How redpilled are your parents pol?

How redpilled are your parents pol?

On a scale of 1-10 on the following:


Islam:8/10 hates the religion but still thinks we should be tolerant
Women:3/10 still spits BPed nonsense but she's Christian so she's not all the way BPed in that she tolerates my misogynistic rants
Blacks:8/10 knows they're inferior
Jews: 0/10 Christcuk
Atheists: 3/10
Trump: 5/10 is ok with him and doesn't hate him
Multiculturalism: 4/10
Gays: 6/10 doesn't like em due to Christianity but thinks we should tolerate them

Islam: 9/10 doesn't like the religion
Women: 5/10 not bped, but not rped either
Blacks: 6/10 knows they dindu muffin but still likes to treat them "equal":
Jews: 2/10 knows a bit about their behavior but not much
Atheists: 0/10 is one
Trump: 1/10 believes liberal BS
Multiculturalism: 5/10
Gays: 3/10 thinks faggotry is "natural"

70/160 so not bad

Father is dead.

Islam: 10/10, never seen a normal person despise this political monstrosity more

Women:8/10 hates feminism but wants women to not get beaten up

Blacks: 5/10 they are ok if Christian and academics, otherwise she thinks they should not be here

Jews: my mother is one quarter Jewish and loves Israel

Atheists: does not care about mentally retarded people

Trump: 10/10 loves Trump

Multiculturism: 10/10 hates it and wants one leading culture

Gays: 5/10 doesn't really care but makes jokes about them

> he hasn't swallowed the ((numbers)) redpill
> still uses Mohammedian "Algebra" to measure phenomena

70/160? The hell does that mean? Means you're a damned commie is what.

Islam: 7
Blacks: 6
Jews: 10
Atheists: Don't really know
Trump: 10 at least during the election
Multiculturalism: 6

Mum doesn't really have much opitions on these sorts of things but
Atheists: 4
gays: 4


I forgot to change the flag since my trolling yesterday

who used the term "red-pill" and still thought they would EVER see a vagina in real life?

Islam: 7/10.
Women: 8/10
Blacks: 3/10
Jews: 0/10
Atheists: 10/10
Trump: 6/10
Multiculturalism: 0/10
Gays: 10/10

Islam: 1/10
Women: 0/10
Blacks: 0/10
Jews: 0/10
Atheists: 3/10
Trump: 0/10
Multiculturalism: 0/10
Gays: 4/10

Islam: 10
Women: 10
Blacks:: 10
Jews: 7
Atheists: 10
Trump: 7
Multiculturalism: 9
Gays: 10

Islam: 8
Women: 8
Blacks:: 10
Jews: 2
Atheists: 10
Trump: 5
Multiculturalism: 3
Gays: 10

Both parents are christian(Pentecostal), my Dad thought Hitler was a real man's man. My Mom is a woman so as expected is quite a bit more liberal

I am 1488

you - 0

you seeing a vagina in real life - 0


Women: 2/10, don't believe in psychological differences in gender but support gender roles

Blacks: 4/10, complain about crime rates and propose no solutions or causes

Jews: 3/10, know they control the media and that's it, they don't seem to make any connections

Atheists: no idea, secular/pagan family

Trump: 3/10, still support him, believe there is a conspiracy against him in the media

Multiculturalism: 7/10, oppose mass immigration and support integration

Gays: 9/10, don't care about gays, but hate "gay culture"

Islam:10/10 hates the religion
Women:7/10 anti-feminist and thinks patriarchy and men are superior but has some feminine flaws
Blacks:8/10 knows they're inferior
Jews: 0/10 JQ doesn't interest her
Atheists: 3/10 mom's religious but doesn't care about Atheists
Trump: 5/10 is ok with him and doesn't hate him, politics is not her strong point
Multiculturalism: 5/10 her best friend is Indian and our neighbor are also Indians so she like them.
Gays: 10/10 hates them

