Fuck this shit Sup Forums
Was she a "collateral damage"?
What was a girl like her doing in such a hideous building?
Few whites died in the London Fire. Most of them were old people and students who couldn't pay a better place
Fuck this shit Sup Forums
Was she a "collateral damage"?
What was a girl like her doing in such a hideous building?
Few whites died in the London Fire. Most of them were old people and students who couldn't pay a better place
100 people died, but you only care for one group of victims?
Shame on you
What caused the fire? I'm out of the loop.
Dont put this shit on Sup Forums some shitskin successfully made a bomb. Out of a refrigerator.
How many whites actually died in this? All I see in families/witnesses is nigs and sandnigs
>brown eyes
Good one, Adolf.
Some Biggers refrigerator (((exploded))). In reality it was an inside job by the government to tear down that type of housing and move Muslims and shitskins into rural England.
wow some random roastie died who gives a fuck
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Why does it report as spam when I use the word reddit?
Immagrant set his fart on fire for a joke, hundreds died. I blame white people.
Like 10 whites out of 100 people
Most of them were old Brits who ended up living in a shithole building
I guess they expect some of us in the wreckage brother
Not an ethnic English Irish or Scottish. I suspect Mediterranian or mixed Arab.
>not white
Hey Op.
Trump won and has been draining the swamp.
>What was a girl like her doing in such a hideous building?
Burning coal
I feel sorry for you.
>that woman
choose one, kike. if you don't have blue eyes, you might as well be a nigger as far as i'm concerned.
Probably fucking a nigger that lived in that shithole.
Why don't you give some info on who that was. She was probably kidnapped
This bitch has coal burner written all over her, no sympathy.
>Best guess for this image: Conflagration
Toll paid in record time
That bitch isn't white.
She didn't die, that's the dumb twitter girl who asked what to do while her building was on fire and everybody said gtfo.
Her friend posted she made it out
Too cheap to pay rent.
>Pay the toll or turn into coal
probably had over 9000 nigga dicks
hitler had blue eyes retard
You think they ever find this person again?