>Most educated ethnic group in US
>Won't balloon in size like a white roastie
>Best parenting desu, along with Asian girls
>lowest divorce rates
>Will make you delicious Jollof rice
Would you date a Nigerian-American?
Why are Nigerians always late as fuck to everything?
>>Won't balloon in size like a white roastie
If it weren't for the bright yellow clothing, she would have just blended right in to that background like a chameleon.
Oh, the answer would be no btw. I won't date anyone that I can't see myself eventually having a family with and there isn't a negress alive on this planet hot enough for me to ruin my genes with hers.
clocks are racist user
American-born black people are not the same as Nigerian Americans
I'd date but not mate.
But I find a lot of these posts are superficial.
You're just asking if we'd fuck her and of course we would.
You're just judging the woman based on her looks and that's wrong.
There's so many more factors to consider other than her looks, you shallow prick, like:
Who she is as a person and the fact that her friends will be your friends and you'll end up hanging out with a bunch of niggers.
Not cool.
No thanks I don't want any american taint on my nubian queen
>judging her based on looks
read the post
But can it pick up cotton?
Of course not. Is that her real hair or a wig?
I'm not sure
this. the american negro is deranged due to hundreds of years of selective breeding for low intelligence and BBC.
You miss the point. Nigerian Americans are pretty much better than white Americans in virtually every category.
Highly educated, very high IQs, extremely socially conservative Christians(many literally want to kill homos) and they are very athletically gifted.
Nigerian Americians should avoid white Americans for their own sake.
>Who she is as a person
so deep my friendo.
>very high IQ
Better than most of Africa, but nowhere near Europe or Asia.
Begone civic filth
Quality thread.
>Americans thinking African blacks are better than their blacks
I always kek hard
>very high IQs
Used to be classified as "legally retarded"
I heard negro females used to work in brothels and picked up all sorts of DNA from redskins, chinks, Mexicans, and white oil drillers of course. That's why the American negro is so fucked up.
0/10 b8 m8
Thanks user, I have jungle fever now
According to what?
I would make sweet love to that coon
The whole post was basically a satrical setup for when I get to say, "niggers." Satire can be damn difficult in text only.
Anyways, I get ya. You value having a family and having it raised right. I applaud that.
But again, you'll know every nigger she knows and you won't feel love for them all. In fact you'll probably fuckin despise a lot of them.
Then consider who your half black kids are gonna be taking home as friends and lovers: full blown street niggers.
Do you want that nigger life?
You'll end up doing and saying racist shit and they'll all hate you for it and then that nigger will divorce your ass and take your house, car, kids and half your pay check, all because her skin is black.
And folks say color is insignificant, pfffft.
I would date jewish woman
>highly educated
>controls the world
>rich and attractive
No everyone would just assume she was a regular sheboon.
She doesn't fuck white bois
Re-tread. Fuck off
WMBF has the lowest rates
Oh yeah baby, that 60 mean IQ is so hot oh yeaaaah you're making me horny come on let's make subhuman mongrels oh yeaaaaah so hooot.
>fuck it
>babbies come out brown
>even if we manage to steer them right, generational decline will ensure shit-head mulatto grandkids
>my legacy becomes a problem for white people 2-3 generations down the line
Your country seems to love them.
Regression to the mean is one hell of a drug.
>mean 60 IQ
I would date literally anyone
who actually liked me
84 is very high for a retard tier overpopulated Boko Haraming country like Nigeria. Nigerian Americans and in particular Nigerian Americans belonging to the Igbo community are Jew/Asian tier.
Nigerians are pretty bro. They tend to be super catholic and hard working. Wouldn't have a lot of them here, I'm not sure our cultures are 100% compatible, but having a few around is fine.
The US Health Department you dumb ass coon
>Nigerian Americans belonging to the Igbo community are Jew/Asian tier.
jigaboo please
And sorry for saying, "nigger" so much.
I don't actually consider Africans to be niggers. Every African I've ever met has been friggen awesome desu
I reserve nigger for American Blacks. Terrible and entitled POS most of them.
But yeah, if that gorgeous African woman with great qualities like that wants to get herself a white american, well she won't have a problem. She could basically take her pick.
But it won't be me. I feel my duty as a genetic white is more important than whether or not I'm in love with this minority or that one.
You're creating individual people. It's immoral to choose to make them a minority IMO.
It's totally moral and smart for her to want to have a half white though, as that will give her child a much better chance at success.
Would bang, but not for the purpose of procreating.
choose exactly 0
Who is this bitch?
The nigger in OP is legitimately more attractive than that she-goblin. Kill yourself Moshe
Niggerboy please, it's every sheboon's dream to get a White man.
A corner "queen" can be had for $15.
Black African girls can be pretty attractive, but they come from a completely different place culturally and it's for that reason that I'm not interested in them
There's a couple hundred thousand, which is small in the grand scheme of things, but there's a good chance you'll run into one at some point
I would. Black people from africa are better than american niggers.
Blacks are incapable of effective planning.
i would never pull out
I'm not into the OP but I would definitely date this girl.
My cousin is dating a black girl who's kinda like this one, and damn. I'm not really into black girls but I can totally see why he's dating her.
So if blacks had high IQs, you'd blanda upp right away?
I don't choose people by their ethnicity, racist.
>A literal meme of a study
Saw a black girl yesterday at the mall for the first time in my life. Fit, brazillian ass, but those portruding cheekbones and fat lips are unattractive to me..pass.
Only fem blacks that are attractive to me are Ethiopian ones.
>schools that advertise during daytime tv don't count
>most nigger women are fat
>honestly the worst parents on earth are black women
>because the are desperate to have you
>nigger food is just Cajun food cooked poorly
Plus niggers have disgusting brown skin and black nipples.
yes. thats why AMWF is Sup Forums approved.
I would date any woman that didn't weigh more than me.
>daytime tv schools
They go to Duke, Berkeley, similar schools desu. IIRC at top ranked schools they are a 1/3 of all black grads
No it's not you fucking weeb
If they spread their pussy and it is pink they are given pass.
If they spread their pussy and it looks like a California Raisin then I pass...
Pretty accurate
>tfw no fit nubian queen gf
She looks pretty guy is man...
What is her name
No, thanks. I'd like to have kids that look like me.
dont be intimidated, leaf. we are allies.
Fuck off and go study for your test before I shove you into a locker
Because they never met actual nigerians
date? bruh, i'm going to outright MARRY one.
If you aren't aware, most African-Americans have an estimated 24% of White-American blood pumping through their veins. Therefore they're not even proper Africans, merely WE WUZ MANE
God damn, if some good toe don't activate my almonds
>remember to recycle, don't litter, follow the rules and obtain legit tags for hunting and try to obtain a subsistence garden
>it's the HuWhite thing to do
I'd definitely keep that one as a love slave slave.
What's a good toe?
cameltoe, my leafy friend
Nipples are too big. Would still fuck though.
Jews like to turn everything on it's head..
There used to be a time when white men would put black women on display for the white man's enjoyment and they would fuck their black slaves and make the men raise their bastard.
Blacks were slaves and cuckolds for hundreds of years and black women to this day ache for white men. Black men at the very least use violence against their women to keep them from running into the white man's arms. Their barbarism is the only thing keeping their culture relevant. Without it, it would get swallowed by superior cultures.
wrong pic
This! East africans are the only good looking ones.
A white man who would fuck a nigger is betraying his white heritage.
I like my negresses shiny
why do all black woman pictures have them covered in oil?
Because that woman isn't attractive. Black women can have nice bodies, but they're just not attractive enough for me to want to mate with them.
No. Africans cannot be trusted.