Islam: 10/10 hates the religion
Women: 10/10 Women have a important but supportive role and should be subordinate to men and knows how to control my mom. (married for 40 years)
Blacks: 10/10 he calls black an inferior subspecies
Jews: 7/10 understand how jews control banking and media but doesn't believe in the global Jewish conspiracy for some reason
Atheists: 6/10 is agnostic but knows importance of religion
Trump: 10/10 Say his a Jewish puppet which is true
Multiculturalism: 8/10 red-pilled about Multiculturalism but likes Indian immigrants for some odd reasons
Gays: 10/10 hates them

119/160 so not bad at all

you - 0/160

your chance of seeing a vagina in person during your lifetime - 0/160

your chance of sucking a truckers dick at a bus stop in iowa - 42/160

Islam: 8/10
Women: 7/10
Blacks: 16/10
Jews: 8/10 They have an understanding after I explained to them.
Atheists: 10/10
Trump:10/10 Everyone voted for Trump in my family
Multiculturalism: 6/10 They don't really understand or have access to redpilled materials
Gays: 9/10

My family and extended family are pretty based, they are extraordinarily redpilled on niggers. If anyone came home with one, they'd be immediately disowned without a second thought. It warms my heart thinking how based they are.

Just mom to speak for.

Wants them all fucking gone and understands just what they are, but isn't quite calling for them to be rounded up or anything.
She's gotten screwed over quite a bit in her working life by men, and perceives there to be an inherent bias in the professional world in favor of men. But most of her coworkers are hellishly-incompetent women who just hire their old sorority sisters and get nothing done all day, so she sees the other side and has had enough of their shit.
She works mostly with black kids and their families. She is so fucking sick of the incompetence and the cultural reinforcement of horrible habits and beliefs.
We were having a vague conversation about society one day, race came up and some vague thing that I said made her ask if I was any sort of racial supremacist. I said that I just like whoever does shit well, and that if more from one group than another turn out to be successful more often then that's just how statistics turned out... and then she wheeled back around to the racial supremacy thing like "you know it's not a bad idea...." Easy, mom.
There are no Jews in the South. I don't even buy into the whole "Jewish conspiracy" thing.
We are atheists. Are we some threat that one is supposed to be "red-pilled" about?
Oh, the poor dear. She pulled hard for Hillary back in the 2008 primaries, you have to understand. She's one of those "it's time" voters, who just want to have a woman in the White House for its own sake. Even though she decried black voters in 2008 for having pretty much the same motivations with Obama.
So she took Hillary's loss really hard.
She works with a lot of Hispanic kids and families, too, and is not a fan of the whole "separatist culture-within-a-culture" thing.
My sister's bi, so we don't hate them, but even she'd say that a flamboyant pride parade is "too much."

Islam: I actually don't know, he never talked about it
Women: 7/10
Blacks: 1/10
Jews 1/10
Atheists: 8/10
Trump: 3/10 believes mainstream media but pretend to not be biased
Multiculturalism: 2/10
Gays: 10/10

Islam: 10/10
Women: 7/10
Blacks: 7/10
Jews: 1/10
Atheists: 10/10
Trump: 10/10 Doesn't know who he is and doesn't care
Multiculturalism: 10/10
Gays: 10/10

you have 2 moms

No, my dad is just a libtard pussy.

Are you having fun yet?

already married and expecting my first baby boy dumb ass

Great thread idea user! Here's mine:

Islam: 9/10
Women: 0/10 been married 3 times
Blacks: 7/10 thinks they're lazy
Jews: 0/10 Christcuck
Atheists: 10/10 they're all going to hell
Trump: 10/10 loves him
Multiculturalism: 8/10 in his words: "I don't like ethnics"
Gays: 10/10 he shook a gay guys hand once and freaked out because he thought he could catch aids that way
Asians (I added this one) 10/10 hates them more than any group. He grew up in NorCal which got overrun, lived during Nam and his dad killed Japs

Islam: 7/10 hates them for terrorism but not huge opinion
Women: 0/10 divorced my dad and fucked him over
Blacks: 5/10 thinks they're ghetto but doesn't care
Jews: 0/10 no opinion
Atheists: 0/10 she's kinda atheist
Trump: 8/10 voted for him
Multiculturalism: 5/10
Gays: 10/10 I have 2 gay stepbrothers and she's creeped out by them and referred to them as "the faggots" when she talks about them

what a pathetic effort

proving my point

That's the joke, user.

