Will we ever see her smile again Sup Forums?

Will we ever see her smile again Sup Forums?

Wouldn't it be humorous-ironic if she killed herself whilst in prison.

I want to cum on her forehead

looks like a bootleg cara delivinge

Imagine all the cucks gearing up to send her love letters in prison.

>I-I-I think suicide is fine, and I know u loved him and just wanted his pain to end, bby ;(

not everyone gives up so easily on their one life to live

she deserves a slow death
along with the permavirgins that worship her

I want to land a plane on it.

Who's she?

Sup Forums needs to send her a letter

Told some guy to kys, he did it, now she's serving 20 years.

What did I miss. Who she?

Let's start:

Dear Michelle,

What you did was very naught,

I could show her my small soft penis and she'd laugh like tinkling water

she looks like a fucking man. add some bigger wrinkles and she's Dawkins.

you people obsessing over a literal ugly psychopathic whore are pathetic and don't belong on Sup Forums.

>big head but small face
>large forehead
>masculine brow
>strong jaw
>receded hairline

And I've seen a lot of posts saying she's cute. You're all going to end up procreating with 2/10 white women with ugly as fuck offspring.

Your giant forehead makes some pole's dick hard,

As in 'fuck of go kys'? Or seriously made him do it?
Is it legit or just a desperate attempt to hold sb responsible

Dude was mentally ill and depressed.
She told him to kill himself and the absolute madman did it.

>feed me souls
Thats what the look conveys.

Cara and that little Stark bitch put together.

Who the fuck even is this? Do I even want to know?

What do you mean "seriously made him do it"? Like tying someone up and telling them either they kill themselves or you'll torture them? No she just told him to kill himself.

>now she's serving 20 years

Oh shit I missed the sentencing. Based justice system for once.

It was a series of texts. Not just lol kill urself

Anyone who agrees with the verdict that she got is a fucking retard who doesn't understand our legal system.

If you kill yourself and no one else is physically present to help you do it, and no one threatened or intimidated you into it, then you are 100% responsible for your death. It doesn't matter if someone coaches you on how to do it or encourages you, especially since assisted suicide is not illegal in Massachusetts.

Now every time someone kills himself or herself are we going to go looking for people to pin blame on? If you would support that, YOU SHOULD KILL YOURSELF USING THE SAME METHOD AS THAT FAGGOT DID. I WILL GLADLY CALL YOU ON THE PHONE AND ENCOURAGE YOU TO DO IT, FAGGOT.

She's not going to fuck you even if you get a conjugal.

maybe she should kill herself

She did intimidate him with texts multiple times saying that he was a failure for backing down, including when he stepped out of the car to stop killing himself.

>frankenstein forehead
>shit eyebrows

he told her he was going to kill himself as he was in the process of it, car in closed garage. she was telling him to stay there. when he said he had gotten out as he had changed his mind, she convinced him to get back in.

keep in mind they were in a long term relationship, that he had a known history of depression and that he attempted suicide before.

the virgin, fat, kekistani cringe crowd are the ones who are fawning after this troglodyte of a female, because "she dindu nothing" and most definitely couldn't be a psychopath, just look at that face.

ahahahahahahahahaahhahahaha fuckin a

is she albanian? that pan-head sure looks like an albo

you sound about as lost as the BF m8

>yes you want to know
>only way you will know is if you eat 100 sleeping pills
>just do it already, gosh


Watch out everyone we got a Harvard graduate here.

>Oi user ya cheeky innit. Care to shag me vag

>She did intimidate him with texts multiple times saying that he was a failure for backing down

That's not intimidation you fucking retard

What the fuck is wrong with your generation that you don't think you should be held responsible for your own actions? She said he was a failure, therefore he lost all personal agency?

Seriously, KILL YOURSELF. You are subhuman.

lmfao hopefully this bitch rots in prison for as long as possible, dumb cunt. too bad that guy got lured by the wrong cunt

>hi i haven't read anything about the case but here's my long winded opinion on it anyway: the post

i want nu/pol/ to neck themselves.

I want to land a helicopter on it

>had her feed of souls

That's at least a fivehead.

You're actually just simply wrong and I find it interesting you think you know the legal system better than the presiding judge who ruled on it after being presented with ALL of the evidence and testimony. Go fucking kill yourself you failure.

Well, now don't, but you get the idea.

