>Tell someone to kys
>They do it
>You get 20 years in prison
Tell someone to kys
Other urls found in this thread:
user, Will she kill herself?
The bigger question is, will she convince some bitches in prison to kill themselves?
idk, but she definitely got fucked.
>she kills herself
>everyone that was mean and said she deserved her sentence is set upon
let's make it happen
she's already dead to society
even after 20 years if she gets out she'll be woefully behind
might as well kill yourself and send a message
Have you read the text messages? They are pretty bad.
This is why women should not talk to betas.
On the contrary, he was a massive faggot; he was already planning on offing himself, so she just sealed he deal.
i thought kys means kiss yourself your honor
Did she really get 20 years?
Meme arrow a few pls
kys nerds i'm breaking this QT out of jail
Freedoms of speech should be unlimited. "Fighting words", "increment" and other bullshit infringement of the First Amendment is made for sissy fag mongrels with low impulses.
She's a hero. To push genetically inferior to it's death is a noble thing to do
What if she tells the judge shes going to kill herself if she gets convicted for this. If he convicts her and she kills herself, should he be imprisoned?
link bitch
Her psycho brows are disturbing.
Those are recent, they left out the early ones where she told him to get help.
Lawfag saying it will be reversed on causation
Does she wait it out or Hero out
Archived it for you
she looks like a sad alien.
>tfw looks like a tranny already
>Kys faggot
I'd unironically smash her and create a beautiful white family.
Tell me when she's out of jail.
Only a raging virgin would defend her actions
The guy qas depressive and she was his only link to the world
Hope she get raped by laquamdas in jail
archivebro, you are based but I am getting worried about you. Please seek the help that you need.
Thanks but no Thanks
You should have been on her defense team.
Now, go for it and post pics
Like poetry.
Man you can see the stress eating her alive. She is already aging fast.
she looks just like cara delevingne
a sad alien that you will never give your life for fag
Only a dysgenic idiot would oppose the freedom of speech and removing the inferior genetics
Feeling suicadal? JUST DO IT!
Seriously how long is she going to be in prison?
20 years seems unbelievable.
>archivebro teleports behind you
Gas yourself
She is a poorfag with Pro Bono lawyer
She is just revealing her true form
Shut up you roastie whore. That's not what happened at all.
And this case has really opened my eyes to how little most people know about our laws. If you see someone dying, especially someone you are close to, and you don't attempt to save them, you get arrested for manslaughter due to gross negligence. Of course you're gonna get arrested for manslaughter if you cause someone to kill themselves.
The white knights here seem to think she's innocent because she sent texts. But she preyed on a deeply troubled person and made them kill themselves for attention. This is a open-and-shut case, very simple. The only reason it's news is because shes hot and white knights are pissed.
Meds more than stress
Post more pics of this slut please
kys OP
bitch planned and manipulated him to kill himself for month, fuck that psychopath soulless bitch and if you support her you're a fucking 14 year old edgy faglord
>A kike telling other kikes ti gas themselves
>Some kike gas himself
Can i use the 6 gorrlion card to avoid jail time?
Depends, media had its fun. Does seem to be some movement saying she was underage and has mental illness.
4 years, 4 years on parole then she'll get it appealed and she will win.
>Lawfag saying it will be reversed on causation
in other words: some faggot on Sup Forums pulled a lie out of his ass and you, being either a retard who bought that shit or the actual faggot in question, expect other people to hop on board.
underrated post
After having read the messages, I'm glad he did it and I wish she would. Shit was cringy af
13 Mass. 356
Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts.
September Term, 1816.
**1 *356 If one counsel another to commit suicide, and the other, by reason of the advice, kill himself, the adviser is guilty of murder, as principal.
>armchair legal scholars and bellends will see that this thread hits the limit as they debate settled law that even a 1L understands.
She was not there, so she saw nothing
meh, she would have gone out into the world and done shitloads of damage to her workplace and family, she fucked up and she needs to go away
>and you don't attempt to save them, you get arrested for manslaughter due to gross negligence
cuz fuck freedom right?
>But she preyed on a deeply troubled person and made them kill themselves for attention. This is a open-and-shut case, very simple. The only reason it's news is because shes hot and white knights are pissed.
That's like words, man. Michelle Carter, ISIS, KKK, BLM - they all have a right to incite violence as long as they use SPEECH. Let's set the I Amendment FREE
>Abdul happy with his comment goes out with hes friends and gang rapes a random women
Archivefag do you even have a life?!
