Sup Forums has no argument against this. White people are subhuman when it comes to aging. Worst race at aging.
Sup Forums has no argument against this. White people are subhuman when it comes to aging. Worst race at aging
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Finally someone understands the truth. Asian waifus are the best for white men!
>asians age better than whites meme
asians age just as much as whites
they just have better makeup to cover it
have you ever went to japan? most if their women age like shit due to stress
Never met a Polynesian, huh?
Plastic doesn't age as fast
>what is mexican woman
This is a meme.
I must say, though, Whites age, because they consume a lot of alcohol/cigarettes/drugs. My parents consume very little alcohol/cigarettes/drugs, and they look like they're ten years young than their ages.
Also, consuming shit food will make you age. Whites consume shit food - at least in the U.S.
Precisely why i must BREED with asian women as a white man.
can you pick a white woman who didn't destroy her self with drugs?
please and thank you
With Lindsey it's a given though.
She's always been a stupid cunt.
>wat is eliot roger
I think the reason white people age like shit in general is because of their obsession with tanning and the sun. Healthy, pale and creamy white skin is best skin IMO. Everyone should embrace and take care of their natural skin tones.
WTF I love asian women now! Whats up with white dudes and their fetish for asian women. I've never found asian girls attractive let alone more attractive than white girls.
You've never been to Asia.
A better diet and less preservatives allows for healthier skin and to keep elasticity in the face (preventing wrinkles).
White women are shit, you aren't ever going to change this.
Anyone who believes this never saw an asian without makeup and is probably a virgin.
ikr? brown nips HAHAHAHAH
The Chink Slayer
Well to be fair that one is 98 years old
Pic is 50
I have never met an attractive asian. They all look like your stereotypical inbred mongol.
Still would fuck Lindsey Lohan. Lindsey lohan is so far out off your league you have to resort to a plastic Asian mutant in order to get an erection.. many such cases! SAD!
Have you ever been to Asia? No? Then fuck off and stop cherrypicking you faggot.
White women age well if they wear sunscreen and stay out of the sun.
A lot of them are just retards who use tanning booths and are shriveled up and riddled with melanoma by age 40.
Also they probably don't understand the ubiquity of cosmetic surgery in Asia.
Woops, apparently she was 29, my bad
>racemixer tries to justify his degeneracy
>look a picture i made designed to support my point
wtf is wrong with its face
I highly doubt the average 50 year old asian woman looks like that. Nice cherry pick though.
She's not really attractive, looks Irish
110 years old
A half-Jewish half-asian who was the product of neglectful parents who never addressed his horrific narcissistic personality disorder.
She's crying
There are hot and ugly women in all races shut the fuck up everyone. Be honest pol there are SOME coons you'd fuck
>tfw me and my girlfriend are both 26 and already she's showing signs of ageing
>I find occasional grey hairs on her head
>her sex drive has diminished since I met her at 23
>I look back at photos of her when she was 18-19 and she looks completely different
Wat do
Gooks age like a motherfucker. Go into Chinatown sometime and look at the hunched over walking corpses with no teeth...disgusting bug people.
Fucking lol @ using people in media as examples of aging. Only subhuman brainlet autists could think of such a thing.
make babby
White "women" BTFO.
what makes you think you're a prize?
She looks old for her age.
Tamayo Marukawa, 46
Get an asian mistress
kek snek with the bants
Japs are bred and reared to look good to make beta neckbeards like you get the yellow fever
>right: asian with 10 pounds of makeup on
29 year old used as an example of a good looking 50 year old. Fucking kek you weaboo pieces of shit.
japanese qt3.14s still superior though.
That's not the average milf in Amerilarp
There's a women behind all that photoshop?
many white women age perfectly fine
29 - but looks 50
I had to settle for a Korean gf because I couldn't get a white girlfriend
It's okay, but some things really bother me. E.g. my Korean girlfriend doesn't want to fight the white male patriarchy with me. And she doesn't have any "lovehandles" that I can grab onto whilst I make love to her. She also takes a lot of pride in cooking good meals, which is a real turn-off for someone like me.
Grew up in the US. I've since lived in Japan for a few years. Also spent some time in Singapore.
Depending on where you live, seeing hot white women over the age of 35 can be very common -- even over 45 happens frequently enough. However, hot Asian women over the age of 35 just about anywhere is***extremely*** rare.
Asian women age like ***total shit*** compared to white women, generally speaking.
Lmfao, why the fuk is this triggering so maany when its completely true?.. must be the girls on Sup Forums. Honestly thoufh, i just came back from nipland and this is true, it even extends to the males. It is impossible to guess a japs age pther than to guess in age ranges of 20-35, 35-50 etc.
Black don't crack, yamsayin??
>looks 50
If only women on their 50s looked like that.
>cherry picking
and these aren't the average asians posted
but don't let weebs find out!
lets also not forget how cosmetics are a much larger industry in asia
do you really think none of these pictures of asians have photoshop?
the one on the right is a crackhead and the one on the left is a plastic surgery patient
it's called cherry picking, the overwhelming majority of asian woman are square headed, flat face abominations
also asian women don't drink, don't smoke, and don't do drugs
>also asian women don't drink, don't smoke, and don't do drugs
they most certainly do
Nah they're ugly as fuck and their personality is annoying as fuck.They're so fucking dull, depressing, timid, and uninteresting
not nearly as much as white women
>wtf is wong with its face
fixed it for you
sweet blog
>the overwhelming majority of asian woman are square headed, flat face abominations
Finally someone speaks the truth
as if asian women age well! TOP KEK brah
56 Japan
at this point you're only convincing yourself
Taiwanese girls make Nips look old.
Pic related is probably in her mid-twenties.
>all that makeup
Not fooling anyone.
why do they always act like they're 10-12 years old? holy fuck they're annoying
what an amazing looking woman
those yellow crooked teeth, obvious bags, and big nose really are cute
A girl in the west who smokes weed, goes to parties and gets drunk, is considered normal. Of course whitewashed asian girls in the west are the same.
In Asia that is considered degenerate.
in Asia the ones who mix are degenerates
The signs are a little different for asians than for whites, so if you grew up around/are white it's harder to tell.
You generally want to look at the area around the eyes and the neck area and compare to a younger girl; it's really subtle, so it'll take a few tries to get accurately estimate. If they're wearing make-up, however, all bets are off.
Asian girls regularly weigh less than 45kg.
This is almost unheard of for white women, who lose the ability to maintain this petite, youthful weight after their teens.
We're reaching we wuz levels of cherry picking in this thread.
True. White women are pretty sexy when they become a MILF. [spoiler]I just fapped to a Milf Pornstar :)[/spoiler]Feels gudman
>39 years old
That's with a fuck load of make up as well as probably 10 different applications to her eyes along with mascara to get them that wide. You're a retard.
Have you actually seen a woman without makeup before?
Yes, your point?
I'm not telling you to racemix, just stating the facts about female culture in Asia. Its far less degenerate than the west.
pic related
you certainly are showing a bias
why be locked in to someone your own age
I guarantee she will nag more and more also
prepare to leave her and hide your assets as best you can
But really, most of them (I know there is all kind of women in all societies, but I'm saying about the, somewhat, majority.) know how to be cute without being too much of a try hard, are very submissive (in a good way) and are not annoying. I can agree with the dull, timid or uninteresting sometimes but it's not as bad as most western women (again, not saying all, there are good ones out there)
>inb4 weeb