What will be the future?
What is humanities greatest achievement in each catagory?
The author of this image should have put MGS2 as video game.
Wew, lad.
Best game evah is Chrono trigger.
Name of the wind
Forrest Gump
The frescos on sistine chapel
Bolero by Ravel
Monsanto GMO crops
Film: requiem for a dream
Music: Clouds - Complete Control / Bob Dylan - The Times They Are A-Changing
Literature: Ludwig von Mises - Human Action
Science: Peniceline
Art: The Physical Impossibility of Death In The Mind of Someone Alive
Video-game: Baldurs Gate 2
Anime of course for all of them
I forgot about that. I also vote for BG2
Agreed. Solidus was right.
>implying moonlanding happened
Nineteen Eighty-Four
Bicentennial Man
Sistine Chapel Ceiling
Beethoven's Symphony #5
Science is everything, other categories are worthless.
kys, muzzie scum
>Ode to Joy
School is its greatest achievement, but it only keeps you tween faggots off Sup Forums for most of the year, and not all. So we have much room for progress.
What's wrong with the 9th symphony?
It's not even Beethoven's best let alone best song ever. As far as best classical goes I'd say Chopin due to his insane popularity at the time which was likened to Beatlemania as well as it still sounding dope today.
meh shit taste m8
honestly most of james joyce
too many to choose
dont know enough to make a decision
dont play that many vidya beacuse well you know
Cavatina by Beethoven youre a pleb for putting the ninth
the scientific method itself, pleb
dumb nigger
beethoven wrote very few little songs
his pieces however , he wrote many
Chopin was known but not that popular
Liszt was the popular one.
The Brothers Karamazov, I've read it twice. I feel there are better books out there though.
Good Fellas.
Either pic related or The Rape of Proserpina.
>Video Games.
Red Dead Redemption or Metal Arms: Glitch in the System.
Can't really choose, so many reasons for so many: depends what I'm feeling atm.
Either the advent of Microbiology or the Internet & World Wide Web.
Forgot my pic related.
here the best piece of music ever written
>tfw dark souls not put as best vidya
>leddit spacing
>"Good Fellas"
stay in Sup Forums and out of Sup Forums you reddit faggot.
Metal Gear Solid 3 or My Summer Car
Sure it's not, but its an epic hymn/ode/whatever and its vibrant and alive and has soul.
Only filthy muzzies don't value culture.
no, endless , unskippable cut-scenes. GOAT final boss battle tho
>science's greatest achievement is science
I mean, you are not wrong, but...
More on topic:
Bible, the most influential book in the history.
>film, art, music
Not interested in those.
>video game
Probably not there yet. If that's not OK I nominate Planescape Torment
Computers. Almost everything now is dependent on computers.
Been here since '07 (fuck, I'm a loser) and been doing it before plebbit even came into existence.
Doing it like this bugs me.
Also, fuck you, Good Fellas was a great movie. What do you think is better?
Caliphate era
Damn I need to replay that game, I was 15 back then
When I think back theres probably a thousand red pills in it that I had no way of understanding
Shit, Katy perry is the best musician ever.
There are better MAFIA films, let alone better films. Carlitos way, Scarface, Godfather.
The Divine Comedy
The Rape of Proserpina
Quake III, especially because of en.wikipedia.org
J. S. Bach's Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue
Quantum Field Theory
the development of the scientific method was in itself the a "scientific" creation..
seems retarded and redundant but yeah
To be clear, I am using this list as "My Tops" and not the Greatest of Humanity.
Well, except for Science: I honestly think the advent of Microbiology or the Internet and World Wide Web are the greatest achievements in humanity. With the former, we doubled, if not tripled, our lifespans and greatly strengthen ourselves in numerous ways (e.g., people are taller than before because we're a healthier species). With the latter, it's because it rapidly increased our progress at an exponential rate: all the shit that happens in a year feels like it would take a decade pre-Internet/WWW.
huck finn
The Godfather
sistine chapel
>Video Games.
Mozart's Requiem
Moon landing
Whoever made this image is fucking retarded.
... That or you just have a chub for Al Pacino. No offense, great movies but I prefer Good Fellas.
