How do you meet redpilled women?

I don't mean full on 1488ers, just women that are decidedly right-wing. Woke on Islam, patriotic, not totally degenerate, anti-immigration, that sort of stuff. Or people in general like that for that matter. This sort of stuff might not be that hard in the states but the >FUCKING LEAF part is probably relevant.

Other urls found in this thread:

you don't

think of women like dogs, they take on aspects of their masters. therefore if you slowly redpill a woman she will conform to the desired traits. if you are too forward or forceful in this respect she will rid herself of you quickly.

become her master and she will be faithful
become her equal and she will stray

doesn'r exist
go to church and get a religious wife
also this

you dont

you redpill them yourself

that being said however, some are MORE bluepilled than others

thus you can make it easier on yourself by picking a girl who
>comes from the country
>has a good relationship with her mother and father
>has a mother who is a housewife
>is christian

then you establish yourself as the leading male in her life. eventually you can slowly start to redpill her, most easily by debating your real life experiences with shitskins and diversity.

>go to church and get a religious wife

The old people at my church are mostly pretty conservative but the young adults are all totally cucked, the young adult pastor who is a massive SJW is partly to blame for this but fuck its an Alliance Church, those are supposed to be pretty conservative.

As said some have to be less bluepilled then others so tips on finding those women would be helpful.

i literally just fucking explained to you how to find them

they dont live in big cities
they have a stable family life
they have a stay at home mom
they go to church

you arnt going to get a fucking google directions url link to finding them moron

they are all over the place, you just need to be able to spot the sign and avoid the ones who dont meet the criteria above

you wont find a full 1488 girl, you have to turn her into one, girls who match the description above will be responsive to you moulding them

>i literally just fucking explained to you how to find them

Your right, your single post was a comprehensive list of every single possible way I could look for such a person, there was literally nothing else anyone could possibly add to this discussion and no other possible suggestions.

the most realist post i saw on poll in a long time.
Women like to be subjugated and taught. If I could tell you just one advice on women:


They exist but they are successful and not readily available.
I work for one.
She is self made, rich, powerful and totally in charge in s macho industry,
Red pilled more than 75% of pol.

Just come and grab a Yankee girl from the country they are red pilled as fuck and usually country families are friendly too. City Yankees are usually bluepilled but if you find a good one they are usually rich and their parents don't care what you do. No offense, but a red pilled girl in Canada is nearly impossible as I have heard.

Redpilled women will make YouTube channels

Don't you want a women like Lauren Southern?

Red pilled women don't exist.

Rural Canada is the same as rural US. We have extreme religious communities, people with guns and rodeos filled with red pilled country chicks. OP just needs to not be in a liberal city.

I used to go way up into interior BC every year and stay at a lake cabin with a bunch of friends. Local chicks would show up and all of them were totally red pilled, generally good looking blonde chicks.

They exist here just you have to leave the city to find them

no offence but american women are usually terrible. they warm up nicely to canadian boys (im being serious) but they are are cold as ice until we douse them in our hot syrup

yeah pretty much as you can see by every subsequent post being a rehash of one the points i mentioned

American women can be a pain in the ass I have learned that the hard way, but once you assert alpha at a point where she is doesn't mind she will come crawling to you.

Western women are trash. They all LARP as men and have no maternal instinct.

Go to eastern Europe and find a woman.

Look for a good wife, not a girl who fits an ideological checklist

I'm a redpilled woman

i have a cock tho.


yes they have a tough shell but once you crack it the juice comes flowing out

How far into the country would I have to go? I live in the lower mainland.

Also you have to get them young (less than 21) if you want to be able to mold their mind easily

Do you think a nice girl would go for you guys?

Online dating is your only hope. Set up an attractive but honest OkCupid profile, and start looking. If you're willing to hunt outside of an easy drive, you'll find someone. Just don't come off as a hard-ass fanatic by mentioning Muslims etc. Say you're a "traditionalist, moderate conservative" or something like that.

>online dating

I'm dating a girl born in Australia with parents from Croatia. Her mother is Croatian and quite religious. Both her parents are pretty conservative and seem "redpilled" but they aren't really knowledgable about it, they just seem like your typical religious catholic family that doesn't really know why they are religious they just are because its tradition. Unfortunately she (my gf) is nothing like them and is heavily influenced by her libfag friends. I try to redpill her and she says she agrees with some things and strongly disagrees with others but can't give actual reasons for her opinions and just gets mad at me.

What do?

I mean, why are you asking me and most of Sup Forums? I can't even get a gf, let alone worry about redpilling her. I've never even had a female friend.

You show her the truth. Show her the proof that has been posted into the public and debunked shit. If she doesn't want to listen you can't save her.

The selection on OKCupid really is lacking, I'm lucky if there are 100 active profiles within my area, and those are almost all normies.

>argue with your gf using peer-reviewed statistics

Please let this meme die

Rare. Start fuckin trannys. All you right wing wanna be radicals secretly love tranny ass anyway. Join the movement

Anything past Hope is considered to be the interior.

Lots of redpilled young catholic women at my Church. That said women need leadership and often have most of that sorted through people in their lives telling them about it. Few women seek out politics.

Only remotely "redpilled" girl I've been with was Chinese. Even so, hers was just born out of simple minded xenophobic prejudice rather than any deep thought on societal or biological differences. She started off hating blacks, Muslims etc. I thought her why.

White British women are too far gone for any of this.

Women leadership? Have you not seen Europe and Britain?

> it's not enough to hate black people and Muslims due to prejudice
> you must hate them due to peer reviewed studies


>Been with current gf for 3 years
>I started out moderately redpilled, and had browsed Sup Forums regularly for a few years even before I met her
>Since then, I have become increasingly redpilled and conservative in my beliefs
>Despite all my attempts to subtly redpill her and show her the light, she insists on being a head-in-the-sand liberal
>It's not even the fact that her beliefs are different, I have plenty of good friends who are lefty cucks but it doesn't come between us
>It's more the point that in 3 years of being together, I'm beginning to take it as a sign of disrespect that she flatly ignores every point I make and insists on stubbornly remaining ignorant about certain issues, with no indication that things will change in the future

Wat do?

It's been a serious source of tension for us in the last year, and while I'm confident enough in my own beliefs that I'm happy to surround myself with people of all opinions, I feel like she doesn't respect me.


By raping them, im a black

Men leading women you dunce.

stop posting that cucked flag, nigger


saying "woke" is for niggers and faggots. if you say it as a joke you'll eventually start saying it regularly
>tfw i say bro non-ironically sometimes :(

don't hide your feelings for long.
if the girl happens to be a feminist, try to use women's issues to stoke her race realism.
migrant rapes, who is actually cat calling, niggers and currycels harassing them whenever they go out with their friends.

I don't think canada has racial crime stats, but if u look at canada's most wanted criminals, maybe only 50% are white. Counting very liberally i include spics, and dark europeans and ambiguous. i counted like 50/109 to be possibly white, we're about 73% white country (it drops about 3% whiteness every 5 years.86%white in 1996, 76% white in 2011

fuck her harder.
im joking obviously but also its true.
If you're already doing it with gusto, gotta assess how happy you are with the relationship.
Sometimes having a baby redpills a woman, but having a baby with a shittier woman would be a nightmare

They stopped releasing them a while ago, but they're about what you'd expect.