>Pres Trump, FLotUS Melania, Barron (in Arsenal gear) leaving for Camp David 6/17/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #21 6/16/17
>Krispy leads President's commission on Combating Drug Addiction 6/16/17
>Pres Trump rally in Little Habana, FL announcing Cuba policies (Rubio, Gov Scott, VP, Pres) 6/16/17
>Pres Trump Address before Congressional Baseball Game 6/15/17
>Rodman gifts The Art of the Deal to lil Kim 6/15/17
>SoS T-Rex opening Conf on Prosperity and Security for CONCACAF 6/15/17
>VP Pence @ CONCACAF conf (intro by T-Rex) 6/15/17
Trump Playlist
>Donald Trump Carolus Rex
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>AF1 Takeoff in the rain
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
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There are obviously way more deportations happening under Ttrump, you'd be a retard to think otherwise
But Obama faked the stats to say he was deporting more, wouldn't be surprising to see Trump faking the stats to say he's deporting less
Always gotta remember that time he did a Hannity show and literally only one person in the crowd stood up to say "Deport em all"
>gets cucked in Syria
> it doesn't matter, there aren't MORE people deported than the previous administration
You surely can source that, can't you? First party sources or hard data, no "officials said" or "according to polls"
Reminder that obama had the statistical definition of "deported" changed to add "turned away at the border" to the counter
Why is unemployment in Massachusetts surging since Trump came into office?
funny that you mention this, neither can you provide data that more people are deported
just because some click-bait is written in arizona or whatever about a teenager deported before prom, doesn't mean that america is losing more spics than the Obama administration
>There are obviously way more deportations happening under Ttrump, you'd be a retard to think otherwise
there is no source to back this up
Politicians being shot and a 24/7 media tirade aren't nasty enough for Warren?
I guess she is just a scumbag commie.
Liberals fired for not showing up to work during protests.
...Is she going to goatse live on stage?
Probably tech startup bubble bursting, same thing is starting to happen in the SF area.
If it has a tech area they got fired for protesting instead of working.
stats being recorded differently most likely
>just because some click-bait is written in arizona or whatever about a teenager deported before prom, doesn't mean that america is losing more spics than the Obama administration
Can confirm spic population is as prevalent as ever and still loves to blabber in disgusting spicanese deliberately around white people to prove how dominant they are
Tech companies in Boston probably
It's all over for Drumpf.
Next posts will be a long ass one with the current framework Trump and the states have to work with regards to immigration.
tl;dr is that Arizona showed the way to address the problem with the "papers please" law but Obama fought tooth and nail up until the Supreme Court on the argument that "states shouldn't help Feds fighting illegal immigration".
The law was well thought and good tho and if states reintroduce it I don't think Sessions would object.
Stay tuned and don't let the size of the post discourage you.
>Old women politicians trying to look badassxD
When will they learn?
It's so clear that Trump has burrowed permanently under her red skin, kek.
Based Alberto doing it again..
You now remember (or is made aware of) Arizona "papers please" law [1]
> The Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act is a 2010 legislative Act in Arizona that at the time of passage in 2010 was the broadest and strictest anti-illegal immigration measure in a long time
> U.S. federal law requires all aliens over the age of 14 who remain in the United States for longer than 30 days to register with the U.S. government, and to have registration documents in their possession at all times; violation of this requirement is a federal misdemeanor crime.
> The Arizona act additionally made it a state misdemeanor crime for an alien to be in Arizona without carrying the required documents, required that state law enforcement officers attempt to determine an individual's immigration status during a "lawful stop, detention or arrest", when there is reasonable suspicion that the individual is an illegal immigrant.
> The law barred state or local officials or agencies from restricting enforcement of federal immigration laws, and imposed penalties on those sheltering, hiring and transporting unregistered aliens.
> The paragraph on intent in the legislation says it embodies an "attrition through enforcement" doctrine.
