When Canada attacks America again, which side will you fight on?
When Canada attacks America again, which side will you fight on?
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I don't remember Canada ever attacking America only Britain.
Americans because they'll win either way.
The side that wins the war within 30 mins or you next one is free
>I don't remember Canada ever attacking America
Partially correct
Definitely Canada
>When Canada attacks America
That was British North America
Canada never invaded the US. You're an idiot with nigger tier education.
Are you saying that America didn't exist before it was independent? You're an American, you of all people should know better than this
Cucks stick together
>Cucks stick together
You would know
No, hes saying canada didn't exist, because it didn't. British troops burning a building has nothing to do with a colony of retarded fur traders
sorry leaf
You're an Idiot. No shit the United States of America did not exist before the United States of America declared independence. The cities and colonies were around but it was British before 1776.
Similarly, Canada didn't even exist until half way through 1967.
Canada is cucked as fuck today, they wouldn't invade the US even if we started a real holocaust and broadcast it live.
Quit wasting everyone's time with this shit.
Oh no, Canada just lost the support of the guys who lost a war to emus! How will they ever recover?
>Americans didn't win the revolution it was British North America.
The link I provided shows examples where the French colonial militia (recruited from the population of modern-day Quebec, referred to as Canada at the time, see en.wikipedia.org
> British soldiers stationed in Canada attack and burn the white house
Hur dur, look what Canada was able to do.
Can we, PLEASE, just stop this meme that we invaded the US and 'ho ho ho, we burned down the White House, except it only got the name after we torched it.'
It is beyond stupid.
I think you should leaf well enough alone.
Neither. Fuck Canada and fuck white people.
To be fair emus are really tough.
Obviously I'd support the United States of (Latino)America.
I'll be on the US' side.
what do you think we're sending?
>hey guys remember when we burnt down your government building :^)?
>yeah, it was around the time when we razed your capital.
>[leafposting intensifies]
If you really want to send over all the trannies to get gassed I'd be happy to toss them in the oven.