Where did this hysteria come from?
Where did this hysteria come from?
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>27 yrs old
>still don't know wtf "gluten" is.
>still really dgaf
Pic related
It's a protein found in many grains. So if you're gluten free you are allergic to it and it causes gastrointestinal issues.
>Being a nigger
How do you live with yourself?
>american education
Neurosis has always been around, this is just a faddy expression of it
Avoiding Gluten is like veganism, only for people that aren't extreme space case leftists. In both cases the special diet is an expression of mental illness.
There are people with gluten allergies, and people with celiac disease. People with gluten allergies have problems if they eat, like, a sandwich. People with celiac sniff flour and their insides turn to mush.
Interestingly, we can find accounts of severe metabolic disease from like 2500 years ago, so it's likely celiac disease has been around as long as grain cultivation has. But until recently, you probably died young, so who cared.
Gluten allergy on the other hand is from retarded parents who keep their children in sterilized environments drinking sterilized canned formula eating crap, and they aren't exposed to a billion allergens before they're 10 years old.
Dey kuks youtu.be
People are sheep
Ackshully a lot of germans had coeliac disease and it was discovered in ww1 or ww2 idr
People are fucking dumb. Here in NYC they literally will put on ice cream containers "gluten free".
Just a retarded phase by faggot hipsters.
bread in 2017 =/= bread throughout history
People invent a market for which they can exploit
I'm white and i cant drink dairy.
Many people on my moms family has sensitivity to dairy so it could be genetic. Or it could be the shit hormones they put in milk.
the interwebz.
there have always been oddballs, nutjobs, outliers and people with specific quirks, allergies and diseases, etc.
Now, these people have the world at their fingertips and every moron thinks they are special too in some oddball way.
Case in point: TIs. In general, about 2% of the population is schizo. They of course have all kinds of delusions and so on. So they now go online and chat with other nutjobs who are certain they are being "targeted" by unknown entities or people. Then everyone jumps in and you have hysteria.
Same with gluten. A tiny percentage are allergic and probably always have been. Then they chat and everyone thinks they are special in that way too.
Because before they would just die for seemingly no reason.
This guy fucks
This, I have family with celiac disease and it's different from people who stick to "low gluten" diets. Celiac is the much rarer case though, so the majority of low gluten products have a fair bit still in, because people who think they are allergic to gluten aren't, so they can't tell the difference.
Implying the bread we have nowadays resembles the bread from thousand years ago, nevermind 50 years ago...
people have being dying at only 80 years old for the past 5000 years, think about it
(side note, why was my Schindler's list thread deleted but this one stays?)
>can't drink dairy
I think you just figured out that you aren't actually white. White people are the only ones that can actually drink dairy.
Hipsters are retards that think eating normal food somehow made them into fat losers. Gluten free food has horrible macros, like someone went out of their way to make bad carbs like bread and pastries worse than they already were. Unless you have a medically diagnosed allergy or celiac disease, you shouldn't give a fuck. It's just like veganism. Every vegan I've ever met lectured me on how healthy being vegan is, yet they're morbidly obese, pale as fuck, and talk with a fucking lisp.
This is the result of a generation that gets everything from nutritional advice to national/world news from facebook memes.
I have no gluten allergy but I have been on a zero-gluten diet for six months and have super high energy levels.
Sure thing tubbo, I'm sure you have tons of energy for retweeting epic social justice tweets and playing video games.
Gluten allergi has always been there, and was a especially big problem in the time when we went from hunting society to a farming society.
>gluten was invented in the last 50 years
the eternal leaf strikes again
the reason that vegans are healthy is like 90% because examining your entire lifestyle under a microscope will always make you healthier
This. Its like those people who buy energy saving devices and think they're the reason they started saving money when in actual fact its because they were making a more conscious effort to turn off lights, turn down the heating, etc.
>Where did this hysteria come from?
leftist fad of the week.
All best bakers die in two World Wars. Bread is of bad quality when made without skills. Makes sick. Now same is true again. Horrors of war..
It's a fake ailment.
I have actual food allergies. When I eat something I'm allergic to, my throat swells shut and I suffocate in minuted.
It's true. In medieval times bread would be made from spelt flour which is low in gluten. Nowadays the grains we use have been cultivated to have higher gluten content because is creates a fluffier, lighter bread and in the last few decades it's been at its highest.
It comes from all the pestacides and preservatives they dump on our food, retard.
(((They))) are acting like they dont know where the epidemic is coming from.
Celiac disease has grown five fold since WW2.