Speaking of good films, here's a great scene: youtube.com
The Republic (Plato) - the work that influenced the most important governmental institutions and ideologies of the following millenia
Triumph of the Will - the power of a nation and it's people, captured on film
Sistine chapel - the beauty and grandiosity of it speaks volumes to humanity's awe of God
Ocarina of time - the game that popularized 3d and introduced ground breaking techniques like Z-locking
Chopin's Polonaises/Ballades/Nocturnes - Chopin is literally the human soul embodied in sheet music.
Einsteinian physics - the most important breakthrough in physics that has shattered our worldview and our place in this universe as well as introduced wild theoretical wonders that are now a part of our reality - such as black holes and spacetime warping.
Ben Hur
Food of the Gods
Being and Time
Be Here Now
The Prince
There's too many..
St. Elmos Breath, Turrell
motor engine
Video game:
Mount and Blade
>Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler
>The Sacrifice by Andrei Tarkovsky
>The School of Athens by Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino
Video Games
>Fuck off you degenerate
>Requiem-Lacrimosa K.626 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
>The Saturn V Rocket by Wernher von Braun
Making a list of these with no criteria is relatively useless. Your computer and yhe networking taking place in order to communicate this message on Sup Forums is far more technically impressive than the moon landing.
> Literature
Dante - The Divine Comedy / Virgil - Aeneid
The Godfather Part I - II
> Art
Leonardo Da Vinci - The Last Supper
> Video Games
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
> Music
Puccini - La Boheme / Verdi - La Traviata
> Science
Antonio Meucci: The Telephone
>some shit that never happened
Moon landing was fake though
>blood meridian
>the tree of life
>the creation of adam
Video game
>implying video games are culturally significant as a form of art (I'll say civilization iv tho)
>dies irae
>harnessing the power of oil
Demons by Dostoevsky
Don't know much about movies, but I like war movies so Platoon or Full Metal Jacket
Any Antonio Corradini's sculpture (pic related)
>Video Games
Don't know much about games, but I've always loved Castlevania
Fantasie Impromptu in C Minor by Frederic Chopin
Germ theory
Actually I change my literature answer to Wealth of Nations
Blood meridian is obviously the GOAT fiction but WoN completely changed society as we know it, hard to argue with that kind of influence
The Republic
Star Wars 1977 (I know the story's basic, but no other movie is so perfectly structured nor influential)
Bonaparte Before the Sphinx
>Video Games (Really?)
Legend of Zelda, OoT
Bach - Mass in B Minor
Newton's paradigmatic change of science from the study of the qualitative to the quantitative (think of 3 laws of motion, thermodynamics, etc.)
>What will be the future?
From the perspective of our children, I'd wager transhumanism.
I can't speak for the arts however for if there's an artist who can best those before us he (I say 'he', for he almost certainly will be male) is not yet known.
Poems by Heinrich Heine
Lord of the Rings trilogy
Mona Lisa/Scream
DOOM franchise, Stronghold Crusader, EU4
Der Ring Des Nibelungen/Peer Gynt/Goldberg Variations
Moon landing, theory of evolution
I'll state that this is from my own experiences and I have in no way experienced nearly enough from any category.
Lord of the Rings.
Possibly Moby Dick.
I know they're both relatively modern, haven't read enough "foundational" literature like War and Peace.
Anything Caravaggio.
>Video Games
Silent Hill 2. Possible MGS3.
Bach concerto no.1
Beethoven Sonata No.14
Richard Wagner: Lohengrin
Hard to pin. Depends on what you mean. Foundational? I'd say the discovery of displacment or something simple like that, or that the Earth is round. More recently and importantly? Penecillin was pretty important. Also splitting the atom changed politics and basically changed the nature of war forever. We can never again just have an all-out war like WW2, too much fear for nukes.
>or you just have a chub for Al Pacino
Could be.
*before us, he
Probably the Bible
Probably Cars 2, idk
One of Rembrandt's works (see pic)
Dragon Age: Origins
Everyone would put Beethoven or Chopin but honestly one of those old gregoric chants are great
The Spinning Jenny
Oh for Vidya I change my answer to TLoZ Twilight Princess. I was lost in that universe for months as a child.
It's "humanity's".
humanities = plural of humanity
humanity's = of or pertaining to humanity
Hope that helps, you dumb nigger.
All of the categories except for science are considered the Humanities. Could have meant the most important thing each sub-category itself has brought to us.
diversity, mandatory social justice and brown rainbows, saggy vaginas everywhere and the smell of rotten shrimp lingering in the air.
Yeah. He didn't. As evidenced by retarded image in OP.
