What exactly distinguishes it from NatSoc?
Is NazBol a meme ideology?
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It's basically economic communism while still hating kikes and maintaining nationalism as an ethos. Regular commies hate them because they are all pathological mentally ill people who just want to ruin everything that's good.
>What exactly distinguishes it from NatSoc?
That it's failed 100% of the time
All of this is a meme. Everything is a meme.
so basically a more open and honest communist? I like this guys already.
The difference is in if they accept/reject the idea of class struggle.
Yes. It's meme. Because this will never happen again.
classical communism doesnt think race is important. Because race is one of the many criterias ((they)) divide all of us and keep on making shekels.
Naz bol wants communism in ethno state. But it cant be classical marxism because they help ((them)) divide simple workers.
...so, basically Strasserism?
Basically. Ever notice how every time you start to look into the people who spread Communism and you notice they are all extremely degenerate and disgusting when the original texts never suggest that's needed? NazBols take issue with that, and bring it back to a less gay form of it.
I think Strasserism takes on it from a more "IT'S THE KIKES" sort of perspective, although I don't think it's far fetched to say they share a lot in common.
Communism in general is still a meme though.
it's an economically Marxist-Leninist totalitarian ethno-traditionalist ethno nationalist ideology that formed in Russia from white going to the red side but tried to morph it to fit the NatSoc ideology more and be more nationalist, it's really small and is only really serious in Russia for a few, they want an ethnicly pure traditionalist communist future for white children against jewish capitalism, saying this cause I've read books on the history of the ideology and what it is, beyond the memes it's not a shitty ideology
Civic cucks and
Their leader Eduard Limonov sucked off a nigger in New York in the 1980s...
Why is nazbol suddenly in every ten threads in Sup Forums? What made it that they are being spread about it now? What is a nazbol?
Stop lying lefty dogmatic subhuman. Marx and Lenin both critized anti-semitism. You can't divide a living biological entity like tribe
Nazbol is an old meme that was on /leftypol/ for a while then some /leftypol/acks spreaded the meme to Sup Forums and Sup Forums is very amused by the existance of the meme, it's just economic soviet communism with added ethno nationalism, it's if Hitler and Stalin had a love baby
nazbols don't agree with Marx or Lenin on those subjects, only economically, what should every true leftist suck off and worship everything Marx said as true? Or should we accept it as a science and accept he was wrong on some things? Marx was wrong on antisemitism
>be russki
>Adore natsocism,
>feel like a traitor
Thus natsbolism is born
you know they are right though
anti communist propaganda is a real problem, what we need is a white communist future
Honestly, when automation wipes out > 50% of the worlds jobs, its going to be all we have left. This will happen in the next 20 years.
exactly, communism accepts job automation as a step forward as capitalism does not, it's going to collapse harder than the Soviet Union did
t. putinbot
Looks like the jews one that one too then.
I don't care if they're right or wrong, no self-respecting commie should post anything from those Maduro bootlickers
Yes.... Yes it is....
It's literally a Jewish attempt to hijack national socialism, It advocates state ownership of all enterprises where as national socialism actually puts value on property and a free market and inheritance within a national framework.
>implying Limonov and Dugin aren't the Trots of nazbol
Intentional propagation from an outside community. Concerted effort to force it into relevancy.
(((It's thejews)))
Nat Soc guy: people are inherently selfish (accepts reality)
Naz Bol guy: people are inherently unselfish (cries himself to sleep nightly because he lies to himself in order to function, on the verge of shooting up a school)
So another ploy by (((them))) and some guillable idiot is being used as always.
Wrong, capitalism wants automation, its the lefties that perpetuate this fucked up notion that we need more immigration to fill the void of labor to prop up the welfare state.
Its literally insane to want to allow millions of third world migrants into your country while knowing businesses will be largely automated within 50 years, thus reducing the need for a perpetually larger labor force.
Socialists and communsits say this means we will have to have a "living wage" basically a welfare check outta thin air. I say old school professions will come back big as people are "rediscovering" older professions and skills that are very useful. People forgot the wisdom their ancestors left behind and are starting to embrace it. Its all destined to end up in some kind of pan western civil war, a confederation of nationalists opposed to international socialists backed by Jews. Oh and Islam vs everyone...
Assuming both are identical on social issues.