Islam: 10
Women: 5
Blacks: 8
Atheists: They themselves are
Trump: love him
Gays: 0

typical Republicucks

Forgot the kikes
Jews: 7

Father's dead so this is my mum's rating.

Islam: 4/10 she recognises it as a problem point but can't bring herself to say they don't belong in the west
Women: 6/10 she doesn't like feminism and is savvy to modern women's ways, but would never agree to women not working/voting
Blacks: 7/10 thinks blm and Africa is trash tier, but again would never say they should be kicked out. Agrees with the R/K selection theory
Jews: 7/10 she's almost there, and I drop redpills about them daily. She's always hated Israel, too.
Atheists: 6/10 she's theistic herself although not religious, thinks the nihilism of no life meaning is bad
Trump: 1/10, thinks he's a joke and an idiot
Multiculturalism: 4/10 she;s aware of non white cultures being shit, but thinks they can assimilate
Gays: 1/10 supports gay marriage and all that lib trash

I'll just do my dad, since I know more about his views on these:
Islam: 10/10, he's an Iranian (middle class/monarchist, Baha'i) who left in 1978. Yeah he knows about the horrors of Islam.
Women: 5/10, I think my parents have a great relationship, and the one that I strive for, but certainly not "red pilled" like most of this board thinks of that way.
Blacks: 8/10. He's understands the reality of the black problem, and has spoken to me about how affirmative action is a fiasco and has fucked him over in the past (blacks getting a job over him because he doesn't fit the "minority quota")
Jews: ??/10 never really come up desu. Maybe the next time I talk to him I'll ask him about them.
Atheists: I mean, he's a really intelligent guy, so I think my day is almost an atheist himself. But he has more of an enlightened view of god, like it's not some dude up in the clouds, but something that is unknowable by mortals. I dunno desu. He's a semi-practicing Bahai though, so I'm sure he believes in some sort of God.
Trump: 9/10 pretty sure he voted for him. Likes him more than anyone else in the establishment.
Multiculturalism: ???/10 honestly this is a tough one because he HAS a much different culture than whit America, but he understands the problems that BAD cultures bring to civilized people. Never broach this subject with him specifically multiculturalism.
Gays: 10/10. Talked about "the gays" negatively since I was little. Glad I'm not a fag.

Islam: 1/10 has only ever met pork eating alcohol drinking non-denominational "Muslims"
Women: 0/10 a feminist (old style)
Blacks: ?/10, never discussed
Jews: 0/10 Christian
Atheists: 1/10 tolerates me being one
Trump: -/10 doesn't care
Multiculturalism: -/10 doesn't care
Gays: 5/10 fine with gays as long as they keep their faggotry behind closet doors

Islam: same as mom
Women: 7/10 clearly supports the old way of life, but doesn't bring this up when mom is around, not to start a fight
Blacks: ?/10
Jews: 0/10 Chistian
Atheists: 3/10, got a bit uneasy when I stopped wearing my crucifix, but accepted my opinion
Trumps: -/10 doesn't care
Multiculturalism: -/10 doesn't care
Gays: 9/10 really doesn't like them, but would suck it up if I turned out to be one.

Ivans are lucky they have no niggers.


My dad is german/anglo, basically a northern european mutt and not very redpilled at all.
My mom is straight Italian and very redpilled, so I'm just going to post her stats.

Islam: 9/11 Thinks muslims should be deported, thinks their religion is violent and barbaric at its core
Women:9/10 Pretty traditional Christian view on women. Thinks men are the head of the household and should be the authority of the family, and women are responsible for raising disciplined children. She would get a 10 if she didn't complain about how much work she does that nobody notices.
Blacks:8/10 My mom is so racist that it embarasses me sometimes. She would get a 10 if it wasn't for the fact that her racism is mostly superficial/anecdotal
Jews:3/10 bluepilled christfag in this area, if I showed her stuff she would probably consider it honestly though. Then again I never really talked to her about it. I know she thinks hitler is a terrible goy, but she gets a 3 for making jew jokes and describing greedy people as "jewing".
Atheists:7/10 She considers atheism to be the root of a lot of degeneracy, but has no understanding of concepts like nihilism, relativism, ect.
Trump:5/10 She is ok with him because we are but she doesn't into politics at all.
Multiculturalism: 8/10 another concept she probably isn't seriously familiar with but when I bring up concepts that relate to it she's very redpilled
Gays:10/10 Not hateful, recognizes what they're doing as sin, and wishes they would find repentance. Although she makes fun of them occassionally but that applies to the rest of the list as well.