Honestly, a model of what immigration enforcement should be in the United States both at federal and state level. Now, why isn't it like that in Arizona? You guys can thank Obama
> Legal challenges over its constitutionality and compliance with civil rights law were filed, including one by the Department of Justice, that also asked for an injunction against enforcement of the law
> In June 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on the case Arizona v. United States, upholding the provision requiring immigration status checks during law enforcement stops but striking down three other provisions as violations of the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution
More on this next post
>implying they're going to run an old white man
>reading from her own book on stage
I enjoy your posts m8 only idiots hate reading.
Now, why fetch a 2012 model law that got opposed and defanged by Obama? Because its decision (Arizona v. United States [1]) explains much of why immigration enforcement is as it is now. The summary of the decision is:
> An Arizona law providing authority for local law enforcement to enforce immigration law violated the enumerated powers of Congress and is pre-empted by federal statute. Arizona law enforcement may inquire about a resident's legal status during lawful encounters, but may not implement its own immigration rules. Ninth Circuit affirmed and reversed in part.
In short, federal government told AZ "plz stop helping us" in so many words. Despite of that Supreme Court decided law enforcement may request papers (that aliens are required to have on their possession at all times per federal law).
> The case was filed by the US Justice Department in the US District Court for the District of Arizona challenging Arizona's Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act as usurping the federal government's authority to regulate immigration laws and enforcement
> The plaintiffs also referenced the notion of federal preemption and stated that, "The Constitution and the federal immigration laws do not permit the development of a patchwork of state and local immigration policies throughout the country
Fucking liberals I tell you
> Several states jointly filed a Proposed Brief of Amici Curiae. The brief supported Arizona. The States of Michigan, Florida, Alabama, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, and Virginia, along with the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, filed their proposed brief that stated it "defends the States' authority to concurrently enforce federal immigration laws, especially in light of the selective and even lack of enforcement of those laws by the Obama administration
Probably the states you will see behind Trump on immigration.
If she ran she'd pull a "basket of deplorables" type of comment every week. She can't contain her autism
>that Arizona showed the way to address the problem with the "papers please" law
Arizona SB 1070, I remember the convoluted shit they aired all over America about it. 2 months they did not shut the fuck up about some green cards and wetbacks.
>We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the covfefe began to take hold
Obama put Sherrif Arpaio in jail immediately following the release of the detailed analysis over 5 years of his birth certificate forgery by weaponizing the IRS against conservatives.
don't think i've forgotten about you dumphy
>new blood
>looks like Uncle Fester
Really makes you think
I'll get you my pretty
and your little dog too
A Mayor for President? That's all they have left is Mayor's
ah fuck wrong shitty meme
Not sure how a Judge rules that local law enforcement can't enforce federal laws
While at the same time ruling that sanctionary states/cities is ok
How do you did all this up?
Also is there hard data on the spic numbers?
A new level of pathetic has entered the ring.
SJW banter
> The case was filed by the US Justice Department in the US District Court for the District of Arizona challenging Arizona's Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act as usurping the federal government's authority to regulate immigration laws and enforcement
> The plaintiffs also referenced the notion of federal preemption and stated that, "The Constitution and the federal immigration laws do not permit the development of a patchwork of state and local immigration policies throughout the country
jesus christ
There is another.
>the dark horse of the democrats is pretty much only known for saying that 93 million people die from gun violence a day in america
Why TF are refugees is this county for 20 years? OUT OUT OUT
>paying taxes
Bullshit. Most do jobs that they can get paid cash for so they don't have to do that shit.
Also how the fuck is a refugee, who probably makes a lower class salary if they do have a salaried/hourly jobs, as they apparently get $100k of support over 20 years, pay $130k in taxes over that time. Makes no sense.
>comparing Sudanese lost boys and the Hmong to gibsmedats with entitlement mentality
The Somalians that came here 20 years ago wanted a society they could build something in because they had no country. The ones coming now just don't like their shithole country.