> Literature
Snow Crash
> Film
> Art
That AI that bought drugs from Silkroad
> Video Games
> Music
Einstein On A Beach by Philip Glass
> Science
The nuclear bomb
>Ben Hur
Please admit that you're fishing for (you)s.
Scarface is the most overrated movie of it's quality. Terribble movie with no point.p and no entertainment factor.
I hope that's a joke answer like Cars 2.
Everyone else who posted, good stuff. I'll look a lot of it up.
Literature: The Hero With A Thousand Faces (Joseph Campbell)
Film: Apocalypse Now
Art: Dunno; some Pre-Raphaelite shit
Video Games: Empire: Total War
Music: Bergtatt (Ulver)
Science: Moon Landings desu
>What is humanities greatest achievement in each catagory?
>every Sup Forums 15yo puts their favourite shit
>that sure gonna tell us about humanities greatest achievements
Threads like this should be instadeleted.
>Scarface is the most overrated movie of it's quality. Terribble movie with no point.p and no entertainment factor.
That would ne Fight club.
Honestly I don't even fucking know
Don quixote is realy good book , also recomend decameron by boccaci is very good book considering its writen in medieval age
You read that book? Why? I can't motivate to read stuff like that
Teacher recomended me to read these books in when i was training for my exams
Jesus Christ this thread is pleb
Jacking off
The internet
Video games
Hunting and cooking
Carved stone
Then post yours, faggot
Was just about to post that. I'm thinking about leaving Sup Forums forever. The average IQ is just too low.
If you won't bother to show everyone up then go jack each other off in a different corner.
All quiet on the western front
How I learned to love the bomb
Mona Lisa
Songs: Ohia - The Magnolia Electric Co.
DNA Structure or Atom Bomb.
First Princess of Mars Cover
Minecraft - Story of a lone man surviving in the wild
Tarzan movie had a sound track probably
Apollo program whose engineers were inspired by A Princess of Mars
>not the LOTR trilogy
The Count of Monte Cristo
Citizen Kane, something more contemporary like John Milius' Conan if you want something a bit more contemporary
Sistine Chapel Ceiling, although you could really point to any of the work by the old masters, especially Michelangelo
Doom just because it revolutionized how we perceived games
Adagio for Strings by Samuel Barber
The internet. The fact I can leave my house and have the wealth of collected human knowledge accessible to me from a networked device no larger than my hand is incredible
Shit was boring as fuck. Couldn't even get through half the second movie I was so fucking bored.
>The internet. The fact I can leave my house and have the wealth of collected human knowledge accessible to me from a networked device no larger than my hand is incredible
And yet you use it 99% of the time to call people nigger on a Nepalese yoddeling forum and jacking off to hardcore japanese cartoon pornography. Human behavior really is a mystery.
>subjectivity: the thread
Not really. See the art section. Most of us agree that the Sistine chapel is the greatest work of art ever. And it's true. It symbolizes western culture more than any other piece of art.
Regarding other categories, there is a lot of stuff to sift through, but it seems that Moonlight sonata is the best piece of music. Great movies, games and pieces of literature that deal with different themes, periods... tend to make the choice of absolute best harder. As one user stated, Star wars is the quintesential heroes journey story, and I agree. I love Forrest Gump because its a warm human story and it is a cinematic masterpiece. Godfather is a dark story dealing with family, first and foremost. Yadda yadda. Don't know too much about lit, but Dostoyevski is up there, in one way or another.
Science has a lot of stuff going on, and I'm ashamed that noone mentioned the six simple tools, something that everything practical in engineering comes from. But the scientific method has been mentioned, so there's that.
How about POST WW2. Let's hear it.
Name of the wind
Forrest Gump
No idea, not versed in contemporary art
Baldurs gate 2
Darth Vaders theme
Monsanto crops
Landing on the moon is nowhere near close the greatest achievement of humankind, it's actually just agriculture.
Common Sense by Thomas Paine
7 Samurai
Rape of Proserpina (the way Bernini made the marble look like flesh is astounding)
>Video games
On the art side I have to go with SotC,
On the technical side BotW.
I'm a heathen, so I'm going to say as for classical I'm partial to the moonlight sonata & brahms lullaby, but for modern music I have to say Promentory by Trevor Jones and Randy Edelman (The Last of the Mohicans OST)
Fire. Doesn't count? Electricity.