When will Japan realize that they need to accept more immigrants to raise their birth rates and prevent labor shortage? Their economy will collapse otherwise.
Japan is over without migrants
Japan needs the BBC
JIDF, please go
No they will probably punish the "grass eaters" first in some way, extra taxes or whatever. They will probably start making or increasing incentives for having children. Basically they will probably do everything they can to increase the population the natural way first before resorting to mass immigration.
It's overpopulated as fuck. Japan is fine.
>if you don't shit in your drinking water it'll dry up!
stfu shill. they're doing it right.
I'd gladly go, I can hook up some Jap broads with a son, I can't miss.
no it won't, it will shrink, but it won't collapse
Better to be poor and still be you.
Fuck off schlomo.
>88 million
Is this supposed to be a small number?
Yeah now, but they're looking at years down the road when they have a huge population of aging retirees without enough people to care for them or take their place in the work force. That's when they'll open the flood gates to western weebs looking for waifus.
Is it really that bad? Take a HARDLINE migration stance.Treat it like Ellis island on steroids.They can discriminate and only take in whites.They dont have to migrate rapefugees.Im sure thee are alot of white guys who would want to start in japan.Make it like a college entrance exam.Take mass applicaitons.Weed out the retards and weaboos,non-whites,feminists,sjw's and let in the ones that would BENEFIT the country.Make a contract with them to help get work and set up and mandatory Japanese-language and writing classes.
Would this not be OK?
funny that all these countries would rather import shitskin garbage and give them welfare rather then take that money and encourage the natives to procreate
raising a kid aint cheap but it should be
fucking jews
Finland does that if im not mistaken.
>set to fall to a higher level than they ever had before the 1950s
Really makes me think.
Sage for spam thread.
Japan was facing an overpopulation issue under a decade ago according to news, unless the honorable Nippon mass seppeku'd a few hundred million this is literally just bullshit tier propaganda from private interests in jewnited nations.
If population were ever an issue there government would blast out incentive programs and give some tax breaks but they're not because there's not a crisis. Might there be in the future? Ya, perhaps because marriage/family is becoming less common and their women are becoming "liberated" but so long as Japan stays the course its simply a bump in the road that absolves in a decade as the pendulum swings back right. What fucks us is reactionary panic from the left, they create a degenerate condition and try to absolve it with counter productive measures, every fucking time because its always a power grab.
You would see a huge boom if kids weren't so fucking expensive.
Most of their economy is now automated, you kike.
What's wrong with less people? The planet is overpopulated.
No it wouldn't be ok. I don't know if your trolling or not, but Japan is one of the few almost completely racially homogeneous nations left. Why the fuck are you disgusting trash excuses for whites begging to be let in and pollute their gene pool? Is this not exactly what has happened in Europe?
How much of a welfare state does Japan have? Their economy can survive a gradual population decrease if they don't have a huge welfare system like Europe.
Why do we need more people everyfuckingwhere?
Developed countries either are dangerously overpopulated or are shrinking dangerouslY.
Oh no, their over populated island will finally get some breathing room.
It's not pollution when you're superior
why do you care nigger? seriously? they will still make nintendo consoles and sony playstations even if they only had 88 mil people in about 50 years
the answer is you dont your just a nigger faggot kike
You can't have unlimited growth you fucking retard. Shit like this happens in cycles. Populations will decline and then go back up again and repeat ad infinitum
Problem is the majority of those 88 million will be old people living off pension that no one is going to pay for. The welfare system requires an increasing population and a perpetually growing economy.
But I think the Japs know enough to know 3rd world kangz won't pay their pension.
88m in the space of Commiefornia.. what are you retarded, faggot?
If your pension system requires an exponential increase in new people ever year to maintain then it's unsustainable in the first place and is a fucking trash idea
hmm lets see.
Rapefugees or Smart whites..decisions decisions.
Also,no.I dont think YOU are trolling but comparing whites that are to rigorously assimilate and be chosen as the best candidates to migrate to a shitload of black,violent refugees that arnt gonna assimilate.
>There's enough smart white people to spare.
Gas yourself you fucking weeb
I agree with our superiority, brother, but should not all races have their areas to live in peace, without their blood being mixed with others? Wasn't this the true goal of the Nazi party?
Japan is over if Japanese stop having kids.
Immigration won't save it.
Japanese life expectancies are insane because of their incredibly healthy diet, up until the last 30 years where it's all turned into junk food trash and nobody knows how to cook anything anymore.
The reality is that capitalism is built on the principle of constant economic and population growth, which is what braindead countries are trying to manufacture by importing boats full of brown people from the third world.
