One of the world's most respected neurosurgeons is Ben Carson. How does that make you feel Sup Forums?
Ben Carson
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I am perfectly fine with the sleepy doctor.
He's an EXCEPTIONAL man.
I'm fine with that. But nazis probably won't cuz their ideology is just retarded and disrespectful to anyone but their color.
Carson's a pretty cool guy. He used to work in Australia actually.
He's quite the based black man
Very proud that he's a conservative
Why did he surgically attach too white people together at the head?
Stoned and sleepy.
He's a good nigger. I'd make him the driver
you do know that he fucking botched both surgery that made him famous right?
the conjoined twins all died a few years after their separation. but he still got all the glory for no reason. the media in his presidential campaign is literally fake news.
He'd make a great president if he wasn't such a terrible candidate.
He's legit. Carson has that calm, stoic demeanor that only the best physicians have.
Good, like him.
He raised himself from poverty, didn't behave like a nig, pro 2nd amendment, conservative, doesn't blame whites for the problems of the black community.
There's a need for more people like him
>a few years after their separation
Like they wouldn't have died anyway
>most respected
not true
I feel unironically sleepy. Don't you?
I feel good for minorities that actually push themselves. It happens that black individuals on average do not, so even a competent black person is seen as a fucking unicorn. Usually scorned by his own.
It reminds me of a joke, a guy goes to hell and is having a tour to see what is expecting him, so the devils bring him next the pot for whites and several devils use their pitchforks to put folks back down. Then they go to the pot for the asians and there are few devils there, you see asians are more akin to follow instructions. Then they went to the pot for the blacks and there were no devils there at all. Why do they not escape asked the dude. Don't worry, whenever someone tries to craw up, the others drag him back down with them, says the devil.
Hopeful in evolution, actually...
when your surgery leave one kid in vegetative state and the other mentally retarded i would call that a botch surgery. and he didn't just fail once.
Dr. Ben prescribes good dreams and sleepy time to all his loyal followers
You do realize that the whole point of the surgery and the accomplishment was that he separated the twins without killing them right? They died a few years later as opposed to shortly after birth and probably due to reasons that were apparent before the surgery.
sleepy ben
>the worlds most respected neurosurgeon is a republican
Exceptional negro.
Theres also the fact that he regularly undertook unethical and dangerous surgeries that almost always ended in death on the operating table or severe disability
They were doing advanced math before the surgery? Why didn't he kill one and leave one with a double brain so he could be super smart?
You can tell he's a based intelligent man, I like him, everyone else can fuck off I fkn hate 99% of the niggers
Statistical outlier
Reminds me of a black in a crime story that was an aircraft pilot. One day for no apparent reason he decided to murder his crew. The implication was there he was a very paranoid stupid individual. Who despite making it to the top of his profession still felt white people were oppressing him.
How does it make you feel that the Democratic Party wants to keep blacks dependent on government because as soon as a black finds success they become a Republican?
It doesn't.
Being a doctor is by far the most over rated job in terms of intelligence required. It is all memorization, and even after 12 years of memorizing they still fuck up all the time and some people have the nerve to want to cap the amount people can get from malpractice.
he was respected...
>dems try to spin accomplishment as failure once their exemplary POC dares leave their plantation
Really gets the noggin joggin.
Neuroscientists are top minds very similar to top mathematicians and physicists, sure the aircraft pilot was applied and intelligent but there is no point of comparison.
ben is based, also woke af
(((lucifer))) worshippers watch the fuck out
A guy in the rightmost part of the bell curve. Good for him.
It's blacks like this who ghetto kids should look up to, not gangsters. The blacks with their most elite leading a society in Africa could thrive. Shame they mostly choose to live off of us because it's easier for them.
The comparison wasnt really the profession. Look up Carsons controversial history.
He's one person I can unironically call a based black guy.
I'd have him in my ethnostate desu
He was my fav guy after Trump in election
OH! He's a based nigger in a MAGA hat you say? Welp, that settles it, better bring out my fertile, 14 year old, virgin, blond, blue-eye'd white daughter so he can pin her face down on the ground to gain leverage over her as way to reduce any future struggle when he violently thrust his gargantuan sized nigger cock inside her tiny, never-touched-before, fuck hole.
This visceral act of deflowering what is essential the purest form of Europe -- a young innocent daughter of the white race -- will allow this base nigger to successfully reach his climax and burst out a thick, virile, load of freshly produced nigger nut which will easily puncture her eggs and take seed. The result of which will initiate the process of diluting my white ancestor's genetic code that took hundred of thousands years to develop in-favor of propagating based, MAGA wearing, nigger genes!
We raised him good
Got my almonds relatively activated
I like how blacks have an insult for other blacks who are successful and decide to make something of themselves instead of be a welfare collecting hood nigger. The insult uncle tom doesn't mean someone who's a snob or an elitist it literally just means a black man who decided not to lead a life of crime and hedonism. That's an insult. Think about that.
hes fine.
but an outlier is an outlier. never forget that.