/SG/ fags are such fucking cancer! I don't even have a problem with assad or Russia but /SG/ niggers have got to go! They are the most anti-American ppl on this board.
I'm fairly certain that's bullshit. If a refugee is getting money via welfare programs, how are they paying taxes?
What's the chimp out? I'm bored over here
Not an was too easy for us to get dirt.
Of course its a lie
A kid going to school costs 20k a head per year
I think we ought to replace them with 'Satanism General'
It would be less retarded
Now, here is how it works.
- ICE doesn't police the streets, that's the local PD job. Immigration cases are usually referred to ICE by local authorities (hence: sanctuary cities, cities that don't).
- Arizona tried to make it a local PD issue to ask for papers in the streets. Obama Feds fought on grounds that it's not states business to do that.
- now there are plenty of other situations where local cops (and other authorities) can ask for papers, including any charge at all (no conviction needed, even a littering or DUI detention) and even testifying in court. These are what current DOJ call "contact with the justice system", it doesn't mean being found guilt of other crime, just being in a situation they can be required to show papers.
Prioritizing these cases while allowing for the legal battles and legislative measures to get passed by states is wise. It also gives the administration time to buff up ICE budget, train personnel and build more holding facilities.
That Arizona law tho: stuff made of dreams.
why do I get the feeling that clinton will be dead and in the grave, yet you fuckers will still be on here shitting it up with terribly drawn autistic ms paint abortions
Maybe you should go back to r/donald, pede. Based /sg/ has been here much longer than kushner general
>refugee's first 20 years
>20 years
gross negligence of federal powers above a certain threshold should be punishable by death
what a retard
Jesus Christ.
No wonder Schumer is so pissed. He ended up looking like an idiot.
Go to 7:00 minute mark. He leads the crowd in a chant, "I believe that she will win! I believe that she will win!"
Complaining about anti-Americanism on a Syrian Duck Hunting Forum?
You say this...after they just ran Shillary.
*Blocks your path*
If they keep gassing up anyone who takes the slightest stand against Trump as a potential nominee they're going to have like 30 candidates in 2020 and it's going to be a complete disaster.
Don't tell me I Missed it!
You want to give us another cuck we can do what we do
Chimpouts and peaceful protests will gradually die down in numbers, but will always remain a nuisance to the American public, Ferguson was the high water mark for Obama and his all children.
*accepts your blockage*
>i love superhero movies
did anybody ask her what her favorite superhero movies are?
Don't interrupt your enemies when they are making a mistake
> neither can you provide data that more people are deported
Of course I can't, that's why I am not making that claim. ICE numbers [1] only goes until 2016 for obvious reasons.
But it is you making the claim, the burden is on you to prove. Right now your reasoning is:
> Trump is deporting less than Obama, prove me wrong, you can't
That's gypsy tier logic.
It will be fantastic.
No, but do you have any favorites?
The best kind of entertainment ...A 40-year-old sleeping on a man who could kill him in 30 seconds
Prediction...fight ends in controversy, Conor kicks him in the chest and knocks him the fuck out losing in disqualification while winning in everyone's mind
It's quite obvious the DNC marketing team has gotten behind her.
That might ironically strengthen the party by forcing them through free market chaos, same as Trump was able to do.
I think the smart ones are removing themselves
> How do you did all this up?
Fetched from 4plebs, had written this before.
This is ruining Wonder Woman for me
Yeah... tell us who to track DNC good idea
Erich Ludendorff did nothing wrong he was going to win the war for his country.
Really? Why!?
im looking forward to the real indian guy winning
I can't like something that people I don't like like
fuuuuuck hahahhaah
Are you the Portubro who did all the analysis on polls during the election? You're doing God's work, Paolo.
why is everything so clean
She's already AB testing slogans...
Because clean skins were walking the streets
here is an interesting vid about comey and lynch
>Jews are not bas-
no, but i suspect she doesn't, either