>Chinks keeping their women under control unlike Whitey
>No cucking for Niggers and Mudslimes among Chinks
>Chinks make fun of White Leftists
>Japs and Chinks have much better entertainment
>Japs aren't fatties like muds and Whiteys
How come the Yellow Race is currently the best race?
Other urls found in this thread:
Go and live there if it's so great then lol
A failure says.
Asian posting from a country made by whites.
>is being enriched by Shaniqua and Pablo
yeah, pretty much.
the undeniable benefits of a monoculture.
multiculturalists btfo.
>Chinks keeping their women under control
>Highest percentage of interracial relationships in the US belong to WMAF
>Asian women often prefer white men over their own aznbois
>Chinks who live in a mongrelized country
>Chinks choking on feminism
>Chinks who hate their fathers
Meanwhile Whitey ladies across America and Europe vote for Mudslimes, Niggers, and Beaners migrating into countries so that they can violate them and kill their male relatives (who they hate).
>Butthurt aznboi detected
>White sexpats travel across Asia conquering Asian pussy
>Asian women everywhere love white men
>Butthurt aznboi detected
Did someone stuff your Asian mother's mouth full of big white meat aznboi?
>Point Whitey ladies are voting for violation and their male family's death
You talk like a Nigger.
>Aznboi lives in the US and witnesses the most humiliating situation of his women preferring white men
>Aznboi walks in on his Asian girl's mouth stretched by a BWC
How does it feel to be so humiliated?
>got tricked by the communist Jew into killing millions of their own people subjugating the rest into a life of slavery making low quality disposable products for Whitey
>never performed even remotely good in any war ever
Masterace amirite?
>Work at a restaurant mainly surrounded by Asian people
>I'm not even attractive but several of the young Chinese girls would randomly follow me around and freak out whenever I looked at them
>They also based their work schedules as best as they could to match my hours
>Two of them asked me out on separate occasions and they would randomly buy me food and gifts
I'm not into Asian women, but man white guys who ARE into Asian chicks must be having the fucking times of their lives. Even being a mediocre white manlet gets you scores of Asian chicks for some reason. I mean, looking at the Asian men I worked with, I can't blame them. Bunch of pudgy, slack jawed, rude, stupid chucklefucks who ate with their mouths open and played poker when they were meant to be working.
To be fair, their economic power would be a failure if they start cleaning up their country. They want companies to invest and make stuff in China even if it means giving their citizens shitty air to breathe in. I wouldnt say the pollution is cause only by chinks. More like everyone who want cheap labor and don't have to pay environmental fee is taking advantage government's lack of care for their environment
What's the problem, global warming? We're 1/3rd of the world population anyways.
>mfw the rest of the world dies due to some disease while chinks survive due to boosted immune system from living in polluted environment
>>No cucking for Niggers
Call me when China invites hordes of feral Niggers and Mudslimes to eat welfare and chimpout without keeping them in a way to put them under watch for future removal.
>Has never been in a polluted environment
KYS Scumbag
He's Chinese.