Have you ever seen someone get BTFO'd this hard?
Have you ever seen someone get BTFO'd this hard?
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Already a thread faggot
go back to complaining about asians and shitting up /ptg/ faggot
oy vey it's another david irving
Sucks for you.
I gave my 6 million worth.
That's not what my bible says.
Hey Wayne, how goes the geophasic docehedron plantation?
I saw you in there, Wayne. I gave you a follow.
fuck off wayne desu
>muh chosen people
Look this Holocaust pushing bully just admitted to making up the numbers.
>Jews, homo's, gypsies
It's mind boggling how people refuse to acknowledge these peoples effects on a society.
>these people's
I'm done with the dome. I have a garage now. I only planned to use the dome for about a year.
>I gave you a follow.
Thanks, I saw bakedAlask and a 1488.
Germans documented everything for the Glory of the history. Because they we're right.
SO... That being said. There is no plan from Hitler. Germans are efficient. They don't waste anything. Why kill somebody if you can work them to death. Get my point. Lots of false testimony. Jews make millions of this alleged story of guilt. It also was not even in the Nuringburg trials. WHY Is that? I would think it would have been important. Yet it did not come up until 1960. Because the story was invented in 1960 by Hollywood to make money and to push the neocon's agenda.
Doin gods work
Keep it up
>Doin gods work
>Keep it up
Jews have been lying to the world over the Holocaust "I was a believer" but not I'm not.
When I learn that they were putting people in jail for questioning the truth? I knew it was a lie.
Then I saw Brother Nathanael's video on him not even knowing about the Holocaust in the 1950's it was never mentioned. He's right.
If we don't make them produce facts. It's like 600 years ago when the world was flat. They would kill you if you thought it was round.
The round thinkers, Guess what happened to them? They became the Illuminati.
In 1822 the German mineralogist Fredriech Mohs developed a “scratch test” used to determine mineral hardness. He developed a hardness scale that helps to identify mineral properties. The scale measures hardness on a scale of 1-10. One being the softest mineral (talc) and 10 being the hardest mineral (diamond). Common objects of known hardness can be used to determine mineral hardness. These common objects are: your fingernail (2.5), a penny (3), a piece of glass (6) and a knife blade or nail. For example, if your fingernail can scratch the mineral, it has a hardness of less than 2.5, which is quite soft. If the mineral can scratch glass it has a hardness of greater than 6, which is very hard.
Fingernail’s Mohs hardness = 2.5 (some sources say 2.2)
Concrete’s Mohs hardness = 5 to 9 (depend on the type of concrete)
The Mohs hardness scale is still frequently used today.
>How to Use a MOH's Hardness Pick Set on Concrete - WerkMaster
>Hardness Test - Before the Polish
>MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub (CSHub) - Micro-Scratch Test
If concrete is scratched by fingernails, only a fingernail powder will be left on the scratched concrete surface (but no furrow) because fingernails are softer than concrete. In other words, if the jewish story tellers want us to believe their tales, they will have to make us believe that fingernails are harder than concrete..
I get what you're trying to do, but you're going about it like a fucking moron and really only representing yourself like a hick.
I made good use of your science. Thank you.
I would have made an awesome President. I would have smahed all this Jewish Supremacy. I would have bomb Israel for bombing USA on 9/11. Dick Cheney, Bush, Rumsfield, Rice and the other neocons would all be in jail waiting for execution.
Lambright 2020
Easy for you to say, You're not doing shit. Fuck you for judging me. Fuck you. Coward. You're just afraid to be the man you dreamed of. Your just afraid.
lol it's fucking wayne fagbright
how'd that "presidential bid" work out for you lmao
kill yourself you faggot attention whore cuck
Hurr Durr, I'm Wayne Lambright, the world's chubbiest anti-Semite. Hurr Durr, Holocaust is propaganda.
Wayne Lambright is your typical goyim. Hapless
>you're just afraid
>your just afraid
Why the fuck is it always the double-digit IQ monkeys who screech the loudest? Fuck you, I'm judging the shit out of you for being a moron and making retarded spelling mistakes in your posts and tweets that are supposed to somehow make a point that you're enlightened on the Holocaust.
While I question the validity of the specifics of the Holocaust and the reported numbers and encourage others to do the same, you are spouting uneducated, ignorant drivel on social media as if it's somehow supposed to support your cause.
Pro tip: the average human will shut you out completely when you name the Jew and start making attacks on the Jew. You can encourage people to question the Holocaust (and come to their own conclusion, which is worth infinitely more to them than your conclusion) without blatantly naming the Jew. This causes them to double-down and reassert that you are nothing more than an anti-Semitic redneck.
