This is the video he's talking about:
These people appeal to the nu-pol r/the_donald types on this board just like when cernovich sperged out in the WH press room. Sup Forums is full of these fags. Now watch how they flood this thread with anti-spencer posts.
Do you know the context behind this tweet shill ?
He dated a japanese girl. He's a rice steamer.
The only think Dicky is blowing the fuck out is teen cock
what kind of ethno nationalist supports open borders???
Banging a gook is fine.
Breeding is a completely different matter. White+white only. If the lesser races mix, good.
Why does he have such a hard time building an audience?
His videos hardly have any views and his channel doesn't have many subs, yet he's on the news all the time
I actually like his content
Used to hate Spencer but he's slowly warming up to me.
He's a deepstate shill who supports Tulsi "open borders" Gabbard.
Ok trumpflake, fuck off and learn what a joke is.
I would like to know the context.
Civic Nationalsim is cancer
When's that wall being built?
Because he isnt flashy. He is boring. He doesnt peddle insane conspiracy theories like the (((new right))) to gain clicks. Also he often shits on trump and trumpflakes cant take it
LOL that gerbils video is so cringy
If you interrupt your enemy's calling for the murder of your leader, they win.
t. Richard Trudeau
This guy tried so hard and failed, really cringy stuff
It feels like him and the alt right are the only other options on the right other than the cringy posoiac and the pedo milo. and like cernovich and the other boomers
Trumpflakes act just like libshits now, my sides. TrumPC police?
If i was him I wouldnt even of posted it
hint: they're all scammers
>Tulsi Gabbard
>open borders
nice try shill
I think his observations are interesting. I think he is a little more analytical than alt-liters. Probably helps that he has masters and was a phd candidate too
What were they thinkkng, that audience was full of maga retards?
Yeah, stupid libshits always yelling during our mock sacrifices of Obama, I'm such a hypocrite! Just like, respect their propaganda that incites violence! Nevermind that they've totally disrespected and vandalized the greatest white artist in history for violent propaganda, if WE slightly vandalize their vandalization, then we're just as bad them :(
The context is that Richard is a flaming poofter and desperately once to let us in on the big secret, but he wont outright say it, since in addition to being gay, hes also a bitch. This fuckers following is not organic. He is the last ditch effort of the neocon bushes to redirect anyone who is lashing out at the obvious genocide.
We the people have every right to free speech to faux murder who ever we want including the cheeto nazi Drumpf stop being snowflakes
No faggot, they knew the audience was full of "DRUMPF IS A NAZI" retards. Guess what, calling them Nazis hurts them and forces self-reflection.
>But muh Nazis dindu nuffin! Except destroy Germany and white nationalism forever. Stop using Goebbels as an example of a bad guy!
Sorry Natflake.
>Constantly austisticaly screech about free speech
>Guys you know what would be great? Crashing a play and deny their freedom of speech
That wasnt stupid and pointless, it was cringy as fuck and that kike tranny needs to go
death to all kike trannies
A faggot supporting white nationalism is better than a white (((neocon))) that promotes race mixing. There I said it.
Ok, back to rabbi media, schlomo
Ever wonder why some people on Sup Forums hate Spencer? They're jealous little faggots.
He's only doing this because he's gay and wants to fuck Milo so feels the need to dominate him.
Richie's videos need more views, he's usually autistically detailed when describing shit and his perspective is farther from towing the Republican party line. Very interested content but far too boring for the average 12 year old T_D (((civic nationalist))).
>liberals are literary like Joseph Girbels
>btw Hitler did nothing wrong
Is the alt-reich that retarded or just hypocritical?
Ezra levant is such a filthy kike
Rich gets a little cucky sometimes, but kind of badass other times
He is truly a bizarre person. He is like a far-right extremist who flirts with leftist ideology. He's also lacking grit from lack of life struggle in a life of family wealth
When do we add a RSIDF flag to the meme flag collection?
Sorry you lost, you look cringy and the new right is a dead end, sorry.
Said no one.
They pissed into a pool of piss for fun, big fucking deal.
Eat gas, Jew.
You are all gerbils, gerbils would be proud.
I would gladly bear it. Guy simply doesnt deserve this while pol sucks dick of many (((shady characters)))
Remixing a play that is a remix of a play is not denying anyone of free speech, it was a dope live remix by two artists.
I'm sorry you're retarded and keep taking a brief interruption as TOTAL DENIAL OF FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS.
They are faggy edgelords trying to hop on the real kike hating alt-right's bandwagon. A bunch of cringy attention whores being run by a kike (((EZRA))) w rebel
Nice try Shmuli
We should meme posobiec to death with this gerbils shit
"I bathe in my White Privilege."
It doesn't get any Jewier, than that.
I don't really care either way about him, I just think it's funny that every time his name is posted someone is here right away to defend him.
Thanks comrade, you really rustle our jimmies, ouch!
wtf I love Dickenhorse now...
To be fair, gerbiling is a cultural tradition among (((civic nationalists))).
