...why do they have such unrealistic standards? Why won't they marry beta males antmore? And why are so many young males checking out of society because of this? Will they ever check back in?
Regarding females
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Women have the same standards they've always had, it's just that society has warped to the point where they no longer face possible negative consequences from those standards due to women being allowed to work and single mothers being glorified and subsidized by the state. Many guys are dropping out of society as it's a buyers market for young women and they know they stand no chance of competing with chads and so refuse to bang their heads against a brick wall. The only way this imbalance will be addressed is either if enough males drop out of society for it to make a significant impact upon the numbers of women who will actually secure a partner or if the men who do drop out collectively improve themselves enough through physical, mental and financial development to force women to conform to their standards.
Many guys are dropping out of society because they're at rock bottom and the pit has greased walls.
the thought of fucking some sliced beef or ham just crossed my mind
>guys with no viable sexual marketplace value opting out
That oughta show the roasties!
hurrrr durrrr
>no consequences for women if men drop out
>more men need to drop out
there is an epidemic of brainwashed whores, single mothers, and bastard children and you think the solution is more drop out man children wew lad.
Buy yourself a canned ham. No joke. You won't regret it. You'll need a quality lubricant though. Heat the ham to a warm temperature and get after it.
or guys like my cusin who bang 2-3 8-10/10 chicks a day if they feel like it so refuse to get married becuase why would they when pussy is on tap and they are loaded with cash.
Honestly western civilization is doomed.
Because you misspell words - please goto school and learn how to post new threads without issues, and maybe you might win a fatty. Just maybe
I said that more men dropping out was one of the solutions, enough of a sharp decline to bring attention to the problem because at current these men can be easily ignored because they're in the minority.
The real problem all falls under guys putting pussy on a pedestal. Too many betas are willing to date and marry the first worn out slag who looks at them. By either dropping out of society en masse or improving their own value men can force women to either stop slutting around or risk being alone once they hit 30.
The reality is that the beta men who drop out of society aren't missed by women despite what the MGTOW crowd tells you. Women have the right to want to be with someone who makes them feel safe - it's just evolutionary instinct at work. Being a physically weak male with limited social skills who prefers video games to weightlifting is just not going to cut it. This is the true redpill.
Nah, you're the ones with unrealistic standards.
Haha no, the option is to kill the Chad.
Kick that 6.4 manlets ass, like the Amazing atheist, Chads are non White(its in the name) and like it up the ass so there is no wonder they cant fight for shit.
Men have unrealistic standards
I myself expect a lot from my girlfriend or a potential girlfriend but then I'm an ugly motherfucker, not particularly intelligent and without a decent income
But still they manage to find me attractive so I guess they're less regarding when it comes to their partners
And the other way around if a girl lacks intelligence, looks or money I won't bother getting interested in her
Men are the real bitches
When the welfare money dries up, the ride ends.
Turbomad roastie detected.
Marriage is practically dead and men are deciding not to kill themselves trying to climb the corporate ladder any more, eroding the tax base and reducing the pool of men that women consider for marriage.
Women are increasingly making more money than men and attaining more education than men. Women refuse to marry down, which results in the pool of men that women find attractive is small and shrinking by the day.
Women are completely fucked and the trend is not going to be reversed.
Their hypergamy and other tendencies are amped up. No social pressure to 'settle', in fact the opposite. Impossible to live with even if they don't leave you first. She can always fuck Chads even if she can't land them for keeps.
It's more profitable this way. Twice the potential labor pool and tax base. Then move in desperate low wage laborers to really spoil wages and make up for the lack of children.
Science proves you wrong.
Women on average rate guys lower in attractiveness, meaning women are harsher.
I don't know. And honestly at this point I don't give a fuck. I'm not a hormonally fucked 20-years old any more, and I learned to respect myself. I won't even text a girl if she doesn't show and keeps showing interest in me. Just ended a texting chit-chat today with a bitch that I suspected wasn't keen on meeting but kept wasting my time texting me every day. Ice cold. If you want to have something from me, I get to have something in return
can't wait till millenials start going into their 40's, it's gonna be epic
Better start investing in wineries and cat food companies.
I did this too. Went from being a betacuck, to being redpilled and seeing how women shit on betas, to self-respect.
About 1 year and 2 failed relationships later I ended up with the 'dream girl'. Feminine, non-liberal (conservative), and somewhat submissive given that I take the lead.
Patience and self-respect, my fellow ex-cucks.
I heard pacal stew is better. Just look at it, it must feel like fucking a monster girl pussy.
