WHAT ____DID____ ((((THEY)))) MEAN BY FUCKING ____THIS____???
Are they, dare I say it, /ourguys/????
Holy shit. Which one of you works there and tweeted this?
Holohoax debunked
We've known that forever, though.
Bumping for interest
Scratches are from Jewish vandals
I mean, do we really think the Holocaust didn't happen?
Maybe it didn't happen. And maybe, also, if it did, it would be necessary to deny for PR reasons.
Is it weird I think it did happen and am happy it happened? Jews are fucking scumbags. They deserved death then, they deserve it now.
That's where the "The holocaust didn't happen but I wish it did" "joke" comes from.
Ah finaly they figured out that nails are not harder then stone and this is impossible
It honestly wouldnt surprise me if vandals did that
Doesnt necessarily prove it happened, scratch marls being there i the first place but yeaj vandals probably fuck with it
>Tfw you wished it happened but it didnt
Israel still gets free reich marks from Germany so doesn't matter.
Based Polish Death Camp PR persons
You're jewing me, right?
>only 1 million died!
We all wish the holohoax actually happened brother. It's a crying shame that it didn't the evidence is just completely overwhelming.
why the fuck would they be scratching instead of punching or kicking?
>Phone poster
I can't see cowards flags
Here you are.
How does it feel to know that you Goyim are mentally inferior? Go get my coffee, Goy.
But m-muh 6 gorillion? oy veyyyyy shut it down goyim
The jews know that their fucking stupid Holohoax claims just don't stand to scrutiny. So they drop them as time passes, they did it to the electric floor, geysers of blood, lampshades and soap made of jews etc. myths before.
In 1822 the German mineralogist Fredriech Mohs developed a “scratch test” used to determine mineral hardness. He developed a hardness scale that helps to identify mineral properties. The scale measures hardness on a scale of 1-10. One being the softest mineral (talc) and 10 being the hardest mineral (diamond). Common objects of known hardness can be used to determine mineral hardness. These common objects are: your fingernail (2.5), a penny (3), a piece of glass (6) and a knife blade or nail. For example, if your fingernail can scratch the mineral, it has a hardness of less than 2.5, which is quite soft. If the mineral can scratch glass it has a hardness of greater than 6, which is very hard.
Fingernail’s Mohs hardness = 2.5 (some sources say 2.2)
Concrete’s Mohs hardness = 5 to 9 (depend on the type of concrete)
The Mohs hardness scale is still frequently used today.
>How to Use a MOH's Hardness Pick Set on Concrete - WerkMaster
>Hardness Test - Before the Polish
>MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub (CSHub) - Micro-Scratch Test
If concrete is scratched by fingernails, only a fingernail powder will be left on the scratched concrete surface (but no furrow) because fingernails are softer than concrete. In other words, if the jewish story tellers want us to believe their tales, they will have to make us believe that fingernails are harder than concrete.
Shit has become so obvious that they are now backtracking on a lot of stuff. They are basically making the myth a bit more future-proof by taking a lot of the obvious BS out of it.
Without the internet, people would have never known such facts. That is why the holohoax was initially so succesfull.
I'm scared guys, why would they ADMIT it? What are they planning?
Do you even read these fucking posts here?
kek I'll just call them revisionist for saying only 1.1 million died there
had it happened you wouldn't have so many "survivors" and other full-time kvetchers roaming around this gay Earth.
they meant that the scratches were made by vandals
quite obvious because human fingernails aren't made from rock
I thought the tweet was clear but I hope I helped you understand
The Holocaust happened.
Idiots. The gas chambers were destroyed and these are the replicas.
>According to producers 4 industrial crematoria at Birkenau could burn almost 5,000 corpses a day and open air burning pits were also in use.
isis and mexishit cartels already proved its all bullshit since they can't even react it themselves.
Good goy
hurrdurrr muh giant chair at treblinka
who gives a fuck
This is the oldest picture of those scratches found in Google or any similar image, dates to 2001.
Dates to September 11 2001, like WTC.