I would say Persians, but I could see the case being made for Japs.
What is the nonwhite master race?
Other urls found in this thread:
italians or japs
>not white
3rd vote for japs
High caste Indians, Japs, Chileans.
I'm against race mixing but Indian girls make my willy extendo
You done with the "Is Iran a threat to the West" thread?
Fuck Persians, fuck your women, fuck your culture and your country. Hope you and Israel wake up to a nuclear holocaust.
Japs are the only nonwhite master race.
Northern Italians and Southern French
>I'm against race mixing but Indian girls make my willy extendo
That's... not how it works.
it is tho
Not Indians
She's such a qt
who is she?
Some instagram whore
What race?
Negroid -Semitic
Fuck off there is not a drop of subsaharan african in her
She's Persian. They've got hot women, I'll give them that much.
know her name?
>literally means "aryan"
>not white
divide and conquer much?
gita hadizadeh instagram
>What is the nonwhite master race?
The "Master Race" comes from a Nordic Mysticism adopted by the Thule Society in 1920s Bavaria. It originated from the writings of several people, Guido von List, others, ultimately stemming from the works of the 19th century mystic and occultist Madame Blavatsky, of Theosophy fame.
The idea was that literal ancient aliens called Aryans came to Earth and mixed with humans. The Germans were the descendants of the resulting mix and thus held dormant, Aryan bloodlines within them. If they could breed out the human traits they could isolate the Aryan blood and unlock their latent psychic powers.
Do you believe in ancient aliens? I don't.
Objectively false. All Semites carry negroid genes
>fucking wog
Fuck you sand nigger, nobody looks at Persians and thinks white people.
The Master Race and eugenics hail from Hellenic Civilization, you dumb ass chink. Some genetic collectives are superior, some are inferior. Europeans are superior to other collectives, Germanics are superior to the rest of Europeans
holy shit the idea of psychic Nazis is way too exciting
Anyone that picks Iranians over the Japanease
Mexicans or Jews, I swear no matter what you can't stop them.
>The Master Race and eugenics hail from Hellenic Civilization, you dumb ass chink.
No. It comes from some crackpot, Russian occultist woman who went to India, found the word Aryan and then starting making shit up about them.
there is no nonwhite master race but persians/spics have actual bone structure and eyelids unlike asians
Kys weeb
Ashkenazi Jews are the nonwhite master race. Seriously, look at their contributions to society. They've done more for humanity than the Russians, who outnumber them 100-1
Aryan word hanged over there even before that.
The Master Race idea goes back to Hellenic society, where racial purity was one of the mandates. Al last every single European society had a racial system within it's frame. Sweden started organized eugenics long before it became a hot shit in 19th century.
North Indians, Persians and Japs are the only worthwhile people not originally from Europe
The top caste in India can get honorary aryan status because they have high iq's and had an advanced society(admittedly built on the backs of the hordes of retard castes) , and of course the Japanese ,smart emotional(unlike the chinese) and brave.
welfare weeb
You can tell she's not huwhite but she has fair skin and she's really pretty. I guess Alexander's generals did a lot of fucking over there.
Turkic people are the master race.
>literally aryans
the clearly the Filipinos
Japs and Persians
Asia has birthed into the world many great civilizations from the persians to the japanese. Yet here is my contention with them: They aren't free and they don't treasure freedom.
>yfw no fire worshiping persian princess with a faravahar necklace
feels bad
>fuck your women
I can get behind that.
damn i bet she will be a good breeder
>The idea was that literal ancient aliens called Aryans came to Earth and mixed with humans.
The idea of Blavatsky was that humanity spawned from a number of root races that lived in successive cycles of times epochs, such as Atlanteans and hyperboreans. According to theosophy little remains of those time, except for some relics such as the Sphinx. Aryans are supposedly the newest race and an offshoot of the Atlantean race and it is prophesized that more races will come.
t. NRW Türke
Prove him wrong. Most turks I know are very good people. Good looking as well.
Originals Persians were mongrelized with Arabic blood a long time ago. Only few remain untouched from North African and negroid influence
They are not German. They belong to alien genetic collective. Genetic altruism is dysgenic and goes against the evolutionary strategy. Begone Kanake
>that bullshit post
Crime rates, IQ. Inbreeding level beg to differ
Clearly us Kvengols.
How would you know anything about the Turks in Germany? Stop believing all those Sup Forums memes.
Most Turks are good people and actually work.
The migrants who came from North Africa or Lebanon etc. are the worst.
Turks turned out to be good immigrants. Most of them.
persians hate arabs, they love differentiating themselves from them, they're not as mixed as you think
>Good looking as well
I'm from Germany
>good immigrants
I don't care. It's not of what superior or inferior even. It's about what is mine. German that is. Beneš decree on all foreigners will happen and no BfV will stop us from doing so
The mother of my future kids is Persian.
What am in for lads?
He's right about both. Italians are part sand nigger at best and the Japanese are the nonwhite master race.
So cute that if she lived in Iran she'd have been arrested or assinated by now for her media presence
A brown horizon
>What am in for lads?
The Anglo-Celtic Genocide, why? Ged rid of that offspring and get yourself a native girl
Playing Prince of Persia nonstop.
You're doing what my father did, and overall I would say he made a mistake.
But at least some of that is not necessarily race-related.
Only the diasporafags who grew up in the west do.
>But at least some of that is not necessarily race-related.
The two issues stem from the same source. Most normal people don't date outside their race, look at your average coalburner or ricemixer.
The surrender of your culture and your kids always identifying as persian.
Say goodbye to your white lineage
I don't know
Kebab kids
I agree, I consider it generally a sign of weakness if a man goes outside his race.
I just meant people choose bad/incompatible partners even when race isn't a factor.
Sure you want to bring kids into this world...
x caste indians is the reason they'll never be the master race. Retards all around who support a shit system with shit streets.
Anything but hungarians
literally invented civilization
modern times took on usa and half the world for the memes like the alphas we are
currently saving your cute butthole by taking isis head on
Master-race is white only by default!!!
U probably mean subhuman-tier master shitrace or smthing?
Yes, its true. Society would be a lot better if parents decided who their kids married instead of idiots relying on their hormones and anima/animus projections.
Fuck off, Achmed.
>still worth calling the 'master race'
come on now
>that beak
It's cute
Spaniards, history has proven it
That lip of an ape. I wouldn't even shit on her face.
Pretty sure that's a jew.
are these all jews too?
The slavs
I work with a guy from Spain. He's lived here for over 30 years. He still has trouble pronouncing words. But the Spanish are pretty bad ass
None of them is White European.... When you can exterminate the whole world and first in everything - you are a Master Race
Finns and Kvens are white.
Only if you count hispanics black, which is only what kikes do to enforce muh chessboard.