Fusion tech is going to be purely German-European.
Germany not to share fusion tech with America
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If thats true you best believe the NSA will find out about it ahmed
This. There is nothing to worry about.
Nah, there will be a huge exodus of intellectuals from germany as it becomes a 3rd world muslim shithole in the next 50 years.
Similar to how Einstein ran to the USA prior to WWII.
they've got coal, no need for the fusion meme.
>implying elites aren't already 1000 years ahead.
>Sharing tech with America that we already have
Are you retarded or something?
Checkmate Blompft
Amerilards BTFO
>yfw we'll literally have free, cheap and clean energy while amerisharts get cancer from fossil fuels
only fusion germany is performing is fusing ahmeds cock with helga's twat
This brought you the Frankfurt School last time
so can we fuse all non whites to a mega blob?
You can keep your fictional technologies
Cringy af
Expected more from a Pole
desu he was probably talking his shit up like that to continue getting more immense amounts of untraceable funny money
Obligatory after a few posts a butthurt Polacke shows up.
I think it's the same EU samefag shill desu.
>implying it actually exists and is not a ruse to virtue signal against Americans
Snails and Bratwurst on the same plate.
The process is ongoing. They are called Americans.
so? theyre cool..
of course cuck alliance defends its members
you lost swedistan somewhere, is sunday it's rape day?
>being this embarrassingly naive
Lol we're probably building our own version in Oak Ridge or Sandia as we speak
We hacked your fucking Prime Minister's phone, you think we can break into some academic research networks?
>Muh superior German intellect
Germany doesn't even have a top-50 university.
>expecting anything but subhuman screeching from a Polack
you know better, Pierre
>Germany won't share technology that America has known for almost twenty years
Germans must be seriously becoming depressed if they need clickb8 articles to feel good about themselves.
You know what else is going to be purely German-European?
>rankings made by americans put american universities first
wow... who could have seen this coming
Why are you making these threads? It's not even relevant.
>Einstein ran to the USA prior to WWII.
Einstein did nothing of value in America.
German schools are shit tier. Why do you think Germans all leave Germany to complete their degrees? At my college there were over 100 german students.
Fusion tech isn't the latest Snapchat messaging app, Burger.
We are not talking about meme tech from 'Degeneracy Valley'.
>You can keep your fictional technologies
This is what American Christian radicals ACTUALLY believe.
I've seen this before
>Lol we're probably building our own version in Oak Ridge or Sandia as we speak
As a virtual app with the goal to make fusion tech multiculturalist genderist gay. Sure thing.
you have not the slightest understanding of the school and apprenticeship system here. south german, austrian and swiss machinery is about as good as it gets worldwide thanks to a skilled workforce.
We are not sending our best though
Why do automatically assume I am saying german technology is bad or german workers are bad? I said german universities are inferior to their foreign counterparts. Germans go to school over sees then come back home to work, is that a difficult concept to understand?
>Lists based on (((Economics Nobel Prize))) wins.
Ok, sure thing.
There is only one objective ranking: trade in machines and other high tech products and we are the world leader in it.
More like goatfucker-european technology.
>Why do you think Germans all leave Germany to complete their degrees?
One of the main reasons for leaving Germany is because you cannot make it in Germany because of our fierce competition.
America takes every idiot who pays money based on loans. Germany actually only selects the best for many degrees and especially for advanced degrees.
Not even kidding. Studying medicine is virtually impossible in Germany unless you are the best of the best.
Polan, you never fail to out bant any euro. Never change.
The Brits will beat you to it anyway. Not that I forsee them sharing it either, but useful tech always has a way of falling into the hands of people you didn't intend it to.
Well congratulations Germany, you built a generator that will fuel the muslims for decades to come.
>I said german universities are inferior to their foreign counterparts.
Which is completely wrong. I studied in Germany, the UK (Cambridge) and the US and I can tell you, the US was the country with the worst standards by far. There were American students who literally lacked basic understandings of mechanics and math - things we were doing in high school.
Wort wort
>The Brits will beat you to it anyway.
Wait, are you serious?
Brits have exactly one serious fusion reactor, the JET or Joint European Torus which is 80% European funded and has been around since the 1980s and has long been at its limits.
>Muh Yale, Harvard SJW elite university meme
>didn't invent shit the last decades
>meanwhile german non-(((elite universities and institutes))) produce and invent revolutionary shit on the assembly line
>yfw it gets shut down once brexit is done with to fund NHS sex reassignment surgeries
only Australians can produce viable fusion anyway
Swiss apparatus is gold standard, but frankly the German stuff we've used has always been just as bad as the domestic, and harder to get serviced.
>denying oppressed American POCs/trans/latinx/LGBTBBQ/femme/disabled/homo/native peoples access to fusion tech
Germany no!