Capitalism simply ceases to function when the human laborer is no longer relevant or valuable to the economy. At that point, which is coming very soon, either (((they))) lets us all starve to death, or they gib us our gibs. I don't wish for this future, it is simply the grim reality of technological progress.
Russian here. You hit the nail on the head. It's frankly natsoc, but for Russian ex-communists.
I feel like immigration and automation need to be separated to properly understand this issue.
The immigration shills are still operating under the guise of a traditional labor force. The fact is, automation is on the verge of replacing so many jobs that the very notion of a labor force is about to change, big time.
I feel that pushing communist ideas such as a basic living wage is of course wrong and disruptive, and I don't believe in propping up a welfare state just because "muh disadvantaged"
The fact of the matter is though, we are about to see a surplus of machine manufactured goods that do indeed seem to appear out of "nowhere". We either let those goods go to waste, or (((someone))) is going to have to distribute them to the people.
Try 200. If you think automation is anywhere near the point of wiping out the need for human labor and innovation, you need to study some programming and get a clue.
I'll meet you at 50 because of those sweet digits.
Done pretty good there yourself.
It's a retarded meme ideology.
Kek has spoken.
Either way, I'm for capitalism here and now, but when we get there technologically, then we get there, things will have to change eventually whether it suits our tastes or not. I for one do not look forward to the great overlords doling out our monthly food allotment, maybe we will see it all burn before we get to that point.
A real "climax" is going to take place, both in terms of labor, and demographics, neither complimenting the other, bad times await.
Look at theories involving youth bulges aswell, youth bulges result in war, its as simple as that, when you unemployed millions namely service industry young workers you are creating a artificial youth bulge. Ontop of all that combined with the Wiemar style political violence that is rising is see a real recipe for civil war.
I hate communists so goddamn much.
I can see where you come from, but the Bolshevik ideology is a dangerous one and jewish, and its opposed in alot of ways to natsoc. They simply are not the same.
Of course it's a meme. Somebody is trying to gain followers by combining two memes.
>when one is not too edgy
>haha unlike our glorious NatSoc it fails
jeez wonder what happened to fascist italy and germany.
I can agree with you there, I don't see any of this going down smoothly. The masses aren't known to be the most understanding people.
I never asked for these digits.
>we will see it all burn before we get to that point.
I have gone and spooked myself.
>fascist italy
every time national socialism has been tried its failed lol
they were defeated because they fought half the world, not because their ideologies failed them.
unlike the (((USSR))) which collapsed on it's own.
kill yourself.
>Solzhenitsyn had described Limonov as "a little insect who writes pornography"
yeah and NatSoc ideology is fundamentally war mongering, which will always lead it to war with half the world
All these forced political parties are jokes and memes, they fail to take actual reality into account. Do you really see us rounding up all the black people and sending them all back to Africa? If you want this fine, I won't argue with you about that, but do you really see it actually happening? REEEEEEEALLY?
Should we be taking a more nationalistic stance when it comes to many issues such as immigration, trade, and foreign policy?
Heck yes! Duh.
Should we go full full 1488 le Nat Soc, Fourth Reich meme?
Come on. I'm not going to tell you you're wrong, but come on. Does that actually seem realistic to you? Get a fucking grip on your own memes.
(I don't mean (You) I'm just speaking generally.)
>muh innocent poles
Danzig had it coming.
>short people in charge of anything
>The Jews, as arch capitalists who count their massive piles of dirty money while screaming "oy vey" at random, WANT state ownership of enterprises
NazBol is civic though. More importantly, no one follows them and overal racist general public is not even familiar with them
Isn't it time to go back? Russian pride in contest of WWII from Germany looks pathetic. Besides, Russians National Socialism is RUSSIAN. It doesn't have to carry HKZ as a symbol. Go back home, patriot
He's not wrong
Natsoc = Economic control but not as much, individuals in an organism
Natbol/Strasserism = Extreme economic control, LARP as the organism itself even though they are individuals
Natbol is ethnic nationalist. In fact they are violently so.
If Rohm or Strasser had gained control of Germany instead of Hitler there might have been a real holocaust.
>If Rohm or Strasser had gained control of Germany instead of Hitler there might have been a real holocaust.
I don't see anything wrong with that.