>Fucking dishes while watching animu girls on VR
The future is here, lads
Goddamn it feels good to tell a woman you're a bi faggot who's into traps and let them know that their vagina is completely worthless to you instead of going through all this shit in this thread.
Chicks will make up any old shit to justify their worthless shallow personalities and character.
They're all literally trash people.
Just fuck it and let it burn.
We should keep women locked in cages to be surrogate mothers, and then fuck feminine male traps to be completely honest
That's the future roasties
so the daily turbovirgin threads are evolving huh?
first you "made fun" of the betamales who got married, now apparently even the betamales don't get a wife
whatever is your average mongrel 4chinster turbovirgins supposed to do, right fellas?
pffff women!!!
Society is ending, women being given autonomy and muh freedumbs, independence has always ALWAYS signalled the death knell of a civilisation.
There's no rewind button, there's nothing to do except watch it all burn, and the good part is women will suffer the most from the burning. We men don't need civilisation, we built it for these stupid cunts and they revel in tearing it down, so let them have their fun because it's not going to be very nice for them about 10-20 years from now when civilisation is just a memory.
Oh fuck man fpbp.
It's hilarious. There are at least three women (30+) that I know that have decided to become single mothers by CHOICE. They spent the last year or so monologuing on Facebook how strong and independent they are, how men are not good enough, and how instead of a husband/man they have a strong base of friends and family to help them raise a child.
It's self delusion. They have no concept how expensive and difficult parenthood is.
They do not acknowledge that they get head of household tax breaks, will be subsidized by the state, and yet because they have little skills (they ALL did pointless degrees) they'll always be on minimum wage or just above it.
They're being encouraged to be single mothers because single motherhood is being worshipped. They don't even think they'll be poor and in their deluded minds believe that their "kiddo" will lack nothing.
Post wall women are all insane.
Its not their fault you're an ugly manlet dude
Women have standards too
Women are able to work and support themselves and they have the birth control pill.
So why do women keep trying to shame and force those men back into the dating game again?
Checkmate, roasties.
do you guys think it's possible to take advantage of women's instincts for the purposes of clandestine warfare?
Contraception mostly
finding a legal woman that hasn't been poked by dozens of dicks is unrealistic
stop fucking saying "checking out of society", you fucking gimboid
At least millennial men don't seem to be a lost cause everywhere
This. Men are not checking out of society. They're avoiding women.
Because the modern women is uncivilized as fuck.
rise of individualism and narcissistic behavior
>she even took the fucking dog
Murder them all, user.
>finding a 13 year old that hasn't been poked by dozens of dicks is unrealistic
fixed for truth
>and the good part is women will suffer the most from the burning. We men don't need civilisation, we built it for these stupid cunts and they revel in tearing it down, so let them have their fun because it's not going to be very nice for them about 10-20 years from now when civilisation is just a memory.
natural selection
women engineering future genes pools either dating hot chads or beta dudes with money
sometimes i hate being a girl
This also explains neetdom.
Why get a job and pay taxes to subside someone else's offspring?
The welfare state continues to grow but men hardly use it. Men's healthcare costs are 10% of those of women. What's the point of working if the government take half your money and give it to Stacey and her kids?
This is why we need to tank the economy.
I don't want to pay for their irresponsibility.
word, kill chad and enslave the women
fuck that patriarchy shit, let's enslave these people
i want to believe this is legit,,,,but it doesn't read like a proper historian wrote it, its too vague ...seems like it was written by some covert feminist cuck trying to agitate his opponents
after coming out of a trouble break up 4 years ago and avoiding women in general for the last 2 years while trying to get my life back on track, financially and mentality.
i've been doing my own little experiment on single women.
have you noticed that majority of women in relationships, especially married women and engaged to be married are friendlier, more accepting and more easy going?
this used to be single women 5 years ago. but the sudden rise in feminism and naricisic behaviour amongst women have been toxic in the dating game especially towards men.
i dont know who the hell these women are looking for, but the guy they are looking for does not exist. what they want is a fictional character in a blockbuster movie.
i went out last weekend to a few local bars, checking out the local supply of single women, most weren't interested in any man their, and just sitting their being stand offish bitches to anyone that approached them, even acknowledged them.
its a toxic trend amongst single women at the moment. it has got to stop.
Online dating in a nutshell.
Why not to breed white children artificially? It's doable, can even be outsourced to Eastern Europe.
Why isn't pic related required reading Sup Forums again?
Women have evolved to desire two kinds of men:
>the guy with the good genes (alpha)
>the guy with material resources (beta)
Turns out however, the alpha guy isn't really a trustworthy guy because he has pussy on tap. So he would probably leave a woman who is pregnant to go fuck other bitches.