I can tell from these three posts that you are a very stupid person and people are probably disgusted by your personality.

I shouldn't talk shit about my dad actually. He's relatively redpilled too just not as much.

Islam: 9/10, Hates Islam and hates 99% of Muslims
Women: 2/10 She is not a feminist but...
Blacks: 7/10 Believes they're inferior but doesn't really hate them
Jews: She is Jewish
Atheists: No idea
Trump: 8/10 She thinks he is right but not always believes he can fix the problem
Multiculturalism: 10/10
Gays: 3/10 Meh, she doesn't really care about them

see aye eh

Islam : 8
Women: 0
Blacks: 4
Jews: -2
Atheists: 0
Trump: 6
Multiculturalism: 2
Gays: 0

My parents are Indian sikhs, my dad voted for Trump, my mom voted for Hillary. They're pretty open on all the social issues.

They both hate Islam though (not necessarily all muslims) and have very positive opinions on the jews/israel

0 for everything. My parents and my entire family actually are the most blue pilled people ever.

I once called my dad disgusting when he said he wouldn't care if the European population was replaced by migrants.

Islam: 9/10 from prior experiences
Women: 9/10 "women are horrible"
Blacks: 9/10 "move on from slavery already"
Jews: -/10 never brought it up
Atheists: -/10 I'm agnostic
Trump: 10/10 always defends him
Multiculturalism: 8/10 thinks affirmative action is the height of bullshit
Gays: 5/10 not approving of them but very tolerant

Islam: 5/10 tolerant but has bad history with it
Women: 5/10
Blacks: 3/10
Jews: -/10 never brought it up
Atheists: -/10 he's agnostic
Trump: -5/10 hates Trump
Multiculturalism: 1/10 in favor
Gays: 1/10 tolerant

Funnily, I'd still say my dad is definitely more intelligent than my mom. She just has all the right ideas, politically


Islam: 9/10 for the usual reasons
Women: 5/10 surprisingly receptive to traditionalist views, but she's a woman so
Blacks: ?/10 never talked about them with her but I'm sure she knows deep down
Jews: 9/10 she's worked with them and has plenty of stories
Atheists: 5/10 When I went through my edgy atheist phase she sorta tolerated it, but I think she was disgusted
Trump: 6/10 she's no super fan, but knew he was the only option
Multiculturalism: 9/10 Drives her fucking nuts when she hears Spanish being spoken in public, coming from a German family which fully and respectfully assimilated
Gays: 5/10 not a real strong opinion either way, but knows it's not normal

Dad just has typical old guy boomer ideas but doesn't have any strong feelings about anything

Dad is VERY redpilled. He's a military Chad, too. I just dislike his great devotion to Christianity, but everything else is spot on.

Mom is so-so. She dislikes homosexuality, that's the biggest redpill of hers.

Guize , fist of all sage your posts, It's full of sliders out there , don't reply at all, if it's a empty slider , just let it go so we focus on our proper Sup Forums material.
Abort thread


Islam: absolutely despises it, goes as far as not using words of Arabic origin while speaking
Women: not a fan, he’s fed up with all this feminist bullshit
Blacks: not sure, he probably doesn’t care
Jews: never brought it up, but I think he doesn’t care
Atheists: despises all forms of religion
Trump: thinks he’s a harmless moron
Multiculturalism: absolutely fed up with it. It doesn’t work and never will, he would be fine with military boats patrolling the Mediterranean sea and sinking all migrant boats and let them drown.
Gays: doesn’t like them, but doesn’t really care.

Overall, he has kind of a "I’m fine with your bullshit, just don’t bother me with it" mentality.