It's a meme fad. I will go away sooner or later
Is that why you could bash someone to death with medieval bread?
the way they process wheat(gluten) for their processed candied foods is they make the gluten water soluble with some sort of process i forgot the name, This makes the protien able to cross protective barriers that protect your brain, maybe some barriers in your gut i forgot. But basically when these protiens cross the blood brain barrier they cause inflammation. inflammation in the brain causes inflammation in the gut, inflammation in the gut causes protiens that shouldnt be getting through the gut wall to leak into the bloodstream (this is known as intestinal permeability). When the improperly ddigested protien is in the blood your immune system sees it as a foreign invader and develops a strategy to attack it and so you become "allergic" to gluten.
>it causes gastrointestinal issues.
it is a common misconception that gluten is primarily a problem for your gut, it is actually primarily a brain issue.It can also affect your thyroid, skin, joints, etc.it is estimated (based on studies) that something like 6 out of 10 people with gluten sensitivity have no gastrointestinal disorders.
Typically when a doctor tests for gluten sensitivity they only test for antibodies related to "alpha gliadin" which are associeted with celiac disease but there are other groups of antibodies associated with gluten that people often have a problem with that doctors do not even bother testing for because they are just not up to date with current research yet. Such as antibodies related to lectins,Glutenin, deamidated gluten, transglutaminase, and even opiods.
people are coming a part at the seams. look at a "fat" person 50 years ago compared to a fat person today in america. You might not beleieve it but obesity is not the staggering problem that it is now simply because people eat more the diet has dramaticaly changed with loads of new chemicals and processing techniques. The long term health problems will affect generations to come. Its actually very scary.
Lactose intolerance is slightly more common in non whites, which is not the same thing as saying all lactose intolerant people are not white, but these sorts of logical subtleties are presumably lost on you, you being a dumb fuck shit for brains retard & all.
>being this genetically inferior
>any single meal that contains more than 50 grams of glucose
>vegetable oils
>Normal foods
I didn't know that's a thing but spelt bread is stodgy.
you probably do have a gluten allergy of some sort your doctor only tested you for 1 out of 10 antibodies saw you had no reaction so told you everything was fine then hurried you out the door so he could see his next patient to hurry out the door so he could meet his target quota of patients for the day so the government would pay him his mad dosh. thats seriously how it works in canada, we have some doctors here who care about nothing but seeing the maximum number of patients in a day so they can make as much money as possible.
>super high energy levels
Maybe you should stop snorting maple syrup. You're going to give yourself the beetus like like that.
I am interested to know what this could mean.
what do you mean my go-- i mean guy, eat your ceral, bread and carbs! they are good for you remember, always remember to buy low-fat too.
He is right, bread today is produced differently with different grains that contain more gluten and less minerals/ Vitamins.
Some bakerys have specialized in producing it like in the past.
insulin resistance
everybody is getting pre-diabetic by the minute
blaming and restricting any food/group of foods just makes you picky about your choices, and making you feel better, but not because you are intolerant to gluten/grains/lactose.... just because you stop stuffing your face with pastries and cake
lift and run EVERY.SINGLE.DAY and you can eat whatever you want, while having your hunger levels balanced
t. i wasted 2 years of my life eating """""healthy""""""
It's because those who were genuinely allergic to gluten would have died.
American bread is disgusting, full of industrial additives, probably causes inflammation regardless of whether someone has celiac.
My girlfriend is celiac, which means she is allergic to wheat. Gluten is basically wheat.
If she eats even a tiny bit of wheat, she describes the symptoms as feeling extremely bloated and sick.
Gluten/wheat is put to into alot of food. She found it quite tricky at first, navigating through different foods to avoid wheat. A lot of restraints make it easy for you today, and tend to mark "GF" (Gluten Free) next to meals free from gluten.
Came from canada =(
Can confirm eating healthy is a meme.
Sure if you snack you should snack on healthy things, but meals should be balanced and above all else, satisfying. Portion control is the big thing making people fat. Eating satisfying food makes it easier to control portions.
>Where did this hysteria come from?
Burgers spray poison on their food and the gut bacteria of some people can't deal with it, it builds up and then they become ''allergic'' to gluten.
You know we have more than one type of bread made in America, right?
>Portion control
this, learning how to eat your food is just as important, people who take enormous bites and shovel their food down end up eating more.
I make it a point to enjoy the taste of small bites.
>I am interested to know what this could mean.
It means you are eating fluor from a grain that has been genetically modified, stripped of all its fibers and then bleached to make it even even whiter.
Its kinda funny actually, back in the day only nobility would have been able to afford refined white wheat bread while the plebs would have eaten some simple coarse whole grain bread with lots of fibers baked from what ever special snowflake grain they grew in the general area.
