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This is where they died. In their racks, tucked in and resting after a day of work, feeling safe and comfy because they were ensured that the crew on watch were doing their jobs.
They were either immediately crushed and died a quick death without ever waking up, or trapped in a sealed off compartment as it filled up with cold sea water.
Again, coffin racks are pretty comfy as long as everyone masturbates quietly.
We had woodgrain stratica tile on the Fitz, not that ugly blue PRC deck.
They deserved better. Seriously this time.. F.
I always wondered whether an ELSA/EBA would work long enough underwater to swim out if the breach was large enough.
That is a nightmarish way to die if you dont get knocked out instantly from the impact
I hope their wives bulls console them tonight
The officer of the watch should be hung from the yard arm. And the captain given 50 lashes on the admirals mast before being made to walk the plank.
How the fuck did this happen.
How can the crew of a military vessel be so incompetent
All Jodies deserve every Troy ounce of buckshot they catch.
What do you do with the socks? They still smell like cum.
Also, unrelated but I looked up Submarine interiors out of curiosity and it is just tubes, valves, gauges, and screens. Why someone wouldn't study their fucking ass off to be an officer instead of a cog in that machine is beyond me. I know they can't all be pilots but damn.
17 enforcers of the Jewish new world order dead, whats not to like?
something is fucking up with that cargo ship
Find out what the nigger population is and I can bet it factors in somehow
You were on the Fitz? I was Reagan.
Sub operators get paid a lot because no one wants to do it.
F in peace
Midway here.
>yeah, I'm old
>What do you do with the socks? They still smell like cum.
We're in the ocean.
>Also, unrelated but I looked up Submarine interiors out of curiosity and it is just tubes, valves, gauges, and screens. Why someone wouldn't study their fucking ass off to be an officer instead of a cog in that machine is beyond me. I know they can't all be pilots but damn.
If we were all officers there wouldn't be any engineers. Some people want to work the machinery and keep track of everything, some people want to feel important and ask what they should write in the log.
No one wants to be a SWO. They are the bottom of the barrel wrt officer types.
Also, they were probably working on 3 hours of sleep and on their 3rd monster.
But I dunno, maybe it was the container ship's fault. I'm just so used to the Navy fucking everything up.
Routine breeds incompetence and bad practice. A command climate that lets minor infractions slide because they are minor.
Accidents like this are never freak accidents. There is always a pattern of behavior that leads up to it. Its why the military is places such an emphasis on procedure and protocol and flips out whenever its not followed. Because people die if it is not.
Huh. Well that is interesting.
God bless those boys. The lot.
>3 hours of sleep and on their 3rd monster
Yup. That's pretty much how it is.
Rotten way for a sailor to die. All due respect to their families and may they rest in peace. F
Welfare for useless cunts. Never fight in wars sans marines, float around on birthing ships never seeing any form of combat. Even the pilots are glorified pussies. The navy is a fucking joke. We're the only country in the world with a real navy and it's thanks to engineers and the GDP (read: pretrodollar (read: army)). The obsolete fucks in the navy will die the moment a real war breaks out to both nukes and specially designed anti-ship weapons.
>Also, they were probably working on 3 hours of sleep and on their 3rd monster.
There's only a 97% chance that was the case.
Seriously fuck these servants of ZOG. I'm sure they shat their pants right before they died like the miserable worms they are. May they rot in piss.
>ultra expensive and high tech US naval destroyer captained by a officer with years and years of training
>gets scuttled by a small fishing vessel captained by a drunk asian
lel you cant make this stuff up
It's thanks to John Paul Jones.
America would have lost that God damn war if he didn't go, "Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. You stupid fucks are going to decide you'll have no navy? Fuck that. Send me to France, I'll talk to Louis."
A sailor.
You're just mad that we bogart your women whenever we're around.
Affirmative action
I forget what they called it, I've been out awhile, but some Lt was schooling us on how minor things lead up to bigger things, which lead up to even bigger things. There was three levels of problems, the lowest being leaving trash lying around.
He broke down how minor things and people being incompetent was how the fire on the USS George Washington got so out of control. I forget all of them, but it was a lot of minor things that compounded into a disaster. People not doing their daily cleaning caused dust to build up in the vents, people not properly storing hazmat, lack of training with DC, people smoking where they shouldn't have been. So someone was chilling under a vent and flicked their butt up into it so it sucked it out of the compartment, into one where someone put a bunch of paint where it wasn't supposed to be and caused a fire. The fire spread through the ducts because no one was cleaning and the dust helped it along. Then it just started popping up in random parts of the ship and no one was communicating effectively because they weren't trained properly.
Have you seen the average Aussie slag? You can have em.
>butthurt jarhead detected
Was it rough listening to mommy take all those nigger dicks through the thin walls of your trailer?
Broken Window Theory. It's not the Broken Window Hypothesis.
you pile into cheap strip clubs and usually end up tossed out at which point you go back to your ship and play swap the poopdeck. nobody is fucking a us sailor except another sailor
Crew Resource Management
It is Trump fault
Seven sailors is the movie
wtf how can he get those things done when theres golf to play
Is that what it was? I just remember he came through the plant and freaked the fuck out because there was a small puddle of lube oil so we asked him why the fuck he was sperging about it. So he told us about the Washington and created some nightmare scenario involving our puddle of lube oil that came off as some Final Destination type shit. It worked, I still remember.
