As much as you might hate him he's like a gateway drug into the extreme right. I think he gains supporters and they funnel to alt-right. And for that I support him, not to mention what he says tends to be pretty based
Is that you MILO?
Lol, it probably is. How the mighty have fallen!
Started with Sargon and Milo and now here I am
He comes here every now and again and makes threads like this. These days they get no replies so I gave a sympathy bump ...
I suppose it serves him right for trying to cash in on the moments with the whole superpac thing
The alt right is the reason we're losing ground. A bunch of spastic faggots joined this group to become le red pillars while not knowing what the fuck that means and it pushed the inceptors of the new right away.
You're right. I saw an Australian on Red Ice who is now a full white nationalist but her first redpill was seeing Milo dismantle leftists (she doesn't have such a great opinion of Milo now). That's how it starts for normies.
Makes me think of milo, the powdered shit, and for that I hate him.
After that lip-suction video I saw, I'll never take up for Milo again. Ever.
You start off thinking you're gonna lead the right wing death squads and then the next thing you know you've got a 12" BBC in your throat.
I don't watch him anymore (nor am I him like some of you suggest lol), but it seems like people on here tend to push away everyone they slightly dislike. And if we want to start influencing elections and making an actual impact we should take what we can get
There's no such thing as the "Alt-Right"
You even sound like him in how you write, I listened to you on both your Joe Rogan podcasts. It's ok dude, you over played your hand ... now you need to start again and rebuild
he was back in 2015. but not anymore
Troll in disguise with reprehensible believes. Deserves to be deported to an African village where he will starve and be eaten.
He will be assmutilated... wait... he wuld like that...
It's not like these cancerous /nupol/ autists could ever top him.
He was great when he was telling the truth on TV to feminists and making them fluster. Then he did that tour and surrounded himself with asskissing enablers. Now he just does empty provocative bullshit for its own sake. He is tedious as hell now
As much as you might hate him he's like a gateway drug into the extreme anal insertions. I think he gains supporters and they funnel to fisting. And for that I support him, not to mention what he says tends to be pretty gay
>tfw you remember a time where Sup Forums loved Milo
Things were fun back then.
Regardless of anons alleged identity, he's right. If we succumb to infighting, were no better off than the commies
This us the backlash we get for making a goddamn frog cult. May as well have mascotted the fucking ninja turtles
Sup Forums is not alt-right. This is like calling yourself a nazi unironically; it damages anything you say before you even start your argument.
Sup Forums is either Libertarian or National Socialist with heavy doses of White Supremacy in both.
it was always a split opinion, though. people loved him for BTFOing feminists, but all the stormfront 12 year olds hated him for being a queer.
Not watching Douglas instead of this over the top Queen
I liked Milo back in 2015 when he just did lulzy shit.
Nowadays though he's nothing more than a degenerate attention whore who shills his book and tries to gain sympathy idiots here.
Fair enough.
Too many people on Sup Forums subscribe to e-celebs with blind loyalty.
Mate, Milo hit his peak a while ago, and then plummeted off of it.
He was at some thing in New York not too long ago and that was literally it. The guy has fallen into obscurity.
guise look at this cringey kekistan ledditor i just found am i cool yet XD
>A child raping queer.
>Gateway to traditionalism.
All he does is infect groups that believe in traditionalism and decay them into being pro-queer anti-Western groups (a bit like what his HIV does to him).
The likes of him and Grindr Greg Johnson are as culturally marxist as universities.
When the fuck has he raped a kid?
>inb4 infographic about how 95% of gays have raped 6 gorillion kids
>GAYS ARE BASED inb4 proof!!!!!
no fuck off to red*it
>I went to these coke filled parties where "some of the boys there were very very young".
>But don't worry, I go to parties with the sole purpose of not doing any drugs,acohol or prostitutes, even though I've constantly proven to have no self-control or inhibition.
He WAS a gateway drug to the right.
He collapsed under that attack, though. It remains to be seen whether he can rebuild.
that's because Sup Forums is full of 13 year olds who spend their entire lives on youtube. it really makes me wonder when people post shit related to semi-popular youtubers if it's actually sincere or just some data mining/advertising research firm collecting data.
agreed, however remember how the media launched a coordinated smear campaign against him back in January? that shit was nuts.
Sorry Milo, you abused your fag card too much by justifying grooming of children by homosexuals as being somehow okay.
You're the kind of guy that if he got to the same power levels of the elite, you would engage in all sorts of Caligula like evil debauchery.
He's a degenerate Gate Keeper like Alex Jones.
They're stalling tactics.
he needs to up his game intellectually, read some Heidegger or something
>what he says
His politics are pretty basic bitch cuckservatism with the occasionally edgy rhetorical flourish.
oh shit check out those digits mein friends
>basic bitch cuckservatism with sucking black dick
LOL he just raised $12M for his new company, that is likely more than you will make in your lifetime, hows it feel?
>coordinated smear campaign against him
I remember. But it did its job didn't it? He may make a comeback, but much of his strength came from all those interviews where'd he'd drop some bombs and trigger everyone.
He's most likely a pedophile so he's basically a waste of life.
the irony of a communist flag and bragging about money did not go unnoticed, friend.
question: would you allow your 13 year old son to hang out alone with Milo?
He's the gateway into getting molested by old white men
You alt right Queers to get out-of the closet.
Based Milo! Free Kekistan! Praise Pepe!
i would pay good money to see him lynched by gypsies
And here we fucking go again...
>Basic bitch conservatism
>lesbians arent real
Redpilled my entire family with Milo and Gavin. My mom is 67 and literally almost full blown 14/88. All that's left is to show her "The Greatest Story Never Told". It's amazing watching boomers realize their entire reality is fabricated. 9-11, banking, pedophelia, Rothchilds... Milo and the other alt light are exactly how we start to wake up the goyim. The funnier they are, the easier it is to get them on board.
It's fun watching Milo play you fucking retards for his own gain.
Rising tide raises all ships. If you can make money off a movement, get paid. Don't let them pull this divide and conquer bullshit. Instead, watch what they're doing to be successful and learn from it if you can, utilize what works for your own gain.
>Pplz buy my handler"s products
Stop playing video games and watching porn. Instead use your free time and weaponized autism to write a book, make a YouTube channel, start traveling to events and expose the left, do whatever you can to contribute to this shift in ideology. I never expected to see the left get so absolutely assblasted on a daily basis like this. They have lost all humor and fun. We're winning ideologically, but we need to keep pushing into their territory... media, entertainment, art, education. Use whatever skills and god given gifts you have to attack these cunts at every turn. Don't let the constant payops get to you, because they're trying. So fucking hard, they're trying. Imagine the amounts of cash they're pouring into ShareBlue on a daily basis just to effect narratives on Sup Forums, some faggot is sitting there twirling a lock of his blue hair with one hand while furiously scrolling through the catalog right now trying to shill and sew division. Remember we're winning. Don't give into the Alt right vs Alt light kike distraction. We take a flame thrower to the left before we punch right. Once they're charred to ash not unlike the 66 gorillion, then we can focus our attention on cleaning up our side. Until then, destroy these motherfuckers with everything we have. Faggots, niggers and other BASED degenerates included.
Useful idiots. Remember Yuri.
>he just raised $12M
show us the bank deposit slip
>Is "Milo" even a thing anymore?
yeah it's him