No idiot! It's not an ethnostate then. Let him have his own land in Africa.
buying the "nazis are racist" meme
The point is that actually well adjusted black guys like Carson don't lust after white women like niggers do
So a black guy with Aspergers can turn out pretty smart, big deal
I have no problem with it whatsoever.
Doesn't change the fact that for everyone one like him there's nine other ghetto bunnies.
Bro u gotta stop watching interracial porn. Take a break, do some no fap.
Point out the fact its been proven that low iq people can complete STEM degrees.
I'm cool with it.
wtf I want a nigger ghetto next door and want to go back to my high school that was full of retarded low IQ niggers.
he should go back to africa and make africans kangz again.
Ain't nothing wrong with a non white being smarter than a white.
habba upboat
Prove it
A fucking nigger witch doctor baboon mouth will never be the best doctor in the world.
Ben Carson should be hailed as the emperor of Africa to begin the negroid eugenics program, and to make them evolve to a more modern state in development.
actual based black man
I love this guy
You can still produce an entire population from a single genetic outlier.
For example, every yellow/albino Burmese python ever descended from a single animal.
Shit, if only we can do this with advanced blacks... It seems a majority of them are still stuck in their version of caveman times.
Leaves me indifferent.
Thank you for including me in the debate.
Well, he's a doctor, only thing being a doctor requires other than having at least slightly below average intelligence is the willingness to spend over 10 years for schooling.
he could be king of Africa
I'm fine with that, I love that.
Which brings the question, why does the left hate him?
You know who's the biggest racist of them all? Left. Left wants to treat blacks as perennially inferior. Right only wants them to behave themselves and act as equal human beings
Those patients wouldn't have survived much longer anyway. The point of those surgeries was to at least find out if we can attempt new techniques.
Did he ever find his luggage?
You are fucking grade-A retarded. Besides the fact that you're basically wrong on all accounts and are being extremely overly reductive about what you think "being a doctor" entails, Carson has at least 38 honorary doctorates with over 120 scientific publications. He's been selected by the library of Congress as a living legend. The man is a fucking literal genius and is quite possibly one of the most accomplished people alive today.
Ben Carson actually operated on my cousin.
he should be a celebrity to blacks, too bad hes satan incarnate for wanting to reduce gibs.
china is colonizing africa so they're already going to bring them up to 85+IQ at least
>1 successful negro out of 100,000 rioting welfare recipients
nice argument op
maximum kekkonen
the other user is right about doctors. the guy has a steady hand and a good work ethic; rare enough for a negro, but thats what it takes to be a brain surgeon. when he opens his mouth nothing special comes out.
> honorary doctorates
> library of Congress
so does nelson mandela. guess what both have in common? protip: it isnt brain surgery.
every race has an outlier. comparing sleepy ben to the average ghetto nigger is like comparing michael phelps to an average white guy swimming in a pool
what did you mean by this?
It makes me feel pretty good for him.
He attended white schools though. Gotta tell you something.
A DNA test whose results were displayed on the show African American Lives (2006) stated that Ben’s genetic ancestry is:
*80% Sub-Saharan African
*20% European
Yes but those kids he separated got fucked up
from the surgery
look it up
they were better off stuck together
meritocrisy yo. wish more niggers were like him, make all of our lives better
Sleepy Ben is a based Negro and I don't give a fuck if you faggots think I'm memeing
I am a white nationalist and think Ben Carson is a great man worthy of my respect.
I also think he provides a great role model for young black people to strive for.
Loving your own race doesn't necessitate hating others.
i dont like your brand of satire
I have no problems with black people who get a proper education and want to excel at life instead of being ghetto trash degenerates.
The people who do have a problem with this are the left. It's one less minority that they can't brainwash.
Jesse Owens was allowed to dine in white establishments in nazi Germany. Couldn't do that in the USA.
i'd spare him the rope he is a pretty cool guy
pretty good considering he stood up for trump when none of the repubs did and called hillary the daughter of satan
he also defended him when people said trump was racist
ben carson is a cool guy because he hates niggers who cant be respectible people in society and instead prefer to have a victim complex and blame "whitey" for their problems
like taking a nap
Latinos are also really good Doctors too, Cubans especially.
I really didn't need to see that giant vein on my fucking brain god that shit triggers me
Pretty good, actually. And I don't even think Nazis or Ethno Nationalists have a problem with that.
You do realize, that wanting an ethnically/racially homogeneous homeland doesn't mean you hate all other ethnicities and races, right? There's absolutely nothing wrong with having ethno states and still being connected via trade of goods and services.
The problems only come with forced integration and state sponsored immigration.
>not using calculus and knowledge of geology and physics to determine how many moons the earth has.
He should stick to surgery.
nazis are literally racist wtf lmfao.
they think whites are literally superior.
there is no inherent reason to preserve the white race unless you believe they are superior.
Doctors are the hands of Satan and will all burn in the lake of fire. I don't care how well respected he is.
What's the point of contention? His race?
I think it's great, niggers need proper role models. Neil Degrassi Tyson is another good example. If all niggers were like Carson, I'd have much less in this world to be mad about
>being this retarded
Lol nice try jew
Carson has a respect value of A.
The most respect is B
A < B
How does it taste!???! BTFOOOOOO