>Don't mind me, just destroying western civilisation
Don't mind me, just destroying western civilisation
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That's not a Jew
>if only fucking idiots had more children the world would be a better place
Real talk how am I supposed to nut inside and all over that pussy anyway else?
you forgot your flag
>Have your gf/wife take a pill that costs $5/month and lets you creampie everytime without worry
>Creampie once and gg enjoy your shitty child support
Fuck you faggot. Birth control pills are the only good thing women have adopted in the past 100 years.
Agreed 100%.
Birth control was invented and popularized by Jews (Margaret Sanger and her crew) and retarded cucks like Alex Jones have the nerve to call here a "Nazi"! It's verifiable fact that she was a kike! How can you call a kike a nazi?!
>good goyim, give sexual selection without consequence to women.. Yes..
>Now that they are sexually independent give them the right to vote..
enjoy getting outbreed by us white boi
Birth control has done nothing but encourage more incest.
Keep up the memeing cunt. The only people I have ever heard shitting on birth control were virgins or faggots.
Don't worry.
Someone created Planned Parenthood just for you!
Everybody is having more children. Everybody except the West.
He's not memeing, birth control is a large part of what is wrong with society today.
Yes Got that's why more babies are born with birth defects and Mental health issues. Yes take it from when your 14-28 little girl so we can make sure kids grow up with mental health issues
As much as the Golan thing pisses me off, the bigger problem is not so much stealing a few farms here or there, the big problem is that a Jewish state exists.
Zionism is the greatest disaster to humanity, Jews should not be allowed to have a state ANYWHERE in the world, not even Antarctica. The best thing the world can do is place them in re-education camps, and gradually get them to abandon the Talmud and become Christian. Let them not even know they are Jewish.
Not an argument
I dated a girl for 4 years. We were in love in that way that you'd think only exists in movies, except more. The only way to understand that kind of love is to be in it. We lost our virginities together, and I wanted nothing more than to live by her side for the rest of my life.
She decided to go on birth control. Slowly but surely it changed her. Her emotions flattened out. Her mood changed from a young, fun, humorous girl into an unpredictable, uncertain cynic.
Her breasts lost their firmness. She gained weight around her thighs. And she quickly stopped wanting sex. Around year 4, I told her that I couldn't live like that, and left. She didn't seem to care at all. Like I wasn't even important to her anymore.
After I left, she had no reason to take the pill so she stopped. Her body bounced back. Her mood improved. And the next time I saw her it was like we were both 17 again. She was beautiful, horny, and in love with me again.
I'd already made plans to move across the country. I had to keep going. She said she wanted to be with me and she loved me. I couldn't stay.
She's single still. 10 years later. I really was the only man for her. I know it. We were soulmates. But I moved on because she took some pills that ruined our relationship. We'd still be together, with kids, and a life... if only she hadn't taken those pills.
Mate, wtf is that flag?
Yeah until the woman you dating goes batshit crazy for no reason, then you're left wondering how someone that psycho can even exist. Then the next girlfriend acts the exact same way. Then you wonder if its a coincidence. After a couple of ass-backwards arguments, you start to wonder if its the exogenous estogen that is fucking her brain up. Obviously bareback no worries is nice,,, but the psycho bitch is bad news. Makes you wonder about the benefits of marriage.
Lmao just get a vasectomy dummy
Things that never happened
Majority of the people that use that are shitskins
there was less illegitimacy and child support before bc
people were more selective and less promiscuous
It did happen. The reason I typed so much is because it still affects me deeply to this day. It was the kind of love you don't forget about. You can't forget about it. It was like a slice of heaven on earth, and birth control ruined it.
jesus dude that really sucks
degenerate take off that flag
cant have white babies with a vasectomy
you do realize that shit gets into the water supply, right?
ITT retarded faggots that think having kids will solve all the problems plaguing whites
>not being a man and nut in her mouth
How about just telling her to not take the birth control you dumbass. Instead of pussying out and moving across the country from a girl you can't stop thinking about it.
The real issue in this country is people not knowing how to fucking communicate over 5 years with someone.
