Civilization happened when men chose to trade instead of steal- to specialize instead of being jacks-of-all-trades.
"Making" is a waste of time and effort, just do your fucking job.
The Maker Movement- a sign of de-civilization
Other urls found in this thread:
No, civilization began with burials and rituals.
I thought civilisation started with improvements in farming and agriculture.
>declaring independance from the jew
pick one
And a collapse is happening soon.
The switch from hunters/gatherers to farmers marks the beginning of settlements and modern economy, not civilization.
>The switch from hunters/gatherers to farmers marks the beginning of settlements and modern economy, not civilization.
Exactly. Civilization, as opposed to war, occurs when tribes have reason to exchange, not war.
Not to say that exchange always prevents war...need to only ask the Indians who traded with whites who, months later and with no provocation, attacked the indians...
When you say Indians, do you mean Native Americans or actual Indians?
Native Americans...for Pajeets, we call them East Indians.
i agree with being as self sufficient as possibly but (((the maker movement))) is just leftist wank
>your life has to be only your job
ANY reason you post this shit every day you fucking leaf faggot? How about you get a job.
>Civilization, as opposed to war
Civilization is war; before civilization there was fights between individuals.
Amazonian tribes are civilized, they bury their defuncts, worship some Gods, still have some exchanges with other tribes, but fight in wars regularly, to the point some tribes disappears.
You may have a civilization of hunters/gatherers in conflict with a civilization of farmers. Both are civilizations, but they never trade/exchange.
Exchange/trade came long after civilization.
That's not how civilization began
Maker is a pretty cringey term.
how many times will you discuss this until you're happy, leaf
Do you think with repetition this thread will become any less retarded OP?
just printed this stand for my VIVE controllers
it's working good at but a little tipsy might end up screwing it down to the table
they wanted $30 for something similar on amazon
all in all I've saved probably $3500 in stuff I printed instead of buying
printer was 700 gone through $90 of plastic so far
real world savings 2500+
suck it OP
You don't account for your time...but perhaps this is accurate...that you, like your movement, are worthless.
> Civilization is war
> French person tellings others about war
>please buy my shit, goy.
The fact that people are attacking this for simply existing is retarded.
The fact of the matter is the technology exists NOW. With improvements, it will get to the point where brick and mortar stores no longer exist. You can just buy a license to print one copy of something, and bam, you can make it for pennies of expense.
It's similar to how phones used to be landlines, then became cellular, and now they're computers tied into hundreds of thousands of other computers...while still able to fit in a pocket.
Time will tell where the "maker movement" goes.
>Just do your fucking job
That, however, won't exist in 50 years. I can say that with absolute certainty.
Don't be jelly jus cos you don't have the skills to make anything, probably just not in your dna Akmed.
the machine takes time
it's like printing a document
select file
click print
the printer might take several hours but I'm off doing other shit for that
it's way faster than ordering from amazon and waiting for ups
>thinks million dollar machines can be replaced by hundred dollar machines
just think what a million dollar machine could replace
The start of civilization was the adoption of cats as domestic pets. Humans always tried agriculture but vermin ended up eating the surplus and stagnated the society.
Another benefit of cat adoption was developing empathy of those weaker than us which led to elderly given a chance at writing and philosophy.
Good try at seeming intelligent and relavent. Fortunately, for those unaffected by abo dna, they know you failed, but that you tried.
The maker movement is basically a modern art club / model train club. It's for people who want a hobby other than "social media cultivation" and "sports" but have no specific skills or talents in anything.
>The start of civilization was the adoption of cats as domestic pets. Humans always tried agriculture but vermin ended up eating the surplus and stagnated the society.
Ah yes, how could I forget all the farming cats throughout history.
>Another benefit of cat adoption was developing empathy of those weaker than us which led to elderly given a chance at writing and philosophy.
Literally what the fuck is this sentence.
Aussie, what are you smoking? Can I have some?
Ausbro literally BTFO from the land of the free!
>Thinks a single million dollar machine can outpace one thousand machines costing one hundred dollars.
>Doesn't take into account the savings on transportation, storage, etc.
No, no, no. A lot of the makers have quite specific talents and training and specialization - the CNC guys are highly trained at control software and hardware, the furniture guys aren't.
The point of maker is to learn, to enjoy making shit, and to share it with other people. You got the club part right, that's what it is. A lot of makers do what they do in the maker community for a job. A lot of companies have come from that community, too, especially in the 3D printing industry.
Asshole, Make IS specialization. And, most of the people in the movement have jobs, that's how they fund their maker projects, you sanctimonious little cocksucker.
Make is a fucking cool thing, it's hacking, it's making shit because it's fun, it's hobbists and professionals, and little of it is locked up behind a corporate paywall. Want to learn 3D printing? They'll show you how to make one - free.
You're probably just a fat neckbeard who doesn't know the difference between pliers and a socket wrench, so you shit on people who know how to make stuff with their hands, and have fun at it.
So go fuck yourself.
Maker isn't political at all, you fucking suckhole.
A little, but who fucking cares. It's from the magazine. The point is what they do, and what you can learn from them.
It's no cringier than sports fans, or "gamer".
i wish makers weren't just like building retarded shit like fidger spinners and knives.
there is room for indy makers in something like leather shoes/boots. because there's a huge price gap between garbage chinese mass products and actual quality dress shoes.
i'd do something like that if it existed
it is very much political they are often pushing communism
There are makers who make clothing and shoes. Go to a fair sometime, or browse the sites. There's pretty much someone doing everything you can think of.
No more (yous) for you.
Yeah, making and fixing your own shit is a waste of time. Just throw it out and buy a new one like a good little goyim!
I think you'd be surprised to see how much people 100 years ago knew how to do. From sewing a button, making a dress, caring for animals, building a house. It is often better to pay someone to do these things for you because you are not as well versed in them as they are, but if you don't know how to do it yourself or at least have familiarity with it - how will you know when the guy you've hired does a good job or not?
I encourage anything that will get people back to understanding how low their standards have fallen and what shit they're been sold.