Islam: her father was Algerian but despised Islam and raised her a Catholic, she lived with Islam and hates it. She can sometimes go absolutely apeshit when talking about Islam.
Women: low-level feminist, but nothing infuriating and she can hear the other side arguments
Blacks: don’t know
Jews: don’t know
Atheists: she’s an atheist herself
Trump: don’t know
Multiculturalism: same as dad
Gays: don’t really know, probably not a fan

>they are ok if Christian
Extermination of Christians in Europe must be finished

Dad: he's dead
Mom: I cut communication with her

>Atheists: does not care about mentally retarded people


Islam : 6/10

Women: ?/10

Blacks: ?/10

Jews: 0/10

Atheists: 5/10

Trump: 1/10

Multiculturalism: She says that she could not care less about westerners dying in terrorist attacks. It is their fault and now they are trying to enforce it in Poland. 8/10

Gays: 7/10


Islam 10/10 Even his mother hates muslims with burning passion

Women: 6/10

Blacks: 6/10

Jews: 0/10

Atheists: 8/10

Trump: 8/10

Multiculturalism: 9/10

Gays: 5/10

Islam: 10/10 "We should nuke Mecca and Medina bro"
Women: 7/10 knows a lot of feminist shit is a total joke but puts more faith in female leadership than he should
Blacks: 6/10 understands my rants against them but still has a bit too much trust in the "disadvantages are the reason they can't compete" line
Jews: 4/10 super christcuck (literally got his Masters in Divinity all of 4 weeks ago) and places a lot of trust in Israel, although mainly in the hope of btfoing muslims.
Atheists: 8/10
Trump: 10/10 they love him especially because he isn't Hillary Clinton
Multiculturalism: 6/10
Gays: 10/10 Him and my mom are trying to stop my brother from becoming gay by any necessary means as we speak.

Islam: 8/10 lacks the inherent desire for obliteration that my dad and I share
Women: 5/10 high powered, Doctorate, dad never believed I could do it type. She is very capable and she definitely sympathizes with my critiques of modern women
Blacks: 2/10 way too empathetic towards the negro. Rejects any studies that say blacks have naturally lower IQs and blames the test (which she fucking gives as part of her job)
Jews: 4/10 I'm slowly turning them around by focusing on (((specific actors))) and going from there.
Atheists: 8/10
Trump: 10/10 see above
Multiculturalism: 5/10
Gays: 10/10 see above

Overall not too bad, but they have a sneaking suspicion i may be more Aryan Brotherhood than they are comfortable with.
My main objective right now is convincing them of (((their))) plot and showing them stuff about specific events that are suspicious, mainly Sandy Hook (which I have two personal friends who went to that elementary school and I still believe it is fake) and 9/11.

mine are both dead so they are as red-pilled as you can get.

Thanks for reminding me I am an orphan

Combined score.

Islam: 6/10 don't want them here
Women: 4/10 women needs mens in so many places, need their money, but oh women are superior
Blacks:: 4/10 so exotic and good-hearted people
Jews: 3/10 so poor people
Atheists: 7/10 people without a God can't be a good people
Trump: 2/10 concerned
Multiculturalism: 6/10 is bad when

Islam: 8/10 deport them
Women: 8/10 doesn't care what they think
Blacks:: 7/10 knows they are worse
Jews: ?/10 never talks about it
Atheists: ?/10 probably don't care
Trump: ?/10 not important to talk about
Multiculturalism: 7/10 it's our homeland and nobody should dictate what we should do
Gays: 8/10 degenerates

Islam: 10/10 shoot them all at the border
Women: 9/10 woman should know their place, take care of kids and kitchen
Blacks: 10/10 go back to Africa
Jews: 8/10 you shouldn't ever trust a Jew
Atheists: 9/10 they're guided by Satan
Trump: ?/10 we aren't Americans, so why should we care
Multiculturalism: 9/10 thinks that nation is already gone when there is multiculturalism
Gays: 9/10 they were molested and because of it they are now molesting pedophiles

