Sup Forums is right again!
I can't believe it...... I always laughed at you faggots... but you are right....
They aren't even hiding it anymore.
Sup Forums is right again!
I can't believe it...... I always laughed at you faggots... but you are right....
They aren't even hiding it anymore.
Dwayne Johnson seriously needs to learn the word no.
Must be great to be a faggot these days, I wonder how does it feel to be associated with the worst scum humanity has to offer.
I wonder what color will the pedohiles have in the glorious socialist LGTBAGABVA banner
>those goofy faces in the thumbnail
This shit really annoys me.
>Sup Forums is right again!
pol is always right, you stupid nigger
Always use hooktube to prevent views!
how is this promoting pedophila? The punch line is that this guy made something so evil that even the evil scientists are grossed out
With this bit, his political aspirations just sunk like a rock.
>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
I need a run down of this video
Also Sup Forums is always right. Hitler did nothing wrong
this guy's got it
just a funny skit, not promoting pedophilia. Except where they correctly assert that it's a cycle (usually)
The Rock creates a child molesting robot.
And this is supposed to be "comedy".
>how to kill your political aspirations in 4:59 minutes.
Who are ((THEY))?
>((THEY)) are trying to make PEDOPHILIA NORMAL!
How the fuck did you reach that conclusion from that video? Are you retarded? There's nothing there that would suggest an attempt at making pedophilia appear as something normal.
sketch about a villain contest to make the most evil invention, ones a shrink ray, the other a freeze gun and the rock is a robot that rapes children, twice as fast, and White Castle being promoted at the end of the pedophile sketch.
It starts by introducing the topic in a comedic way. Associating pedos with laughter instead of outright hate and death. Once that is accomplished then they will start the association of sympathy, then normalcy. Long game like they do wit everything else.
the rock *makes a robot
Seriously though, isn't this just that comic
>I created a ______ robot
maybe, but it looks like we were laughing at him and not with him. I do agree that (((they))) are trying to normalize pedophilia and sexualize children, I just don't see it in this sketch
the sketch is just trying to be edgy, i don't see any sexualization of children going on here.
>sunk like a rock
good one jabroni
Consider visiting a mental health professional.
lmao this video is not available in canada. lmao
>SNL (((producers))) are losing money because no one will watch unfunny SNL anymore
>posts bait to the infamous hacker 4shin in hopes of generating click revenue on jewtube
Good to know what our resident crypto thinks.
Was funny up until the Whitecastle shit. Fairly surprised SNL made something moderately funny.
How is the video normalising pedos? From what I saw the room was filled with the most "evil" people in the world, and even they were shocked that someone was making a pedophile robot.
I really don't get how you've reached the conclusion that you have, explain yourself.
OP's paranoia reminded me of this
Yeah! You tell that bigot! I can't believe someone could think that way in 20XX.
Nigger do you even know where you are?
This isn't promoting pedophilia, it's a dark humor parody of the kid-friendly comical Evil Scientists TV trope.
OP, I'm a firm believer in the "Either Everything Can Be Funny or Nothing Can Be." mindset. If you don't like it, just walk away.
Also, this is clearly an attempt to be edgy and relieve the attention received from the Louie CK Pedo Speech on SNL like a year or two ago. They're not promoting pedophilia, they're beating a dead horse.
>Was funny up until the Whitecastle shit.
what was i missing with that, i didnt get it at all.
Are you running short on tin foil?
this right here
I know pedos are evil but its the rock man we know hes not evil. The contest was to invent the most evil invention and he won it.
I support Sup Forums action against pedos podesta and comet pizza. Sometimes though you just gotta laugh at a situation. I mean the guy whoes catch phrase is CAN YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING just built a pedo bot. Thats fucked up but its also funny because its fucked up.
It would be like doing a news report where 50 people died in a bridge accident. Only it was 2 clown cars each filled with 25 people.
OP is jewnigger that doesn't use hooktube
It acts as an Overton window shifter priming people with comedy to accept a subject that used to be limited to catch a predator tier shows. The fact that people are laughing at the disgusted reactions says enough.
>trying to make pedophilia normal
It's called dark humor faggot
They're not normalizing anything. They know how terrible it is which is why everyone else thought it was fucked up
Of all the things to point to, you picked an idiotic SNL skit?
Here's something a bit more concrete.
Whitecastle is an awful burger place that somehow made itself a big name in the market, probably from the movie "herald and kumar goto white castle."
It's worse than mcdonalds... yes it is.
That's how it starts. They shove it in your face so you get used to it being there. Then they actually ramp it up and make it more gross to piss you off. Then they start whining about you being so hateful and that they are not all that way. Then they start bargaining for those that aren't like those gross ones they introduced earlier.
Sound familiar? That's how they did it with gays and before that blacks. All these idiots saying that pride parades only achieve the opposite effect that they aim at, which is acceptance, they don't get it. Pride parades work by making people disgusted at those gays but then be accepting of those gays that dress conservatively and just want to lead a quiet life and get married.
That's how it goes.
>Pedophilia is too evil even for a competition about the most evil thing a bunch of mad scientist can come up with
>This is somehow normalizing pedophilia
>sharing youtube video
>giving them free money
Here is the archive link, also for those who cannot watch because this video is blocked in Sweden.
but why are they bringing it up, what's the joke. or was that a genuine paid advertisement?
My brother used to love that place just because it wasn't Krystal.
its just dark humor, and just trying to be edgy, I see why you think this, but I think you might be a touch paranoid on this one. I don't disagree pedophila is being promoted, just not in this scene
By them just being there. Haven't you noticed how leftists always clamor for representation. It doesn't matter if it's in a negative way at first, it's just getting a foot in the door.
You don't recognize the pattern?
