I don't care what people do with themselves, but what do you think of them, Sup Forums?
I ask because I see a lot of hate for them on the chan, but I don't understand where it comes from
I don't care what people do with themselves, but what do you think of them, Sup Forums?
I ask because I see a lot of hate for them on the chan, but I don't understand where it comes from
if the earth is overpopulated like the liberals say we absolutely should start by throwing trannies into wood chippers
>I ask because I see a lot of hate for them on the chan, but I don't understand where it comes from
Reddit spacing
If the fuckers want to cosplay, fine. I just don't want to hear about the LARPING every 10 fucking seconds of the day.
They're mentally ill and they need help. They should not be allowed near children to because they're probably pedos.
Have you seen the suicide rates for trans people? They need help
I think they're asinine. You don't have to change what you are to be who you are. Anyone who thinks otherwise is mentally ill. If you want to be a guy who wears skirts and make up, I don't give a shit, but you're a dumbass if you think that makes you a woman. The worst part of them is that they think anyone gives a shit. Nobody cares that you wish you had a vagina.
It's a mental illness and should not be indulged.
It is wrong to condone self mutilation and delusions.
Good people stand against that sort of thing.
Half of Sup Forums is gay for traps, including me
I want to be ass- and throat-fucked everyday by a qt trap with a huge dick. That's what I think about traps. U mad?
How did you train your body to withstand the stress of going Kaiofaggot x 20!? Did you train with giant black dildos in your ass in a gravity chamber with the gravity set to 100g!?
The hate for them here is based in the reality that it's an oddity and many ACTUAL trannies accept this as a fundamental flaw in their transition. When there aren't autistic screeching white wealthy liberals mobbing professors on the street about pronouns and """ACCEPTANCE""" there are a slim minority of real transitioning trans-sexuals experiencing a life of confusion and often want to make light of their experience with some friends.
It's not like their doctors don't explain to them that they have deficiencies with their biological and physiological development, and that they are an anomaly. It seems like the only people worried about snip-dick rights aren't snip-dicks themselves. Why is that? BAKA
I think they are usually normal to interact with except when it comes to many conversation topics that are common. Anything to do with beliefs, politics, society&religion, relationships, work. These things are toxic discussions with trannies and they often exhibit their own type of tranny-chimpout.
It is essential to understand there is a difference between MtF and FtM trans people.
FtM are often very reasonable and their female propensity for social cohesion and everyone-getting-along means they are like a reasonable, friendly guy (with a vagina). The worst they get are like lesbian aggressive, except they are 'men' so it'd be like a less aggressive man.
Furthermore, FtM pass considerably better than their counterparts.
MtF on the other hand...
They are combative because they have only a limited suppression of testosterone through medication.
They are ugly men dressed up as women. They do not pass as women about 90%of the time.
The MtF trannies are cookie cutter and obnoxious. and unless you are a bluepilled cuck, anything will trigger them and ruin a situation. They are not reasonable.
FtM trannies are like lesbians. They do not irritate much more than other people.
MtF trannies are like gay men. They are fucking horrendous to interact with, their presence inverts your penis, and they travel with an entourage of blue pilled roasties.
Why drag Macca into this? They are destroying civilization.
Do you really want "undesirable" people to be killed to control the population?
I don't believe there's a correlation between being trans and being a pedo
I have, and I've also come to the conclusion that a lot of that has to do with the social repercussions. Why would anyone want and aspire to be trans? It sounds like a nightmare.
I understand your POV.
What do you believe the solution is?This is true
Do you bro
Interesting pic. Got anything similar?I have no idea what you're talking about
they are a menace to themselves and to society and should be helped psychologically alogn with faggots and lesbos
What's your opinion on Blaire White? To me, she's fairly passing and seems sane. Do you believe there's a minority of people that are /truly/ transgender?
Macca's always down for the tough questions!
Can you go into detail on how you believe they're a menace? What harm could they do to society? And what help would you give trans people and homosexuals?
>I have no idea what you're talking about
That is ignorance, blasphemy, and sickening repugnancy of the absolute highest order. Your very existence is radically offensive to all respectable people.
>What harm could they do to society?
They are full of psychological and physical issues, they are unable to raise good families or overall provide to society 99% of the time
The harm they could do to the society is push the image that their behavior is normal and doesn't cause any problems at all
Trans people and homosexuals come mostly from enviromental elements and not biological as fake scientists like you to think
They could be helped with professional guidance like every other person with a certain psychological issue.
They need help
After the Civil war breaks out they're all going to essentially revert back into their original genders and probably go insane having to deal with real problems like survival and combat
my only goal in life is to make her my gf and be her fucktoy forever
>Trans people and homosexuals come mostly from environmental elements and not biological as fake scientists like you to think
Do you have a citation for this?
