This guy says the worst market crash in our lifetime is coming, worse than 2008, worse than the Great Depression, and it may mean the end of western civilization.
>Business Insider
Hooktubed that for you so they don't get views
We all remember what happened the last time the market plummeted this extreme
But first come the vultures aking a shitty situation worse.
Hey, not denying it'll get worse before it gets better, we'll overcome Weimerica.
Yes, this is my fear.
Jim Rogers is kind of an alarmist prick but he's not the only one saying this.
I have 0 money in my bank account so I'm fucked if a happening comes.
sure, why not have trump wreck the economy too
Buy a gun.
My parents believe so and we are rich. They've added another get away spot in New Zealand. I have two in rural Amerika.
are you gonna immigrate to whatever country goes natsoc?
I would but I'm afraid I might use it on myself desu
All of your banks are insolvent so technically no one has money in them.
If shit goes south, your home, and the home of other wealthy refugees, will be burned down by Maoris.
its true.. the world is going to greater israel and the souf china sea brah. look at this upstanding piece of ass.. look at her. the fuck is an olympic breading race doing acting like a whore on instagram.. pack it in goyem. its over. we are all autistic retards. we can't fix this shit. its over. i'm packing it in, getting sleepy and wishing your mom would really give me a hand job. i remember watching this ass on tv.. dominate shit. and litterally hot as fuck. degenerate. good grief charlie brown.
bill cosby 2020
Good thing I bought crypto
keep dropping blackpills wise rich German bro
Thing is that the message of the incoming market crash has been picked up by even the chief kike media, not only austrian economists and frige youtube channels. When likes of Business Insider, Economist etc do this you know that they are trying to protect themselves with "see, we told you so"
Yea... This is why you want crypto / gold / silver / food / guns / ammo
Not sure how it will play out but it will be bad. Get your shit in order now.
My get aways are in rural New England and rural Kentucky. I'll be right as rain and hope it gets crazy.
Then we will get our 4th Reich
Good thing I'm enlisting to a comfy POG position :^)
you better not have bought the one in your picture
wow who would have thought an asset whos value is entirely speculative after it hits the secondary market isnt actually worth its current market value
"impending doom is coming" - some guy
back down to page 10 you go
They all utilise sub-surface ARS. All cheque transactional deposits are tranch'd and 80% of sum input are reclassified as savings. Cheque accounts are bearer on demand and require hard capital aka cash to satisfy them. Savings do not. They are kiting reserve requirement compliance with Fiserve, Ceto etc. They are insolvent.
I sold out to the Jews
He's not an alarmist. He doesn't say when, just that it's inevitable. He correctly called the China boom before it happened too. Btw Jim started out with Soros in the 1960s.
You are some guy he is somebody.
>he doesn't say when
He said later this year or next year. And actually he's been wrong about more things than he's been right about.
this will be a good thing
when people are desperate they'll turn to us
>victory to the proletariat
>that flag
it all checks out, lolbros are so weak
>when people are desperate they'll turn to murder
Why isn't this thing bumping !!!
Jim rogers is one of the most successful investors.
Been in the business since the 60's
Up there with george soros.
He foresaw the 08 crashes and well dat shit came true
>hes most likley right
Good. The only way to fix the west will be a total war. Make men men again.
How will you travel to your get aways though?
Sup Forums and /biz/ have been saying this for fucking years though
We wont. Natsocs will just sit on their ass waiting for a messiah while leftists communities will organize and dominate the streets.
Screencap this.
>bank account
Get yourself a shitty job and use a prepaid card to withdraw from an ATM.
Cash son. Cash.
>implying murder isn't an intrinsic part of communism
>Implying I would take a grunt position with a 125 IQ and a 99 on ASVAB
Stay taking joint supplements bucko, and pick up that cigarette
Can we not
Get a life archivefag
Krieg uber Alles.
Yes dummp your money in my worthless stocks goys a (((BIG))) crash is coming.
Jim Rogers track record:
>2011: 100% Chance of Crisis, Worse Than 2008: Jim Rogers
>2012: Jim Rogers: It’s Going To Get Really “Bad After The Next Election
>2013: Jim Rogers Warns: “You Better Run for the Hills!”
>2014: JIM ROGERS – Sell Everything & Run For Your Lives
>2015: Jim Rogers: “We’re Overdue” for a Stock Market Crash
>2016: $68 TRILLION “BIBLICAL CRASH” Dead Ahead? Jim Rogers Issues a DIRE WARNING
shut up faggot
City streets? Filled with refuse. Pipes filled with untreated sewage. No potable water. No heating gas or petrol. No food after 3 days.
Crashes don't happen when everyone is predicting a crash.
Made arrangements with a mate who is a pilot. Also have vehicle over there already and plenty of places to land in Kentucky although NE place has artesian well water which I find refreshing.
Well we are $20,000,000,000,000.00 in the hole and getting deeper.
None of us has ever seen that amount of debt in our lives, the numbers are so huge that it's almost meaningless.
Yup, he's been saying it for years. So have many others. Know why? It should have crashed again. Not a single thing that caused the last one was actually fixed. It was wallpapered over with Government money. The problems are now 20 times bigger than they were in 2008. It is going to all come down. Next week, or ten more years, who knows?
It's all a confidence game...couched in the illusion of stability. With their recent election and current soft civil war I think it's time for a cold wind to blow.
>collapse anyday nao
>invest in gold
>oh, would you look at that, it just so happens that I am selling gold
>what are the chances
shit, negro. that's chump change. the exposure in the world's derivatives markets are now higher than the amount of money in all the world.
think about that.
Waaaaay more than that your government does not use GAAP for its obligations.
>no money in bank account
>implying that money wouldn't disappear in a market crash
The government spends trillions bailing out banks and businesses when they should be bailing out the workers and letting the bank fail!