I didn't piece together what was causing it until later. By the time I realized it, it was too late and the damage was done. And when I realized she still loved me, I was with another girl. I stayed with that girl for a multitude of reasons, and I'm ultimately happy I did. What bothers me is that my first love is still all alone. She contacted me and admitted that she'd never been with anyone since me. No dating, no boyfriends, no nothing. And if you knew her like I know her, you'd understand that she wasn't lying. She was very peculiar in that way. When I met her, the nickname all the guys called her was Fort Knox. She wouldn't do anything with them, even if she agreed to a date.
It took me 3 years of courtship to get to the point where she'd have sex. She was the elusive 'good, traditional girl' that seems to not exist anymore. So I believe her when she says she's been with no one.
Damn, feelsbadman. How is it with the current girl? I swear the worst, saddest thing in the world is that we only have one life to live. So many possible branches of our lives but only one comes to fruition.
Well who are the fucking idiots based on this map?
The old fashioned way
GTFO fetishist
aid to Africa was a mistake
Can I have a redpill on the pill? Why is it bringing it the downfall of western society?
I'm happy with the new girl. I gave up on the idea of ever recapturing that mythical kind of 'head over heels' love. I think it's something reserved for youth, and you just can't get it after a while.
We're happy. We're a good team. And she's pretty redpilled. I think she'll be a great mother too. In the end, I know I'll stick with this one until I die. And also I've found a better 'me' since I've been with her. I like myself more, and I feel that I have more of a purpose.
It just sucks I can't do both, lol. Like you said, it's a bummer we can't explore all the possible branches of our decisions. But I'm sticking with the girl who's stuck with me. She earned it.
larping or shilling, hard to tell
nevermind, definitely larping lmao
I almost agree with you but at the same time, Jews have already converted to Christianity over and over again throughout history. They always retain their Jewish identity despite converting (Jews for Jesus) or they go right back to being kikes after they are given religious freedom again.
Judaism is a religion to be practiced in secret. I have conditioned myself to look at Judaism as a secret society filled with occult practices because that's exactly what it is. We need to break the paradigm of seeing Jews as quirky bearded men.
>it's another "if we have more children then the internationalists that value only infinite expansion and de-nationalization will let us keep our societies" thread
You have to strangle the evil global capital system before any change takes place. You're being sacrificed upon the altar of pragmatic economics.
"b-but now i can fuck as many guys as i like and not have to worry about consequences! Whats that? the right, and replublican parties want to stop birth control hand outs? STOP CONTROLLING MY BODY YOU PATRIACHAL PIG!"
white women are literally the most disgusting identity that exists among humans today.
Guize , fist of all sage your posts, It's full of sliders out there , don't reply at all, if it's a empty slider , just let it go so we focus on our proper Sup Forums material.
Abort thread
getting married when you dont want to procreate...whats wrong with you?
This, don't let your wife/gf take the stuff.
I was on this for only a year when I first got married because I was only 19 and everyone told me not to have kids right away because I was too young.
Ended up developing two tumors in my womb, both tennis ball sized that caused me to have a miscarriage and may make me permanently infertile not to mention other health issues it is causing.
The tumors are benign but they can grow to the size of a pumpkin and can't be removed surgically without me becoming entirely infertile.
messing with your hormones is never good.
Not to mention that it stays in our water....
This, I only got off of birth control because my husband told me to. Otherwise I'd probably still be on it and have even more health problems because of it.
I got blood clots in my lungs myself. Pretty painful, still have attacks of chest pain. Ended up on bloodthinners for a few years. The estrogen in the pill was the cause. On a progestorin only pill now. Most men have been conditioned to expect women are on the pill, my current partner wouldn't have it any other way.
It's nice to know I'm safe but I don't like what it's doing to my body and I don't like that society has normalized it.
Similar has happened to me with 2 different girls, over the course of like a month since beginning the pills they went from being the sweetest girls you could imagine to permanently aggressive turbo cunts.
My gf has been taking the pill for years because she had ovarian cysts and a doctor told her it's the only way to cure and prevent it. Yet the pills fuck up her immune system and digestion due to the fact they devastate gut flora.
Do you know anything about this issue? Should I tell her to stop taking them? I don't want her to suffer from cysts again.
We use those everywhere, not just the west
>fuck girl once
>have child
>get vasectomy
>fuck as much as you want without her taking birth control
That's why you should stick to anime girls
I'm trying to think of a pasta-related Rumpelstiltskin pun but I can't do it.
good slaves keep breeding like machines.
that's all you're worth, right?
goddamnit I meant Rapunzel
Those are typical.
