Are there any YouTube political channel that is actually good?
Are there any YouTube political channel that is actually good?
Other urls found in this thread:
Stefan Molyneux
Sargon of Akkad
just your entry level shit tho
The Young Turks is very informative
>Stefan Molyneux
>Sargon of Akkad
styx is a guy who thinks marriage and kids in modern society are not a completely retarded idea.
Rekt Feminist Videos
Rekt Foreskin Videos
Bill Cosby fiddled my diddle
Is absolute Apex tier
this guy does movie/tv reviews but looks like he browses Sup Forums
I'll share with you all of my favorites:
iq squared debates are good sometimes, rare but some are good
not anymore
there was one but it got canceled by its author
Yet he looks like the kind of guy that would say the opposite.
#1. Louder With Crowder for laughs
#2. Stefan for information
#3. InfoWars only if really bored
#4. Rebel Media last resort if nobody posts and don't want to watch infowars
He has his pro-marriage opinion because his experience with dating is very limited. He also has that bizarre yet common belief that marrying the right person magically means your divorce proceedings will not involve feminist judges or feminist lawyers. I haven't yet figured out why people assume that your spouse has any effect on the court system.
Brother Nathanael
Accursed farms
MTV new
I must add i can only watch/listen to Stefan if it isnt a caller. I cannot stand listening to people speak when they say "like" and "uhhh"
murdoch murdoch
>Aqua Meme Hunger Force
How do you find time to watch all of those videos ?
Drink it up.
Morracow is pretty funny desu sempai.
>Stefan Molyneux
>Sargon of Akkad
>MGTOW's think marriage and kids are a bad idea
>They literally stop existing after one generation
I'd be more concerned if you guys weren't a self-correcting problem
they are all terrible.
American Renaissance is good but it is more topical as opposed to speaking about specific recent events. focuses more on the broad issues of the day.
i still watch TYT occasionally just to see how far left the left is currently. they make Marx look like an oil tycoon.
How is wariness of feminist lawyers an inheritable trait, dumb ho?
Just watch George Webb. He's uncovering a lot of stuff.
Murdoch Murdoch (comedy)
Mister Metokur (comedy / informational)
Joseph Retrostein (music)
Fascistball IV (music)
Cato´s Speech (eh)
Honestly I don't use the site too much to know of anyone you're looking for. These few put out some decent stuff once in a while.
styx, millenialwoes, jim/ mr metokur
God i fucking hate Crowder. What a annoying, pseudo-intellectual. Just more right-wing bullshit repeated by a younger face.
I'm still a big fan of tyt and Cenk.
Obdm (our big dumb mouths) is basically /xpol/ talking about everything from pizzagate to aliens, missing 411, big foot, seth rich etc. pretty few viewers but i like them
Jimmy Dore and Kyle Kulinski are bretty gud for left-wing news and discussion. You probably won't like them if you aren't on the left.
Trips of truth. Anyone recommending tyt should suicide himself. Ironically recommended or jot
red ice
Ave brothers, its about time youtube had some non pc true race realist personalities.
Oh, fuck you.
>assuming i like Islam because im not a right-wing retard
Islam is a barbaric religion, and you're an autist.
Hey there schlomo hows it going?
Leftism is retarded. How can you possibly be on the left. They deny fundamental human nature, science and try to silence people.
American Renaissance
Red Ice TV
Aydin Paladin
Tara McCarthy
Matt Christiansen
Lauren Southern (Richard Spencer)
Stefan Molyneux
Black Pigeon Speaks
Rebel Edge (for McInnes comedy only)
wow kys
>Louder With Crowder
>for laughs
>getting your political opinion from others instead of formulating it yourself
>getting your political opinion from a "youtuber" out of all people
youtube is for entertainment, nothing more.
My personal favorites:
Stephan Molymeme
(((Tyrant Fashister/Morokiu)))
Info Wars (for laughs)
Sargon of Akkad < possible cuckold
Murdock Murdock
Computing Forever
er does gods work
Just look up E Michael Jones
>They deny fundamental human nature
That's hilarious, considering the right consistently denies evolution and climate change.
>and try to silence people
The only ''liberals'' that try to silence people are retarded college kids that are majoring in gender studies. The vast majority of progressives and liberals don't want to silence people or get rid of free speech.
David Pakman is redpilled af
>That's hilarious, considering the right consistently denies evolution
Leftists are the ones who deny evolution by not recognizing race realism.
I like Kyle he might be leftist but at least he's not afraid to criticize the establishment and has interesting opinions
>They deny fundamental human nature
Dont play that BS lefty i hear leftists ay all the time how Greed can be eliminated using enough Socialism aka Communism at that point.
They ignore human nature which is greed, animals have been shown to show "greed" so do humans its nature. You are going against human nature when you think it can be eliminated.
>>They deny fundamental human nature
Look up the documentary series Nature vs. Nurture.
