Is this the result of those damn dirty millennials?
Is this the result of those damn dirty millennials?
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What the fuck is going on with this avocado shit? My liberal brother keeps buying entire bags of them and keeps going on rants about how amazing they are or whatever.
Should we turn these into a hate symbol?
Tell him he's culturally appropriating them.
full of healthy fats, especially incomination w/olive oil - makes for a good fullfilling snack or lunch option
Then why does everyone who eats it look anemic or have man tits
>$300,000 worth of avocados
so like, what, 17 of them?
Kek, I probably should just to trigger him.
Well that's just retarded. After buying all those damn avocados he's still as skinny as a twig.
We also don't know if it's wholesale or goyim pricing
Damn I mean they're tasty and healthy but we go through no more than 2 per week. I try to get them when they are 3/$1. It's like nature's butter, but there is also some sort of millennial mind control to spend outrageous money on them.
well I mean all it has is vitamins and fats - its not meant to be eaten as a meal, bc its not sufficient on its own if you wish to maintain or gain weight
usually one would combine it with oils, bread and some sort of protein (chicken sandwich perhaps)
Is this what's causing the avocado shortage in Silicon Valley? We only have guac at lunch about half the time now, what an outrage.
who committed the crime?.............
2 Hispanics and a black guy
Avocados are based as fuck, we need to starve america from their avocados so they understand who is in charge here.
stfu Italy
>starve america from their avocados
You do realize that... N-nevermind..
Damn, that must be at least a whole 9 avocados.
>we stole mexico
mmm cheap guacamole because no one will want it. genius
Jeb Bush needed them for his special recipe.
>getting your history lessons from screencapped shitposts
Truly and epically redpilled, my fellow MAGA lad
American avocados taste like your grandpa's morning shit
>tfw took AP US history in HS and studied it in college
yeah nah ur a cunt
underrated post
Can they now afford a house?
I got a Phd in Mexican history, screencaps =! Arguments
Why not? We should turn everything into hate symbols.
If we hit a critical mass they go full paranoid and see hate symbols everywhere w/o us doing a thing.
They turn our neighborhoods into a diversive hellhole, we turn their whole world into a hellish nightmare.
They shall suffer.
it's suppose to be very healthy in combination with other greens.
Turns out they caught the perpetrator.
Some video from the news story.
no, imagine its a result of the high price and great demand for avocados
>We should turn everything into hate symbols.
No we don't. One idiot writes an article about milk being racist and suddenly all the retards on Sup Forums start shouting about how we made milk a hate symbol as though if you rang a black man's doorbell and ran away leaving a carton of milk on his steps he would be angry instead of confused.
Oh come the fuck on. You already know the answer is yes.
Actual answer? Produce manager at a grocery store, can explain. It's marketing.
Avos are alternate year crops -- one year they come strong, one year they don't. This is an off year for most of the California/Arizona crop, so the prices are higher and quality is down. Bad, right? Wrong. People are fucking idiots, so we push avos really hard right now to get them into the fad when the price is high and quality low. As the year goes on the wholesale price will drop (it's already down from $95 for a 48ct case to under $50 just since January) but we can keep the price the same at the store, meaning we're raking in upwards of 200% markup, especially on the organic shit. Meanwhile the quality will go up, but we can pass that as "an unexpectedly good year" so people don't realize that's just regular quality and we're selling shit.
There's literally a growers association for damn near every crop you can imagine, that exists solely to put out press releases that news agencies reprint as their own "story" (think "YOU WON'T BELIEVE THE INCREDIBLE BENEFITS OF THIS RANDOM VITAMIN THAT THIS PRODUCT HAS IN IT" shit in the lifestyle section) and provide advertising material to retailers to drum up sales.
> Mexicans are native Americans
> From Spain
lost texas in 1836 paco
Sup Forums when the topic is about mexicans in the US or whatever:
Fucking mexican shitskins, they're all brown ppl >:(
Sup Forums when the topic is about brown people reclaiming their ancestral lands:
B-but mexicans are from Spain!! >:(
What a redpill rollercoaster
> Not understanding that Spain was conquered by Islamic crusaders long before they ever came the new world, and were already brown when they arrived
I'm out of the loop when it comes to stormfag memes
>Tfw Jeb! worked for the Guac cartel the entire time
>Tfw Jeb! swindled millions from Republicans to push avocados on an unsuspecting populace
Avocados are disgusting and too earthy tasting.
C'mon, nobody here can claim to be redpilled and not immediately deduce what happened. The kikes bought up all the avocado groves (what, you thought the sudden spike in popularity was coincidence, goy?). One kike saw a beaner eating an avocado, flew off the rails, got everyone deported, filed a police report with a stated 'loss' of $300,000, filed a claim with his insurance company, and rehired the newly deported beaner's cousins for 1/2 wages.
why are northern avocados so tiny? the ones in south florida are huge in comparison.
>why are northern avocados so tiny? the ones in south florida are huge in comparison.
Producers try to fit their product to their new customers' balls size.
Why are avocados so fucking expensive in Europe?
i know a guy who used to do this. He was a heroin addict, would hop the fence in an avocado orchard and steal bags of avocados and then sell them for a dollar a piece in the back door of sushi restaurants in southern california...he was literally able to maintaine his addiction by doing this...
>People think you eat avocados without putting it on anything
Absolutely pathethic
Don't worry lil bro Mexicans are the true master race. Pol will one day realize it one day
Why not release documents proving this to a bunch of liberals on Twitter and watch the shit storm as they realise they are being taken for a ride? Same goes for other fad foods.
You ain't doing shit without your kike overlords paco. Fucking wetbacks can't even run a country, what makes you think you are pulling off some reconqista on your own? Stupid fucking spic
Guy's a skitzo. Don't make eye contact with him or talk to him, it's better that way
the guaco supply must be protected at all costs.
yes i want libshit to stop going on about them
They both think it's all they need to be healthy
fats in general make you feel compared to other high calorie food, plus avocados have fiber
Surprised they didn't lighten the arms.
>Im out of loop with a basic history education
Even my retarded 7th grade ass knew about Moorish mudslime Al andalus Spain.
Even if you did they wouldn't believe it. Liberals don't accept the truth why do you think they are still liberals?
Then stop getting inside the loop and pissing us off
fuggen underrated
Good answer thanks that was funny and entertaining.
PEPE is made of Guacamole.
avocados is life
avocados is love
who /avocado/ here?
Wrong police, they were the workers avocados so how could they steal them?
LOL thats a good one.
They used to be green gold in Calif. But the middlemen in packing cal-avo got greedy. Now it does not pay a profit to grow them .And now they let the smaller Mexican Avos come into the market The California farms are folding quickly. I dont buy them anymore.
Why are avocados so expensive in US?
And don't you know ALL oils from plants are not good for you an tire your liver?