Have anyone else watch this yet? What were the best parts? Was Putin convincing with his answers to Oliver Stone's questions
The Putin Interviews
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I don't know how genuine Putin is but it was certainly a redpilling experience for Stone when he did interviews and promos in the leftist media and got mocked and derided by the people he thought were his friends.
Watched it
Pretty gud
Alot of geopolitical redpills and top tier banter
It's a must watch if you want to fullyunderstand current political events
>inb4 enternal asspain sufferes about muh Russia incoming
For lazy faggots out there
is pretty good
Putin is an untrustworthy fuck, but he doesn't even need to lie to olly stone in order to make the US look bad. That cheeki breeki fuck told the truth in every episode and made every faggot american politician of the last thirty years look like a clown.
>cheeki breeki
Get the fuck out of here Stalker, don't speak like you've seen the horror what is the Zone...
best part was relating putin relating obama administation before leaving office to communists during the fall of the soviet union
I prefer the term severely depressed but lazy works too. Thanks, fellow mobile poster.
PS: share the link via email from your mobile browser and it creates a draft from which you can copy/paste a desktop link.
Pretty good, wasn't convinced by his answers to accusations of Putin replacing old oligarchs with his own oligarchs
Think he made it pretty clear that the old oligarchs were puppets of the west subverting the country for the benefit of the West turning the country into a shithole. His oligarchs at least have an interest of maintaining a successful Russia.
I was because I've read upon the issue.
Putin really btfoed uberkikes out of his country
Apex kike, globalist agent Hordokovsky for example was only a step away from consolidating power of all media in Russia and already was eyeing the presidency
Without Putin Russia would be a literal liberal hellhole like colony
That Russia is inherently corrupt and you can't totally eliminate oligarchw is another issue. So Putin had to find a way with the less kikier oligarchs and make them work for him
Only thing htat was plain lie was the multicultural maymay line
Russia's whole history is that of christian white Russians btfoing Kikes and muzzies, yet Putin shamelessly says that Russia was always a multiethnic society with zero conflict between the 3 religions
RuFed was a mistake.
Restoration of Imperial Russia when
>this level of bantz
watching the final episode today, which I assume will be about the elections. so far it's really good. vlad seems to be really knowledgeable about current events and the reasoning behind decisions.
I've watched 2.5 episodes and it's very interesting to see how frankly Putin answers most questions. It's also neat seeing that the same man who undoubtedly has ordered a lot of people to either disappear or have mysterious heart attacks is also fairly charismatic. I don't necessarily trust him with all his answers, but his reasoning is usually consistent. He seems to have Russia's best interest in mind instead of only being a gangster or commie fuckwad.
Good post
>I actually like McCain
Made me laugh
Putin said that?
Yeah I don't remember the exact part, I think they were talking about american rhetoric against Russia and McCain came up
And that's when he said it and Stone laughed
It's literally KGB brainwashing.
This. He kept saying “we dindu nuffin” but he made quite a point when he said that the US missed the chance to become the one true superpower and made a lot of mistakes in the recent 25 years.
I tend to agree on the “American bureaucracy” argument too.
>but he doesn't even need to lie to olly stone in order to make the US look bad
You say that because you're already per-brainwashed by liberals who also hate America so you believe that bullshit.
I'll watch 3 and 4 today.
>when he says that Russia doesn't meddle in other countries elections
Watched the first episode. Breddy Gud.
Nothing really new there for your average Sup Forumsack though.
I assume most liberals will dismiss it as fantasy and propaganda and claim Oliver Stone is a crypto-nazi.
>Unedited interview is brainwashing
>Muh Russian pripughunduh
Go fuck yourself Boomer faggot it's not 1978 anymore
If listening to an interview threatens your worldview so much you have to rally against it you are visibly intellectually weak
great post
>Why are you laughing?
Also, note the weird editing - They had to remove the part where Stone mentioned Israel. Top Kek.
i'm watching the first episode now and the camera work is fucking annoying. if it switches to that wobbly, tilted over the shoulder shot one more time i'm going to lose it. is it like this the whole time?
All sering eye im background. Putin illuminati shill confirmed
It's pretty good. Hilarious how absurd the entire situation is to Putin. Now he is sanctioned for "hacking" U.S. elections (Germany and Austria already protested against this btw.)
Yeah, anything to do with internal Russian politics coming from Putin you had to parse with a giant grain of salt. Same with questions regarding his activities abroad. Most of the things he had to say about the U.S. and their involvement with Eastern Bloc countries and NATO and certainly their promotion of Jihadist doctrine and insurgencies is stuff that most Sup Forumsacks are already very familiar with.