My dad's an old school Vietnamese, so the man's a walking redpill
Islam:10 hates the stuff because they're killing Buddhists and Americans
Women:7, but he keeps quiet around my sister because she's a leftist
Blacks:10 he hates niggers because he came to the country poor, and saw niggers in their natural habitat
Jews:1 he worked for an Israeli company for quite some time, so he has nothing bad to say. Turns out, Jews are quite nice when they're on your side
Atheists:1 he doesn't think godless people have compassion or empathy
Trump:10 because Trump made his 401k grow by 70 grand, destroyed Democrats, and copied Reagan's campaign slogan
Multiculturalism:Ironically, 10. He loves American values and identifies as American.
Gays:10. My sister goes to college in San Francisco, and we once watched a gay pride parade devolve into an orgy. He said that he pities god for having to watch the horror that is SF.
Islam:3 she's a leftist
Women:1 she just got a job to be a stronk independent woman
Blacks:2 she dislikes BLM, but thinks they're still redeemable
Jews:1, but she's been a housewife so she doesn't need to know
Atheists:1 she respects all religions
Trump:4 she thinks pissgate was real
Multiculturalism:2 she thinks all people are equal
Gays: 7 Again, we visited SF and saw a fucking orgy on the streets.


Islam: 7/10
Women: 9/10
Blacks:: 10/10
Jews: 7/10
Atheists: 9/10
Multiculturalism: 10/10
Gays: 5/10

Babushka based af

Both of their views are largely the same
Islam: 10, militant hatred of Islam

Women: 10

Blacks: 10, Dad hollers whenever he sees one on the street

Jews: 6, slowly waking up to the Jewish problem

Atheists: ?

Trump: 10

Multiculturalism: 7

Gays: 10, Dad would pull out his beretta and shoot me if I was gay.

Both are Sikh.

Islam: 10/10. Views the religion as an ethnoreligion incompatible with the West.
Women: 9/10. Has a solid view that women are entirely emotional and don't do well in the workplace. Most are workplace cancers.
Blacks: 8/10. He grew up in LA, so his opinion of them is very low. With the way things have gone, however, the limelight has been more on the Mexicans and Salvadorans than on the Blacks.
Jews: 7/10. One of his one-liners I remember as a kid was "There is nothing worse than a liberal Jew." As an old school Catholic, he seems to greatly dislike them, but on the other hand, he's oddly pro-Israel, which is completely retarded.
Atheists: 5/10. Doesn't seem to have as big a problem with it as my mother, but view those whom profess it as infantile in their reasoning.
Trump: 10/10. He wants the wall yesterday. 30ft higher and electrified; with moats and alligators.
Multiculturalism: 8/10.
Gays: 9/10. Doesn't like the gay "culture." Views it as manufactured and poisonous.

Islam: 10/10. Same as Dad.
Women: 8/10. Doesn't view the civilian workplace thing as a problem, but thinks women should be barred from certain work like military, law enforcement and firefighting.
Blacks: 6/10. Not a big opinion other than when we talk about the Rodney King riots or something.
Jews: N/A. Haven't actually spoken to her about it.
Atheists: 10/10. Sees it as abhorrent.
Trump: 10/10. Hates the Clintons and wants the wall.
Multiculturalism: 8/10. Focuses more on her dislike for East Asians; doesn't like them at all.
Gays: 4/10. "Okay" with the whole thing now that her kids are normal, but I see her as one of those parents that would've had a shit-fit if one of her kids ended up as one.


Dad died halfway through Obama
6/10 hated sandpeople but without real reason
8/10 spent half his life chasing his "true love" only to then say "fuck it" and he fucked some chick who was in the same boat and detested women from then on.
10/10 grew up in Chicago
3/10 non religious, didn't have much of any stance in creation
6/10 sounded faggy, but so long as it didn't mean he's have to hire blacks he was ok with it
5/10 pretty ok with dudes fucking dudes but openly mocked anyone who was proud of being gay

Mom hates Islam and blacks, understands the Jewish problem, and voted trump because the dems refused to enforce US laws. Very redpilled, though she's definitely a "strong independent womyn" whenever she can get away with it.

I though people get softer with age.