>Fusion tech is going to be purely German-European.
kek, ok hans, keep living in your fantasy land. oh, hows the basic law written by the USA treating you these days?
no they aren't. that's the baby that grew up to be cultural marxism.
but yeah, germany is going to experience brain drain to poland, and usa.
So? By 2030 your scientists and upper class citizens will all start emigrating east, to Poland and Russia, to escape your collapsing country.
So.. We had it first. It's smaller too.
>only Australians can produce viable fusion anyway
And with fusion you mean coal.
You are right about going East, but are wrong about the escape part.
>18m long and 2000 tons ... as much as a small Navy ship.
Ok there, I think Wendelstein X-7 is a bit more compact...
>tfw we don't actually use it and sell it all to China
>same with our ridiculous amount of uranium oxide
I hope it becomes reality, I don't care who invents it
I know its a meme, but are Germans literally autistic? How are they so smart and simultaneously so dumb?
>our non-energy positive useless technology is ours!!!
genetic inferiority
once a barbarian always a barbarian
Very interesting video.
I know plasma fusion reactors now.
You better invest a bit in your own energy systems and power stations. Seems you got repeated power outages in the South. Sad!
>I hope it becomes reality, I don't care who invents it
Israel is a bro of Germany. We consider you guys European (Song contest!) and so we will share the tech with you folks. But don't hand it to Americans!
Thank you Germany, I guess when the USA will come up with revolutionary tech and they refuse to tell us we will have to thank you for it.
Really mature to pick a fight with the strongest nation in the world only because you don't like the leader.
Can the EU just fucking die already ? Are the application for the ex-URSS still open ? I think at this point being part of a communist regime would be a better idea.
Again, we've had the technology.
um, goyim, didn't you know that coal isn't green and is therefore evil?
SA went full green retardo mode and bought wind generators, shutting down their coal plant while still relying on Victorian power import (COAL FIRED). I fucking hate this country
>56% new brazil talking about who is going to become a 3rd world shithole
They wouldn't tell us anyway, retard. Trump hates Europe.
Likes the UK.
you retard America funded W-7X more than the Europoor countries
>there will never be another war where America forcefully acts to defend its allies or its interests when the common middle class's quality of life is so low that even liberals ride the war train in your life time
I want us to invade and consume you europoors' worthless continent so fucking bad, like this isn't even a dick waving competition. Humanity needs this to happen.
Geez I wonder why.
Yeah I studied at Wurzburg this is true, I was super below level. Apparently you come into university there with calculus, pretty crazy.
>you retard America funded W-7X more than the Europoor countries
>Financial support for the project is about 80% from Germany and about 20% from the European Union
Are you drunk?
works for me...you stay on your side of the pond and we'll stay on ours, till you need us. again...
>Said Mr. Will Be a Minority in his own country in 3 years
Go fuck yourself Hans
>we will not share
Good way to endear yourself with your eu partners
>Good way to endear yourself with your eu partners
We will share with Europe/Russia/Israel, not with the US or UK.
> Trump hates Europe
> It has nothing to do with the fact that the EU is literally genociding Europeans and effectively replacing them with Arabs and Africans
Spreading it in the EU means given it over to inferior non-Germanics. Fuck that.
Wait, you are not doing calculus in highschool?
Sounds like a rent seekers dream.
I assume it will have the same timeline of production as BER?
>Germany taking over and ruining Europe while also innovating in the nuclear field
>implying America wont get it
It has to do with the fact that he's upset at European products outcompeting American ones. None of this refugee shit would be a problem without America intervening in Libya and Syria.
>handing the new caliphate star wars technology
The fucking Germans aren't just out to destroy Europe...they're gonna take us all with them.
Is that dude wearing a fucking exoskeleton?
We do calculus in high school I don't know what that guy is talking about.
Germanic*. Meds/Bulgaria/Romania/Croatia are a liability. V4 are okay
And stop using a flag designed by Richard Kalergi. Plebeian af
> Implying liberals wouldn't be importing Africans if there weren't a middle eastern crisis
Come on Euro-user. Liberals are straight up ruining Europe just like they were doing to America before we replaced them with Trump. It has nothing to do with quality products and everything to do with the genocide of Europeans. If there were conservatives running the EU and actually designated its policies towards helping out Europeans instead of demographic replacement, I'm sure his tune would change.
Plus, let's be honest here, Merkel is a liberal cunt anyways.
>a viable means of producing power
Too expensive. I've got my money on the General Fusion boys up in Canada, or maybe Tri-Alpha. And shit, if anyone can afford the top-grade methamphetamine necessary to keep engineers and physicists awake long enough to design a viable, cost-effective fusion reactor, it's Lockheed.
The EU was set up FROM THE BEGGINING to displace Europeans. Merkel is more solid on race than your Drumpf will ever be