Now its the exact opposite, poor idiots eat refined white bread while the smart people eat whole grain.
If your bread doesn't look like this you are probably not white.
Where do I find real bread?
>Tfw gf no gf
fuck off with your maggot infested black bread dirty peasant.
And recall that being overweight, in fact being straight up fat, was considered something only the nobility of the day would be able to do. Becoming fat meant you had an abundance of food or the finest refined things like flour, oats, etc.
people treating their babies like wilting lillies and hiding them away from everything so their system can't cope later on
It´s not hysteria you uneducated leaf we are not eating the same gluten as before. It has changed multiple times since biblical times and today it´s more like a pure poison, a blood sugar and insulin raising, auto-immune provoking, laboratory made abomination.
Look it the fuck up! youtube.com
All the Alpha Males with perfect healthy genes died in WW1 and WW2.
Only the unhealthy Betas males were left to breed.
Most of the bread in the US contains high fructose corn syrup so either make your own or go to some hippie store. There are bread machines that you just pour the ingredients into and they mix and bake everything so you have fresh bread when ever you want (on a timer) so that really isn't an issue anymore, even for a working single male.
The germanic and scandinavian countries probably have one the healthiest bread cultures in the west. Lots of dark whole grain bread that you could put in a sock and beat people to death with.
Its not gluten its everything , gluten is just the thing what makes the bucket overflow
Peasants were still unhealthier though because nobles had access to salt.
Salt was super fucking precious and valuable. Some soldiers even had their wages paid in salt.
So yeah, peasants may have gotten more fiber but getting enough sodium was hard to do if you don't live nearby an ocean.
They stopped iodizing bread and started brominating it.
>fuck off with your maggot infested black bread dirty peasant.
Let me guess, your mom cut of the crust of your white refined bread?
Daily reminder that feeding your kids coarse bread is the most important thing you can do if you don't want them to end up like slackjawed faggot chinlets.
Well it depend on where they lived, what time, how much land they had etc. If they had access to seafood and got enough land to grow a varied amount of crops they probably ate pretty healthy. But if they got fucked by the anglo and forced to farm and live on a football field where they could only grow potatoes then they had all kinds of deficiencies.
spent some months in Iceland, can confirm. Bread was dark and fragile but were hard, and sweet from the long baking time. Best damn bread I'Ve ever had, and we have good ones here.
I also spent some time in England, and they have no decent bread, only sliced shit. Even the "dark" ones were pale and fluffy, probably coloured. Britfags shoudn't eat this shit.
It's not hysteria, it's the Monsanto Pre-Harvest Staging where you spray a killing dose of Roundup on your grains and pulses two days before harvest so it goes through the machinery better.
This stuff soaks into the grain and stays there, making it into whatever the grain is processed into.
Ironically, farmers are developing Parkinson's at a massive rate because they were greedy enough to poison the food.
Isnt sugar the new hysteria?
The "Green Revolution" was a mistake. We poisoned our food staples in exchange for being able to breed more Africans. Terrible trade.
Let me be the one to burst your fucking bubble if ignorance you stupid fucking children
CELIAC disease is the only valid reason why you shouldn't eat Gluten (it would inflame the inner lining of the small intestine)
If you just THINK or DON'T WANNA eat gluten, you're just a fucking moron. It does nothing bad to the body, it's not unhealthy.
TL;DR if you don't have Celiac disease, you can eat all the gluten you want
Source: been a cardiologist for 16 years
those 5000 years of eating bread also coincide with marked drops in stature and longevity (when you factor out infant deaths). we've needed modern medicine to get back to pre-agricultural revolution height and lifespan markers.
Some people are allergic but it's being pushed to give fat people another excuse for not losing weight
>I also spent some time in England, and they have no decent bread, only sliced shit. Even the "dark" ones were pale and fluffy, probably coloured. Britfags shoudn't eat this shit.
The bread could be dark just because it has lots sugar or syrup in it, it caramelizes and becomes brown.
Maybe the slavs have some good bread, they have had lots of bread lines historically so there must be something about it.
The same place every panic and food fad comes from. Someone's ass.
So you are seriously telling me that 5000 years ago people were taller and lived longer than people do right now?
Yeah, its because they aren't.
not really 5000 years. i just used that figure because it was in the meme but yes, pre-agricultural revolution we were as tall if not taller than we are today.
we didn't live longer but the idea that cavemen died at 30 is a meme. if you survived childhood you could expect to live to you late seventies as long as you didn't break your leg or were murdered.
It must be the wheat germ itself which has been modified by Monsanto's biological agents, or the DuPont chemicals sprayed on the crops.