In comes the beta. Because of his not-so-good genes (looks wise) he needs to attract females differently. He will work, make money, and provide for the female - and her offspring. Which of course, he hopes is his.
So men and women have different mating strategies. The biggest problem for men is being sure that their child is biologically theirs. Chad doesn't care because he's Chad. But for the betas, it's a different story.
That's why our culture evolved to appreciate virginity (which means if you pop her hymen you can be sure the kid is yours) and monogamy. Of course, with the fall of the family structure and the invention of the pill, women don't really have a reason anymore to hold up their end of the bargain (monogamy, virginity) and Chad will be Chad.
So that's where we are right now. Betas are checking out because it's not worth it. Unfortunately, the same betas are the civilization builders. Men don't really need anything to be happy. A roof over your head, food on your plate. Maybe an Xbox to pass the time. None of that civilization building, that's hard work. The reward used to be pussy, but now?
>but the guy they are looking for does not exist
but it does
that's why it's usually women that believe in love at first sight, meaning they will meet someone, fill that person with their idea of a perfect mate ignoring his features and fall in love with him
the moment an issue comes up, the magic's gone and the game begins anew, this also is in line with the continuous search for happiness, or the next buzz, in today's culture
>i went out last weekend to a few local bars, checking out the local supply of single women, most weren't interested in any man their, and just sitting their being stand offish bitches to anyone that approached them, even acknowledged them.
Ten years ago, having social roof (i.e. a woman with you) was a great results booster. Now it's a prerequisite.
yeh dude i rekon its western women, they basically have grown up in their bedrooms on iphones and teen romance pop culture bullshit, their minds are completely warped, they are actually antisocial
they have no ability to hold a conversation or be interested in someone further than an artificial stand-off level i.e. judging what you look like and comparing it to some imaginary mtv archetype
my Brazilian mates cringe about how hard it is trying to pick up aussie girls
have you been to south America? its paradise dude, complete opposite, girls there are way more normal, intelligent, they check you out etc. the lifestyle is way more orientated around dating and socialising
>tfw depression after travels
Inferior men shouldn't pass on their genes. Let their partners use sperm from better men.
Then women would be more interested in starting a family with an inferior man.
You know what mothers do that I've never seen a father do?
They go "Tee Hee!" When their daughters are getting fucked by garbage.
They also make excuses for their babies absolutely horrible behavior.
Do we have any infographics or copypasta or something that explains why no woman ever looks at me when I'm single, but the second I am seeing someone I have four or five of them suddenly wanting to get on my dick?
t. fat, broke asshole
Even a 3 / 10 woman thinks she deserves an 11 / 10 Chad. Yet they'll complain that men are shallow, and at the same time not see the irony.
Because the market provides. You will never be as entertaining as a TV show. You will never be as a loyal as a dog. You will never be as emotionally accessible as a social media platform. You will never be as satisfying as a vibrator. You will never be financially successful enough to justify a single income household. You are made irrelevant by incessant advertisement, and the urge to consume.
Hehe this, it's because then they can't get you.
I'm not writing a 250m post for the virgins here on how this works, but the fact is that you can even look ugly as fuck, and still land a qt.
>It's all the matter on how you act
>Be dominant
>Be strict
>Be nice but an asshole too, not to much slighly
Just a couple, you don't need to be a fit, you are all just fucked in the head, get out a bit more
so thats why women try to change men to suit what they want.
any man that challenges been changed to suit a woman gets the boot. its that simple.
Because you're no longer a betacuck so your whole personality and attitude has significantly changed. Making you more confident, bitches loves confidence user
>beta labour
that is the fundamental of society, also thread highly related
this is true. Women will adapt to whatever beliefs their boyfriend has so not exactly like theyre "redpilling" anything she could be a natsoc one week and dump you and be a commie the next week
Why are women so unappreciative?
yeah, well tables with a few guys hanging out being friends all around the play, tables full of single women, no one talking to each other.
guys trying to woo the girls or even just talk to them, the women aren't interested.
it was the twilight zone. fucking weird. the guys were trying to hit on conversions but with no results.
this is a bar/pub in australia these days:
# women keep to themselves
# guys try to talk to the women
#women aren't interested, give you the evil eye.
I guess it's something subconsious then, because I can't recall ever being any less or more of a cunt whenever I'm seeing someone. Makes sense though.
Yeah but the former system was why we wound up with all these incredibly effete men in the first place. Civilization was a meme. Too many breeding men. It was artificial. It's not sustainable.