Why are so many alt-lighters seeing the light now, Sup Forums? Demographics are destiny, and once you realize this everything else begins to make sense.
Why are so many alt-lighters seeing the light now, Sup Forums? Demographics are destiny...
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Because Leftists have started shooting people.
What is supposed to be happening in your pic?
Did the one guy go to the left and come back?
>right side of history
It's still cringy to say if you're right wing.
As long as a white person of good character isn't degenerate, they're welcome to advocate for a white ethnostate
i was alt-light a month or so back, over time i realise that my arguments was based on emotion. And every race would benefit from being separated.
He has almost 180k followers, it's a pretty big deal that he's been advocating for white advocacy for a while now.
When did this alt-right meme start
Wtf is this kyle thing
Didn't Spencer start it.
For most of them it's just a case of continuing your progress along the redpill road. None of us started where we are.
We start bluepilled, maybe we know other races are different subconsciously but don't say it, we realize how deep the lies go when we learn how bad it is and we learn Hitler did nothing wrong except lose.
I mean calling them alt-lighters, sorry wasn't clear.
seig heil, see kyle.
The alt-lite thing started towards the end of the election I think, right about when they tried to co-opt the alt-right into a civic nationalist meme movement and the alt-righters got sick of it.
What turned me away from civic nationalism was seeing Mexican's beat up Trump supporters while the Mexican mayor and police allowed the violence to happen.
Because it's a transitional step. It's based on them balancing their brainwashing and their realization. Eventually one or the other crumbles and they go that way.
Divide the right with pointless bullshit. Nobody but cucks care if you are nazis why fucking argue and give liberals ammo
Oh what the fuck, I don't know how I don't remember that. It feels like it just popped up today, I might be retarded. Fuckkk
Have you seen Kyle. He's about this tall.
the alt-light stands for nothing and people like having a purpose beyond material stuff
I was pretty sensitive towards the ills of society from an early age. I knew that the races weren't equal. Hell, I even realized that I was being fed propaganda about the Jews early on in school when the Holocaust came up. I realized it, but I didn't know exactly how until much later on.
Yeah the ones with based parents or who were just able to notice/reject this stuff took a slightly different route, it's mainly referring to normies.
Baked Alaska is an internet personality that started out as part of the "alt-lite", as in MAGA, feminists suck, liberals are the real racists.
He got exposed to more radical content such as Culture of Critique, and him talking about the JQ and other things got him in a fight with Mike Cernovich. That was around 6 months ago, since then he has got in touch with people more on the "alt-right". He was on Fash the Nation, for example.
So Baked Alaska is sort of an example of a moderate who made his fame off magapedes, then became redpilled. But, when I heard him on FtN, he didn't seem very much there, both in matters of ideology and personality.
I haven't heard anything about him since then, but my guess is that he countersignalled some of his new evil gnatzhee friends over something like anti-semitism or treatment of homos.
The alt-right is a move away form useless cucksevatives that are more interested in the constitution than our people's survival. They had power for many years and made no attempts to change the demographic changes we face today. This all could have been avoided but the same cucks that want power now did nothing. They will continue to do nothing because they can retire rich where it doesn't effect them.
We have a cause and it feels great. We want a future for our people and we want to guarantee their indefinite survival. We're not defined by hate, but a passion to live.
Since I could openly advocate for the alt right , my existential sense of dread has passed and I genuinely enjoy life more now. It's because I live for something so much bigger than myself. My life and my work, my sacrifices, they have meaning now. We strive to be the most fit so that our genes survive, and as a group working together, our genes have the best chance. We strive for indefinite survival and advancement and progress in all fields. But we strive for it for ourselves. No more sharing.
But no more sharing our success, this altruism ends. Genes that cannot advance no longer get to leech off of us.
If letting Africans starve means I can have more kids while they die off, then good. The world will be better for it. I am superior and my kids are superior. Why should my work be taken away from me and my genetic viability damaged so that a genetic failure can reproduce?
Altruism has ruined the world and we strive to fix it.
>but my guess is that he countersignalled some of his new evil gnatzhee friends over something like anti-semitism or treatment of homos.
If he addressed the JQ then I'm guessing his holdbacks were the nazi symbolism, the rare exception nigger or disliking homos, those three tend to be where people waver before jumping on.
Great post m8, Darwinism is the true redpill. Propping up third world brutes only causes more problems for civilization and increases social alienation.
Baked Alaska is a poser who hangs out on Hollywood Blvd like a nig nog selling CD mix tapes . I'm gonna go to the walk of Fame and act like a Anti Trumpet watch my Jew tube !
nice try shill, next time switch your flag first
return to reddit nigger.
I accidentally redpilled my mom just by casually chatting about politics every once in a while. It's infectious.
it's great the shills are shilling for the cause now (is it?) but I can't help noticing sandpeople and nigs are still walking around uninjured and conscious.