This is Nikos Giannopoulos. the Teacher of the year.
This is Nikos Giannopoulos. the Teacher of the year.
Other urls found in this thread:
Based redpilled LGBT community!
Trump looks very presidential.
>That accessorising
Yep, he's a Greek.
>when you try to repel the president and set the republicans against him with your faggotry but he uses it as a publicity stunt.
I agree, Trump should have said "NO FAGS ALLOWED! FUCK YOU!"
why aren't you one of his advisors? you're really smart, you might even help save the world!
Why is Melania always making bedroom eyes at me guys?
I support the gay community, I don't know what you're trying to say, I'm certainly not a homophobe and I don't know what makes you think that. They were a yuge part of our victory last year
With hate speech laws ever encroaching, I propose we just laugh at fags whenever they display faggotry in public. Say you can't help it and homosexes just make you laugh hysterically.
The left is howling about how Giannopoulos stole the spotlight from Trump YAAASS GURL SLAAAYYYYY!!!! However from what I came to understand, White House staffers advised against the fan and asked him to put it away. He asked Trump and he was more than okay with it. Again a simple gesture of decency from Trump which would have been lauded were it Obama was waved about as another victory for LGBT rights against Trump.
This. Gaylord comes off as fake and small.
Hategiggling hurts, user.
>Nikos Giannopoulos
>Milo Yiannopoulos
Of course they were. Donald J Trump is literally the first President of the United States of America to openly support gay marriage during his entire political career. Not like Hillary and Obama who opposed it their entire caters but then had to change their minds to seem progressive like Donald J Trump. Of course the homosexual community loves him. Just as his supporters love and appreciate the support of the entire homosexual community.
Also, traps are fucking mentally ill and should be thrown in a fucking oven.
Guize , fist of all sage your posts, It's full of sliders out there , don't reply at all, if it's a empty slider , just let it go so we focus on our proper Sup Forums material.
Abort thread
>teacher of the year
hmm, really get the noggin floggin
>Also, traps are fucking mentally ill and should be thrown in a fucking oven.
Not funny, I know you're trying to be edgy but that doesn't help the cause at all.
I'm being 100% unironic.
People who cut off their dicks and demand everyone pretend they never had dicks are a blight on this society.
So you're a shill then huh? Go fuck off somewhere else.
Checks out.
*faint careless whisper saxophone plays in distance*
greek name, greek sex
>nose piercing
>socrates gay
What a waste of digits
What the fuck is this degeneracy? Fucking faggots.
>Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.
is he a faggot?
fuckin homophones
That he does.
>shill accusations
he who smelt it dealt it
Guess so!! Seriously though, self mutilation is a sign of mental health issues. You should maybe talk to somebody who doesn't financially benefit from your self mutilation about it.
>Limp-wristed effeminate homosexual conforms to stereotype and proves homophobes right
i said YOU sage it, not me , fuck off
>sage the sliders Guise
Greeks were degenerate homos even BC
Heritage is strong with this one
Don't forget to thank your fathers.
You mean in Antiquity, because in Weimar Germans we so degenerate faggotry was called 'the German disease' in Europe, pretty interesting and disgusting on your part.
You said ">saged". In any event pleading your case is pointless at this temporal juncture.
Look at this low T manlet. He was destined for degeneracy. Physiognomy is real.
I said >sage , my text was mis-transmitted over the internet , look :
Guize , fist of all sage your posts, It's full of sliders out there , don't reply at all, if it's a empty slider , just let it go so we focus on our proper Sup Forums material.
Abort thread
Not really. He disgraces himself simply by posing with that creature, though Trump has always been far too tolerant and nice for his own good.
Tell it to the judge, punk.
Trump supports lgbt.
this is not a trial you trollop kike
It's a plant
Fuck you this is murican propaganda to justify their degeneracy. also christcucks fucked up some texts to "prove" themselves superior, lmao
CNN talking heads told me Trump was going to put queers in death camps. What happened?