Islam: 10/10
Women: 5/10
Blacks: 6/10
Jews: 0/10
Atheists: 9/10
Trump: 4.5/10
Multiculturalism: 5/10
Gays: 10/10

Islam: 10/10
Women: 9/10
Blacks:: 10/10
Jews: 5/10

Pretty lucky to have them.


Islam: 7/10 still thinks some Muslims are OK but realizes the vast majority want to murder everyone in the West.
Women: 3/10 he got cheated on by my mother but still thinks most women aren't bad.
Blacks:: 10/10 calls them niggers to their face and knows all about their crime levels.
Jews: 1/10 thinks the Jews haven't done anything wrong.
Atheists: 5/10 he finds them to be mostly degenerates.
Trump: 1/10 he hates Trump but knows Hillary would have been significantly worse. He was going to vote Libertarian until Gary Johnson said he believes in hate speech laws and gun control.
Multiculturalism: 2/10 he has no problem with mutliple languages being spoken in public. The only race he has a problem with is niggers. The only religion he hates is Islam.
Gays: 6/10 He finds them disgusting but still supports gay marriage and adoption. He said gay parades should be banned without a doubt.

Islam: 10/10 often talks about nuking Mecca and would support creating a massive chemical to wipe out all life in the Middle East.
Women: 0/10 she is a hardcore feminist and believes she was justified in cheating on my father because he didn't give her enough attention.
Blacks: 10/10 She calls them niggers to their face and carries a gun because of their existence.
Jews: 1/10 has never had problems with Jews. Her best friend is a Jew that encouraged her to cheat on my father.
Atheists: 1/10 has no opinion as far as I know.
Trump: 1/10 Gullible enough to believe everything CNN tells her.
Multicultralism: 9/10 She despises anyone who doesn't speak English. Tried to sue a radio station that was in Spanish. Got lawsuit thrown out though. Also hates illegal immigrants with a deep passion.
Gays: 1/10 she is a fag hag.

Mum - Owns her own accounting firm, owns her own house, no debt, anti nazi but -

99% hates the Jews
75% hates atheists
90% hates blacks
100% against (((Multiculturalism)))
75% against faggots

White Right wing Conservative

Funny. My mom works in the same field and has the same opinion of Jews.

Islam: 10/10 thinks of them as animals.
Women: 4/10 spouts shit about sexism every now and again.
Blacks: 10/10 thinks of them as animals.
Jews: 0/10 nope.
Atheists: 2/10 believes in ghosts but that's about it.
Trump: 3/10 thinks he's a clown.
Multiculturalism: 8/10
Gays: 5/10 when questioned he says he has nothing against them but he always jokes about them

Islam: 7/10 hates it because it oppressed women.
Women: 2/10 "women don't need men"
Blacks: 1/10 valiant anti-racist.
Jews: 0/10 knows nothing.
Atheists: 1/10 is "spiritual"
Trump: 0/10 posts Facebook statuses degrading him all the time.
Multiculturalism: 1/10 is adamant about making sure the immigrants get to establish their culture and insists that ours can go unchanged.
Gays: 0/10 goes to gay pride parades.


Islam: 8/10
Women: 4/10
Blacks: 4/10
Jews: unknown, probaly zero
Atheists: 4/10
Trump: 5/10
Multi: 1/10
Gays: 7/10


Islam: 7/10
Women: 5/10
Blacks: 3/10
Jews: unknown, probaly zero
Atheists: 5/10
Trump: 6/10
Multi: 1/10
Gays: 7/10


Islam: unknown
Women: 3/10
Blacks: 1/10
Jews: unknown
Atheists: 5/10
Trump: don't know
Multi: 1/10
Gays: 8/10

I pray your mother is an otherwise good person. That's bluepilled even for most normies.

I try my best to better the situation but facts aren't her good side.

not at all

Im a krautkebap with my mom beimg the kraut part. I guess that tells you about the muslim part.

