>New fake flags get added
>Literally every country except USA afraid to show their face
Holy shit why is the rest of the world so terrible? Can we get a thread going on how great the USA is and how good the posters are?
>New fake flags get added
>Literally every country except USA afraid to show their face
Holy shit why is the rest of the world so terrible? Can we get a thread going on how great the USA is and how good the posters are?
Homeschooling is the biggest cause of the Dunning–Kruger effect.
Fuck the white judens.
wtf i hate flags now...
>3rd world latino/negroid shithole
>remove Wallstreet and the Fed
>becomes brasil level country
USA is geographic location pilled
its no secret all other countries are jelly
>literally every
burger education
thinking showing your flag on an Sup Forums makes you "brave". this explains a lot about your country as a whole, actually
Do I have to hand in my hamburger card if I post as a pirate?
Euro poors just cant keep up
American flags are too generic t.bh
t. burger
Someone did a chart to see the dip in flags but the countries most *proud* of their flags were Israel, England, US, and someone else that I cant quite remember (Spain i think?). Unsurprisingly Canadians were one of the people most likely to ditch their flag.
Fuck canada.
Says the guy hiding behind his flag
Way too skinny, us Americans like them thick.
I have no idea what you are talking about, unless you are speaking figurative.
From the way I write and from what I say I am obviously not Chinese. But every time I get called chink, ching chong etc. Whereas obviously Asian leafs or australians never get called out. Thanks dumbass bullish burgerposters, you were given free speech and you have ruined the board. Now I mostly use Kekistani flag just to spite yall.
(Geographic location version) From the way I write and from what I say I am obviously not Chinese. But every time I get called chink, ching chong etc. Whereas obviously Asian leafs or australians never get called out. Thanks dumbass bullish burgerposters, you were given free speech and you have ruined the board. Now I mostly use Kekistani flag just to spite yall.
I use the Confederate flag because I'm proud of being from the South. If people don't realize it's American they are dumb as fuck.
Here I am.
I'm American and I like my newflag, so fuck off. You want country bants, go to /bant/
she's thiccer than she looks
protip: kankles
Here's my proofs. I detest flag-bants and would much prefer people actually form logical arguments than just typing "leaf, burger, poo, cuck, etc"
Best country.
>he's so insecure about his countries merit that he has to boast 24/7
>on an anonymous image board
the funniest thing is that nobody knows who actually rules in the USA
I love the USA
But the Hippy flag with the Tomorrow style is Death's Head.
That's a lot more badass.
I would show my flag if it didn't impact discussion negatively.
I like it when people call each other leafs, burgers and poos
What do you want him to do, dox himself?
Anyone have this chart?
LMFAO Fuck you and fuck the USA.
Everyone knows who rules yours
How do you differentiate between the proud, the lazy and the clueless? I swear every thread there's one american asking how to change it to pirate.
Just save some boilerplate and paste it at the bottom of your post every time someone insinuates you're Asian. For bonus points you could include something about BLEACHING the local qts to trigger the Asian leafs and Aus residents.
>t. Gebirgsjud
The fuck do you expect when you live in a cuck shithole
Well I'm glad to see they at least provide you with internet in the cuck shed.
Americans are probably the dumbest posters and they feel proud to be ignorant
>T. Spreads degeneracy worldwide, calls it american culture and diversity is our strenght
I used the CSA and Third Reich flags for a few hours when they got added but in the end I didn't feel worthy of them.
t. California
fucking hell, imagine being this into Sup Forums
i've been here during the times when mostly americans post and the times when the eurofags wake up and become active and i can safely say there's a drop in quality and interesting kek posts when the eurofags come on
americans are proud but no one knows why. i love how suddenly canadians have evaporated
>I used the CSA
>.t. California
How about not wasting a spot in the catalog for your /bant/ shit?
>literal third world country
>poorer than fucking ireland
why do let your little girls get cut in half by trucks of peace?
Wow when was this feature added?
A bunch of cartel members control your nation. You have no right to talk shit ha!
They're kinda cool. Only thing that sucks is fags like using the hallowed banner of Kekistan.
I hope the Rebel Alliance and Brotherhood of Nod flags get added again.
No one gives a fuck, chink. Go eat a cat.
Fuck off?
if all your posts are like this then no wonder people call you out for being a chink. grow a spine and stop playing the victim you dog eater
However, this average global value masks considerable variation across countries and regions. The richest nations, with wealth per adult over $100,000, are found in North America, Western Europe and among the rich Asia-Pacific and Middle Eastern countries.
They are headed by Switzerland, which in 2011 became the first country to see average wealth exceed $500,000. It dropped below this mark in 2012, but this year equity price rises have resulted in a new peak value of $513,000 per adult.
Australia ($403,000), Norway ($380,000) and Luxembourg ($315,000) all experienced an increase in wealth per adult and retain their respective second, third and fourth places from 2012.
Why would i hide my flag jamal?
I have noticed this too, but I like the pirate flag and the libertarian one.
Rob from graves and consider yourselves economic geniuses
They are for losers.
Proud of your self confidence
nothing to discuss anymore
just endless waves of shills trolling each other
8:30 here representing for my Anglo brothers across the Isles.
land lubber XDDDDDDDD
can't post anything without 50 Americans replying with "get back into your cuckshed sven"
Can't wait for the (you)s
pirates are the new leafs
It's just memes dude.
I like Sweden :)
USA was the greatest country ever between approximately 1945 and 1968. It was still very good up until the early 90s which is when its demographic situation became un-ignorable. USA today is in it's declining phase now which has been slightly slowed down by Trump but either way the Jewmerican empire WILL fall and balkanize. At present the only thing USA has left is its economy and its debt based systems' days are numbered. Its future will still be much better than western Europes though.
There's a confirmation bias in favour of you guys.
Apparently pole/ is some super serious shit guys.
Be brave Watch out Stay safe.
Muh flags
> "literally every country"
I wish we used pictures of our hands instead of flags so we knew who were white and who were not.
>he doesn't believe in the saeculum
The Crisis is coming, but the regeneracy will come swiftly upon its heels. Six years.
>he isn't a black nationalist
Literally a collection of world's real country traitors, meeting in a land to do market. No culture, no own language, no rules, no race definition.
>literally typing
so weird
Say goodbye to your precious rares. I would use a false flag if my ideology were listed. How hard would it have been to add Taoism?
>jealous of burgers
>Literally every country except USA
how fucking stupid are y... nevermind, youre american, move along.
Stop lying. Sweden only gets those replies when you say something to deserve it. And you get that way more from Europeans than you do us.
I have noticed a massive drop in leaf flags
I wonder why..
They shitpost in such a specific way you can tell who they are. Whenever someone posts on a board without flags I can usually tell if they are Canadian or not.
Makes it easier to spot the Canadians, Krauts and that one flag that has yellow and blue in it.
>new flags
It has literally just been 2.5 years. Are there only newfags left on Sup Forums?
When proper flags got brought back the other day I realized just how shit country flags were making Sup Forums.