Once you have some experience with relationships you learn to never let your gf take the pill.
Even if it's just the mendatory libido huge drop it's already too much, I'd rather fuck a horny and dripping wet girl with a condom than go raw in a moody lifeless bitch.
Mom had 7 kids, right before deciding to get pregnant with me she was on those pills. I'm the only acoustic child with adhd, even though she was young.
Could have been those pills, idk. Or just bad luck.
Thankyou for making me feel like a princess.
>Men are tapping out of having a family
>OMG they are just obsessed with videogames
>Playing Rocket League
>Marrying some roastie feminist who will just divorce you, take everything you've nearly worked yourself to death for leaving you alone at 35 in some run down apartment playing Rocket League
boy, i hope that's just poor b8
>letting anyone get anywhere near your family jewels with a scalpel and a pair of scissors
My wife got rid of the pill after reading about the long-time side effects. It was proven right, because she hadn't had her period in over four month by now. We are simply using condoms for now.
my wife started getting HBP, she's fit and a cardio bunny, stay away
Who the fuck would lie on the internet?
How does this not fuck their brain and body long term? It's awful for men to take testosterone long term, and birth control is essentially estrogen and other hormones?
Plebbitor detected
>implying that the idiots are the ones using birth control correctly.
Natural selection will solve the fertility problem. Women with a weak desire to reproduce will be removed. Higher religiosity will be selected for.
Archive please
>youtube com/watch?v=ZjuBRaLYWnA
>theguardian com/science/2017/jan/16/natural-selection-making-education-genes-rarer-says-icelandic-study
>be sitting down next to a girl in her early twenties
>she is indeed very uppity trash
>alarm pops
>"time to take my birth control teehee :^)"
>feel sickened to my stomach
I pray to god that these whores represent a small part of our society and I just fell for the r9k memes. If not, we're fucking doomed
Pretty sure the Jews are genetically evil. They would inevitably gravitate back to being Kikes.
Any particular reason why you have archives of these? Are (((they))) going to delete the original articles or something?
fuck off concernkike
Um no. Birth control makes you really sick. It gives most women crazy mood swings and it's hard to think straight on it. I cried a lot and started fights over crazy small things.
It is so much better to simply educate women on their fertile periods and teach them that oral sex is a great way to have sex without getting pregnant during the 9-11 days each month where PIV could cause pregnancy.
This exactly. Glad it wasn't all in my head.
it's a vaginal jew. same thing
Did you get you get a full hormone panel before going on it?
Which birth control method did you use, did you use the estrogen+antiandrogen method or progesterone method?
Artificial wombs and artificial eggs will solve the fertility problem
How the hell do you not know what the iron cross is?
>no greentext
>Reddit spacing
>maximum LARPing
You need to go back
>got fat
>saggy boobs
>unhappy and stressed out.
Yup. Might be a LARP or be a regretful grill but it sounds accurate.
It's about not giving them clicks or page views.
>oestrogen pills makes you bald and makes you have a masculine face........post puberty as well
It should be outlawed, not because muh babbies, but because it contaminates the water supply.
>says she's been with no one since me
>believes she was with no one
If she was with no one before and no one after, she would say "only" not "no one since.." You.
>teach them that oral sex is a great way to have sex without getting pregnant during the 9-11 days each month where PIV could cause pregnancy
Can't you people just keep it in the pants? Jesus.
lol only in the US.
In Canada we test it and filter it in most provinces. All the data on how much estrogen there is in water is public knowledge here, they publish it every single month in every province.
iirc they cut the vas deferens through the front above your dick and below the belly button
you still cum, you just dont shoot out any sperm
What does removing upper-lip hair have to do with destroying western society?
>>if only fucking idiots had more children the world would be a better place
Idiots are the only ones having babies you retard. The amount of babies subsidised by benefits whilst moral people work hard and have one baby later in life at the most.
Every woman suffers from cysts every month when the egg is released. It's painful for most women. The Pill prevents ovulation but so does pregnancy
>no hormones in water to turn men into women
And you still elect Trudeau.
No you goose, he means she has multiple cysts, most likely Polycystic ovary syndrome where there are like 12 or so.
My gf has it and also takes the pill for that reason.
Wouldn't work, behaviour is 100% genetic.
Only complete genocide can save them.
>Implying you need a condom
Just track her menstrual cycle, women are only fertile for 1 week of the month