It could be a paid advertisement as well, but also a joke.
It's a haha stoner joke, white castle dude bro!!!
How is it different to anything that's happened in the last 20 years? Have you never heard a Michael Jackson joke before?
what the hell did it have to do with the sketch though, it seemed out of place. i can't tell if i'm missing something or if i get it completely and it's really just that bad.
step 1: make the people who practice "degeneracy x" look sympathetic
step 2: make "degeneracy x" look silly and goofy
You can actually look at the kike shows in the 90s getting everyone ready to accept poz like gay marriage
see: Will and Grace
It's pretty funny. I remember being told by liberals that it was ridiculous for me to think that after gay people could get married, adult-child marriages would be next. Well look the state of things now. The slippery slope is real.
You can call me paranoid but I can just reply that you are naive.
It's just a joke you amerifat, bet you can't comprehend any other jokes other than fart and dick humor.
SNL is total garbage these days.
way back when it was alright but its been years and years since they did anything memorable.
(((Michael Jackson)))
(((last 20 years)))
Can't you see the patter here? That's how it all starts and you know what's next, don't you? Open your mind, sheeple. The (((shepherd))) is not your friend.
Wow, wanting to censor and condemn pedophiles? That's something the leftists would do. We can't stoop to these SJW tactics! It's hypocritical!
>pedophilia is no big deal goy LMAO XD
>I wonder what color will the pedohiles have in the glorious socialist LGTBAGABVA banner
There's nothing wrong about that article. The person in it doesn't "practice" pedophilia, as you claim, and after receiving treatment he's dating an adult woman.
>implying pedo humor isn't butt joke tier humor.
Jokes tend to have punchlines
The point is that they're attempting to garner sympathy for pedos, trying to reduce the stigma around being sexually attracted to children. That's only step one. If you don't think they'll take it further once that has been accomplished you're new to life and need to lurk moar.
Plain and simple pedos should never be associated with anything but death. Pedos are evil scum of the earth that should be executed on the spot. Anybody that does not see SNL's attempt to trivialize it is still brainwashed and conditioned. Lurk more before you post,
You must be new to the internet.
That's right, pedos are normal human beings like you and me :^). Sure he openly talked about finding children attractive in fucking public, but that's ok right?
Isn't awful how this poor man was persecuted by evil white Christians who don't like child rape? If only people would stop being evil Christians and start joining a more pedo-friendly religion like Islam or Judaism.
Oh noooo
That sucks
speaking of (((they))), i went on google translate and i typed in topkek, i got this for hebrew result.
Lol but that's really aren't.
The day pedo will be legal again would be greatest day in modern history.
>that negress
>nothing was funny
reaffirming my choice to stop watching years ago
>'Paedophiles need help, not condemnation - I should know'
You're right. I constantly expect better of people, which means I will constantly be disappointed.
Fair enough.
"Never make jokes about rape, it normalizes rape and that is what rape culture is."
"Never make racist jokes, you normalize racism and promote institutional racism."
"Never make jokes about pedophiles, you normalize pedophilia and lead to children being molested."
Holy shit you're an SJW.
There's no "they", you conspiracy lunatic. It's an article about a guy struggling with urges that he didn't choose to have.
Pedos are humans beings, yes.
>he openly talked about finding children attractive in fucking public, but that's ok right?
It is. He's not saying that engaging in any actual activity is okay, just the opposite.
Is pol seriously getting offended by dark jokes now? Do you not realize that this is SJW behavior? Do you not realize that the whole point of the joke is that pedophilia is more evil than evil?
Fuck you, learn to take a joke.
>I wonder what color will the pedohiles have in the glorious socialist LGTBAGABVA banner
Captcha: pizza cutter
(Spooking me out captcha).
That article is a slap in the face to anyone who was actually molested as a kid. Jesus Christ
Alright kike, you and all your blood libel rats need to be gassed.
that gay pizza looks pretty good honestly
maybe not the broccoli
>corn on pizza
Flag checks out m8
>There's no "they", you conspiracy lunatic.
Why don't you go do some research on who owns most of the mainstream media and get back to me on that you naive little prick.
The skit should have been a single dwayne Johnson saying he was afraid he was turning into a pedophile because the current stock of females in the dating scene were all repulsive degenerate garbage, then it might have been funny while also raising concern because it would have been a play on the parody that is modern women. But that would never happen because aside from Tina fey and Amy Poehler, women can't laugh at themselves since they know deep down they are a living meme.
>kike shows
Citation needed
Lena Dunham wrote the fucking words "unimaginable grind" in a fucking tweet about surviving sexual assault. Wrote that shit today. Almost like she's fucking with people.
>Sup Forumstards against this skit can't see the irony of the SJW-Logic they're using.
Not when it comes to kids. With all the child trafficking that skippy, comet, etc... does and that rabbit hole. It cannot be tolerated in any way, shape, or form.
the corn is a little weird but I'd try it
rest looks good onion peppers tomato
Hey there ain't anything wrong with beuty pageants. Trump's been bringing us hot girls forever, it's a blessing.
Maddo Siaientisto ?
Maybe it would be better to try and help and cure people with such a mental disease instead of trying to destroy them? Just a thought.
>Sup Forumstards
Seriously though, how am I wrong? I have no problem with pedo's getting the death sentence, anyone who molests children deserves the worst.
Can't you see how autistic you're being about not letting anyone make a fucking joke? You've gazed into the abyss too long my friend.
Teen pageants are pure. Fuck off. Nothing wrong with this.
How is that trying to normalize pedophilia you retard
You sound as dumb as antivaxxers and young earthers when they're talking about "doing research".
>who owns
Cause the Jews own the BBC? And following your logic, since white people have so much money per capita, there's obviously some white supremacist worldwide conspiracy going on, right?