They're also things Democrats/Liberals will simply dismiss as fiction.
>brainwashed by liberals
Except Liberals deny anything Putin accuses the U.S. of in this series as ever having happened.
That's why this current timeline is so marvelous. Everyone switched chairs.
>Muh grain of salt
Stop larping the great sceptic faggot
Putin doesn't talk baseless rethorical.
In fact everything he said is factual to the point as coming off coldly autistic.
You can research everything from Russia's social and economic state prior to putin to the ballistic missile agreement and Natos non expansion promise yourself
Literally every single of his statements
Stone was played like a fiddle.
At the end Putin says if he was ever beaten meaning he didn't even pay Stone for all the ass lick questions.
I already knew most of Putin's points because I've been following him for a long time
For further reading anons might look at the full page article Putin wrote for the New York Times in 2013 to convince Obama and America not to bomb Syria
>mfw Steven colbert says something somewhat rude
>the audience laughs making it 10x worse
Does anyone have a link to the unedited interview? Apparently Stone discussed Israel's interference in US elections.
That's too redpilled to air lad
If I remember right a newsrag reported that Stone stated that Israel meddled with the United States more and if Colbert wanted to ask about that. Colbert just replied that he will ask when Stone makes a documentary about it.
Putin for most of the time makes logical sense. He does not really talk like Obama, man who really did not make sense.
All the "refutations" of his interviews can be countered with the fact that, this is something Putin thinks is worth saying for reasons. So they're valuable.
>For further reading anons might look at the full page article Putin wrote for the New York Times in 2013 to convince Obama and America not to bomb Syria
This document has clear cuts and edits.
Sure, I don't think its spliced together from off context material to form a context and narrative but it is edited.
and at times Stone definitely "held back" and didn't push Putin.
Putin BTFO the US/West so hard it was incredible
Do you believe him?
>all those tracksuits
slavs alright
It is edited
is a retard
>tfw he is probably a boomer judging by the elephant, thus driving home the point
It was interestingly edited in promo materials. For example when Oliver asks Putin if Russia is a dictatorship state, Putin answers - "errr, no, not really.
But after fully watching the series, you can see that the Putin was answering completely different question. They were just stitched together for promo materials
Remember him?
He was butchered cold blooded in front of the Kremlin
Just like that. Just two years ago. It was swept under the rug. Nobody gives a fuck now here
He was against Putin and Kadirov (the chechen leader)
It's a deliberate middle finger to politically correct liberals in the west. He knows they'll be outraged, but what could they say or do against him that they aren't already? He's enjoying it and I don't blame him.
Putin isnt as great as some Sup Forumsacks say he is, but damn that casual one-upping of even the most un-PC of early campaign Trump is awesome.
And also, he's right.
It's really good.
Filthy phoneposter...
>Unedited interview is brainwashing
It's not a fucking interview. Putin paid a lot of money to Stone for this job and employs little Stone Jr. at Russia Today.
> If listening to an interview threatens your worldview so much you have to rally against it you are visibly intellectually weak
Yes, most voters are intellectually weak. They will not listen to 10 interviews over the years and realize what this KGB agent is doing.
>It's not a fucking interview. Putin paid a lot of money to Stone for this job
Source, faggot
>believing anything wich comes from an ex KGB agent
>believing anythign that comes out of the mouth of King Obama or Hillary Clinton
one got peace prize and bombed ME more than Bush
one brought LIBERTY, JUSTICE and FREEDOM to Libya which turned it to terrorist state, top central for gun trafficking etc.
This argument "hurr believbing hurr propaganda" is fucking null and void since it applies to all. What matters is that he chose to do this, he chose to answer the questions and show this as his public stance (like any politician)
>everyone has switched chairs
Just Russia.
They rejected Communism because it was shit and now liberals/democrats hate Russia because that rejection is truly embarrassing for the retarded Libtards. It's literally ONE of the elephants in the room of utopian fantasy.
Russia is so corrupt I actually feel sorry for the average Russian (even though I hate them).
Putin is in the center of that. He holds on to his powers as he knows as soon as he's gone he and his corrupt entourage is fucked.
Why do you hate them?
Because my grandad fucked his granma back in the days. Sweet time.
Hmm, I wonder what's goin' on here...
>It's all the US administrations fault!
>It's all Russia's fault!