Just no. Natbol is a creation of two bisexual freaks - Dugin and Limonov. It's civic. They have niggers, spics and other mongrels in it
i like NazBol, that redpilled commies
Once again, National Bolshevism has been around long before (((Dugin))) and (((Limonov)))
We like you too user.
You see the amount of fuss they make with a fake one?
Imagine if they didn't have straws for evidence. Imagine if they had a real, verifiable event instead of a conspiracy theory that relies on peoples' emotions?
Were they also internationalist?
>It's basically economic communism while still hating kikes and maintaining nationalism as an ethos.
so literally just Stalinism?
Is NazBolJewMuslims a meme ideology?
You know we're trying to combing the power of nazis, bolsheviks, muslims and jews and I'm gonna be the leader. Pls join and donate. I'm serious, this is not a meme.
Dugin and Limonov are not internationalist in Trotsky way, but since Eurasianism and other civic shit is present, we can say - yes
I see what you mean.
But if it actually happened, we wouldn't have to deal with the problem anymore since all of them would have been dead.
>all of them
At that point Murrica and who knows where else in the world was littered with them.
Would have required a full on world wide campaign to wipe them out.
>Would have required a full on world wide campaign to wipe them out.
meh, with fuhrerprinzip thrown out of the window, an Axis victory seems far more likely since there wouldn't be a Hitler to meddle with the generals.
Stalin wasn't jewish but ethnicity wasn't a problem for him so no.
>tfw noone checking your digits, but you are desperate for attention.
have a free (you)
tell that to the Germans, Koreans, Jews, Cossacks, Ukranians, Tatars, and Baltics who he deported to Siberia or Central Asia for not being Russian or Caucasian
People really need to understand how communism works in the international scene. It was a jewish plot to create a one world govt, financed by "interest based" "fiat" banking jews.
It was designed to be a ever spreading peasant spearheaded movement meant to transcend nations and unite to world into a one world order.Early on it failed to expand, thus it "devolved" into what is known as regional communists or Socialists, This is why nations like China and DPRK and Vietnam, and Cuba never joined outright the soviet union. Human nature greed won out as these "international" communist movements then remained "regional", thus becoming nationalistic. This is why countries like the DPRK actually in some ways honor their pre Socialiast history not ebcause they want to but because thats all they have to work with since the "international" aspect of it failed. This is why "new age" communists and socialists , Social democrats ect, and Green, all call for "international solidarity" while supporting open borders, its literally a beta version of communism 2.0. Its meant to be truly international so as to keep the flow of migrants in, this is designed by (((them))) to dilute and eventually destroy their biggest threat western civilization, almost like a vendetta. .
Dugin dropped it in the mid 90s
Dugin basically wants to run think tanks, write philosophical books and subvert the establishment(s), he's very much in touch with European far-righters
Limonov is a one man orchestra and he falls into irrelevance since 1999. The Ukrainian conflict gave him a way to express himself one last time, but that's going nowhere.
>Koreans, Jews, Tatars
Who gives a fuck about these subhumans?
>not being Russians
Russians and Germans are the biggest victims of Bolshevism
>he's very much in touch with European far-righters
He's not, because we support Boers and all sorts of White dominance. He doesn't
t. European "far righter"
>What exactly distinguishes it from NatSoc?
the intellectual element, professors are closet nationalist now.
It's a meme ideology leftists push on the board to open the board up to leftist ideals, literally the only reason why they do it is because NatSoc has "Socialism" in the name. You will notice that every single thread they make, they also shill Strasserism as being "NatSoc but better" even though Strasser only parroted the JQ because it was relevant to the party as a whole but himself did not actually believe it. So in other words, he was just an isolationist Commie.
nazbol is literally north korea
Bretty much youtu.be
>Who gives a fuck about these subhumans?
people who want to think Stalin/the NKVD leadership weren't racist I guess
They were racist, but in a Jewish way. Good portion of them were Jews and they targeted ethnic Russians, Balts and ethnic Germans the most
Also they weren't deporting most of them from Russia but rather deporting people from their OWN countries
With Crimean Tatars not the case - invasive asiatic species on European soil. That move any Russian nationalist would have done anyway. Balts? Victims. Germans? Victims. Russians? Victims. The rest are not human enough to give a shit about
Pls support my NazBolJewMuslim movement.