Richard Spencer seems more sincere than alt-liters
He actually has a developed ideology and isn't afraid to disagree with everyone on the right. Some of his views are fucking weird though
I get the impression he wants a white ethno fascist state with enforced class systems and a transhumanist religion where we all focus on being immortal and colonizing space or some shit
Can you explain to me how Richard Spencer is jewish controlled opposition? I have seen him talk about jews.
Fuck yeah but I doubt it would actually effect him since he pushes fake news all day and doesn't seem to even care.
He says the context was gay marriage being at the forefront of the "conservative" agenda. Basically saying, "For Republicans, restricting homosexuality is the last stand of implicit white identity".
It's interesting how right-wing battles for position, because (((they))) want all positions: left, right, center, up, down, diagonal.
No one says that. Now kys.
No problem since I kinda sympathise with a guy because he got a wrap because he was filmed getting punched and polkiddies cant bare to support anyone this 'uncool'
Holy fuck the shilling against Spencer is out of control. I guess this means they're afraid of him.
wtf I'm a Spencebot now
>not turning it around on the kikes and asking why any sane white male would want to relinquish his white privilege and work to destroy it should it exists
Woah the average iq on Sup Forums just keeps on sinking to double digit territory
Saw Shakespeare in the park last month, was funny.
one knows getting Julius Cesar to act like trump was gonna happen.
I hate him and his shitty rebel media. Richard sealed his fate with the nazi salute. Hes running interference to make anyone who is mildly fashy look guilty by association. This fuckface was thrust upon us to slap an ugly label on anyone who doesnt fall within the left-right mind-paradigm. How can you not see this? How can you let your mind concoct dissonance when its obvious to anyone with a shred of intuition at all, that this man is bad news. How confused must these kids be when the only asshole allowed to preach white identity (and actually get air time, figure that out) is a raging homo? For fucks sake America. Sort your shit and slap your father.
Richard Spencer kind of addresses the JQ though, so has alex. Even Milo has talked about it a bit
Stop projecting your homoiness leaf
Read his own quotes. Mainstream Media gives him a voice on their platforms, and then he talks about White Privilege, and White Supremacy.
He repeats and reinforces the Jews very own propaganda.
He's a shill.
Anyone have a picture of him shouting?
(((They))) love to infiltrate and subvert.
if you have to guess about what he wants, you really shouldn't be taking him seriously
BASED Ezra (((Levant))) raising money to #FreeLaura at (registered before the actual theater sperging). Get donating MAGA pedes!
>Richard sealed his fate with the nazi salute
So you're outraged because CNN told you to be outraged?
Pls go.
I literally forgot Richard Spencer existed. It's funny to see that the right is beginning to cannibalize itself just like the left.
he strikes me as the type that would get purged on the night of long knives. i can't stand people that defend him. someone tell me ONE THING he's done for the white race. those statues in new orleans still came down! good job rich. you had your, "throw yourself on the gears of the machine" moment and showed yourself for what you are: an effeminate, opportunistic media creature that materialized out of nowhere... and as if all that weren't enough, this dipshit coined and spread the, "alt-right" label. it's pure garbage.
Civic nationalist kekistani clowns BTFO
Jesus fucking Christ. Scummy fucking jews, this was a shekel farming operation all along, and the worst part is that r/The_Zionald lemmings fell hook line and sinker.
You simpleton. You are letting the media gaslight you into defending a shitheel. Learn psychology. You're not wise, clever, but an information-shyster. Anyone who even watches CNN for laughs is a piece of shit. Excise this cancer and stop relying on shills like Richard, Alex, Posobiec, Cerno, Milo...all jews. Stop being stupid goys.
>edgy liberal kikes and sodomites
lol no.
That stuff is fine! We have to grant Jews their own ethno state if we want ours.
>A faggot supporting white nationalism is better than a white (((neocon))) that promotes race mixing
Faggots and the LGBT agenda are what are destroying our countries. Sodomites need to burn
Sodomites are TRAITORS.
I did side with him when he got assaulted, but I mean he was an adult public figure wearing a pepe pin...
Amen, brother.
I'm talking about the pop-right and pop-left. why should I give a fuck if boomer media like CNN shows Richard Spencer being Heiled?
You concern trolls never make any sense. Spencer has been involved in irl WN movements while most of you were still shitting your pants in your pajamas playing the first call of duty modern warfare game.
I have no problem with fags on an individual level. It should not be encouraged, however. And if we got rid of the jewish influence I'm sure faggotry would decrease.
I don't see anything wrong with any of those quotes.
>Spencer has been involved in irl US federal government movements
shut up leaf, he want coverage because that is how you spread ideas, not by posting esoteric hitler pics on Sup Forums you dope
richard is not a jew
I get it, I totaly get it, he is cringy but hey, what is left? Milo and Cernovich and other (((rebels)))
>appeal to seniority
Can you prove that or you're just talking out of your ass?
Yes good goy, many violences ahead, gentiles cannot run nations, this why we burn it all down time and time again...almost pity them, don't we?
*constant roars of hissing in the background on his Jew hivemind, hisses which are longer than any lifetime can bestow