Of course, none of these "economists" even consider what automation means for a large unskilled labor force with vastly incompatible morals. Societal collapse is coming, in a big way, and Japan is probably going to be one of the few countries that could weather the storm.
the Japanese are famous for being very frugal and saving all their money. They won't need pensions. That's why they had a big recession in the 1990s. Everyone saved their money and didn't buy anything
Fuck off Goldberg
Ya there's no in between because it's all a bunch of bullshit, if an older generation fails to procreate they should starve rather than get government incentives imported. Point blank, back before the government was expected to care for you, you squeezed a kid and said kid took care of you when you were old and feeble, the kid got a house and inheritance and moved on with his own. People overcomplicate shit because they want to pound boy hole instead of a pussy, even faggots in mid centuries still had kids because it was utmost importance to carry on lineage and living status.
If people weren't absolute garbage and shut off the electric Jew and fucked a front hole, life would not be complicated in the first world. It's why there's a stigma to faggots etc, its a threat to the very fabric of society.
by then automation will be widespread
it already is happening
Japan's population is too large
Can I just go bang all of the Japanese girls and bounce?
To spare where retard? To stay in america were social justice is STILL spreading fast.Whites WILL be the minority in time.Its not gonna stop.At least send the best and brightest to carry on somewhere better.
You just want everyone to go down with the ship.Fuck off.
In my opinion, racial purity should be strived for in all races. Why do we lament the pollution of the white gene pool in Europe, then propose we mix with the Japanese?
88 million people and 500 million robots.
When will the villains of the world realize they won't be able to conquer Japan like all the other countries with their fear mongering on a Norwegian online-Photoshop-seminar?
Nope. They'll be perfectly fine while the rest of the world suffers.
Your jew mother need immigrants in her ass! saged
ideal Japanese population is under 50mil
>less people is bad
more people essentially means more cocks for women, ie: only cucks like the "constant growth" meme
Feminism will get rolled back one way or another.
Birth rates start tanking when you give women mountains of rights with no responsibilities. This system can't be maintained though, because men stop working hard to feed a system that fucks them over.
Because white is done.Whites are gonna be the minority.Its just how it is going.If we could keep white cool,but its not happening.Look at the countries trying to not take in rapefugees.They are being FORCED to do it.In america social justice and the like are not stopping at all.Your children,white or not will be face first in that shit at school,college and media.
Japan at least holds onto family and tradition.Maybe one of the last bastions of that.The white race is dying bud,its happening.If we must mix,we might as well do it were its needed and were traditions,family and sjw and feminist bullshit is not the norm.
Every fucking day you make this exact thread. Every fucking day 1 post by this ID.
Every fucking day the mods refuse to add you to the eternal trash bin.
Leave Japan the fuck alone and please kill yourself.
Population falls
Less jobs needed
Less food needed
Plenty space
Only people who suffer are banks and such who thrive on debt and endless unsustainable growth
This, the country has approximately 4/10 the population of the US in less than 1/20 the area of the lower 48 states
They don't need immigrants. They need to have more kids.
Ya, let's up and run giving up all our ancestors labors to a bunch of spics and niggers for status or safety, I'm sure that brave mentality will prove well to another culture.
Just cause its bad doesn't mean you give up, a lot of kikes stayed in Israel and survived the worst of it until it was reestablished, unfortunately they imported all the multicultural European kikes but point being, a certain amount never turned away or fled and survived for centuries occupied and still struggled to exist purely.
Whites will only cease to exist so long as faggots keep running.
They don't even need to let in immigrants. So what if the population is going to decline, Japan is densely populated as fuck. Odds are the population will level off eventually. I might believe the idea of people letting themselves go extinct if even a single case existed of a country's population collapsing to nothing due to negative population growth.
>everyone agrees that overpopulation is a massive problem, especially in fucking Japan of all places
>b-b-but growth!!
Isn't it a little insane that no one in the mainstream left or right acknowledges that population's are gonna have to go down at some point? I'd rather be poor than rich and standing shoulder to shoulder with people anytime I step outside.
dont expect commies to be consistent, they're driven by amenities, unsustainable growth is the only thing they support
I am sorry you are so pessimistic about the future of our race. In my opinion, once the weak, cuckholded whites (who will not reproduce) are bred out of existence. The stronger ones will rise once again.
Japan does have these great traditions and culture, based around family and the past. Why should we go there and mess it up? I doubt we will find common ground in this, but I simply cannot see the difference between muslims invading Europe and whites invading Japan on a genetic level. Would white immigrants be 10000x better than Muslim or black immigrants? Of course, but it still damages the purity and beauty of the Japanese culture.
>men stop working hard to feed a system that fucks them over
this many men in gen y and early gen z just can't be fucked any more.
88 million isn't over. sage
b-b-but muhhhhh immigration
>raising a kid aint cheap but it should be
Society needs to refocus their interests in promoting strong family values
It has to happen at the individual level, as people are no longer inclined to religion and government actively seeks the destruction of the core family
The jews offered us a poison pill and we keep taking it
88 million is a lot of fucking people
canada is huge and has 30 million.