If the legal system isn't designed to keep someone like her behind bars, then it needs to be overhauled. She is a legitimate homicidal psychopath, and I'm glad her kike lawyer couldn't loophole her out of it.

Lol she should get life for resembling the ugly cunt.

> She did intimidate him with texts


I've read every detail.

She suggested the method of suicide to him, and kept encouraging him to go through with it, up until the final moment.

So what? He was an adult. The choice was fully his to make, and he made it.

Said he was a failure for not killing himself and coerced him to continue and probably wasn't thinking straight due to the gas, and he got into that situation because of her.

bitch needs to get raped

Pic related part of the messages she sent him

don't sentence me bro

maybe she had a lot of control over how the guy thought and built that up over time

>here's my 3 posts about this very dangerous psycopath

don't worry dude it's not like she will be out in 2 years sending you murder-texts

>If the legal system isn't designed to keep someone like her behind bars, then it needs to be overhauled.

Kill yourself. Your IQ is too low to be allowed to live.

You read every deal about some stupid random case and now you're proselytizing about it on Sup Forums when it's already over with ? Wow, get a life you fucking loser or end your chances at ever having one please. lol

verb: intimidate; 3rd person present: intimidates; past tense: intimidated; past participle: intimidated; gerund or present participle: intimidating

frighten or overawe (someone), especially in order to make them do what one wants.

She looks even better with make-up.

Your tears are delicious my dude. Watching white knights like you sperg out has definitely been the cherry on top of the sentence sundae.

I am actually very happy. Got a qt strawberry blonde of my own.

I just see this ladies face everywhere and am curious.

Point out that this tyoe of behaviour is a known subculture of camwhore. They lure vulnerable men into relationships and then pressure them to kill themselves.
It is very planned and calculated. Victims are picked selectively for their vulnerability.

>he got into that situation because of her.
Nope, he gathered all of the equipment himself, drove himself to the location of his choice, set it all up, and executed the suicide, all on his lonesome.

Those were all choices that he made, fully conscious of the consequences.

>You're actually just simply wrong
That's actually just simply not an argument.

in mental health there is something called "capacity", pertaining to your ability to make reasonable choices and decisions for yourself. despite him being an adult, he very clearly didn't have capacity and she took advantage of that.

he was not a frail old man, a person with an incurable terminal disease, or anything else that would warrant a loved one to encourage and assist himself.

admit it, you are a cuck for this hideous goblin.

>be american
>tell someone to kill themselves
>they do it
>get found guilty of involuntary manslaughter

but I thought americans had free speech?

p.s. anyone whos reading this kill yourself asap

>frighten or overawe (someone), especially in order to make them do what one wants.

How does a girl do this using a text?

>cuck slayers are bad
>we must protect our innocent young men from these monsters

look mom i'm on Sup Forums

>Your tears are delicious my dude. Watching white knights like you sperg out has definitely been the cherry on top of the sentence sundae.
It's hilarious how moronic you are that you think I care one way or another about her. I think she's scum, but the legal principles don't change. She didn't break the law.

"WELL THATS NOT AN ARGUMENT" and neither is pointing out that the first one fifth of my post isn't an argument, you fucking moron. Dunning Kruger is calling you my summer child.

He always wanted to kill himself, she was trying to talk him out of it in the beginning, told him to go to a mental institution and that maybe it would save his life. But after enough of his whining she finally just told him to do it.

>in mental health there is something called "capacity", pertaining to your ability to make reasonable choices and decisions for yourself. despite him being an adult, he very clearly didn't have capacity and she took advantage of that.
He clearly DID have that capacity. Suicide was his idea, not hers. She just encouraged him to do it.

Being this irate on Sup Forums over some ugly fucking bitch going to jail lmfao. What a faggot. Go shoot up a courthouse or something you pathetic sperg.

This is the endgame of all the """cyber bullying""" and (((harassment))) legislation. It is now 100% illegal to be mean to people. This will make it more difficult to kick immigrants and kikes out of our countries when it really matters.

If you're not on this 9/10 girl's side, you're yet another boring, brainwashed queer.

She was found guilty within the last couple of days. She hasn't been sentenced yet.

It's "lady's".
ladies = plural of lady
lady's = of or pertaining to lady
Hope that helps, you dumb nigger.