Like you don't know this you fucking shill. hollywoodreporter.com
because we cucked them in WW2 and destroyed any potential militaristic german state in the future. And will do so again if needed.
Who doesn't hate them? Literally everyone here hates Russia and the Russians.
Maybe some eastern germans retards may believe the muh putin stronk meme and therefore like them.
Sorry Igor. I'm from West-Germany
he was a jew working with oligarchs before Putin came to power, was governor of a oblast which had the most alcoholics and drug users at that time.
how do we make USA docile?
wait until they break down, it will be soon
The best part is knowing that Poo-teen and his pocket faggots cannot say anything of value and just not watching / listening to the self-serving bullcrap they spew out.
It's fucking blocked in my country, what the fuck?
because ur country is a fascist information blocked little fisherman village.
Great. Now how and where do I watch the interviews?
Nah, he mean't Stone was going to catch a lot of shit for doing the interview, it humanizes Putin and helps highlight between the different worldview Russia and America have. I really liked the bit where Stone talks about the democracy in Russia and Putin says it's a work in progress and it's changing little by little over time. It's what America is doing wrong in the Middle East. Going in a propping up democracies in places that have never had it, and socially/culturally don't know how to handle it.
Video Blocked: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan
fugg.. someone mirror pls
hi John McCain shouldn't you be more concern about israel influance in your country rather than russia
Just because it is blocked, I'm extremely tempted to watch this. I fucking hate censorship.
totally shameful interview, anyone with half a brain would have no respect for Colbert after viewing that
Noticed at the end.
Watcha doin' Rabbai?
why the fuck would he interview him without watching the shit first, and he seems like a gossip just looking for dirt on someone.. so desperate to justify he's hate of Trump and Putin. That's the first bit of him I've seen since the Colbert Report and I'm glad I haven't been watching
Colbert just wants to hear bad things about trump/putin. And his audiance are mindless sheep who do the same. And if he hears anything good about putin/trump, he automatically assume that is a lie. Now what the fuck is the point of doing or watching an interview if you are not going to believe anything that doesn't fit your agenda?
In summary, Colbert and his audiance are complete fuckign retards.
>A representative for Channel One told The Hollywood Reporter that the network purchased the rights to air the interviews from Showtime, which bought them for the U.S., but declined to comment on the price tag of the deal or competition from other Russian networks.
Fuck off, kike. I asked proof for
>Putin paid a lot of money to Stone for this job
Not rights to air this shit.
OF COURSE he will catch a lot of shit!
All his answers sounded scripted as fuck and Stone didn't pushed on with unconformable or sensitive questions he just moved on, maybe because he's incompetent and old but it's not proper journalism.
Look at Gorbachev's face,he's like:
>I handed you kikes Russia on a platter so you can destroy it, what more do you greasy kikes want from an old man?
He's dangerous but speaks truth and knows what's really going on. If a day comes when Merkel sends tanks from left and Putin from right, I would go with him.
I can tell he's a Kike even without googling. Kikes wanted to rule Russia but Putin outplayed them. Sorry not sorry.
He was as honest as a politician can be, more then most Americans to be sure, and naturally he had talking points. You can see the cuts they made when he was thinking of responses, but when your job is talking to people like this you get used to it. After watching the Colbert/Stone interview linked earlier I feel that Stone was more interested in getting something out that wasn't MSM bullshit, even if he had to sacrifice pushing on some issues. There's only so much detail a President can go into, especially with foreign press, regarding the goings on of the state.
>There's only so much detail a President can go into, especially with foreign press,
True, but him not answering some questions or his uncomfortable reactions could speak volumes.
I mean the guy just pocketed 200 BILLION and he acts like a good Samaritan !
>They had to remove the part where Stone mentioned Israel. Top Kek.
wait what?
How do you know that? Is there a full segment somewhere?
More convincing than 1000 hours of RT.
Today I will watch the last part.
Putin is the most honest polititian in the world right now. Not because is convincing (he is), but because he says a LOT of redpills back by independent sources. You end up thinking the true evil is (((NATO))), which is true. Since the cold war they are desperately trying to create new enemies.
>Putin will never spend hours focefeeding you red pills
>your pathetic cuck mind will never overdose on pure realpolitik
Is this post legit????
The studio audience saw it and when they noticed it missing from the broadcast, they blew the whistle. Cobert is known for doing this think of thing. When that Gamergate girl was on The Cobert Report, the show was heavily edited to make her look less retarded.
Shitty CIA propaganda
>Putin is Allied with Israel
lmao, they are really desperate