I have none so I'm 24/7 on pol and see you in every thread a week round
What the fuck
Sort yourself out kiddo
Isn't 5 the minimum. She has to receive the sentence of an Armed Robber
She convinced someone with mental illness to kill themself.
Everything in your brain is based on a formula of shit reacting together. Continuously telling someone to kill themselves on the medium of audio is no different than giving a person a drug that makes them want to kill themself. The girl however may have been fucked in her own head and then it gets complicated.
I say get Mike Pence electric therapy on this bitch for a year.
The kid was a weak piece of shit tho and probably would have joined antifa or something gay like that so fuck it.
not finding any of her texts thou
>gang rapes a random women
no i don't want to get executed thank you
>this is considered a 10/10 in Murica
Top fucking kek.
>Keep Yourself Safe
Or "Kys"
Your position is wholly in congruent with the foundations upon which this nation is built.
find me another girl on the planet that becomes more attractive after ending the lives of cucks.
Its a fucking bot
The guy sounds like an insufferable attention seeking faggot so I don't blame her for telling him to do it after saving his ass from his own stupidity who fucking knows how many times.
user, she is a crazy drama queen, you can do better
gross negligence requires intent, remember?
is reason why comey didnt stop hilldog
She's cute, disgusting mentality however puts her in the negatives/10.
What a retarded precedent-setting case.
i mean i support her going to jail just for being a roastie
but this is just free speech lel.
you shouldnt go to jail for that
Negligence is a potential mens rea in some jurisdictions. Usually the state will opt for a reckless theory for mens rea, which is what occurred in this case. Totally unremarkable.
>those eyebrows
>that head shape
she looks like a quintessential british slag dude, give it up
Shes so fucking cute holy shit
First Date seems normal
Then she goes to your parents and tell them she is pregnant. (Personal Experience)
Precedent isn't set at the trial level. Please look into how your country's judicial system functions.
she has a nice big shiny forehead
he probably killed himself to get away from this fucking tranny
Today on Twitter I told someone to KYS and was instantly banned for 12 hours.
If you aren't disgustingly mentally weak then there's nothing to worry about.
I admit she isn't bad looking but come on, I doubt you're actually attracted to a mentally ill psychopath.
Disgusting, looks like a balding tranny.
i want to lick her neck
What the fuck is up with her hairline? Christ.
Gas yourself
Looks like harry potter got a tranny spell cast on him
The most beautiful are the most untrustworthy
Bro, look at the text messages. She's cute but mentally highly unstable, prime example of a narcissist. Unfortunate because I think she's stunning looking.
For the millionth time, she hasn't been sentenced yet.
Dam, maybe we should check our middle class privilege unironiclly. Most people have NO idea how fucked our legal system is. You think you will get your fair day in court, but it's actully all bullshit, the DA's and judges are all friends, so are the police. It's more like 'I won the last case so you can win this one'. Not even joking.
Plus all the bullying by the DAs, most cases never go to court, and when they do,they force the max penalty to punish you for not the taking 'the deal' because the judge and DA are mad you are making them work more. Again, not even joking, plus it's not even about you, it's to scare others into taking 'the deal' so they never get thier day in court. only way you get a fair hearing in the US is either be rich or famous.
Involuntary manslaughter should be a year or two max, but more like 5 years probation and service community
She is guilty.
I think the Judge has to follow a set guideline that looks harsh
>most beautiful
You fucking virgin chinks
Top kek!
I agree. I'm not a lawer but this seems to violate the first amendment. Whos to say what made him do it or not? He's responsible not considering suicide. I also defend bullies who tell you kill yourself, because its a decision that only you can ultimately make.
She got minimal effort.
No Jury Trial
I'm gay I don't care about women she seems like a bitch
But it's a bs charge and ruling. Maybe if you're an adult saying this shit to an underage kid, or someone under your duty of care. I can see some fuck killing themselves to send someone to jail out of spite. Puts legal responsibility in hands of the wrong person. I don't think people who commit suicide are necessarily culpable for their actions, but it would be dangerous to set a precedent for assuming, by law, that other people can have a greater responsibility than them.
I'm glad the roaster cunt is going to prison. Although I would not be surprised if she only gets probation due to female privilege
Why did she even do it?