>encouraging someone you "love" to off themselves is totally a ok in a well adjusted society
wow free her already, i want to see what kind of wonderful single mother children this lily of the valley would make.

as the sentence points out, she had a duty of care towards her boyfriend whom was clearly suffering from some form of psychiatric disorder.

she instead chose to repeatedly encourage and manipulate him with the intent of killing him, via means of his own action.

her intent is clear. she wanted to kill him.

Sort of men they go after are
Lonely men
Mentally ill men
Men that don't have many friends
Unemployed or homeless
Have dependencies

Spooky if true. Sounds like bullshit though.

>not enjoying the imagery while casually considering the following

>"which could set legal precedent for whether it's a crime to tell someone to commit suicide"

please do us all a favor and meet the ghost squad

its true, albeit rare.

women enjoy the sense of power they have over a male that is emotionally dependent on her, and will frequently deliberately push them to and past their limits using emotional manipulation.

Its not loads of evidence of it. Women have even been arrested over it and warnings put out about known women that do this.

She was the proximate cause of his suicide you fucking first quintile LSAT peasant wannabe Perry Mason geek. Please stop pretending to understand law on the internet you look absolutely retarded.

>i don't understand capacity
it doesn't mean he was physically or mentally unable to make any decisions, it means that he couldn't make a sound or reasonable condition because a) he had crippling depression and b) he was being gassed alive and c) the one person who should've loved and supported him to live as again he was not suffering with a terminal illness or from old age encouraged him to continue and ultimately convinced him to get back into the car which is why he died.


It should be considered a crime if the person isn't of sound mind, which her boyfriend demonstrably wasn't.

you just know this is gonna happen. she's gonna be the female bundy

Gross, I can feel your autism through the screen. Also, I can tell it's incorrect but it's 4am and I am tired.

Night Sup Forums I am going to go to sleep while spooning my sweetie.

her actions over a long period of time in many instances show and support her intent as wanting him dead.

it was methodical, persistent and motivated.

It already is precedent dickhead when you're the proximate cause of a suicide and you fail to act, you can be charged with manslaughter it has already happened dozens of times. Consider that dickhead.

She didn't get the hairstyle right, but stayed pretty close to the script

>she had a duty of care towards her boyfriend
He wasn't even her boyfriend, and now she obviously did not have a "duty of care" to some random guy from across town that she talked to online.

>she instead chose to repeatedly encourage and manipulate him with the intent of killing him, via means of his own action.

>her intent is clear. she wanted to kill him.
Only degenerate millennial SCUM are even capable of thinking like this. You have to have no concept of personal responsibility to think even though he killed himself entirely by himself that she somehow killed him. It's illogical.

Don't shoot that nigger that broke into your house because clearly, he wasn't of sound mind.

>(((Psychiatric disorders)))
Oh so she was a trained psychiatrist! She could definitely tell the difference between a fragile nutcase and an edgy """suicidal""" faggot.

>She was the proximate cause of his suicide you fucking first quintile LSAT peasant wannabe Perry Mason geek
No, the proximate cause of his suicide was the carbon monoxide from the generator that he purchased and ran inside his car with the express intent of killing himself, you degenerate milliennial twit.

Who gives a fuck?
You are a twat for making a thread like this

She's ugly as sin. Casey should have been the female Bundy, but the prosecutors bungled the entire case.

Everyone in Finland has crippling depression yet somehow your legal system is able to treat Finnish people as capable of making their own decisions.

he was her boyfriend of 2 years.

her intent to cause his death by his own hand is demonstrated repeatedly by her messaging, and exacerbated by her demand that he delete all messages from her before he dies in an attempt to hide her complicity.

had it not been for her complicity and deliberate manipulation, it is plausibly arguable that he would NOT have killed himself, atleast not in that specific instance.

>Everyone who does anything bad "isn't of sound mind" and shouldn't be held accountable for their actions

She has a certain charm to her.
I find her attractive. You're being the "pointy elbows, wouldn't bang" guy right now. Shes attractive and i bet you she uas a tight 20 year old, hardly used body underneath those clothes.

that's cause in fact, you can call her actions the proximate cause, god you must really be retarded LOL. keep struggling through your undergrad sport


status quo is that if someone wants to commit suicide, they are suffering from a psychiatric disorder.

desire to kill oneself is not present in a person of sound and healthy mind.

this is universally accepted as such both in medicine and law.