Do you think it would be a mental health professionals duty to help them stop being trans?
I doubt a civil war in the US would break out any time soon
There's a difference between trans people and pushing for it to be normalized.
EVERY other mental illness, at least up until now, you fought to make the sufferer either come to terms with it or at least not harm themselves.
There's an illness where you think you should be missing a limb, you're convinced that you shouldn't have one of them. You don't treat that by letting people do what they want and cutting their hands off, but that seems to be exactly what transgender people are being sold, and I've started to see it pushed for other things.
It's madness.
>Do you have a citation for this?
Mega-kek... total lel
You have "no idea" what that user is talking about!? You should feel monumentally ashamed. However, you're likely not capable of feeling shame. You make me fucking sick. With a slight bit of effort you might be capable of going Kaiofaggot x 100! Your faggot level is easily over 9000.
I think they're destroying their bodies, and their ability to live full lives with the fully functional bodies they were given at birth. Not the horribly broken ones they change into.
>a "man" who cannot piss or cum through his meat stick
>a "woman" who cannot bear a child
>the "man" can still become pregnant
>the "woman" is infertile
It's the ones that are passable that freak me out. I don't want to mistake one of them for a human.
I don't mind trans people.
I mean.. I rather like all four of the Beatles.
The trans folks I've met were some of the most violent, self-centered, entitled cretins I've ever met. Testosterone + mental illness + delusions of having female social privileges, I guess.
Tolerating insane behavior and condoning it are not my bag, so trannies are worthless to me.
Dave Muscato could really be an F to M tranny. They get hair loss from the testosterone injections, and wear fake facial hair to hide the feminine chin. I think there are many of these walking around. Keep an eye on those baldies!
They're either crazy or it's a lifestyle/cult like being a biker
Because no one has mentioned this before...
>the chan
Kys ffs
Thanks user! Should be an interesting watch
I hear you. Do you believe there's ever a small minority that can be truly trans? Do you believe gender is primarily your body parts? Do you believe a man could ever adopt a female social role, and vice versa?
What would you do if you were dating a girl that turned out to be trans?
Favorite Beatle? Mine's john
Interesting. Have any stories to share?>They're either crazy or it's a lifestyle/cult like being a biker
I'll never understand how some people thrive off of living outside of society user
tell me you wouldn't, Sup Forums
Faggot levels of over 9000 is already scary enough... but the idea of pushing such a level even further beyond to go Kaiofaggot x 100, even if for just a brief moment is truly terrifying.
I live in the Bay Area. Trannies do not live outside of society, they are to society what homosexuals or blacks were 10 years ago. Surrounded by a wave of class guilt and participation trophies. I can't speak of Trannies outside of the Bay Area, LA, or NYC, but that's how it is there.
I fucking hate them, they're just a bunch of degenerates.
Looks like a fucking man, no.
Do you have a problem with homosexuals and blacks as well? Where do you think this is taking society?
Care to go into detail?
Ugly regardless...
besides, if I ever did encounter and wanted to engage in relations with a trans which was good enough looking to genuinely convince me one of those vile things was a genuine female and it went far enough that I ended up seeing a penis firsthand... we're talking about that creature having its worthless life ruined in ways that would be horrendous to do to anyone else (besides perhaps a muslim or someone equally vile).
Traps are gay
Gays and blacks have been getting participation trophies from liberals for a long time just for existing, and now it's the trannies getting those trophies. As far as the validity of trannies, no. They're not valid. Anything that disassembles the nuclear family is simultaneously increasing crime rate, poverty, victimhood, welfare state, and debt. Blacks if they got their act together and raised their kids in nuclear families and didn't interbreed with whites could potentially be an asset. They were promising in the earlier 20th century.
Thanks for your post, I agree with your point about nuclear families.
Personally, I have optimism for the future of black and mexican people, at least the ones that live here in California.
Indifferent, i see some sort Brazilian trannies walking about sometimes and they are just odd. Huge, tall and out of proportion and always making a lot of noise to gain attention. Obviius signs of mental illness there.
There is a couple of famous ones on tv here. One of them is a politician.
Most of them end up dead from aids or beaten to death during some banal sexual transaction.
Freaks is how i think of them, feel a bit sorry for them because they are severely mentally fucked up.
Mentally ill.
Nothing sane about someone wanting to cut your balls off.
>what do you think of them, Sup Forums?
Yes, They're so synonymous with liberal and millennial culture i cant stand them, i hate gays to, they act so fucking stupid and talk like child molesters. Transgenderism is just a fucking trend, its being accepted everywhere now because of social media its just fucking sickening,
They are mentally ill.
