Chinese insectoids

Are chinks human pol?

they have no empathy. Dogs are the white mans best friends. Chinese are literal insectoids with no emotions

No. Nanking best day of my life.


We need another Nanking

Reminder that America stopped Japan from solving the China and North Korea problem.

I kind of feel bad when I poison ants with borax. I would feel nothing if I killed every chink.


I rarely ever get serious here, but that fucking pic makes me so fucking angry and disgusted. How can somebody just do such a thing with an exuberance of jest, like its nothing, just funny gag..

Chinese have always been like this, communism just made it worse. They only care about their immediate friends and family and even then in a rudimentary way, it's partly due to the fact that they have such massive overpopulation. Everyone else becomes part of the faceless mob, and their prized philosophical tradition since the take over by Confucianism has been primarily concerned with social structure, considerations of duty and one's role...the Chinese don't only lack empathy, they are hardly human.

inb4 dog jokes, nobody does this anymore, especially in Seoul where half of the country lives

Nice digits. I get that the Great leap and Cultural revolution showed these sociopathic traits at fulls displays, but still. There is no civilization where notions of civic responsibility and basic morality towards other people and other living things dosen't exist.

Don't you mean, dogs are the white men sexslave?

Not even a little

Look at the shit hole they live in
No wonder they're numb to everything and have to torture a doggo to feel anything

>next superpower
>2 billion people
>doing shit like OP pic

they are kind of scary tb.h

Empathy Scale for Asians


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>They only care about their immediate friends and family and even then in a rudimentary way

Most Chinese don't even have friends. All of their relationships involve getting something in return. Even Chinese you've known for years will rip you off in an instant.

It doesn't matter if you can have a very profitable business relationship, mutually beneficial for both parties, they'll rip you off for a 1 time score.

Their whole civilization is a facade. Their brand new builds look nice, but crumble. Their culture is old and appears steeped in tradition and history, but it'shallow and sold off on a whim to make a buck. Their relationships are all fake. They only care about what someone can do for them. The moment you can no longer make them a buck, they are gone.

They have emotion but no feelings. They truly are bug people.

Source: ME. I had the displeasure of working with the Chinese for over a decade. I always lived in the US but spent months every year in China. It is horrible. They are horrible.

I've always found chinese a cold soulless lot. Thx for the explanation.

Fuck off Ahmed


I hope they all choke to death on smog. It would be the only upside to climate change desu.

their heart is guarded heavily by their mind, unlike us anglos and niggers than act without thinking 99% of the time

Another reminder that we pussied out of destroying the chinks and north koreans because of faggots back home bitching about more war when it would have been easier given our aircraft and naval superiority compared to a mediocre mid 20th century China.


This guy knows. I lived in Guangzhou and Shenzhen for about two years. And mainland chinks are absolutely disgusting people. Lowest of the low. Don't ever do business with chinese.

Yes, and now the liberals have the Presidency again, in Korea that is. Pretty fucking concerned .

>Their whole civilization is a facade. Their brand new builds look nice, but crumble. Their culture is old and appears steeped in tradition and history, but it'shallow and sold off on a whim to make a buck. Their relationships are all fake. They only care about what someone can do for them. The moment you can no longer make them a buck, they are gone.

The power of communism.

Are they really buying everything in the Russian Far East, or is it a meme created from an article in 2000?

Yet nobody here is vegan.
Kys hypocrite.

Chinese invest in some projects in Russia. But I wouldn't say they are buying everything. Mainland chinese really care about their social image more than anything. And buying property or land or businesses in Russia is not really prestigious or cool enough for them.