How do we make college a more trans friendly space?
How do we make college a more trans friendly space?
By getting them help rather than promoting self mutilation
This shit is going to end sometime soon, right? Like, this can't continue forever can it? At some point this is going to turn out to be a fad, and everyone is going to cringe at the memory of stupid shit they said. That has to happen.
Like, these girls are going to look back at the family dinners they ruined, the relationships they squandered, the opportunities they turned down, and think "how could I have been so stupid?" They'll think of it as a childish phase won't they? Jesus Christ, please tell me this shit is going to die soon.
Women will always be the same. Just look at cat ladies user
After the war
Only after the chaotic collapse of the west - in the mean time only some will either just kill themselves or, if they don't grow out of it, live a miserable and lonely life.
wouldn't feminism be sexist in this case anyway by the new homo standards? I thought gender didn't exist by your view points. If this is the case then misogyny doesn't exist.
Normal people who have met normal trans people dont really give a shit either way
Stop provoking reactionaries. If you want people to join your side, the first step is to invite them.
>This is now a Libertarian/Classic Liberal thread
Not this again
We did it Reddit!
Mandatory castration with enrollment.
fapped to it.
God I visualize the great war coming. I think these women believe they'll form bands of Amazon women - just as gutsy and tough as any man - roving the wasteland and forming a commune like the Walking Dead or Mad Max. But they get together, a gang of men comes upon them, and then they all get raped. They're completely powerless to do anything against men, and most of them turned out to be gigantic cowards in the face of real adversity. The men loot them, rape them, and leave them alive because they're not dangerous enough to worry about retribution.
In the end, they realize how useless a band of 'grrrrls' actually is, and they go petition the nearby patriarchal group for entry, and only the prettier ones get accepted. They immediately ditch their 'girl power' collective for the safety of a male-dominated society.
Islam fill fix it real quick
>Trans """"""""""People""""""""""
You were born with a birth defect, just like thousands of others in the world. Do you hear the kid with no arms asked no how to make college a more no arms friendly space? Do you hear a kid with a facial deformity ask for a more deformity friendly place? Accept the cards that life has given you and don't rely on others for your own happiness. Everyone has their crosses to bear. You are not special.
Just fucking Mangirl'd
>this can't continue forever can it
Does it really sound like it has long term sustainability? Do you really think changing what works with what "sounds better" even has a chance of lasting more than a decade? Every single one of them deserves the rope.
I'd let her suck my dick
>This shit is going to end sometime soon, right?
Haha, no. With technological advancements it's only going to get worse and get more sophisticated.
I am waiting for the first actual trans-negro and trans-asian.
>Thinking """she""" will be sucking YOUR dick
Not by Marxist Logic.
Feminism can never be sexist and misogyny always exists. When it involves trans-people they can just call it "transmisogyny" and rationalize it being hatred of women by saying that MtF's are hated because they're women now and FtM's are hated because people still treat them like women. You can't win a battle of wits with them because they've forsaken logic and redefine term that doesn't suit their position.
Guize , fist of all sage your posts, It's full of sliders out there , don't reply at all, if it's a empty slider , just let it go so we focus on our proper Sup Forums material.
Abort thread
By pretending like they don't exist
By shocking the shit out of them until they stop being delusional.
The Vietnamese had these reprogramming techniques they supposedly used on their American POWs. Why can't we try reprogramming the trannies?
Decadence has a way of leading to indiscriminate behavior
But indiscriminate behavior leads to the fall of decadence
These things have a way of weeding themselves out, but it takes time
>In college
>learning about feminism
Might as well start applying at Starbucks or Mcdonalds now before it's too late
Looney bin or therapy for all transpeople
No joke
I just watched a debate saying this was not mutilation.
This is textbook genital mutilation.
Exactly, it's been used/researched for years we should at least give it a chance, after all they see no ethical problem in mutilating their genitals and insisting everyone except their lies.
>Trans black
Talcum X and Rachel Dolezal
We don't. Fuck them
>Why can't we try reprogramming the trannies?
Bullets are cheaper, quicker, and more effective.
Reprogramming people Vietnamese style was a strict regiment of beatings and rapes. Crude, but effective considering that one of their creations became a Congressman.
because it doesn't work forever and eventually the conditioning would break when they're 60 and the disease has twisted their mind up into somthing real ugly and they'd become the weird faggot crossdresser that most people think of trannies as.
therapy doen't work on gender dysphora and we don't have loony bins anymore
The vast majority of these assholes are transtrenders. Of the ones who actually go forward with a sex change, I'd be willing to bet that many are so short-sighted that they envision it as being little more than a tattoo or body piercing.
See, what makes a person trans->*their genes.
How can we tell when they're trans?
->they act trans.
Now, let me illustrate something for you. A person who acts a certain way based off of their genes is going off of what they're given. NOW
1. A person who has an emotional state that is abstract from normal function. Normal being of their parents genes. A person cannot have an imbalance of hormones that is considered unnatural from their parents if they are straight, because then that would be in alignment with them. But if they're gay, then that is automatic.
2. Since one is true, we know that there is an imbalance in ones genes caused by an outside force.
If one chooses who they love in a romantic sense based of external environmental change, which in this case is true, they are choosing not based off of their genes, but based off other factors.
3. By these facts we can state being gay is a social construct and a result of stigma.
But do not worry tranfag, tis all in the learning of life.