They're still people, so I don't have any moral obligation to start grabbing the pitchfork and brandishing torches aflame.
But, they're mentally ill and should never be treated as to aggrandize or reward their condition.
Same as gays are mentally ill, but not enough to limit their capacity to be treated as equal beings.
Just, transgender people are more so mentally ill.
How do you feel about conservative gays and blacks?
Also, do you have an opinion on Blaire White?
I really don't care, I just don't like hetero or homo couples doing degenerate acts near children and in some of the public areas like churches for example.
Keep the intimacy for proper places for fuck sake.
They are mentally ill and are spreading their crazy faster than the AIDS epidemic in the 80s. They need to be removed from society.
I don't have too many.
Seeing them all the time kind of psychologically puts me in a bad place or pisses me off.
She seems fairly okay. I disagree here and there with her.
>The harm they could do to the society is push the image that their behavior is normal and doesn't cause any problems at all
>...mostly from enviromental elements and not biological as fake scientists like you to think
I definately agree that transtrenders are hijacking our movement with fake bullshit like non-binary and gender dysphoria not being a requirement anymore.
As a /k/ommando I look forward to this day.
At least when you have legit gender dysphoria, you actually feel like a normal person just the other gender. You dont want anything special just to be your normal sex. I at least feel horribly disfigured and want to return to normal. Like when I didnt have boobs I felt horribly wrong and wanted to just destroy my chest cause it was broken and wrong and I felt like a limb was missing from my body. Now that I have boobs, I just feel normal and its like yeah theres my boobs right where they are supposed to be.
But thats a transtrender person without gender dysphoria wearing a man's beard for attention.
FTMs are mostly transtrenders yeah.
The real FTMs are mostly chill big brother persona types.
Its the colored hair, nose ring, highlighted breasts girls wearing tomboy clothing that are batshit insane.
no hes definitely a man who added a few letters to his male name
that is his entire transition
I think BLM is a terrorist organization.
I think all of that leftist garbage is a complete disgrace to freedom of speech and a fascist neo-nazi echo chamber hidden behind a veil of pc vomit.
Tons of them support islam too which is disgusting as well.
>They need to be removed from society.
Ooh, do we get our very own Israel? What do you think of Hermaphroditistan? Maybe not. It's a bit of a mouthful.
>but I don't understand where it comes from
their mental illness and demands that you go along with it are frustrating.
>want us to let them use any bathroom they want allowing perverts to do so as well
>get called transphobic for saying thats retarded
>make up 80 different pronouns and force people to use them through legislation
>get called a transphobe for saying thats retarded
>claim there's infinite genders to go with the pronouns
>get called a bigot for saying there is only two
no idea why anyone could hate such rational people
trannys like blaire white are fine, it's the retarded 'you don't like sucking cock? you're a fucking bigot some women have dicks!!!!' crowd that takes it too far.
>have real life scare month of LE GET THE TRANNIES OUT OF THE BATHROOM REEEEE
>like 15 events of people getting CAUGHT ON CAMERA for being a "tranny in the bathroom"
>all of the "trannies in the bathroom" are actually "non-binary" cis girls who look like dykes and are just cis girls wearing jeans and trucker hats in the girls bathroom
>no actual trans people not even fake transtrenders are even involved in any incidents
It's a shame that they experience gender dysphoria and I would like them to be happy, but it seems sex change surgery just makes it worse and psychiatric medication/treatment is the way to go, and saying "anyone can be any gender they want lol" isn't helping them and just making people fuck up their lives even worse.
>denying pedos and shit won't just put on a dress and go where they please
>thinking pedos cant just go to facebook and beat off to pictures of your daughter or talk to her and get her phone number after 20 minutes of talking to her or just scalp it from the wall with zero effort anyways
This isnt the 1950s where pedos lurk in the movie theatres and public bathrooms.
They can go to craigslist or fetlife and meet your kid at the local park and make them suck your dick. Maybe a pedo with down syndrome would try and pick someone up in the bathroom but comeon they are going to do that anyways.
Orchiectomy and estrogen have good results. SRS doesn't because, lo and behold, it's fake ass plastic surgery. Kills your dating options anyway. Nobody but Marquis de Sade would mess around with an open wound.
Thanks everyone for your replies! I learned a lot of new info and now I'm starting to formulate an opinion on this matter.
But now i'm off to bed. Goodnight, Sup Forums
holy shit are you joking? how can you deny that creepy fucks are just going to slap on a dress and perv on women in locker rooms and bathrooms? it's almost as if you have some sort of ideological agenda you're trying to push thats clouding your objective view...
it's not like it's happened before or something eaglerising.com
perverts would neveeeeeeeer stoop that low
As adults, they can do whatever they want and carve out their genitals.