>Islam:10/10 she fucking hates muzzies
>Women:3/10 she's a women but she didn't fall for (((feminism)))
>Blacks:7/10 she dislikes them and sees how they are trying to ruin everything
>Jews:9/10 not sure where she got so redpilled on them but she is
>Atheists:3/10 she thinks they are just lost in life
>Trump:8/10 she likes trump and voted for trump but she dislikes that he is going back on promises
>Multiculturalism:7/10 recently she's started to notice that it's all a lie and a trick
>Gays:5/10 she has more of a christian dislike of gays

my dad is dead so Idk

stop posting this

Islam:7/10, isn't having any of it
Women:10/10. had 4 boys and raised us while my dad worked (still does) 14+ hour days, excellent cook, best mom
Blacks:2/10, locks doors around blax
Jews: 1/10, she's a protestant in America
Atheists: 7/10, she knows they're insufferable and wrong but probably not aware of just how shitty and cancerous they are
Trump: 7/10, voted for him, likes him
Multiculturalism: 10/10, knows our culture is superior
Gays: 9/10

Islam: 10/10, knows his shit on why it sucks
Women: 8/10, believes in gender equality a lil too much but believes in traditional gender roles
Blacks: 2/10, isn't afraid to talk about them as a group but treats them equally. Was born in Detroit and had a lot of them as friends growing up.
Jews: 0/10, see: mom, protestant in America, shills for Israel, argue about this with him frequently
Atheists: 10/10, knows they're the enemy
Trump: 4/10, doesn't like his personality but reluctantly voted for him
Multiculturalism: 10/10
Gays: 10/10, around fags never relags

You're posting in every thread with the same stupid frog girl. Why are Germans so autistic?

You listed Jews 4th. Are you sure you're red pilled?

My parents are long split

My mother turned new age seattleite hippie a while back.
Islam:0 Thinks Muslim guys are hot
Women: this is surprising but she thinks that feminism is stupid. Probably because she doesn't want to be treated equal but wants to be pampered.
Blacks: 0 likes brown skin
Jews: 0 her great grandparents were Jewish Germans or something and immigrated between ww1 and 2. Shes got a big nose.
Atheists: Shes hyper "spiritual"
Trump: She thinks trump is walking evil
Multiculturalism: She actually thinks that country boarders are bad and doesn't want any government.
Gays: Half of her friends are gay
My mother is all thats wrong with the west.

My father is just a guy who lives in the woods and shoots deer for fun.
Islam: 4/10 doesn't like how they blow shit up sometimes but doesnt think about it.
Women: 10/10 completely redpilled on women and knows their tricks but chooses not to think about it because he wants to believe that his love is worth it or something.
Blacks: 0/10 he likes black people and has never had a reason to not like black people.
Jews: 0 its not even something he has ever thought about before
Atheists: He doesnt think about religion of any kind for any reason.
Trump: 7/10 he said he didn't like trump before but a lot of his policies he said he was surprised that he really liked.
Multiculturalism: ??? He doesnt care about anything but his job and his ability to fish and hunt.
Gays: he doesnt care if you are gay or not.
My father is reasonable I suppose, he is subject to being from Washington, meaning he will only ever vote democrat and never think about it.

So many redpilled moms... wtf?

Mine is the same. My dad is the liberal Trump hating one.

Islam:10/10 wants literally genocide of all Muslims and the Arab race.
Women: 5/10 hates modern feminism, but does a lot of guy stuff like play sports
Blacks: 8/10 Thinks they're subhuman
Jews: 5/10 Getting there, acknowledges them as a problem, still afraid to name them
Atheists: 0/10 is one
Trump:10/10 Voted enthusiastically
Multiculturalism: 10/10
Gays: 0/10 Lots of gay friends

Dad (Died 10 years ago)
Islam: 10/10 Refereed to them as Animals, savages, sand niggers, rag heads, camel jockies
Women: N/A
Blacks: 10/10 Hated them, was a cop
Jews: 8/10 Had Jewish friends, but hated Jews as a whole. Would name them constantly and liked Nazi stuff.
Atheists: 5/10 Was one, but strongly supported the christian values he was raised with
Trump: 10/10 Would have undoubtedly voted, hated spics
Multiculturalism: 10/10 Foresaw all of this cultural decline coming, used to talk about declining white demographics often.
Gays: 8/10

My father was red pilled as fuck. I really wish he were still alive so I could pick his brain. I used to think he was a bigot because he was just so negative, now I sound just like him.