Wayne, whatever happened to your stupid fucking idea Tastier.com? Maybe a smart jew ran you out of business? You fucking bird-brain.
Now its already 8 million!!!
Oh vey, anti semitism. That goy has to be fired
He was right with you are the just was unnecessary. Why do dumb redditors need to point out spelling mistakes to feel somehow better or more intellectual?
Go back to R3ddit you fuck.
I wonder what scientist will think when they find a 300 hundred years old HDD in the wastelands with this picture.
Can you comprehend the English language? If you can't see why I included the first "you are," please promptly throw yourself in front of the nearest truck. The "presidential candidate" uses it correctly the first time, and then incorrectly the very next sentence.
That does not refute the other points I made, which are 100% valid and true; people will shut down and dismiss everything you have to say as soon as you name the Jew.
this, or you know, just try to permanently scratch concrete with your fingernails
>Vintage art café
What a surprise, liberals are hanging out at hipster coffee places.
Please see the image you yourself posted on Twitter about composing an argument. I'll wait while you use your pea-brain to compose a proper counter-argument for my post, like the image you posted on Twitter implies you would do.
At least hold yourself to the same standard you hold others to, Mr. President.
>If you can't see why I included the first "you are," please promptly throw yourself in front of the nearest truck. The "presidential candidate"
How far is your head up your ass? Back to readdit with you
>Support path to citizenship
Into the trash you go Wayne.
>all these faggots implying I come from red/dit
I can promise you I have been here for longer than any of you. Kindly refuse my initial point or fuck off.
I'mz alloweds to makess the mostes spellingz aerros I wantz.
Guys... I'm just fucking trolling the shit out of you and you take the bait each time.
I have a small following. People know me for being bold and telling the hard truth win nobody else will.
If you don't like me. That's your problem. I probably would not like the asshole you're being. You're a smug SJW fucking retard.
Life is not a dress rehearsal. While I'm actually building my brand. You're just a hopeless pawn who has fallen into my part, that's trap backwards.
>your afraid
>you are afraid
I know you are a leaf but come the fuck on.
Why do they always have to point out that it was jews that died, aren't we all equal
Hey Wayne justify your "path to citizenship" policy.
Giving citizenship to 30 million illegal brown people with no respect for our laws, 90 IQ's, and allegiances solely to their drug-filled homeland seems like a terrible idea.
Why do you want to give democrats a permanent majority for 100 years? Why do you want America to commit demographic suicide? Why do you want to turn America into another socialist latin american hellhole?
Explain yourself or expose yourself as controlled opposition.
>go to aushwits
>they have a literal gift shop
>with toy night sticks
Why does anyone take anything they say literally again?
I guess you are /ourguy/ after all
Wow gary actually sounds very fucking based, why doesn't pol ever talk about him?
Holy kek my sides
What is the best documentary i can watch on the holocaust being a hoax?
Thanks for following me on twitter the other day. Got you in my bio.
>Blocking U
Don't do that. It won't help proving your point. Unless you are a safe space faggot.
>Giving citizenship to 30 million illegal brown people
Send them back home to Mexico... OR. As I proposed. Make Mexico part of the USA.
>drug-filled homeland
CIA runs the drug biz...>Why do you want to give democrats a permanent majority for 100 years
I don't, we should probably try them for treason and give them both life in prison and execution asap. :-) I really mean to just execute the fucking Zionist left.
>Why do you want America to commit demographic suicide?
I don't. We need to be a nation with closed borders. Instead of building a wall over 2600 miles. How about towers ever mile with sharp shooters. That's 7800 new jobs. Much cheaper than a border. Plus add land mines. Eventually, that won't be running over the border, they will be flying in as they do now. Also, make all Mexicans who fly into USA have to wear an ankle bracelet since there Amigos have proven to be untrustworthy to return home.
Damn, (((visitors))) have ruined historical soviet propaganda built with great effort.
Sure... I don't know who you are though.
>proving your point
I proved my point. Not going to waste anymore time on that fuckup Alex.
You have your strategy, I have mine.
>safe space faggot.
LOL. Everything I do is dangerous. Your the one being anonymous. I'm out here fighting for the White race. Trying to open peoples eyes that Jews and Israel attacked USA. I love batting life with my balls in the air. Maybe you love your Russian basement.
Magneto was at Auschwitz, who knows what else?
Wtf I love Wayne lambright now
I never thought I would like you wayne.
Don't confuse yourself the Jew is the enemy
how dumb do you have to be to think you can scratch your way through metal?
Why is Auschwitz dropping red pill bomb everywhere?
Did some online employee get mad and now they're going apeshit on twatter?
Wayne redeeming himself itt. This time Wayne, I don't want you to fuck off
This is some doujin plot
oy vey ,it was real in my mind