All scams eventually founder......always.
Your government is entirely of the Jew.
Hope your place in rural Kentucky is near mine in Hardin Co
Although I respect Peter Schiff his gold schilling can get a little annoying at times
Oh no!
I'll lose all the absolute nothing I have now!
Hopkins. Free natural gas.
> Implying
They only "organize" themselves because they are funded by jews and because they know the police won't arrest them, unless they do something extreme
Those cucks start acting up when shit hits the fan, they will be the first ones to die
And if they expect the minorities to take them in, they have another thing coming
..but the circumstances will now allow you to take it from (((others))).
>Global Economic Collapse
It is finally my time, I will take the club med 2 and become pirates with me and my 300 closest friends.
If you throw enough shit against the wall some of it will inevitably stick. He's no different than Alex Jones.
Noone wants to hear your bragging about how you're not fucked , trust fund baby faggot
Seriously sometimes I wonder if we need communism to purge the earth of annoying rich faggots like yourself
>My parents a rich we have 23 houses in multimle countries lolol and a pilot
You know the only reason Hitler won was because he dominated the city streets of Munich and berlin, right?
Leftists will be able to secure the cities, turning them communists, and then they will seek to dominate the rest of the country and succeed at genociding the fat neckbeards natsocs
I see.
And, how will they get their food? Their fuel? Their arms? Cities die without constant resupply now.
I've never touched my trust fund and live like an Amerikan redneck. You wouldn't have the faintest that I was wealthy.
>Implying American cities are important at all.
Heads up bud, every Big American city is next to useless. Nobody cares about the cities anymore. They've been conquered for close to 20 years now all the Right Wing Whites live in rural areas stocked up on ammo, rifles, and if shit hits the fan tactical units of literal racists will be deployed in trucks to raid the cities in a glorious reconquista of America.
His entire frail life is enabled by a deluded assumption that everything making it possible just spontaneously generates from the aether,
ah look. the german. forever second, and then last.
>10 fat neckbeard alt righters will beat 3 million people in cities with a heavily militarized police
really makes me think
JIM ROGERS: Worry About 2013, Panic About 2014
Won't beat them just blockade them. All of your service are far removed and easily monkeywrenched,
Honestly it was because of the fed rate downgrade that saved it which prevented a short term crash. Now the bubble is bigger and is still growing., we can't predict when it will pop but when it does it will be a giant market crash.
Free money for those at the top of the velocity chute. A small circle scam.
I like you.
You're welcome here.
And DB is probably the most insolvent of them all.
Doomer porn, the worst of all porn.
i remember when people on Sup Forums were saying how last september was going to go thru a horrible crash.
>think about that.
I have and here's my thoughts on it.
Derivatives are things like futures, options, swaps, cash-for-difference, debt securities, and shit like that.
I know to trade in futures you don't buy the whole contract which may be e.g. around $120k for an s&p mini future, or $240k for a globex eurodollar contract. You only need to put up a much smaller amount of margin cash to afford the trade in case it moves against your favour, several thousand $ for s&p mini or just a few hundred for globex eurodollar futures.
If you take just the eurodollar derivatives, 14.2M open contracts on CME, and multiply it by the average contract value, you'll get a "big scary number" around say 3.5 trillion dollars.
Now this is just one class of contract, a mere fraction of all global derivatives. But it's meaningless to count because at no point ever is there $3.5 trillion that is owed to anybody, even in a collapse, because that's not how fucking derivatives work. That money wasn't "real" to begin with. Same is true for any contract between two parties to have one pay the other the difference of some underlying asset in cash.
I suspect a lot of the derivatives scary news articles stem from someone calculating meaningless dollar values for derivatives, adding them together, and writing about how they think the whole world economy is dancing on the knife's edge because some large meaningless number is greater than the amount of cash and bank deposits in the world. Big fucking deal. I so far haven't been convinced that I ought to be scared of derivative exposure.
Maybe you've thought of it, what are your thoughts?
Fuck off, you post one of these threads every fucking day. Always getting my hopes up.
At some place and some time there will be a market crash.
They just went up 0.25%. I still think it's under 1%.
Don't forget to buy some gold!
Nothing wards off crazed niggers and famine like shiny pieces of rock.
>the end of western civilization is marked by fiat currency
I don't think so Jim.
hopes for what? once the internet service turns off you won't have anything to do
Define "overcome".. If you mean we just survive, yes probably. If you mean, we get back our former glory, that's highly unlikely. Study any nation that crashed that hard. Very few of them fully recover. For example, Germany did, but Hitler booted the jews for that to happen.
when your a pessimist, eventually you will be right, however, they say this all the time and when it does happen, they will say they told us, but the timeline always changes.
So is gold and silver a good way to have physical wealth to smuggle or should I just buy AR15s at $400 a pop and pallets of ammo
Precious metals are a good way to tie capital to a physical item you can keister
Bullets are better than quarters come shtf
Or is a potato farm in my residential backyard a better proposition and just deal with the fact the money in the bank is gone and the money in paper is kindling
yeah its at 1 to 1.25% but when it reaches around 2.5-3% that is where the fun begins and anything over 5% is guaranteed crash of our lifetime
Jim Rogers was probably telling people to stay out of US stocks from 2010 to 2017
you have to cost average into index funds
they go up and they go down
do this and you get your 7% a year compounded just buy and hold
maybe gradually shift to bonds as you age
doom on you. I have ascended beyond the ethereal plane.
Money doesn't mean shit in that scenario. Maybe initially at best.. Get a gun, store some food, get some bitcoin or other crypto, learn how to grow shit or keep animals like chickens. People who take these sort of steps will likely be better off that city dwellers who think their precious government will save them. Your life will still suck but at least you might survive to tell your grandkids about it.