>That's hilarious, considering the right consistently denies evolution and climate change.
No, the right does not deny climate change. The right, in general, is skeptical of man made climate change. The right does not consistently deny evolution.
>The only ''liberals'' that try to silence people are retarded college kids that are majoring in gender studies. The vast majority of progressives and liberals don't want to silence people or get rid of free speech.
These are the people who control your party. The new wave. The Democrats are held hostage by these lunatics.
Did you miss the comedy only part?
>Leftists are the ones who deny evolution by not recognizing race realism.
He also isn't afraid to criticize Islam, which is one of reasons i like him so much. Too many people on the left defend that shitty religion.
go to bed gavin
Destiny is a political channel now I guess.
I feel like he's fiscally conservative without all the retarded things typically attached like blatant racism and false flagging.
>Dont play that BS lefty i hear leftists ay all the time how Greed can be eliminated using enough Socialism aka Communism at that point.
I'm.... im not a socialist? Do you even know what socialism is? And im not looking to get rid of greed, what the fuck are you talking about? You've spent way too much time in right-wing bubbles, you don't even know what progressives and liberals believe in.
Destiny is stupid cuck who basically believes in the same gender studies theories as radical feminists do except he allows that biology may have a small effect on things to avoid being called a full SJW. He said the reason women don't go into STEM as much as men is 80%-90% due to culture.
Thulean Perspective
> Letting somebody else to do your thinking for you, and telling you what to believe.
You are so blue pilled.
Chris Cantwell Radical Agenda
>don't know what socialism is
You've had more than enough examples. All variations.
Goyim McNiggis
Arr finally a wee lass with a good head on his shoulders
Not only that but i always from a young age perceived evolution as creation, its like the atheists take the bible literally when it says god created the earth and people in a few days. "days" could literally mean eons, evolution in my opinion was gods "tool" of creation.
Real liberals have flocked to the libertarians ect, democrats have devolved into socialists. Good to know your not a socialist. As for "Progressive", there is literally no term more used and abused than Progressive, as if any ideology is self proclaimed regressive, its a play on words with no meaning at this point.
What do progressives even progress? The death of civilization?
not sure if srs
Black Pigeon Speaks
Stefan Molyneux
Christopher Cantwel (The Radical Agenda)
Naked Ape
cowchop's pretty great i enjoy there older shit.
Sargon of Akkad
>Real liberals have flocked to the libertarians ect
People that want universal healthcare, higher wages, increased taxes on corporations and the top 1%, and increased infrastructure spending have not flocked to people with the exact opposite policy positions. That wouldn't make any sense.
>democrats have devolved into socialists
>socialism-a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
I can't think of any democratic politician that advocates for abolishing capitalism and giving the means of production to the people.
I can post smug anime girls too.
love this guy
You will be assmutilated
I'm Gavin's defense, there's a light of hope. I think he's more Red Pilled than he leads people to believe, but he shameless cucks to his kike overlords.
Damn you're good.
You should only be paying attention to the likes of Molyneux, Ben Shapiro, Peter Hitchens and Douglas Murray.
People like PJW, Cernovich, Milo, Lauren, Rebel and Crowder are HUGE U-turning shills only in it for the money.
nice bait
How did Lauren U-turn?
Checked. I knew it.
The Young Turks. It gets hate here but it's comfy. I like to imagine I'm debating them.
Top this, i don't think you can get any more smug.
>naked ape
Oh god, his voice gives me cancer.
Well she actually has some potential but she is also in it more for the money than the message. I guess she helps bring thirsty orbiters on board.
>Real liberals have flocked to the libertarians ect
Yes the people you describe are Socialists they are democrats not libertarians as i say.
>democrats have devolved into socialists
Yes infact
(((Schumer))) even equates Socialism to literally being a democrat when questioned on fox.
Bernie Sanders a self proclaimed jewish socialist even calls for the using of the democratic party as a platform to install socialist policies.
As i have said dems are devolving not fully yet into socialists, and this will be met with a war depending on how extreme they take it. Besides France or Sweden 2 Socialist "utopias" will probably face civil dissent before we do.
Crowder is such a pro israel faghot. Aswell as milo, and Gavin mccinnes
((( My personal favorites:
(((Stephan Molymeme
(((Tyrant Fashister/Morokiu)))
(((Info Wars)))
(((Sargon of Akkad)))
(((Murdock Murdock)))
(((Computing Forever))) )))
on the offensive
>Yes the people you describe are Socialists
No.... no they're not. Okay, here's the problem, nobody actually knows what fucking socialism. I literally just gave you the definition of socialism, yet you still misuse the term. Wanting universal healthcare is not socialism. What you think are socialist, are actually social democrats. Please reread my comment and educate your self on socialism. Here, I'll even give it to you again.
>socialism-a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
I read your post and I like you
dave rubin is decent. he has got better over time imo