Why are millennials afraid of commitment?

Why are millennials afraid of commitment?

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Dumb Soeposter

Women have no societal requirement to stay loyal
Men won't risk financial and mental ruin for a woman who can betray him with no repercussions

Modern marriage is a sham because people couldn't live with the idea that civil unions and marriage are two separate ideas with very different implications
Faithless marriages are en vogue, and we all suffer for it

They are afraid of taking decisions, suffering consequences and having responsabilities. The best way to avoid these is to never do anything significant and to waste your life away.

If you don't find a girl during high school to groom then you are fucked.

Cum dumpsters

>don't respect men
>don't respect marriage
>don't love men, use them as ATMs

No thanks faggot. Its not bad, for there is the al-mater

the only reward you get in litigous society is literally exactly what you bargain for which, if you think about it, is always disappointing. job will fire you, wife will cuck you, parents will bootstrap you, insurer will rape you, bank will harass you. life literally has nothing to offer.

Tell that to my 27 year old gf whose laying down marriage pressure hard

I work as a paralegal in the family law division. Sure, I'm seeing skewed results, but almost everyone has cheated.

I've cheated, and been cheated on. My dad cheated on my mom. All of the non-family law big wigs I hear about have rumors of either pedophelia or infidelity circling them. All except 1 of my colleagues has been faithful/had a faithful spouse.

The faithful marriage shit doesn't work against the odds. Have kids, support them, be an active parent, but don't pay alimony.

>why dont modern youths hold themselves to standards relevant 30 years ago?

*All except 1 hasn't been

The net worth of 2 millennials is null.

Why do gen z kids listen to rap?

Because they're programmed to by the media and corporations that make scientifically formulated music.

Sage and move on, folks


Why did those standards stop being relevant?
Still, I'm curious what kind of standards we'll have 30 years in the future. Maybe this degeneracy will have ended.

Because as a male, the court system is stacked against me. Also no virgin qt waifus.

First, find a good Christian woman who was raised by strong father. Then, do not become a fatass, do not watch porn, and keep your wife seduced just 10% of the time; she will never stray and she will do anything for you, eternally.

Stop blaming society, courts, women, and other abstractions. Work on your issues.

Whenever there is a divorce, it's because either you selected a bad woman or you are failing to be a man. In both cases you are responsible. Bitching and blaming others does not benefit you and is counter-productive.

Serious question, what are your thoughts on marriage in the legal sense? I have two kids in a monogamous relationship of almost 10 years, not married. Why should I make it legal?

Christ some autist has been doing this for 2 fucking years now.

bc all relationships go to shit and bitches try to steal your money

Because it means wiping your ass and growing up.


They're one swipe away from a brand new, fresh out the box relationship, brimming with possibilities and sexual tension.

Sighs of contentment can't be heard over all that.

This. Stop fucking replying to these slide threads, you self-hating fucks.

becuase girls like you look like boys. or the girls that look like girls, have a fucking horde of kids and are well used like a town bike. fucking sluts!

It can help with taxes: specifically I think it helps if one person stays home and the other works. it's worse though if you both work because your income becomes 1. So if you both make 100k, you're getting taxed as if you were one person making 200k (which is way worse)

why does op always post this sjw in Sup Forums?

Because nigger

Why do Jews keep trying to divide everyone in every way possible, including on generational lines?

Don't bother I already know.

>Millenials get constantly fed about how Baby Boomers ruined the world
>Baby Boomers get constantly fed about how lazy and egocentric Millenials are
I wonder (((who's))) behind this.