Don't need your permission, Jack.
You're adorable.
Is that a thing on ships? I'm a pilot type so we train to that crap. But lol if you have to do that on a ship that sucks there's so many of you people and you are all so mediocre at your job.
Trumps fault that the left wont confirm any of his choices, right his fault.
Must be his fault too that sequestration happened and that Obama was busy funding billion dollar toys instead of taking care of people.
Swiss cheese theory. There are multiple barriers in place to prevent a disaster (in this case, out of control fire). The more "holes" there are in each barrier (guys not cleaning, lack of training, not following smoking rules) the more likely a major event will occur
>pay incentives
>top secret clearance
>hard-to-get warfare device
It's what the they teach the Air Force aircrews...same concept.
Basically every mistake that you make forms a hole in the safety net that each position in the plane is responsible for
If enough of the holes end up lining up you get a bunch of dead people.
>insists on a loyalty oath
No career officer wants to waste their time on Cheeto Fatty.
The navy probably has a different name for it.
RIP. Next time bomb that ship to pieces.
>7 ZOG minions dead
Good riddance.
Eh, I am Army and even I know the value of the Navy. They keep wars in Durka Durkastan rather then close to home. It should also be noted that if shit hits the fan, the Navy gets some of the worst casualties as a percentage of force. A ship sinking is the equivalent to an entire Army Battalion getting wiped out. In great power naval battles, 60% killed or wounded is considered a good day if you win.
What's your address, buddy?
Fuck you. You'll be the first to hang on the day of the rope.
Edgy. Summer school got you down kiddo?
this lol
are americans so fucking lazy and/or dumb that they need complicated systems to be able to accomplish simple tasks like sweeping floors?
Jew lovers spotted.
>Muh based Israel pawns
Go back to sucking the eternal jew off elsewhere.
Thank God I was on a sub where being qualified still means something, even if it is getting shittier by the day
Welfare queens btfo.
>Butthurt welfare queens
play stupid games win stupid prizes
>check out this kid
Mommy didn't bring home mt dew and tendies today?
Rest in peace, Sailors.
>Cant even fucking swim
Top tier navy you got there
It's the military, they over complicate everything. Besides, they have to constantly be on everyone's ass about cleaning because it's hard to convince someone to sweep a floor that was just swept two hours ago. That's how it is, they call cleaning and you literally just swabbed this section of deck and they want you to do it again, so you're thinking "fuck this, I just fucking cleaned it".
Only a leaf would call a swiss cheese model complicated...
>cant even hold their breath for a day
>muh fighting for Israel
Implying Israel hasn't cucked the entire Middle East several times by itself.
The only reason Israel isn't fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan is because the mudslime allies would refuse to cooperate with any coalition force they were apart of.
Back to the_donald
Here is the resident Jew lover here to defend another arm of The Eternal Jew.
>he keeps calling it the swiss cheese model
Yeah the quals were a fucking joke. They would put people on watch that barely had any idea what the fuck they were doing aside from taking logs. This was because the person writing the watch bill would be constantly bitched at by people standing watch that they didn't want to stand so much watch. So they would take a bunch of firemen that were on the boat for a few months and rush them to get qualified, and have them standing watch KINDA knowing what's going on.
t. kike
Can personally confirm that one. A third of the Washington caught fire all at once because niggers were smoking in the JP5 pump rooms and tossing the butts into ventilation intakes, which led to fan-rooms where other aviation niggers were stashing their paint thinner for some reason.
Took us more than 25 hours to put it out, we're told it was the second-worst fire in naval history, next to the Forrestal.
My GQ station was Investigator for Repair Locker 41.
Never forget our boys on the front line. God speed.
They drowned in flooded, sealed birthing
All of that pussy you never got in high school really rekt your life, huh?
I had a buddy that was on the ship during the fire and came to my ship. He worked in Reactor.
Go be a commie in the homeland of
>How the fuck did this happen.
They had their AIS off.
>meanwhile military wives/gfs cheat on them back home
>It thinks that we don't dumb down the joint training with leafs with lots of pretty pictures and safe spaces.
Enjoy your cucked country friend. At least some of you have the balls to step up for something.
fuck off juden scum
may they rest in peace.
The container ship was making weird turns and the officers on watch had their heads up their asses.
>Literally being this cucked
>can't do one pushup
I was probably one of a handful of well rested SWOs in the fleet. I always made sure to get at least 6 hours if not 8 hours of sleep every day. My department head hated it but he was too lazy to come and make sure I was in my office working at ungodly hours so I got my rack time.
Pilots get mandatory rack time, I don't see why bridge watchstanders shouldn't get it too. Ships are more expensive than planes.
Going to bed
Just want to use Pepe the sailor man first
Good night and keep talking, pollucks
I think they made the turns after the collision.
I was an EMN, I definitely knew the guy. If his name isn't Timmons, Mason, or Lambert buy him a beer for me.
Yar, they'll be sailing with Davey Jones aboard the flying Dutchman as spirits of the deep now. May their winds be ever fair and their loot be ever fortunate.
Thats pretty fucking retarded Vincenzo high level posts like the secretary of the navy has fuck all to do with daily operations like this.
>Le fedora meme