trump with that negress libshit wife of his

Didn't they just have a mongrel baby?

How do people even watch this guy every night at all?

Burr is a faggot. I don't even care anymore, Drumpf is obviously dumb, but retards like Colbert and the whole normiespere getting triggered by him is worth it.

Yeah, I guess at least bill knows its his I guess, cuz what other white guy would fuck that gummy ass boon

Colbert is a no talent hack. Since he abandoned the only good character he's ever been he's unwatchable. Trump hate is the only thing that saved him from disappearing into oblivion.

This is a pretty funny interview actually.

Bill Burr is just being a human and saying normal human things and an entire room full of marxist brainwashed drones being led by a Jewish puppet are looking at him like he's an alien.

I also hate faggot ass candy stores

If you aren't a centrist, you're intellectually lazy.

"muh side right, yer side wrong" thinking is just 100% shit.

SJW's watch Colbert because their only litmus test for whether a show is good or not is the degree to which is affirms their worldview.

Colbert is such a fucking horrible interviewer, not even remotely funny, witty or charismatic. Only reason that faggot is getting good ratings is because he sold out like a little good goy and now monologues about Trump every fucking night.

It's because of Burrs Hillary bashing

Watched both parts and it was dire.

He went the other way though when compared to the Burr interview. Extremely animated to the point of insulting his guest with bad 'jokes'.

You pretty much just proved him right.

god Colbert has this aura that he is just god and everyone should bow down to him and they're wrong and he's right

fucking arrogant kike


it worked better when he was doing right wing satire. Now no one knows wtf he's doing except being shit.

define "centrist"

my side is right and after it kills your side and the other side then my side is the only one that will exist.

if you don't have a belief you'd kill or die for then you're a pathetic piece of shit. that's why centrist are little retard cowards. too weaselly to attempt they're for something or not.

Colbert is legitimately a sociopath, I'm not joking.

I've been observing him for a while, the guy completely lacks empathy.

>muh false dichotomy


How dare people have different opinions then me!

>if i was a dictator those people would be eliminated
bill burr is a fantastic comedian i dont care about all the niaposting

these videos always creep me out bigly. colberts audience is spoopy as fuck. 2 minutes of hate tier

Dude they are nearly exploding with hatred.

I had a college course with a 1960's civil rights activist that was like this. Very creepy atmosphere in the class. It wasn't a light-hearted dislike of Trump, it was EXTREME hatred. She had broken into tears multiple times talking about him.

On top of that, a lot of her hatred was targeted towards me because she knew I was a trump supporter.

what if "not killing or dying" is your belief?

Bill Burr is getting pretty close to the redpill all in one deal. He see the war on Men, you can see it in his eyes he hates having to pull back on what rolls through his mind.

s-surely it cant get much worse. the pendulum will swing back, right guise?

Nope civil war is coming and I'm fuckin stoked

I can't help but like Bill Burr. Even if he is a liberal, he atleast stands against political correctness

i cant even talk to my own brother anymore about any current event. He said to me "you read too much shit off the internet" and i said Niqqa you aint read enough. ironically, He Did Divide Us.


>this was my grandma's i just took it from her
>she's old and weak
>i'm just kidding, she died
lmfao. bill burr is great

If you had young children you wouldn't be "stoked', you LARPing cunt.

Aww, ol' Billy Freckles.

Bill is based

Bill probably enjoyed being behind enemy lines more than being in front of his supporters.


Saw his interview with Oliver Stone earlier and the smug little faggot spent the entire time being a disrespectful piece of shit imo.

Colbert was at best a so-so interviewer back on comedy central and has really taken a massive downturn lately with this blatant partisan asshattery.

I expected more of this when Colbert got the late show.

Instead it's just "What I have to say about Trump tonight"
The Late Show can't go on much longer with Colbert. Appeasing the left with none stop Trump hate can only go so far.

They turned on Colbert with his old show. They'll turn on him again. Then the execs will dump him for Louis CK or something.


get your children out of harm's way. they're your kids not mine, retard, don't expect me to change my lifestyle because you knocked up some broad. Civil war means dead leftists piled in the streets, it's easy to get stoked about.

>Who was in the wrong here?
Whoever uploaded the video

Lol I fuckin love Bill

why is Colbert such a terrible interviewer? he has literally one job.

low charisma

its hard to be a smarmy holier than thou fuckface when you can have your bullshit called live and don't have a team of writers backing you up

wow, Stephen's a dick.

Dey da real OP faggot.

Colbert is ruining whatever small legacy he had.
He will be looked back at as one of the poster children for this psychotic progressive virus that's trying to take hold of every facet of society.

what the hell does this have to do with politics??

wanting to see the military wasting leftists is a lot different than pretending you're going to go commando or some shit. there's something called acceleration and then there's LARPING, they're very different things. the military represents the very power structure the left wants to attack and dismantle, the conflict would be between an authoritarian state and faggots who think they can hug the terror out of mudslimes. It would be hilarious.

if you're a centrist you're intellectually lazy
>both sides are wrong
>everyone is stupid except me
kys faggot

He switched to that candy thing when he felt the liberals firing up the twitter cannons at him. It was the weirdest non-segueway. Nothing to do with what he was talking about just before which was starting to piss off the audience because he dared to make fun of LBGTQ (PBUH)

Show me ten consecutive minutes of the Late Show in which Colbert is not trying to influence US politics. Can't be done.

Most of Bills fan base is working class, military and right wingers, of course a crowd up tight, liberal pussies couldn't appreciate his humor. I was laughing my ass off thinking why isn't Colbert and the crowd laughing?

Colbert is such a garbage show.

that was pretty bad but I think this is the worst one. here you can see the audience in total zog mind control


Not applying group strategy to your ideas means they will never be realized. The group you side with might not agree with you on everything, but they're the guys you're going to need to side with. Being politically apathetic and never picking a side to do irl activism is jot how shit gets down. That flavor of political apathy is why the right and the moderates were losing the culture war for so long.

>Gronald grumph

Grow up.

True. That was a big part of the Boston incident with O&A.

>numbers and opinions are the same conceptually and only have right or wrong, black or white answers.

>deray on Cuckbert

hahahaha Cuckbert actually had that black twink on

Grow up edgelord. Typically the people howling the most for bloodshed are the first to get killed when fantasies meet reality.

Burr done got himself married to a shitlib and lost his balls.Sad!

> As a mother

The Oliver Stone interview was unreal to watch. The audience followed Colbert's lead, too

The appelation Cuckbert is really appropriate for that interview too.

>please nigger faggot, take my throne of privilege and educate me on how to acquire the status of being "woke"

that's what happens when your system only gives you two parties.

am i supposed to know what that word means

Fuck (((Cuckbert)))

Some more info for newfags about Cuckbert. He's been involved with (((them))) for years.

>The Immortality Drive is a large memory device which was taken to the International Space Station in a Soyuz spacecraft on October 12, 2008.
>The Immortality Drive contains fully digitized DNA sequences of a select group of humans
>The intent of the Immortality Drive is to preserve human DNA in a time capsule, in case some global cataclysm should occur on Earth

>am i supposed to know what that word means