Oh no, they'll go from "grossly overpopulated" to "slightly overpopulated"
How will they ever recover
Look up on wikipedia the demographics of imperial Japan.
This was before all the modern technology they had.
Japan can sustain itself with a population as small as 30 million easily. Probably as a low as 10 as long as they embrace the generational household once more.
Fuck off shill.
everyone knows the Refugees are a way to convert populations to muslim because muslims are the easiest group of people to sway and control. Shits fucking obvious. Ob-V. fuck off.
We lost.You can talk about fighting the good fight,but its over.There was a chance in the 80's on back.Not anymore.Not when white men are called the terrorists of the world but not the antifa-fags who call in bomb threats.
I thought maybe south africa and help the boer,but that aint happening either.You know why? because if ANY white nation looked up and coming,the EU would fuck it.Just like they are fucking the countries not taking in refugees.Maybe poland,hungary and the others that are fighting back,but its all economics and the EU has it.If Poland and hungary hold out,ill have hope.
The running is done if those nations buckle.The ones that fought,fought.The rest capitulated for comfort.
Your son or daughter will be hit with this in school,college and numerous media sources.If he or she doesent accept it,then they will be branded racists and ruined.
to create an artificial crisis that allows the global elite to seize power and put an end to any semblance of individual liberties. But I still dont know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop.
better dead than black.
And japanese people are like robots, they will do what their government want them to do.
NO. Just no.
Sod off! You'd hate seeing millions of low-tier people move to your Country, yet your distorted idea of japan and its society allures you so much that you're willing to go there.
ahh...wonderful. they defeatist tactic "Hey guys, look! I am one of you. There is no chance, we have lost. Lets just lay down and die like sheep getting their throat slit. At least they will be quick and clean, right? Thats something yes?"
Fuck you, you DAMN FUCKING SHILL. I hope you suffer in life, not in a way you think is suffering, but true, hard, suffering, the kind that breaks a man because he has no other options but to endure.
Robots will man the factories, robots will take care of the elderly, the rest of the japs will sit like an effendi and eat.
Why do you assume populations need to keep growing?
Germany's going to swing back.
Believe me or don't, it matters not.
Japan needs more kekkon and ninshin, not immigrants
Fuck off Shlomo
>a country should infinitely grow in population to support it's elderly
No, they need to change their policies. They should take a look at Putin's (your third son gets paid by the government) policy and implement it.
dude, with the advances of neuro prosthesis and powered exo skeletons, the elderly will be getting their lazy asses back to work.
You stupid nigger.
I'm going to tell you once and only once.
Do you know what the government did here? You have three or more children and you get some major tax bonuses. There are mothers and fathers with three little kids EVERYWHERE. This is a good thing. Keep Korea filled with Koreans.
Russia's GDP is inferior to declining Italy's.
They are not a good example.
Cheers to Japan being able to become a wealthy country sucking on unitedstatian's cock for 70 years but not allowing mass scale immigration into their not so beautiful country.
Mark my words - Japan will replace 90% of its population with robots before they ever agree to replacement migration.
explain in detail how im shilling on being one of "them"?
You fucking think the ones who are the brightest wouldent get wrapped up inn whats killing the white family in america? Look at the nasa scientist who was shamed for his shirt.Instead of telling them to fuck off,he cried and apologized.
You can go and have kids and think its all going to be ok.You call it defeatist,I call it reality.When your kids get sent home for not participating in a slave reparation exercise where they get chained up as slaves.You go to the school and complain and it get on the news and you are called out as a biggest and harassed,fired and have to move from the death threats.You tell me you were right.THAT shit can happen
Im not advocating for giving up on the white race.Im advocating to preserve it anyway It can be.Sending over whites there is not killing whites here.
Exactly. That being said Asians living in Europe should go back, along with 99.9% of every non-European citizen.
I don't want to flee to Japan and destroy their culture, I simply want mine to prevail.
Your flag contradicts every statement you make, why don't you fuck off and put your real flag on leaf.
>Property prices go down, competition for jobs is relaxed, people aren't living on top of each other and people start breeding again
Amen to all you wrote here
Hello, I am Japanese.
I want many handsome Muslim man to thrust my nadeshiko wife with their pious Islam penis.
>obsessed with replacing nations populace with migrants
I wonder who could be behind this?
Me and my Japanese wife are unable to have children because my sperm is so little.
I want for handsome Islam man to give my Japanese wife a cute half Arab baby.
when will this meme die?
population stagnation is totally normal in highly developed countries.
is the population supposed to rise consistently forever? NO.
worrying about economics and trying to preserve the state of affairs by artificially destroying your country is fucking stupid.
>More automation
>Cheaper land
>Less overcrowding in major cities
Sounds like the slants are in for a better future than the rest of the world, which will be an overpopulated mess ruled over by a few corporations.