But it should not be allowed, let alon ENCOURAGED for minors to get sex change. Especially not a TAX FUNDED sex change
You do realize that people can do this regardless of it being pc or legal to do right?
You can crossdress and do what the fuck ever.
Nobody is going to cup check you.
If I lived in constantly fucking fear of a tranny being in my bathroom, Id have to kick out like 30% of women out of the bathroom because those bitches are manly and ugly as fuck.
I think it is a mental disorder similar to bi-polar and people should privately seek treatment for it.
The way people treat it bothers me more than the people themselves, you have people wanting to inject trans people into everything, movies, TV shows etc., but you have nobody demanding bi-polar people be put in TV shows/video games etc.
Just transition and surround yourself by supportive friends and make the most out of your life, but pushing for ALL children to be raised in gender-neutral environments etc., that's where people start having a problem
We should not be politicizing a medical issue
>be man in a wig
>enter womens bathroom
>get arrested
you're retarded buddy. you want to eliminate step 3 just because you don't pass as a transgender
I dislike them because I do care about what other people do
I like having a sense of belonging, belonging to something glorious.
For example I'm fine with gays, you know, men who like other men are fine as long as it doesn't change their personality. I admire the old spartans or whatever warriors and philosophers from the past even if they kissed with each other
But faggots and people calling themselves "queers" ruin society for me, they simply stand out too much in a negative way. I'd rather be dead (or have them dead) than sharing space with them.
They make me cringe, simple as that. I could put it into words but it's a feeling, you either feel it already or not.
>reee pay for my dick getting chopped off and my hormones so I can live my delusions or I'll kill myself
oh no, whatever are we going to do without such vibrant individuals
>when you can't have kids so you don't give a fuck about other peoples
MtF are disgusting and insulting and utterly offensive to womankind.
There is no way you can be a feminist and believe that trannies deserve to live.
Except if a guy came in before I could just scream and get help.
Now I have to tolerate him staring at me through the stall crack and figure out how to relax long enough to pee.
Hey, I have to share oxygen with you too, buddy.
>what are red states and blue states
Let things be decided at the local level. Let states be what their people want it to be.
Uh, but I'm a lifelong Republican voter from a red county.
Then use the bathroom the way your community wants you to.
Or find a different community.
Uh no? Id jab them in the fucking eye.
Why are you acting like all the other laws just stop existing because some tiny thing changes?
If someone is being a fucked up pervert you get them arrested.
If someone molests kids, you fucking hang them in the street.
If someone is breaking the law, it doesnt fucking matter what sex or gender they think they are.
They are still breaking the fucking law.
Why does it always come down to bathrooms with people? Public bathrooms represent a fraction of a percent of anybody's life. It's a leftist wedge issue.
You're just fueling the fire.
Chick encouraged mentally ill guy who wished he was dead to to kill himself
>liberals say give her life in prison
Some wackjob thinks he should cut his dick off and referred to as a woman
>liberals want to encourage this
Paul McCartneyt isnt trans. I think trannys are mentally ill
Paul McCartney is pretty fucking close to looking female you have to admit that.
dont be ridiculous cunt, 60's paul was more masculine than 90% of Brits today. vegan paul is a faggot but not trans
Sure I believe that some men could adopt female social roles, without mutilating himself. It's already happening.
killing yourself is a personal decision
nobody can make you do anything short of putting a gun to your head and then its not suicide its murder and they still pulled the trigger not you.
cutting your dick off doesnt make it a vagina
it makes it a cut off dick resculptured into a dick in the shape of a vagina
stem cell vagina or bust
>Its only when they pass
No, the ones that go into surgery and butcher their own bodies to appear the other gender are by far the sickest people of all, and sometimes i struggle to call them even that
Except for when the left change the law so these degenerates can have their own way. In my opinion, there is no need for this whole debate. Transgenders, pedos, bestials and fags should just be removed
its not about passing
its about being a normal human being not some fucking obese man named dannielle in lolita clothing with a full beard and screaming about muh pronouns.
Nobody goes into surgery because that shit costs like $30,000 to start.
then vote so that it doesnt happen
and if it does happen assassinate the people who are in power.
america was founded through this exact reason.
if the government is corrupt, it needs to be removed.
government exists for the people not the other way around.
it exists to maintain order not legislate freedom.
I don't have a problem with trannies. Be whatever fucking freak you want to be as long as it doesn't effect others. But at the same time, don't ask me to normalize your mental illness.